Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Music Babylon Guy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music Babylon Guy. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My recent stories in Explore Carroll

My recent stories in Explore Carroll -

Officials may face sharp critics, but in 1946 it was real knives
Published October 25, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... ..." If you ask me, it's refreshing to hear an elected official level with you and tell it like it is. When he's not under a pile of rocks, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at kevindayhoff AT or visit him at ...

Schaum weaves a creative display at Westminster's Off Track Art
Published October 21, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... In addition to displaying her work at Off Track Studio, Schaum will also join other artists on the Carroll County Artisans Studio Tour this coming December 5 and 6. For more information go to: — submitted by Kevin Dayhoff...

DAYHOFF: Honoring the 'Hell Drivers of Taneytown,' in 1948 and today
Published October 18, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... just raise your finger, err, hand. Drop us a note or share it in the comment section on When he is not risking his life on Route 140, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... , or go to ....

Community mourns the loss of photographer Charlie Magee
Published October 17, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... s choice.Online condolences may be made to the family at Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at
ARCHIVE: Guy Babylon made world class music, but never really left Carroll
Published October 11, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... a kind-hearted family man and friend ... who happened to play keyboard for Elton John. When he is not listening to "Madman Across the Water," Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at ...

Westminster city clerk dies
Published October 9, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
Westminster and Carroll County officials are mourning the loss of City Clerk Laurell Taylor, who died at her home Thursday morning. “She was a very dedicated city employee,” Mayor Kevin Utz said in an interview with The Eagle. “She did everything asked of her ... ...

Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting
Published October 5, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening.Mayor Kevin Utz conducted a public hearing on the ... ...

Truman on television and German POWs on the farm
Published October 4, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... has had a lasting impact that certainly wasn't predicted at the time. When he's not watching President Barack Obama on television seven days a week, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at

DAYHOFF: Dedication of fire hall in 1899 was a hot time in Manchester
Published September 27, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... They protect you night and day, 365 days out of the year.When he's not putting out fires somewhere, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at ...

DAYHOFF: Silver Run is rich in history, yet still a real hometown
Published September 20, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... call them at 410-346-6816 or visit them at . When he is not watching Anthony Bourdain, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at ...

20091025 sdsom My recent stories in Explore Carroll
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Amigos y familiares se reúnen para recordar Guy Babylon

Amigos y familiares se reúnen para recordar Guy Babylon - a largo plazo para el tecladista Elton John

Haga clic aquí para una imagen más grande: o aquí:

Haga clic aquí para una imagen más grande: o aquí:

Más de 250 amigos y familiares se reunieron en el incendio de Windsor y tubos de Nueva sala Co. el 4 de octubre de 2009, para un servicio en memoria de Guy Babylon. La habitación estaba llena de recuerdos, memorias y Guy Babylon música y videos. Sólo tomé un par de fotos de ese día ...

Uno de los dos artículos sobre Guy Babylon: Guy Babilonia de New Windsor, a largo plazo para el tecladista Elton John
Obituary Por Kevin Dayhoff Publicado 9/04/09
Guy Babylon, de 52 años, murió la noche del miércoles en Los Angeles, California, según fuentes de la familia y el sitio web oficial de Elton John. Nació el 20 de diciembre de 1956, en New Windsor, el hijo de Graham y Mary Babilonia, dueños de la empresa Vault Babilonia, una empresa del Condado de Carroll, que ha fabricado bóvedas desde 1930. Más información:

Dos de dos artículos sobre Guy Babylon: ARCHIVO: Guy Babylon hecho música de clase mundial, pero nunca dejó Carroll
EAGLE ARCHIVO Por Kevin Dayhoff Publicado 10/11/09 (Ampliar) ...
Más de 250 amigos y familiares se reunieron en el incendio de Windsor y tubos de Nueva sala Co. el 4 de octubre, para un servicio en memoria de Guy Babilonia. Era conocido en el área local como en New Windsor nativos que sobresalió en deportes y se graduó de Francis Scott Key High School en 1974. Era conocido por muchos en el resto del mundo como el tecladista de Elton John por 21 años. Más información:

Además de las dos piezas que escribí en Guy Babylon, que puede encontrar aquí: y aquí: 3374/babylon /;

Me escribió una pieza adicional más en - 7 de octubre 2009 siempre recordaba, Never Forgotten Kevin E. Dayhoff El domingo pasado, familiares y amigos de todo el país se reunieron en la compañía de bomberos de Nueva sala de Windsor social a pagar sus últimos respectos a Guy Babylon, el teclista de Elton John por 21 años. Guy Babylon, de 52 años, murió en su casa de Los Angles el 2 de septiembre. Más información:

Para las personas que han pedido más fotos Guy Babylon y la información: y Elton John News: Adiós Guy Babylon (diciembre 20, 1956-septiembre 2, 2009):
Para las personas que han pedido más fotos Guy Babilonia y información

20091015 Amigos sdosm y la familia se reúnen para recordar Guy Babylon

Babilonia Familia, Carroll Co Dist New Windsor, Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, Dayhoff Media The Tentacle, Dayhoff escribir ensayos Arte Artistas, Guy Babylon Music, People Tributos


[20091004 Guy Mem serv 2wcap.jpg]: Amigos y familia recordar teclista Guy Babylon largo plazo 4 Elton John p1of2 post/213566056/friends-family-remember-guy-babylon-longterm

[20091004 Guy Mem serv 1wcapsm.jpg]: Friends & Family Guy recordar tecladista Babilonia a largo plazo 4 Elton John p2of2 post/213569028/friends-family-remember-guy-babylon-longterm

Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friends and family gather to remember Guy Babylon

Friends and family gather to remember Guy Babylon - long-term keyboardist for Elton John

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Click here for a larger image: or here:

More than 250 friends and family members gathered at the New Windsor Fire and Hose Co. hall on Oct. 4, 2009, for a memorial service for Guy Babylon. The room was full of mementos, memorials and Guy Babylon music and videos. I only took a couple of pictures that day…

One of two articles on Guy Babylon: Guy Babylon of New Windsor, long-term keyboardist for Elton John
Obituary By Kevin Dayhoff Posted 9/04/09
Guy Babylon, 52, died Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, Calif., according to family sources and Elton John’s official website. He was born on December 20, 1956, in New Windsor, the son of Graham and Mary Babylon, owners of the Babylon Vault Company, a Carroll County business that has manufactured burial vaults since 1930. More:

Two of two articles on Guy Babylon: ARCHIVE: Guy Babylon made world class music, but never really left Carroll
EAGLE ARCHIVE By Kevin Dayhoff Posted 10/11/09 (Enlarge)
More than 250 friends and family members gathered at the New Windsor Fire and Hose Co. hall on Oct. 4, for a memorial service for Guy Babylon. He was known to the local area as a New Windsor native who excelled in sports and graduated from Francis Scott Key High School in 1974. He was known to many in the rest of the world as Elton John's keyboardist for 21 years. More:

In addition to the two pieces I wrote on Guy Babylon, which may be found here: and here:;

I wrote an additional longer piece in - October 7, 2009 Always Remembered, Never Forgotten Kevin E. Dayhoff Last Sunday, friends and family from all over the country gathered at the New Windsor fire company social hall to pay their last respects to Guy Babylon, Elton John’s keyboardist for 21 years. Guy Babylon, 52, died at his Los Angles home on September 2. More:

For folks who have asked for more Guy Babylon pictures and information:; and Elton John News: Farewell Guy Babylon (December 20, 1956 – September 2, 2009):

For folks who have asked for more Guy Babylon pictures and information

20091015 sdosm Friends and family gather to remember Guy Babylon
Babylon Family, Carroll Co Dist New Windsor, Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, Dayhoff Media The Tentacle, Dayhoff writing essays Art Artists, Music Babylon Guy, People Tributes


[20091004 Guy Mem serv 2wcap.jpg]: Friends & family remember Guy Babylon longterm keyboardist 4 Elton John p1of2

[20091004 Guy Mem serv 1wcapsm.jpg]: Friends & family remember Guy Babylon longterm keyboardist 4 Elton John p2of2

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent columns by Kevin Dayhoff

October 7, 2009
Always Remembered, Never Forgotten
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Sunday, friends and family from all over the country gathered at the New Windsor fire company social hall to pay their last respects to Guy Babylon, Elton John’s keyboardist for 21 years. Guy Babylon, 52, died at his Los Angles home on September 2.

September 30, 2009
Revealing Ike
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Of all the presidents of the United States, the one which Frederick and Carroll Counties may have literally the closest connection is President Dwight David Eisenhower, known affectionaly as “Ike.”

September 23, 2009
Big Media Missing the Point
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Everyone who bickers about the size of the crowd in Washington on September 12, or what network covered it and what media did not cover it, or whether the protest was the work of conservatives or un-American racists is sorely missing the significance of the entire event.

September 16, 2009
Enough Already…
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the last week, we have witnessed a full-court press by President Barack Obama, in his efforts to push forward broad sweeping health care reform. He’s everywhere. He’s everywhere…

September 9, 2009
Two Plus Two Equals Five
Kevin E. Dayhoff
By now we have all had an opportunity to either read or watch President Barack Obama’s national address to our schoolchildren that aired yesterday at high noon.

September 2, 2009
The Perils of Facebook
Kevin E. Dayhoff
For better or worse, new social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter are here to stay – that is, until something new comes along – like, tomorrow.

Kevin E. Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Recent Explore Carroll columns by Kevin Dayhoff

Click here for a larger image:

ARCHIVE: Guy Babylon made world class music, but never really left Carroll
Published October 11, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... a kind-hearted family man and friend ... who happened to play keyboard for Elton John. When he is not listening to "Madman Across the Water," Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at ...

Westminster city clerk dies
Published October 9, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
Westminster and Carroll County officials are mourning the loss of City Clerk Laurell Taylor, who died at her home Thursday morning.“She was a very dedicated city employee,” Mayor Kevin Utz said in an interview with The Eagle. “She did everything asked of her ... ...

Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting
Published October 5, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening.Mayor Kevin Utz conducted a public hearing on the ... ...

Truman on television and German POWs on the farm
Published October 4, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... has had a lasting impact that certainly wasn't predicted at the time. When he's not watching President Barack Obama on television seven days a week, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at

DAYHOFF: Dedication of fire hall in 1899 was a hot time in Manchester
Published September 27, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... They protect you night and day, 365 days out of the year.When he's not putting out fires somewhere, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at ...

DAYHOFF: Silver Run is rich in history, yet still a real hometown
Published September 20, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... call them at 410-346-6816 or visit them at When he is not watching Anthony Bourdain, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

DAYHOFF: what should we think when Kanye West grabs the mic from Taylor Swift?
Published September 14, 2009 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
... say you? … the actual moment West grabbed the microphone from a visibly startled Swift. When he is not listening to Lawrence Welk, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

William Henry Rinehart found his true calling in Union Bridge
Published September 13, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... in Washington while he was working in Italy. Rinehart died at age 49 on Oct. 28, 1874, from tuberculosis. When he's not checking out art in Union Bridge, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or at ...

President Eisenhower shared Carroll County's love of farming
Published September 6, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... regarding Finksburg with the Carroll County Genealogical Society and the Carroll County Historical Society. When he is not roaming around Gettysburg, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at ...

Guy Babylon of New Windsor, long-term keyboardist for Elton John
Published September 4, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
Guy Babylon, 52, died Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, Calif., according to family sources and Elton John’s official website.He was born on December 20, 1956, in New Windsor, the son of Graham and Mary Babylon, owners of the Babylon Vault Company, a ... ...

Spiritual and historical pilgrimage to the Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg
Published August 30, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... for a spiritually moving and truly meaningful experience. For more information go to When he is not on the road exploring local history, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

Dayhoff: Mythologizing the great unwashed self-importance of Woodstock
Published August 27, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... Me, I was moved to watch a lot of the Food Channel.When he is not listening to Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

Appetite for history and cuisine both satisfied in Union Bridge
Published August 23, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... Inn. Just tell them a "well-rounded" writer and artist from Westminster sent you. When he is not eating, Kevin Dayhoff is asleep. Nevertheless, he may be reached at ... , or visit him at ...

Shriver remembered for Special Olympics and also for a connection to Carroll
Published August 16, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... ; and the mother-in-law of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. However, it is through the Special Olympics that she will live on through the ages. Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

Not a great president, but Harding sure was a busy guy
Published August 9, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... his death was caused by a heart attack, triggered by complications of exhaustion. Gee, I wonder why? When he's not feeling sorry for Mrs. Harding, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at

Dr. Ira Zepp, 79, McDaniel College and Westminster civil rights leader, dies
Published August 4, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
The Rev. Dr. Ira Gilbert Zepp Jr., professor emeritus of the religious studies department at McDaniel College, died peacefully at his home on Aug. 1. He was 79.In a memorial tribute by McDaniel College president Joan Develin Coley, she recalled that Dr. ... ...

Charles Carroll influenced world view of 'Democracy in America'
Published August 2, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... Maybe we inherited it from our namesake. Or maybe we've just read enough of "Democracy in America." When he's not channeling Charles Carroll, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

High winds in Sykesville might not be a twister
Published July 27, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle
SYKESVILLE — Strong winds whipped through Carroll County’s rolling hills Sunday evening was enough to cause damage to homes, but the National Weather Service says that it did not appear to be a tornado. The storm downed trees and power lines, damaged cars ... ...

Lighting the faces of children, and a dark day for taxation
Published July 26, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... of state and national government, we may be feeling "very blue over the outcome" for many years. When he is not feeling blue over taxes, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... , or visit him at ...
Hoby Wolf advocates for things the county has already done

Published July 26, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... on this project.They have. On Feb. 26, 2007, Commissioner Michael Zimmer visited Harford County's facility (along with Eagle columnist Kevin Dayhoff.) Then, the board traveled to York, Pa., on April 30, 2007, to view that operation. They have also been to ... ...

Westminster council meeting details city improvements and comprehensive plan
Published July 25, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... for the annual Christmas parade.With that, council president Damian Halstad gaveled the meeting to a close and folks quickly paraded out the door.Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

Jackson's death created a wave of empathy in Westminster
Published July 19, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... our citizens on hearing the mournful intelligence of Jackson's death ..." When he is not listening to the music of the "Jackson 5," Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... , or visit him at

Hampstead man arrested for setting Greens Apartments fire
Published July 13, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... s damage is estimated at $450,000, according to fire marshals.Kevin Dayhoff contributed to this report....

DAYHOFF: 11th Air Cavalry Troop memorial recalls service of Carroll natives
Published July 11, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... to help honor these men and their families, as well those others named on the memorial who paid so dearly in the service of their community and nation. Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... , or visit him at

Bringing Corbit's Charge, and Douglass, back to Westminster
Published July 5, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... for his age," Crutcher responded that Douglass has "rested a lot" over the years. When he's not traveling back in time to the 1800s, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at

DAYHOFF: Margaret Mitchell wrote what she knew; the rest is gone with the wind
Published July 2, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... And that is all I know for right now. Hope you and your family have a great Fourth of July weekend.Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster. E-mail him at ... or visit him at

Westminster was all abuzz for the great fly roundup of 1914
Published June 28, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... reminds me that it was Groucho Marx who once said, "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." When he is not swatting flies, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at

DAYHOFF: Hoffa Field and the Sheathing of the Sword
Published June 23, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... . Lightner and the June 1922 American Sentinel newspaper article have left us with an extensive and fascinating account of the “The Sheathing of the Sword.”Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

'Year without summer' killed crops ... and created a monster
Published June 21, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... village folk that it's not a bad idea to keep a torch handy on these cool summer nights. When he is not playing with laboratory-harnessed lightning, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at ...

Historic Blue Ridge College bell dedicated In Union Bridge
Published June 20, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
UNION BRIDGE — Several hundred folks braved threatening weather June 20 to witness the unveiling and dedication of the historic 1900 Blue Ridge College bell in Lehigh Square, the original site of the college which had thrived in Union Bridge from 1898 to ... ...

When city got 'sole' in the 1920s, it was cause for a celebration
Published June 14, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... be the guest speaker. There will be a retirement ceremony for worn flags. Guests may bring old flags for retirement. When he is not waving the flag, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at

20091011 sdosm Recent SCE columns by KED

Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, Fire CC Depts 04 Manchester, Media TV, Music Babylon Guy, Pres 1945 1953 33 Truman-Harry S, Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster Employees Recent columns by Kevin Dayhoff

Click here for a larger image:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Tentacle: Guy Babylon Always Remembered Never Forgotten

Click here for a larger image:

Guy Babylon, Elton John’s keyboardist for 21 years Always Remembered, Never Forgotten by Kevin E. Dayhoff October 7, 2009

Last Sunday, friends and family from all over the country gathered at the New Windsor fire company social hall to pay their last respects to Guy Babylon, Elton John’s keyboardist for 21 years. Guy Babylon, 52, died at his Los Angles home on September 2.

Read the entire column here:

20091007 sdosmetal TT Always Remembered Never Forgotten ttked

For more information on the life and times and talent of the late Elton John keyboardist, Guy Babylon – go to:

Related: , , ,
“Guy Babylon, from New Windsor, long-term keyboardist for Elton John has passed away”

September 3, 2009 By Kevin Dayhoff

Guy Babylon, 52, died Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, California, according to family sources and Elton John’s official website.

He was born on December 20, 1956, in New Windsor, the son of Graham and Mary Babylon, owners of the Babylon Vault Company, a Carroll County business that has manufactured burial vaults since 1930.

After he attended Francis Scott Key High School he earned his BFA in music composition from the University of South Florida. In 1980, six months after graduation he moved to California, where he quickly established himself as an accomplished keyboardist and composer and respected session musician.

Babylon, as a young man, was known to be a national level swimmer and a family member noted with pride that he once beat Mark Spitz, of Olympic swimming fame. Babylon died of an apparent heart attack while swimming.

Elton John, who according to his official web site, is on holiday in Nice, France, said: “I am devastated and heartbroken at the death of Guy Babylon. Guy played over 1000 shows with me, and we worked together on The Road To El Dorado, Aida, Billy Elliot, Lestat and Gnomeo and Juliet, as well as on countless albums.

“He was one of the most brilliant musicians I ever knew, a true genius, a gentle angel - and I loved him so much. David and I send our deep condolences to Kathy, Max, Ben and Jessica, to Guy's parents, to Kathy's parents and to all his immediate loved ones.’

The web site reports, “Guy's first performance with Elton was for a benefit at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles in July 1988, and his first world tour as part of the Elton John Band began two months later in Miami, Florida.

“Guy became lead keyboardist on May 26, 1992, and has been the only synth man on stage since the Walden Woods Benefit Concert in the fall of 1993.”

Check back with later for the full story.

20090903 d1 WE brief Guy Babylon dies

For folks who have asked for more Guy Babylon pictures and information

For folks who have asked for more Guy Babylon pictures and information:; and Elton John News: Farewell Guy Babylon (December 20, 1956 – September 2, 2009): See:

Twitpic: Guy Babylon pic: longterm Elton John keyboardist has died

Twitter: Be sure to read Jennifer Jiggetts’ Carroll Co Times story on Guy Babylon

Be sure to read Jennifer Jiggetts’ @CCTNews story on Guy Babylon

kevindayhoff Be sure to read Jennifer Jiggetts’ @CCTNews story on Guy Babylon @CCTNews

Click here for a larger image:

UPDATE: Be sure to read Jennifer Jiggetts’
Carroll County Times story. She did a great job: “Elton John's keyboardist, New Windsor native dead” at 52 By Jennifer Jiggetts, Times Staff Writer Friday, September 04, 2009

When he was in seventh grade, Guy Babylon and several of his New Windsor friends formed a band.

They performed at the New Windsor carnival, gave small concerts by Babylon’s pool and won many talent shows in Carroll County. The band rehearsed wherever it could.

Those practices would set the foundation years later for a more famous gig for Babylon: backing up Elton John.

Babylon, John’s lead keyboardist, died Wednesday night in California. He was 52.

Read more:
Elton John's keyboardist, New Windsor native dead


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Elton John News: Farewell Guy Babylon (December 20, 1956 – September 2, 2009)

Guy Babylon, from New Windsor, long-term keyboardist for Elton John has passed away Wednesday evening, September 2, 2009

Picture credit: Retrieved September 13, 2009

Guy Babylon, from New Windsor, long-term keyboardist for Elton John has passed away Wednesday evening, September 2, 2009

Picture credit: Retrieved September 13, 2009
September 3, 2009 By Kevin Dayhoff

Guy Babylon, 52, died Wednesday evening, September 2, 2009, in Los Angeles, California, according to family sources and Elton John’s official website.

He was born on December 20, 1956, in New Windsor, the son of Graham and Mary Babylon, owners of the Babylon Vault Company, a Carroll County business that has manufactured burial vaults since 1930.

After he attended Francis Scott Key High School he earned his BFA in music composition from the University of South Florida.

Read more:

Click here for another image of Guy Babylon:

See also: Farewell Guy Babylon (December 20, 1956 – September 2, 2009)

Twitpic: Guy Babylon pic: longterm Elton John keyboardist has died
For pictures and more information:; and Elton John News: Farewell Guy Babylon (December 20, 1956 – September 2, 2009) GBabylon piccred EltonJohn keybrd

GBabylon EltonJohn keybrd

sdosm 20090913

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Guy Babylon, from New Windsor, long-term keyboardist for Elton John has passed away

Click here for a larger image:

UPDATE: Be sure to read Jennifer Jiggetts’ Carroll County Times story. She did a great job: Elton John's keyboardist, New Windsor native dead” at 52 By Jennifer Jiggetts, Times Staff Writer Friday, September 04, 2009

When he was in seventh grade, Guy Babylon and several of his New Windsor friends formed a band.

They performed at the New Windsor carnival, gave small concerts by Babylon’s pool and won many talent shows in Carroll County. The band rehearsed wherever it could.

Those practices would set the foundation years later for a more famous gig for Babylon: backing up Elton John.

Babylon, John’s lead keyboardist, died Wednesday night in California. He was 52.

Read more:
Elton John's keyboardist, New Windsor native dead


Guy Babylon, from New Windsor, long-term keyboardist for Elton John has passed away

September 3, 2009

By Kevin Dayhoff

Guy Babylon, 52, died Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, California, according to family sources and Elton John’s official website.

He was born on December 20, 1956, in New Windsor, the son of Graham and Mary Babylon, owners of the Babylon Vault Company, a Carroll County business that has manufactured burial vaults since 1930.

After he attended Francis Scott Key High School he earned his BFA in music composition from the University of South Florida. In 1980, six months after graduation he moved to California, where he quickly established himself as an accomplished keyboardist and composer and respected session musician.

Babylon, as a young man, was known to be a national level swimmer and a family member noted with pride that he once beat Mark Spitz, of Olympic swimming fame. Babylon died of an apparent heart attack while swimming.

Elton John, who according to his official web site, is on holiday in Nice, France, said: “I am devastated and heartbroken at the death of Guy Babylon. Guy played over 1000 shows with me, and we worked together on The Road To El Dorado, Aida, Billy Elliot, Lestat and Gnomeo and Juliet, as well as on countless albums.

“He was one of the most brilliant musicians I ever knew, a true genius, a gentle angel - and I loved him so much. David and I send our deep condolences to Kathy, Max, Ben and Jessica, to Guy's parents, to Kathy's parents and to all his immediate loved ones.’

The web site reports, “Guy's first performance with Elton was for a benefit at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles in July 1988, and his first world tour as part of the Elton John Band began two months later in Miami, Florida.

“Guy became lead keyboardist on May 26, 1992, and has been the only synth man on stage since the Walden Woods Benefit Concert in the fall of 1993.”

Check back with later for the full story.

20090903 d1 WE brief Guy Babylon dies