Dayhoff Westminster

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Showing posts with label People Gingrich-Newt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Gingrich-Newt. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2012

Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack: Speaker Newt Gingrich has become an unhinged post ...

Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack: Speaker Newt Gingrich has become an unhinged post ...: Speaker Newt Gingrich is an unhinged post turtle January 13, 2012 by Kevin Dayhoff

The narrative of the attacks upon the presidential candidacy of Gov. Mitt Romney by Gov. Rick Perry, Speaker Newt Gingrich, and the Democratic Party is just plain nuts.

Although I never found the candidacy of Gov. Perry sustainable; I at one time, gave serious consideration to the idea of Speaker Gingrich assuming the responsibilities of the Oval Office. That ship has passed. And that’s sad…

For the balance of the 2012 presidential campaign and perhaps for the rest of his career, Speaker Gingrich is a post turtle…

Between the malicious and irresponsible attacks upon Gov. Romney and the distinct possibility of a Ron Paul third party run for president, the re-election of President Barack Obama is all but a cinch.

Like many, I vote the economy and national security. Anyone who levels specious attacks upon Gov. Romney about his role in venture capitalism and private equity demonstrates a basic lack of knowledge of how our economy works and how jobs are created – and thus, they disqualify themselves to assume the role of the presidency or have any place in national leadership.

As I have written before – and as recently as last Wednesday in The Tentacle, “Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire, the Republican Party and The King of Hearts:”

“By the time you read this, we will all be analyzing the electability of Gov. Mitt Romney and pondering how badly the Republicans will look as they snatch defeat, in the November elections, from the jaws of victory.

“To paraphrase the colorful words of a liberal colleague, who after carefully watching the debates and the political silliness of the Iowa caucuses remarked irreverently, at this point President Obama could kill a puppy on TV and still win the election.

“Especially since President Obama still has the complete support of the traditional left-leaning major media that will work hard to make sure he gets a second term, so as to justify its unabashed and shameful full-throttle support of the machine-made candidate of 2008.

“It has been said that the highest statistical probability of failure is within sight of success. Only with Republicans, they usually can’t wait and work hard at eating their own long before the finish line.

“To paraphrase President Lyndon B. Johnson, the only difference between cannibals and Republicans is that cannibals only eat their enemies.”

My view is apparently shared by many, including, JAMES TARANTO - BEST OF THE WEB TODAY: Barack Hussein Gingrich

JANUARY 10, 2012

Humiliated in Iowa, a desperate and angry Newt Gingrich is taking the offensive against Mitt Romney, whom he accuses of "looting companies when he headed the Bain Capital investment firm," reports, and "conservative interests are pushing back":

"Newt Gingrich's attacks on Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital are disgusting," Club for Growth President Chris Chocola said in a statement Monday night. "There are a number of issues for Mitt Romney's Republican opponents to attack him for, but attacking him for making investments in companies to create a profit for his investors is just wrong.''

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Gingrich "is using the language of the left.''

The National Review weighed in on Gingrich's line of attack this morning, calling it "foolish and destructive.'' Former New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg joined the anti-Gingrich bandwagon in an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd. "We are a market economy,'' he said. Added Rep. Frank Gunta, sitting to his left: "I don't think (these attacks) belong in a Republican primary.'' …