Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dayhoff: Amedori to run for Maryland lieutenant governor

Carroll County resident Carmen Amedori to join the ticket of Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy, as his lieutenant governor running mate.
Amedori, who was present at last night’s Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, in the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 was found in the back of the crowd sporting her newly minted “Murphy – Amedori for Maryland (Governor)” signs. Photo by Kevin Dayhoff April 15, 2010 [20100415 CA WsterTxDayTeaPrty 37] Click here for a larger image:

April 16, 2010

By Kevin Dayhoff

Today, at 4:30 p.m. on Lawyers’ Mall in Annapolis, Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy will hold a press conference to announce that former Maryland Delegate (R-District 5A, Carroll Co.) Carmen Amedori will join his ticket as his lieutenant governor running mate.

Brian will be joined by Jim Pelura, former Maryland GOP chairman; Charles Lollar, candidate for U.S. Congress; Jerry Walker, candidate for Anne Arundel County Council; and Eric Cary, candidate for State Senate, according to a Murphy campaign press release..

Amedori, who was present at last night’s Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, in the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 was found in the back of the crowd sporting her newly minted “Murphy – Amedori for Maryland (Governor)” signs.

It was earlier on Thursday that word got out that Amedori, who most recently served on the Maryland parole commission member until January, is abandoning her bid for the Republican nomination to oppose U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski (D) of Baltimore.

She had been appointed to her position on the parole commission by then-Governor Ehrlich, who is now her opponent in the upcoming September 14, Maryland Republican primary.

The buzz at last night’s Tea Party was that Murphy is adding Amedori to the ticket to reach-out to conservative voters in the upcoming primary contest; although with so many Ehrlich supporters in the crowd, no one was willing to speak on the record.

Last night Amedori praised Murphy’s small business credentials noting that it was actually Ehrlich who has been on record as saying that it will take someone with a business background to beat incumbent Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley in this fall’s November general election.

Amedori had previously announced in February that she was going to run to unseat the four-term incumbent, Mikulski, by participating in a crowded Republican primary but recently changed her mind to join the ticket of Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy, as his lieutenant governor.

This latest development is certain to make the summer political season that much more interesting.



Carroll Co res Amedori 2 join tkt Rep gov cand Brian Murphy as Lt gov running mate


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