Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label People Palin-Sarah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Palin-Sarah. Show all posts

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ann Coulter vs. Michelle Malkin | Female Conservatives | Sarah Palin | The Daily Caller

Ann Coulter vs. Michelle Malkin | Female Conservatives | Sarah Palin | The Daily Caller:

By Jeff Poor - The Daily Caller

Last Sunday, in an appearance on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” conservative columnist and author Ann Coulter took what some have seen as a swipe at former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, saying that the eventual Republican candidate shouldn’t pick “a novelty candidate” as their vice presidential nominee because it “would ring too much like Sarah Palin.”

Conservative blogger and commentator Michelle Malkin challenged Coulter’s characterization, suggesting in a post on Monday that Coulter was part of the “war on conservative women” Malkin had opined on a month ago....

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Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin: Who needs this crap?

Sarah Palin: Who needs this crap?

Media fear and loathing and Palin Derangement Syndrome on steroids.

July 3, 2009

On Friday afternoon, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced … that she was resigning her office later this month, a stunning decision that could free her to run for president more easily but also raises questions about her political standing at home,” wrote Jonathan Martin in Politico.

“Palin disclosed the surprise news Friday afternoon from her home in Wasilla with her husband, Todd, and Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, who the governor said would take over the state on Saturday, July 25.”

Well, I for one do not think that she is preparing herself for a presidential run in 2012. I think that many of the armchair pundits have it wrong, except Howard Kurtz – he got it right.

I have family in Alaska and as a result I have followed the career of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for many years – long before she was thrust into the nightmare of the national spotlight last fall.

I watched the video of her announcement (Friday) afternoon and my immediate reaction is that she has had enough – and who could blame her?

I hope for her sake and the sake of her family that she retires to being a private citizen.

Hopefully she can write a book or two, make some speeches, pay off her ginormous legal bills and go fishing and hunting for a long time away from the likes of the National Organization of (Liberal) Women types, the traditional elitist eastern establishment misogynistic press, and the liberal hate bloggers.

If one puts her tenure in the national glare in the context of how this nation, collectively, treated Geraldine Ferraro, Hillary Clinton in their bid for national office – and now Governor Palin; we should, as a nation, hang our heads in shame.

The scurrilous attacks have shown no signs of letting up. Since last fall, liberal lefties have launched one after another, silly vexatious ethic commission charges – all of which have proved to be essentially groundless.

They have got to have been an enormously time-consuming and expensive challenge – and a drain on Gov. Palin and her family.

Just recently there was the infamous Letterman incident in which he told what Howard Kurtz mentions in the following piece as “an insensitive joke about her daughter getting ‘knocked up’ by New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez."

Then there was the hit-job by what Mr. Kurtz refers to as a “hard-edged Vanity Fair piece, in which former McCain campaign strategists questioned her mental state and even wondered whether she was suffering from postpartum depression.” (

Of course, all the attacks have been made by “unnamed sources.”

Not to be overlooked was the recent incident in which Wonkette prominently posted an inappropriate photoshop of her child, who has downs syndrome.

If any of the above had happened to President Barack Obama of his family, for example, the “Katie Couric-s” of the world and the National Organization of (Liberal) Women types would have been up in arms. Yet the double-standards persist.

It’s Palin Derangement Syndrome on steroids.

On June 28, 2009, William A. Jacobson, on his blog, “Legal Insurrection,” noted:

“It really is hard to understand why some adults feel the need to make fun of Trig Palin, a one-year old who has Down Syndrome. Politics alone cannot explain it. If you don't like Sarah Palin, fine, but why go after Trig?

“The controversy regarding the photoshop of Trig by Alaskan blogger
Linda Biegel is only the tip of the iceberg. Ever since Sarah's nomination, Trig has been a target. Last fall, the popular DC-based ‘gossip’ website Wonkette joked how Trig must have wished he'd been aborted. Now Wonkette has taken Biegel's Photoshop antics as an excuse to go after Trig anew.

“In a recent
post, Wonkette promoted and joked about even cruder Photoshops of Trig at the Something Awful web forum, where people can post anonymously (examples below). Wonkette even included one of these photoshops in its post (above right) while mocking Trig as the ‘New Jesus,’ ‘Holy Infant’ and ‘Sacred One.’

“All the attacks on Trig are Sarah's fault, according to the Wonkette post, since Sarah had the audacity to bring Trig on stage at the Republican National Convention (where the original photo in question was taken), which Wonkette calls using Trig as a ‘cheap political prop.’ I guess that makes the Obama kids fair game according to Wonkette since they were brought
on stage at the Democratic National Convention…”

Mr. Jacobson continues, “Palin basically poked a stick in the world’s largest beehive filled with cheap & tireless insanity, and the goons have unleashed a pack of Photoshop Dogs From Hell to make the most incredible collection of Sarah Palin Desecration Images in the History of Time, the end.

General Bullshit > Sarah Palin thinks photoshopping special needs babies is appalling [Something Awful]

“(At the top is one) of the milder Photoshops in the Something Awful forum which are Sarah's fault according to Wonkette:"

In the context of the non-stop character assassination by the lefty-haters and the elite media since Arizona Senator John McCain picked her for his vice presidential running mate last fall - - Who needs this crap?

Howard Kurtz got it right. Read “Maybe She Got Tired of the Full-Court Press
Will Palin, Plucked From Obscurity, Return to It?” By Howard Kurtz Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, July 4, 2009

20090703 sdosm Palin Derangement Syndrome
