Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Md Gen Assembly 2011 428. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Md Gen Assembly 2011 428. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sen. Joe Getty, District 5 Carroll and Baltimore Counties: The Petition against in-state tuition for illegal immigrants to Stop a Nightmare

County legislators press petition against in-state tuition for illegal immigrants - Local lawmakers vocal in opposition to law

Through the Years 05-05-11

The Petition to Stop a Nightmare

By Sen. Joe Getty, District 5

Reprinted by permission from Sen. Joe Getty, District 5.  This previously appeared in Facebook & was published in the Northern News on May 5, 2011

State Del. Pat McDonough, of Baltimore County, honorary chairman of the ... Joe Getty, District 5, used his Facebook page to urge voters to sign the ...

A petition drive is underway to require a ballot referendum for the recently-passed bill (Senate Bill 167) allowing illegal immigrants to qualify for reduced tuition rates at Maryland’s public universities.

Under the state constitution, citizens may take bills passed by the General Assembly to referendum under a petition process that requires gathering over 55,000 signatures from registered voters throughout the state. If the petition process is successful, the bill does not take effect unless it is approved by voters in the 2012 election.

Over the course of recent elections, petition drives to take bills to referendum are rarely successful. The threshold for certifying the petitions is just too high.

First, the time-frame for gathering signatures is too short. One-third of the signatures must be collected by May 31. The remainder must be turned in to the State Board of Elections by the end of June.

In addition, the technical requirements to certify the signatures are difficult. The names must be registered voters who sign on “approved” petition sheets separated in a county-by-county basis. The printed name and signature of the registered voter must strictly match (full middle name or middle initial, etc.) the name under which they registered to vote.

The strict validation process means that many of the signatures will be rejected. Combined with the high number of signatures required and the short time frame for collecting, organizers of the petition drive face a tough challenge.

If you wish to support this effort, the easiest way is to use the automated form at the website After you fill in the information, you need to print out the petition, sign it and mail it to Del. Neil C. Parrott (one of the lead organizers of the petition drive).

The members of the Carroll County legislative delegation are also involved in the distribution and collection of these petitions.

As a member of the State Senate, I voted against Senate Bill 167. Part of my opposition to the bill was based upon my experience in working with local residents when I served in the House of Delegates, 1995 - 2003.

As a delegate, I was surprised at how frequently I heard from parents of students about the difficulty in achieving admission to a state college or university. During the senate floor debate on March 14, I explained my opposition to the bill based upon the rationale that illegal immigrants will take away the limited in-state admission slots.

Our state rations higher education in Maryland. There are only a certain number of spots available at each institution. For many campuses, there is a stiff competition for admission of incoming freshman.

With only a certain number of admission slots available, I would frequently receive a phone call from constituents questioning why their child was rejected from admission to a specific state college or university. The student typically had an outstanding academic record in local public schools. The student also displayed leadership qualities in varsity sports, student government and other organizations.

They may have been the first student from their family attempting to go to college. Moreover, the family had paid taxes their entire life to support the Maryland college and university system. Regardless, with a limited number of incoming slots, sometimes the best local students just don’t make the cut to their top choice in higher education.

This realization is particularly hard to fathom for long-time Maryland residents. When my grandfather from New Windsor served on the board of trustees at College Park, the school was known as the Maryland Agricultural College and catered to “ag students.”

When my father was applying to colleges, all that was needed was a high school diploma and you were accepted to University of Maryland College Park. For my generation of high school graduates, you only needed a “C average” in order to be accepted at College Park and it typically was your “backup” plan if you were not accepted to your first choices.

Thus, it is ironic for today’s students that our families have paid taxes to make Maryland’s university system one of the top-ranked in the nation while at the same time making it harder for their own children and other local students to gain admission.

The in-state tuition bill is known as the “Dream Act” for illegal immigrants based upon a similar bill in the U.S. Congress. As I explained to my senate colleagues during the floor debate, my constituents in Baltimore and Carroll counties have dreams too. 

In this economic recession, many families are struggling financially while still trying to provide a college education for their children. They might desire go to a private school, in-state or out of state, but with the state of the current economy, the University of Maryland system is their best prospect financially.

Providing scarce admission slots to illegal immigrants is just not fair to the families of long-time law-abiding and tax-paying citizens of this state. Although amendments were added to the bill that would supposedly prevent the loss of in-state slots to illegal immigrants, many are skeptical that such slots can be preserved under the university’s budgetary constraints.

A similar bill for in-state tuition for illegal immigrants was passed eight years ago by the Maryland General Assembly. Immediately after the 2003 legislative session, it was vetoed by Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.

As policy director in Ehrlich’s office, I coordinated the writing of the veto message for that bill. In addition to the fact that in-state slots would be taken from legal Maryland residents, we offered several other policy reasons for the governor’s veto.

Foremost, was the conflict that existed with federal law. Granting in-state status to illegal immigrants is a direct violation of the federal Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

Ehrlich also raised concerns about the potentially large fiscal cost to the state. The fiscal note to the bill passed this year stated that there is no way to calculate the number of illegal immigrants that might qualify but estimated that the costs could reach more than $3.5 million a year by 2016.

The identical policy issues outlined in the 2003 veto letter exist today. Legal Maryland taxpayers could find their own children excluded from their higher education institution of choice while at the same time being required to foot the bill for tuition reductions (expected to cost millions of dollars) for illegal immigrants.

Whose dream is that?

Sen. Joe Getty, District 5 Carroll and Baltimore Counties: The Petition against in-state tuition for illegal immigrants to Stop a Nightmare

Sen. Joe Getty, District 5: The Petition against in-state tuition for illegal immigrants to Stop a Nightmare

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Annapolis Week - Reporter's Roundup From: OnTheHillMedia | Apr 13, 2011

From: OnTheHillMedia | Apr 13, 2011

Len Lazarick (, Kenny Burns (WNAV), John Wagner (Washington Post), and Lou Davis (Maryland Public Television) discuss what was accomplished in the 90 day General Assembly and what could happen in the upcoming special session. Filmed by Fosie Weston of On The Hill Media

Great review of the past session of the Maryland General Assembly: John Wagner Kenny Burns Lou Davis Len Lazarick Annapolis Week - Maryland Reporter's Roundup via @youtube

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lindsey McPherson – Explore Carroll: Kittleman resigns as Senate minority leader

Kittleman resigns as Senate minority leader

District 9 senator says 'social moderate' policies out of step with GOP caucus

(Enlarge) District 9 Republican state Sen. Allan Kittleman of West Friendship, right, announced Tuesday that he is resigning from his position as Senate minority leader. "It was apparent that the majority of the (Senate Republican) caucus members do not want a fiscally conservative who is also a social moderate as the leader of the caucus," he wrote in a letter to Senate Minority Whip David Brinkley (Dist. 4) of New Market. (Baltimore Sun file photo)

Republican state Sen. Allan Kittleman (Dist. 9) of West Friendship announced Tuesday that he is resigning from his position as Senate minority leader.

“It was apparent that the majority of the (Senate Republican) caucus members do not want a fiscally conservative who is also a social moderate as the leader of the caucus,” he wrote in a letter to Senate Minority Whip David Brinkley (Dist. 4) of New Market.  “Therefore, while it has been a privilege to lead the Republican Senate Caucus for the past two years, I feel it would not be in the best interest of the caucus for me to continue as their leader.”

Kittleman, who represents western Howard County and part of Carroll County as the senator from District 9, has served as the minority leader since 2008. Before assuming that position, he served as the minority whip from 2006 to 2008…

20110118 ExpCar McPherson Kittleman resigns as Sen minority leader

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Maryland Reporter: AFSCME members ask legislators to keep pensions and health benefits the same

January 13, 2011 By Megan Poinski

More than 100 members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees came to Annapolis on Wednesday to lobby the 428th General Assembly for their No. 1 priority: preserving the health and pension benefits they have.

Before the session began at noon on Wednesday, union members from throughout the state filed into a public lounge in the House Office Building. AFSCME staff handed out green hats and scarves to the union members, as they signed onto a sheet with their names and legislative districts. Once they signed in, they sat at tables organized by district number and prepared to visit their newly elected representatives.

AFSCME is the largest union for state employees. Legislative director Sue Esty said that with several proposals circulating to make cuts in pension and health benefits – as well as recent furloughs, pay cuts and hiring freezes – the union members want to make sure they set the right tone for this General Assembly session.


Recent deliberations and recommendations from the Public Employees’ and Retirees’ Benefits Sustainability Commission galvanized the union members and spurred them into action. The eight-member commission created by legislation last year is recommending that the General Assembly cut state costs of health insurance 10% by hiking premiums and reducing coverage for state employees and retirees, and shift half the costs of teacher pensions to local school boards over the next three to five years.


At Wednesday’s rally, correctional officer Greg Currie, who works at the Metropolitan Transition Center in Baltimore, said he has attended pension commission meetings – even testifying about retirement benefits at a public hearing. Currie said that he just wants to see pensions and health care stay the same. He has written to his representatives in the General Assembly about the issue, and is hopeful that they will make a careful decision.


Related – also see:
January 12, 2011
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Today is the first day of the 428th legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly and, as in past years, the main question on the minds of the leadership of this august body’s deliberations will be, “Welcome to Maryland, what’s in your wallet?”

January 5, 2011
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Now that the hangover from last November’s Maryland General Election is becoming a memory, and Marylanders have begun to put away the Christmas lights and joined a local gym to shed those holiday pounds, many are beginning to set their sights on January 12, the beginning of the 2011 session of the Maryland General Assembly.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Carroll County NAACP Breakfast by Joe Getty

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

by Getty for Senate on Monday, January 17, 2011 at 2:35pm
Congratulations to the Carroll County Chapter of the NAACP for their excellent tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this past Saturday morning. I attended the eighth annual breakfast organized by Jean Lewis, President of Branch No. 7014, and other members of the local chapter.

An uplifting message was delivered by Ambassador Blango Ross, pastor of the Strawbridge United Methodist Church, New Windsor. While quoting scripture, Dr. King and text messages from his children, Pastor Ross offered an extraordinary commentary about the relevance of Dr. King's teachings in our modern world of technology.

As he referred to quotations from Dr. King's early speeches ("Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction"), Pastor Ross repeatedly returned to the role of love, family and a Christian lifestyle to counter the corrupting forces in modern society.

Another highlight of the morning was a presentation by Carroll County students Jordan Costley, Janae Henson, Troy Henson, Jasmine Rock and Tyrice Rock who read "Letters to Dr. King" from a book published to show how today's students feel about the legacy of Dr. King.

The entire program was admirably coordinated by master of ceremonies Doug Metz. A presentation of artwork for the NAACP headquarters was made by former Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff and Caroline Babylon.
I encourage you to view the video of this event when it becomes available from the Carroll County Community Media Center (

While much of state government is closed today in honor of Dr. King, the Maryland General Assembly will convene at 8:00 p.m. this evening. I plan to attend the annual wreath-laying ceremony in front of the State House and then attend the traditional MLK speech in the Senate Chamber which this year will be given by my Baltimore County colleague, Senator Delores G. Kelley.

Additional information about the Carroll County Chapter of the NAACP is available on Facebook (
A presentation of a print of Dr. Martin Luther King was made by Kevin Dayhoff and Caroline Babylon for the offices of the Carroll County NAACP.
Ambassador Blango Ross, pastor of Strawbridge United Methodist Church, gave the keynote address at the breakfast.
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Opening Day of the Maryland General Assembly by MD Sen. Joe Getty

Opening Day 2011
Marylanders for Joe GettyJanuary 14, 2011

Dear Kevin,  

I want to thank all of my friends and supporters for their contributions and efforts during the 2010 election campaign.  As a direct result of your support, I was sworn in last Wednesday as a Maryland State Senator representing Legislative District 5.
It was a great experience for my wife and children to attend the Opening Day session. Each Senator was only allowed two guests on the floor because of the space restrictions in the Senate Chamber.  I fudged and got a two-children-for-one-adult deal so that Susie and my two youngest children, Madison and Samuel, could accompany me on the floor.
My son Justus, daughter-in-law Sarah and daughter Laura were able to get seats in the gallery behind us. There was an additional Getty in the gallery (since Sarah is eight-and-three-quarters-months pregnant) whom we hope to meet in the near future.  Unable to attend were my son Nathan (who is on a deployment with the U.S. Navy) and my daughter Emma (who had to return to UNC-Wilmington earlier in the week).
The Carroll County Times covered the opening of the 2011 Legislative Session with a focus on the two "freshman" members of the Carroll County delegation - namely Delegate Justin Ready & me. The articles by Christian Alexandersen about Justin (click here) and by Ryan Marshall about me (click here) accurately captured the august ceremonies and family pride displayed for the occasion.
Times photographers Dylan Slagle and Dave Munch produced a photo gallery (click here) that illustrates the wide-ranging emotions of the day including the solemnity of the ceremony, the time spent with family and the joy and enthusiasm as we begin our jobs.
Senator David Brinkley offered the best perspective on the day: "The pomp and circumstance inspires you by serving as a reminder of what you've been entrusted with."  
There is no doubt that this session will be tough and there will be many legislative policy highs and lows over the next three months. Please contact me if issues arise during the session for which you wish to offer an opinion. I truly value your insights and advice.
My legislative contact information is: Phone - (410) 841-3683; Email; Address - James Senate Office Building Room 401, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Opening Day Senate Floor

 Getty for Senate GETTY2010 WEBSITE

In The Senate Chamber
Carroll County Times photographer Dylan Slagle took this photograph in the Senate Chamber prior to the commencement of the opening session. From left to right: Madison, Samuel, Susan and Joe Getty.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kevin Dayhoff The Tentacle: 428 MGA It’s going to be ugly

Kevin Dayhoff The Tentacle: 428 MGA It’s going to be ugly  January 12, 2011 “It’s going to be ugly” by Kevin E. Dayhoff

Today is the first day of the 428th legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly and, as in past years, the main question on the minds of the leadership of this august body’s deliberations will be, “Welcome to Maryland, what’s in your wallet?”

One of the many enigmas hovering over the upcoming session is the perception that this session will be a ho-hum gathering of lawmakers, filled with low expectations and high anxiety.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Many tend to agree with the assessment offered by State Senator-elect Joe Getty (R., Carroll-Baltimore). At a legislative breakfast last Thursday, Mr. Getty summed up his analysis of the upcoming session with one word: It will be “ugly.” …

[20110112 TT sdosmetal it is going to be ugly]

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Alan Brody for The Gazette: This year's class of incoming legislators is looking to make immediate impact

"Meet the Freshmen" by Alan Brody 

Photos by Brian Lewis/The Gazette: Top row (from left): Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr. (D-Dist. 44), Bonnie Cullison (D-Dist. 19), C.T. Wilson (D-Dist. 28) and Cathleen M. Vitale (R-Dist. 33A). Bottom row (from left): Bill Ferguson (D-Dist. 46), Kelly Schulz (R-Dist. 4A), Joseph M. Getty (R-Dist. 5) and Geraldine Valentino-Smith (D-Dist. 23A).

Writing for the Gazette, Alan Brody has written a wonderful primer on the freshman class of legislators in the upcoming Maryland General Assembly:

Friday, Dec. 3, 2010

Meet the Freshmen

This year's class of incoming legislators is looking to make immediate impact
by Alan Brody | Staff Writer  

The 40 freshmen legislators who make up the General Assembly's Class of 2011 possess various backgrounds.

Only two of the 10 incoming senators have not served previously in the House of Delegates, and three House Republicans are reclaiming seats they lost or relinquished four years ago, so the number of "true freshmen" is lower. Several more have held local office, and others have Annapolis experience as one-time legislative staffers.

There are entrepreneurs, educators and, of course, numerous attorneys.

Predicting the political stars of tomorrow is something of a crapshoot, but here is a handful of newbies to keep an eye on during the upcoming legislative session — and beyond…

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: