Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Journalists sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalists sports. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Baltimore Sports writer Mike Preston will be the guest speaker Sat., Jan. 28, 2016 at the annual CC NAACP MLK breakfast

Baltimore Sports writer Mike Preston will be the guest speaker Sat., Jan. 28, 2016 at the annual Carroll County NAACP Dr. Martin Luther King breakfast

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

On Saturday, January 28th, at 9:00 a.m., at Martin’s Caterers, in Westminster, Baltimore Sun sports writer Mike Preston will be the guest speaker at the 14th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. breakfast, sponsored by the Carroll County NAACP Branch 7014.

This breakfast was previously scheduled on Saturday, January 14, but was postponed due to the threat of bad weather.

I will have the privilege and honor of introducing my Baltimore Sun – Sun Media Group colleague, Mr. Preston that morning.

Veteran journalist Preston is a sports columnist for The Baltimore Sun, focusing on the Ravens and lacrosse. He is a 1977 graduate of Kenwood High, and a 1981 Towson University graduate. Preston has been writing for The Sun since 1987 and has been a columnist since 2000.

Additional tickets may be purchased at this time. If you would like to purchase tickets for the new date, there are several options: online at or call Jean at 410-861-6872.

On the other hand, you can email me at Make sure the words Preston NAACP breakfast are in the subject line. On the other hand, if you know my phone number, just give me a call.

Over the years, the annual MLK breakfast has turned into a popular and well-attended event and a great break from the gray and cold of Maryland’s winters.

We need to turn in the final count to the caterer soon, so if you want tickets, be in touch soon. Thanks.

Please make checks payable to ‘Carroll County NAACP Branch7014.’ Contributions or gifts to this NAACP unit are generally not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. 

2017 Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast
Saturday, January 28th, 2017
Martin’s of Westminster 9:00 am
Guest Speaker:  Mr. Mike Preston, Baltimore Sun sports writer
Tickets:  $30

Follow Mr. Mike Preston in the Baltimore Sun here  or on Twitter here


Journalists sports, Sports, Dayhoff writing essays Sports, NAACP, NAACP Carroll Co, Diversity NAACP Carroll Co Chap, Annual Martin Luther King Day, Annual Martin Luther King Breakfast
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Carroll County Times News Update: NFL Playoffs: Jets Upset Colts

NFL Playoffs: Jets Upset Colts, Vikings take care of Cowboys Posted 9:15 p.m.

San Diego – Maybe Rex Ryan already knows the score of the AFC championship game, too.

I was fortunate enough to pull this screen grab off the Carroll County Times web site minutes after the Times’ staff discovered it and minutes before they pulled it.

Off course I have never-ever made a mistake in my copy. Well, maybe not. My favorite was the time I wrote Paul of Taurus – err, um, instead of Paul of Tarsus…

Anyway, it seems that right after the Times’ staff discovered it, they decided to have some fun with it just before they pulled it.

Too funny. I happen to like folks who can roll with it. For those who are not aware, the Carroll County Times has one of the best sports departments and sports reporters in the Mid-Atlantic region… Bookmark and check it out:

However, as good as its sports reporters are; I am not under the impression that they can see into the future. Or maybe they can?

Of course, they could always use a few more semi-colons…

The Carroll County Times does a really good job of posting news updates on their site frequently during the day. It is really smart web management on their part.

I’d love to know the rest of the story as to the news feed with the incorrect headline…

Apparently, it was also linked to a news story with the incorrect headline also. But I wasn’t quick enough to grab it.

Meanwhile we certainly hope they kept the headline copy available for next week’s Jets versus the Colts game. I sure do not want the Colts to win and would love to see the Jets do it again; as they did when they beat the Colts 29-15 on Sunday, December 27, 2009…

If you will recall, that was the game when the headline from an AP article said it all, “Caldwell pulls starters in third with 5-point lead; Jets rally for win.”; when “The first-year coach (Jim Caldwell) pulled Manning & Co. with a 15-10 lead and 5:36 left in the third quarter.”

The upset spoiled the chances of the Colts from having a perfect season, and ended “the Colts' pursuit of perfection and their NFL-record 23-game winning streak with a 29-15 victory that had fans serenading Lucas Oil Stadium with boos and Manning, the three-time MVP, offering support for his coach's decision.”

The “Fast Facts” in the article explained:

“Peyton Manning was removed from the lineup in the third quarter with the Colts up 15-10. The Jets then scored 19 unanswered points to snap the Colts' 23-game regular season win streak.

“The Colts had fewer than 100 rushing yards for the fourth straight game; they have failed to reach the mark in 12 of 15 games this season.

“Peyton Manning (14 for 21, 192 yards) became the fourth player in NFL history with 50,000 passing yards for his career.”

Whatever. We should have been so lucky as to have had such a disappointment here in Baltimore with the Ravens.

[20100117 CCT News Update Jets Upset Colts] Humor, Journalists sports, Newspapers, Newspapers Carroll County Times, Sports, Sports Football NFL

Carroll County Times News Update: NFL Playoffs: Jets Upset Colts #sports #NFL


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