Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Three flown to shock trauma after Route 140 accident in Westminster

Three flown to shock trauma in Route 140 accident

April 17, 2010 By Kevin Dayhoff

An accident at 8:23 Friday evening at Route 140 and Gorsuch Road in Westminster resulted in several people hurt.

Two Maryland State Police medevac helicopters landed in the westbound lane of Route 140 and three individuals were flown to the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center with unknown injuries.

Route 140 was closed for over an hour as emergency rescue personnel from the Maryland State Police, the Westminster Police Department, Westminster, Reese, Pleasant Valley, and Winfield Volunteer Fire Departments responded with multiple pieces of equipment including five medic units, a heavy rescue unit, and several engines.

When the first units arrived on the scene, they found that a Jeep and a Ford sedan had collided at the busy intersection leaving two individuals trapped. The occupants of the Jeep were unhurt.

Extrication procedures were immediately implemented as additional units were called to the scene.

Scores of onlookers crowded the parking lots of the Olive Garden and McDonalds to witness the hard work of the emergency responders and the rescue.

About a dozen fire, medical and rescue personnel swarmed over the vehicle in an intermittent drizzle to quickly free the trapped individuals with specialized equipment including the Jaws of Life as they removed a large portion of the side of the sedan.

According to Westminster Fire Department spokesperson Robin Stansbury, the cause of the accident has yet to be determined and the condition of those injured was not available.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Dayhoff: Amedori to run for Maryland lieutenant governor

Carroll County resident Carmen Amedori to join the ticket of Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy, as his lieutenant governor running mate.
Amedori, who was present at last night’s Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, in the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 was found in the back of the crowd sporting her newly minted “Murphy – Amedori for Maryland (Governor)” signs. Photo by Kevin Dayhoff April 15, 2010 [20100415 CA WsterTxDayTeaPrty 37] Click here for a larger image:

April 16, 2010

By Kevin Dayhoff

Today, at 4:30 p.m. on Lawyers’ Mall in Annapolis, Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy will hold a press conference to announce that former Maryland Delegate (R-District 5A, Carroll Co.) Carmen Amedori will join his ticket as his lieutenant governor running mate.

Brian will be joined by Jim Pelura, former Maryland GOP chairman; Charles Lollar, candidate for U.S. Congress; Jerry Walker, candidate for Anne Arundel County Council; and Eric Cary, candidate for State Senate, according to a Murphy campaign press release..

Amedori, who was present at last night’s Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, in the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 was found in the back of the crowd sporting her newly minted “Murphy – Amedori for Maryland (Governor)” signs.

It was earlier on Thursday that word got out that Amedori, who most recently served on the Maryland parole commission member until January, is abandoning her bid for the Republican nomination to oppose U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski (D) of Baltimore.

She had been appointed to her position on the parole commission by then-Governor Ehrlich, who is now her opponent in the upcoming September 14, Maryland Republican primary.

The buzz at last night’s Tea Party was that Murphy is adding Amedori to the ticket to reach-out to conservative voters in the upcoming primary contest; although with so many Ehrlich supporters in the crowd, no one was willing to speak on the record.

Last night Amedori praised Murphy’s small business credentials noting that it was actually Ehrlich who has been on record as saying that it will take someone with a business background to beat incumbent Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley in this fall’s November general election.

Amedori had previously announced in February that she was going to run to unseat the four-term incumbent, Mikulski, by participating in a crowded Republican primary but recently changed her mind to join the ticket of Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy, as his lieutenant governor.

This latest development is certain to make the summer political season that much more interesting.



Carroll Co res Amedori 2 join tkt Rep gov cand Brian Murphy as Lt gov running mate


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Former Governor Ehrlich headlines Westminster Tax Day Tea Party in Westminster

Former Governor Ehrlich headlines Westminster Tax Day Tea Party in Westminster
Former-Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. came to Westminster Thursday evening and spoke for twenty-minutes to a spirited crowd of about 300.

Amedori to join the ticket of Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy, as his lieutenant governor running mate.

April 15, 2010

By Kevin Dayhoff

Billed as the Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 just outside the city limits was the scene of a sea of American and Gadsden, “Don’t Tread on Me,” yellow flags, protest and campaign signs, and political candidates.

The event, organized by “We the People,” was loud and animated, however there were no problems as folks with shirts marked “security” patrolled the crowds and the Carroll County Sheriff’s deputies observed carefully from afar.

As people mingled to music and conversation there were plenty of homemade signs extolling discontent over taxes, President Barack Obama, health care reform, government spending, the national debt and voting incumbents out of office.

At the same time, a line of about 50 Tea Partiers lined Route 140 and waved flags and signs as motorists drive by and added to the cacophony by honking their horns and shouting words of encouragement.

The chair of We the People, Joe Kirby, began warming-up the crowd just after Former-Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. arrived and spoke at some length about the purpose and intent of the rally and the Tea Party movement.

Michelle Jefferson, a Carroll County Commissioner candidate (R-District 3) introduced Ehrlich at 7 p.m.

“It drives me crazy how we are characterized,” lamented Ehrlich after greeting the crowd as he criticized how the Tea Party movement has been treated by the media.

Boos were heard as he noted comments by U.S. Senate President Harry Reid (D-NV) that the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA) is from Maryland.

“This (movement) is about workers, taxpayers… It is not a populist movement,” said Ehrlich as he lapsed briefly into a history lesson of the 18th Century Populist movement in the U.S.

“This is organic. There is no leader of this movement. It just rose-up. This is about pro-wealth… I want to leave this country a better place… Government can be excellent. We’re not anti-government. We’re for appropriate government,” Ehrlich extolled.

“This is not about any particular party. This needs to be independent and it shouldn’t be connected to either party,” he continued as talked about the tea Party movement crossing party lines.

“There is a lot of anger out there…,” Ehrlich continued as he asked for a show of hands of the folks in the audience who had never been to a political function before. “We don’t call people names.”

As Ehrlich transitioned from exhorting the virtues of the Tea Parties, into campaigning for the Maryland governor’s office, he advised the crowd that “an Ehrlich bumper sticker increases the value of your car…”

After Ehrlich spoke for 20 minutes, it came time for a number of local candidates to take to the podium to talk with crowd.

One-by-one, folks such as Jefferson, Hampstead Mayor Haven Shoemaker, a newly announced Carroll Commissioner candidate (R-District 2,) Carroll Commissioner candidate, David Jones (R-District 4,) Maryland Delegate Tanya Shewell (R-District 5A,) Justin Ready, a candidate for Maryland delegate (R-District 5A,) took turns at the microphone.

Back in the crowd was also former Maryland Delegate (R-District 5A,) Carmen Amedori sporting her newly minted “Murphy – Amedori for Maryland (Governor)” signs.

It was earlier in the day that word got out that Amedori, who most recently served on the Maryland parole commission member until January, is abandoning her bid for the Republican nomination to oppose U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski (D) of Baltimore.

She had announced in February that she was going to run to unseat the four-term incumbent, Mikulski, by participating in a crowded Republican primary but recently changed her mind to join the ticket of Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy, as his lieutenant governor.

That latest development is certain to make the summer political season that much more interesting and will be announced in Annapolis on Friday, April 16, 2010, at 4:30 p.m. on Lawyers’ Mall in Annapolis.

After all the speakers had their moment at the podium, the crowd moved-out to join the line of sign and flag wavers along Route 140.

As the shadows grew long and the sun began to set on another April 15 tax filing deadline, the crowd slowly drifted way and began looking forward to a long political summer of discontent.



Westminster Tea Party in steeped in discontent ... and candidates Ehrlich is among 300 to attend event

Posted 4/16/10 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle

By Kevin Dayhoff

Former-Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. came to Westminster Thursday evening and spoke for twenty-minutes to a spirited crowd of about 300. Photo by Kevin Dayhoff

PARTY ON -Former Governor Ehrlich headlines Westminster Tax Day Tea Party in Westminster (Top Stories/The Project)

... Murphy, as his lieutenant governor running mate. 15 April 2010 By Kevin Dayhoff Billed as the Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 just outside the city limits was ...


Friday, April 16, 2010

The Westminster Main Street Mile, an annual Westminster rite of spring, took place last Wednesday

The Westminster Main Street Mile, an annual Westminster rite of spring, took place last Wednesday  Filed April 15, 2010  By Kevin Dayhoff

It was a perfect spring evening last Wednesday for a short stroll down Main Street in Westminster for almost hundreds of runners.

The 29th running of the Westminster Main Street Mile went off without a hitch thanks to over 50 volunteers, the Westminster Police Department, Fire Police - and the Westminster Volunteer Fire Department which each year opens-up its engine bays for the pre-race registration, the after-race ice cream and results.

The annual Westminster rite of spring, sponsored by the Westminster Road Runners, is our local equivalent of the running of the bulls made famous by Ernest Hemingway in The Sun Also Rises; well sort of… At least the local version is totally family oriented.

“Well the sun’s out. That’ll bring out a lot of the families…,” said Tom Reese, a veteran race volunteer. In years past, cold and rain have greeted the runners and spectators.

His wife, Chris Reese, was busy with past race director, Liuda Galinaitis, at the one of the pre-race registration tables. They had a huge bag of M&M’s to help the runners with the pre-race jitters.

The annual event dates back to 1981, said Beth Weisenborn, who returned again this year’s race director.

Kevin Spradlin, also a longstanding volunteer for the race has dubbed her the “ex-club president in waiting,” in recognition for all the years she has served in that capacity. Oh yeah, she does such a good job, we just let her keep doing it, said Spradlin.

Weisenborn said that the race is known as one of the fastest one-mile courses in the world because it begins at the top of East Main Street at Fair Avenue and follows Main Street west to the Westminster Branch of the Carroll County Public Library – “all downhill, with a total vertical drop of 144 feet.”

According to Weisenborn, Dr. Sam Case started the race years ago along with the late Terry Burk and the late Dr. David Herlocker, who passed away in 2008.

Burk, the popular owner of “The Treat Shop,” then in downtown Westminster, was killed while jogging in 1995 with two friends on Route 97 at Kalten Road when a car struck him and fellow jogger, and former race director, Herlocker.

The race was originally organized, said Weisenborn, “around the idea of having a fun, family race event at the beginning of the running season, and then everyone would head up the street to The Treat Shop for ice cream.”

The race grew in size over the years and now attracts runners and families from all over the mid-Atlantic region. The ice cream sundaes were replaced several years ago when the health department encouraged the distribution of ice cream sandwiches instead.

This year’s second place finisher with a time of four-minutes and twenty-four seconds, Mark Eissens, 29, almost did not make it in time for the run this year. He traveled from Virginia and got caught in traffic. He drove straight to the starting area, got out of his car, ran to the starting line with seconds to spare, and right down the hill…

The race has turned into an annual affair for the family of former Maryland State Delegate Joe Getty. This year’s race occurred on Getty’s birthday, which had nothing to do with the fact that he did not run this year due to an injury. His youngest son, Samuel, did run the race this year.

The family has run together in the race for over 15 years and it has become the source of some friendly sibling rivalry, when Getty recently sent out an e-mail to the family that “Number one son, Justus, placed 12th in 1999 with a time of 4:42. He had not previously realized that he was upstaged by number two son, Nathan, who placed 11th in 2003 with a time of 4:41.”

To which his son Justus, responded on the family’s Facebook page, “Not only did Nathan BEAT ME, but now we have to publish it in the NEWSPAPER? … Dad, you're going to give me a complex or something!”

The event which always begins at 7 PM sharp is actually two races.

The first race was officially timed. To qualify folks needed to be age 11 or older and capable of running a mile in less than 10 minutes.

The second race is the “Connor Smith Memorial Fun Run,” for everyone under the age of 10. It is neither officially timed nor scored. However, a clock showing the unofficial race time was displayed at the finish line. All the participants in the Smith Fun Run wear a race identification badge which bears the number “1,” and all the children who participated were awarded a medal at the finish line.

This year’s adult race winner came from near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Ashley Sollenberger, 28, had a winning time of four-minutes and twenty-three seconds, besting Eissens and a previous winner, Remus Medley, 40, who crossed the finish line at four-minutes and twenty-five seconds.

Medley did, however get past the finish line ahead of his daughter, Brittney Rooks, 16, from Poly High School in Baltimore. Rooks, the fastest female in the adult run crossed the finish line with a time of four-minutes and forty-nine seconds; edging-out last year’s winner, Sherry Stick, 31, who had a time of four-minutes and fifty-two seconds.

Both times are just slightly behind the current International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) recognized world record holder, Svetlana Masterkova, of Russia, who ran the mile in four-minutes and twelve-seconds on August 14, 1996.

It’s a family affair for the Rooks-Medley family, from Baltimore, who are training for several upcoming marathons, along with several other friends and family who made the trip to Westminster.

The mile-run times recorded Wednesday puts Westminster among world leaders. The first recorded time for the mile was July 28, 1852 when Charles Westhall ran a 4 minute 28 second mile in London. Roger Bannister ran the first sub-four minute mile on May 6, 1954. He ran it in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds.

The current IAAF recognized world record holder for men is Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco, who ran the mile on July 7, 1999 in three-minutes and forty-three seconds.

The world records are only slightly faster than that of the fastest-youngest female in the Westminster race, Hannah Lyon,12, or the fastest-youngest male, Mark Broomfield, 14.

The fastest-oldest female was Yvonne Aasen, 78; and the fastest-oldest male was John Elliot, 71.

After the race, Stan Ruchlewicz, the Westminster economic development director smiled and said it was a good event for downtown Westminster.

Everyone went home tired and full of ice cream. “It’s a great event for families to come-out and share in the common experience of such a unique event,” said Weisenborn, as she started packing-up and already looking forward to next year’s event.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Brian Murphy for Governor of Maryland—Special Announcement in Annapolis on Friday

For immediate release

Wednesday, April 13, 2010

Brian Murphy for Governor of Maryland—Special Announcement in Annapolis

Chevy Chase, Maryland — Please join Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Brian Murphy on Friday, April 16, 2010, at 4:30 p.m. on Lawyers’ Mall in Annapolis, MD as he announces his candidate for Lieutenant Governor. 

Brian will be joined by:  Jim Pelura, Former MD GOP Chairman; Charles Lollar, Candidate for U.S. Congress; Carmen Amedori, Candidate for U.S. Senate; Jerry Walker, Candidate for Anne Arundel County Council; Eric Cary, Candidate for State Senate; and friends, supporters, and members of the media.

Following the conference candidates will be available for Questions and Answers.  A post-launch party will be held at Reynolds Tavern -  7 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401.

In case of inclement weather, an alternate location will be communicated via email.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, April 12, 2010

DAYHOFF: Plenty of ways over the years to have a hot time in Westminster

DAYHOFF: Plenty of ways over the years to have a hot time in Westminster

Eagle Archives By Kevin Dayhoff Posted 4/11/10

History, the Westminster recreation problem, log rolling, and burning motorcycles. (Enlarge)

Parades, log rollings, and a motorcycle fire provided entertainment for Carroll County years ago.

On April 11, 1887, the city of Westminster was the scene of parades, poetry, pomp and circumstance as the 50th anniversary of the founding of Carroll County was celebrated.

Thanks to the research of Mary Ann Ashcraft for the Historical Society of Carroll, we are aware of many of the details of that day.

Ashcraft calls to our attention that the April 12, 1887, Baltimore Sun reported, "Probably 25,000 people participated in the celebration, and everything passed off pleasantly and with good order. From all parts of the county large cavalcades of horsemen moved on the town and participated in the parade."

Consider that 25,000 is a lot of people if you consider the population of Westminster was only about 3,000.

Read the entire column here:

20100411 SCE Plenty of ways to have a hot time in Wster sceked  Labels: Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, History 1880s, History 1920s, History Westminster 1880s, History Westminster 1920s

History of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Carroll Street, of the City of Westminster, MD., from 1868 to 1894: With some account of earlier efforts ... congregations and charges in Carroll Co., Md


Labels: Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, History 1880s, History 1920s, History Westminster 1880s, History Westminster 1920s
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

A Man's BBQ Grill and the Rules to Go With It

A Man's BBQ Grill and the Rules to Go With It

Received in an e-mail... Hat Tip: The Chief and Ruby:

Now this is a BBQ guaranteed to get everyone's attention......I think it should be towed with the barrel facing backwards...then you wouldn't have to worry about anyone tailgating you....I don't know for sure but my guess is the owner is from Texas!!!!!!


We are about to enter the BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking activity. When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion:


(1) The woman buys the food.

(2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.

(3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - beer in hand.

(4) The woman remains outside the compulsory three meter exclusion zone where the exuberance of testosterone and other manly bonding activities can take place without the interference of the woman.

Here comes the important part:


More routine...

(6) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.

(7) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is looking great. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he flips the meat

Important again:


More routine...

(9) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces, and brings them to the table.

(10) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

And most important of all:

(11) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.

(12) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed 'her night off' and, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing some women!

20100410 sdosm A Mans BBQ Grill and the Rules to Go With It

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I’m proud of Jim. He’s doing so well in plastics.

I’m proud of Jim. He’s doing so well in plastics.

Hat Tip: iloveoldmagazines: Popular Science 1946 Vol. 149, No. 4

[19460000 doing so well in plastics] Labels: Art Library Words, History 1940s


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

1946: Popular Science - Chemists make it work modern wonders

Popular Science - Chemists make it work modern wonders

Hat Tip: Popular Science 1946 Vol. 149, No. 4

[19460000 Chemists make it work modern wonders]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Doctors visit April 9, 2010 by Kevin Dayhoff

Click here for a larger image:

Any resemblance to perhaps, a commentary on health care reform is coincidental. Or, maybe not…

[20100409 The Doctors visit] Labels: Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Medicine Health Care Reform

The Doctors visit April 9, 2010 by Kevin Dayhoff

Any resemblance to perhaps, a commentary on #HCR is coincidental. Or, maybe not…


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Recent work by Kevin Dayhoff in Explore Carroll

Recent work by Kevin Dayhoff in Explore Carroll

Labels: Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll

Patti Anne Battaglia, nationally known artist, teacher, 56 Published April 7, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle Patricia Anne “Patti” Battaglia, 56, of Catonsville, a nationally known artist and teacher, died March 13 at home after an extended illness. She was well known in the Carroll County art community for her unique jewelry, collages and printmaking; and ... ...

Easter egg hunts, distillery raids signaled spring in Carroll County Published April 4, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle ... quot; So here's the history lesson for today: Chocolate bunnies also might wind up on your "hide," but are doubtless not as painful as buckshot. When he is not eating too much Easter candy, ... ... ....

Strangers, celebrities offer to pay Marine family's court-ordered expenses Published April 4, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle People across the county — including Fox News cable host Bill O'Reilly — have pledged to help pay a $16,500 legal bill being levied against the father of U.S. Marine Lance Corp. Matthew Snyder, of Westminster, whose 2006 funeral was picketed by members of ... ...

Strangers, celebrities help pay expenses for family of fallen Marine Published March 31, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle People across the county — including FOX News cable host Bill O’Reilly — have pledged to help pay a $16,500 legal bill being levied against the father of fallen U.S. Marine Lance Corp. Matthew Snyder, of Westminster, whose 2006 funeral was picketed by ... ...

Mount Airy town elections a little over a month away Published March 29, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle The mayor’s office and two council seats are up for grabs this coming May 3 when Mount Airy citizens go to the polls to select new leadership for the town.It was standing room only at the Mount Airy Board of Supervisors of Elections citizens’ meeting March ... ...

Palm Sunday blizzard was winter's final revenge in 1942 Published March 28, 2010 by Westminster Eagle ... as you read this column on Palm Sunday 2010, history has not repeated itself. If it has, you may find me spending Easter in Florida ... bonnet and all. When he is not delusional with spring fever, ... ... . ...

Pennsylvania attorney general says WTTR sports announcer exposed himself to agent Published March 25, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle Bryan McLean, a part-time sports announcer for WTTR Radio in Westminster, is facing charges of unlawful contact with a minor stemming from an allegation that he exposed himself to an undercover agent for the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General. ... ...

Maryland's 1864 Constitution: Alas, we hardly knew ya Published March 21, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle ... rejected it on Feb. 26, 1870. It was finally ratified here on May 7, 1973. When he's not studying the second verse of "Maryland My Maryland," written in April 1861 by James Ryder Randall, ... ... . ...

Shall we dance? Published March 21, 2010 by Carroll Eagle Rules include no swords or spurs on the dance floor, and courtesy toward both Blue and Gray revelers is as important as dance form. The third annual Corbit's Charge Civil War Ball will be held Saturday, March 27, transforming the gymnasium of the old ... ...

BB&T bank on East Main Street in Westminster robbed Published March 16, 2010 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle The BB&T bank at 193 E. Main St. was the scene of a robbery Monday at approximately 2:20 p.m., say Westminster Police Department officials.At that time, a man entered the bank and passed a note to a bank teller announcing a robbery. Although the ... ...

Richard Dixon's son recalls a life of his father's firsts Published March 14, 2010 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle ... ; said Tim, "is a result of his Carroll County education." For more information about Tim Dixon's book, go to When he is not reading Tim Dixon's book, ... ... . ...

No bail for man accused of attacking his wife with a hammer Published March 11, 2010 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle A bail review hearing for Anthony Troy Soligny, accused of attacking his wife with a hammer on March 2, was held Thursday. In the hearing in Carroll County District Court, visiting Judge Paula J. Brown, noted that Soligny is accused of a violent crime and ... ...

New Windsor man suspected in hammer attack returns to Maryland Published March 10, 2010 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle On Tuesday, the Maryland State Police brought Anthony T. Soligny, of New Windsor, back to Maryland to face charges stemming from allegedly attacking his wife with a hammer on March 2. He was arrested March 3 on I-85 just outside of Lavonia Georgia and had ... ...

Carroll County man accused of hammer attack to be returned to Maryland Published March 9, 2010 by Westminster Eagle Maryland State Police said Monday that a Carroll County man who was arrested in Georgia on March 3 for allegedly assaulting his wife with a hammer the previous night will be brought back to Maryland today.Anthony T. Soligny, 33, of the unit-block of ... ...

DAYHOFF: For local kids, Seuss' magic plays as well today as it did in 1940s Published March 7, 2010 by Carroll Eagle ... released in April 1942. When he is not reading Dr. Seuss, ... ... ....

County man accused of assault is apprehended in Georgia Published March 3, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle Maryland State Police said Wednesday that a Carroll County man they say allegedly assaulted his wife Tuesday night with a hammer, was arrested shortly before 3 p.m. today by deputies in Georgia. State Police Lt. Andrew Winner identified the man as ... ...

DAYHOFF: In the 1800s, residents endured a real storm of the century Published February 28, 2010 by Carroll Eagle ... to 15 above." Well, thank goodness for small favors. As for the situation we're facing in 2010, let me just say: Spring can come anytime now. When he is not muttering about his hatred of winter, ... ... ....

REMEMBERING HOBY: Renaissance man in Wolf's clothing Published February 21, 2010 by Eldersburg Eagle, Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle ... of knowledge about the writing and entertainment business," said Kevin Dayhoff, Eagle columnist and former Westminster mayor. "He was always helpful and supportive," Dayhoff said. "Even when we disagreed, he was always so ... ...

EAGLE ARCHIVE: Which comes first, baseball or digging out my driveway? Published February 21, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle ... that hope is near, baseball's spring training is here, and soon it will be raining instead of snowing. When he is not delusional with cabin fever, ... ... or visit him at ...

DAYHOFF: For Valentine's Day, traditions range from cards to Crokinole Published February 14, 2010 by Carroll Eagle ... , I'll leave you with one of my most heartfelt: Roses are red, violets are blue. I hate snow ... and you should too. When his not playing Crokinole, ... ... or visit him at

Historic 1857 quilt inspired by the politics and faith of its era Published February 7, 2010 by Carroll Eagle ... all the quilt -- another piece of the fabric of our community history. When he not trying to figure-out how to operate an old family sewing machine, ... ... or visit him at

Reception held for McDaniel president-elect Published February 3, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle Westminster community leaders had an opportunity to meet and welcome McDaniel president-elect Dr. Roger N. Casey and his wife, Robyn Allers at a reception held Wednesday, Jan. 27, at the Carroll Arts Council.Casey, 48, was selected in December by the ... ...

Funeral for Sen. Charles Mathias at the National Cathedral Published February 2, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle The funeral for former Maryland U.S. Senator Charles McCurdy (Mac) Mathias was held Tuesday at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington D.C.Mathias died at the age of 87 on Jan. 25.Although he is most remembered for his decades of support for civil ... ...

Remembering how we used to celebrate the best care anywhere Published January 31, 2010 by Carroll Eagle ... professionals. As we look around today, there's still a lot to be thankful for. When he's not worrying over the aches and pains of getting old, ... ... , or visit him at ...

Carroll County's 173rd birthday celebrates a patchwork quilt of history Published January 24, 2010 by Carroll Eagle ... who received it as wedding present in the 1930s. When he is not interpreting the language of quilts, ... ... or visit him at

'Coach' Charlie Havens was a good sport, and a patriot, too Published January 17, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle ... Coach Havens. If you have one, e-mail it to me or drop it in the mail at P. O. Box 1245, Westminster, MD 21158. When he is not shivering from the cold, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at ...

New year means a new city attorney in Westminster Published January 12, 2010 by Westminster Eagle The new year for Westminster city government will begin with new municipal attorneys for the first time in 30 years.At the first meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council for 2010, the city announced the appointment of Elissa Levan and Karen ... ...

Winter miseries include cold, wind and a threat to our ice cream supply Published January 10, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle ... ice cream in the middle of a snowstorm. It, too, would probably result in a lot of paperwork. When he is not looking for ice cream in a snowstorm, ... ... , or visit him at

DAYHOFF: New years of the past carried doom, gloom ... and a few local bright spots Published January 3, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle ... Year, we should all hold brighter hopes of the future, and make some good resolutions." Amen to that. When he is not partying in Taylorsville, ... ... or visit him at

Crime and vagrants greeted the new year in days gone by Published December 27, 2009 by Carroll Eagle ... it, but he is not sure. Like everybody else, Mr. Tuck is frustrated but isn't sure who to blame." When he's not wearing a New Year's party hat, ... ... , or visit him at

Snow day like this Published December 20, 2009 by Carroll Eagle

Squeals on Wheels Published January 31, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle The Chesapeake Roller Derby team Mutiny defended the ship well, but it was the South Jersey Derby Girls who rolled to a 56-29 victory Jan. 23 in the first-ever roller derby event at the Danele Shipley Memorial Arena at the Carroll County Ag Center, in ... ...

20100407 sdsom Recent work by KED in Explore Carroll


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My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: