Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label MD co Eastern Shore Delmarva. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MD co Eastern Shore Delmarva. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Boats enjoy a day of warm sunshine at Neavitt Landing in Talbot County Maryland

#KED #Dayhoffphotoblog, Boats, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos boats, MD co Eastern Shore Delmarva, MD co Talbot Co, MD co Talbot Co Neavitt, 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Queen Anne's Co. Cross Kent Island Trail dedicated Sept. 8 2001

Queen Anne's Co. Cross Kent Island Trail dedicated Sept. 8,  2001

Dayhoff running, Sports Running, Sports Running Queen Anne's Co. Cross Kent Island Trail, #Dayhoffphotoblog, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, MD co Eastern Shore Delmarva, 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heart of the Chesapeake – Visitors Guide to Dorchester County Maryland

Heart of the Chesapeake – Visitors Guide to Dorchester County Maryland

Last fall I had a delightful trip to the 2011 Fall Maryland Municipal League’s Fall Legislative Conference at the Cambridge Maryland Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay… MML – Maryland Municipal League Fall Conference October 31 - November 2, 2011…

See also: and MD MML Muni League Disclosure and November 2, 2011, Work Cut Out For Municipal League by Kevin E. Dayhoff: “This week officials from Maryland cities and towns throughout the state converged on the Cambridge Hyatt Chesapeake Bay conference facilities for the three-day Maryland Municipal League’s fall legislative conference

I’m now planning another trip to Cambridge at the end of September 2012. I pulled the Visitors Guide to Dorchester County Maryland from my 2011 Fall Maryland Municipal League’s Fall Legislative Conference at the Cambridge Maryland Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay files and have posted it for easy access while I am on the road.

If you ever have a chance to visit anywhere on the Delmarva Peninsula, please take advantage of the opportunity. Be sure to put Cambridge, Blackwater Refuge and Dorchester County on your itinerary.

I’m just saying… August 22, 2012 Kevin Dayhoff

Dorchester County, Cambridge Maryland, Chesapeake Bay, nature, Maryland Eastern Shore, sea food, vacation, Maryland Municipal League

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

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E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

#Sunset on Kent Island. Life #photos and #art on #Maryland Eastern Shore

MD co Eastern Shore Delmarva, MD co Eastern Shore Delmarva Kent Island, Dayhoff photos sunsets, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, 

#Sunset and palm tree on Kent Island at the narrows

MD co Eastern Shore Delmarva, MD co Eastern Shore Delmarva Kent Island, Dayhoff photos sunsets, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Farm pollution lawsuit spurs public relations battle

Farm pollution lawsuit spurs public relations battle

Poultry industry, environmental groups fund lawyers for national bellwether

By Timothy B. Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun

March 19, 2012

With a catch in her throat, Kristin Hudson talks in a video posted online about her young daughter asking if "they" will take away her daddy's farm.

The video, featured on rallied farmers and others across the country to the side of an Eastern Shore farm couple fighting an environmental group's lawsuit alleging that the farm polluted a Chesapeake Bay tributary.

The Web-based organization has raised more than $200,000 to date from Perdue Farms, agricultural groups and other farmers to help Alan and Kristin Hudson pay legal bills in the 2-year-old case, according to one of the group's leaders. Meanwhile, two Maryland foundations with environmental agendas have poured a comparable amount into supporting the suit filed by the Waterkeepers Alliance…,0,1037150,full.story


Monday, January 9, 2012

Farrell Keough: UMD law clinic sues on behalf of the 1 percent

UMD law clinic sues on behalf of the 1 percent

Farrell Keough December 30, 2011

The University of Maryland Carey School of Law Environmental Law Clinic's pro bono legal services for the Waterkeepers Alliance are supporting organizations that would qualify as 1 percenters if they were individuals. Associate Dean Teresa LaMaster defended this action in a recent radio interview, stating that the Waterkeepers Alliance "don't really have the resources to fund a case," and their "local organizations are not well funded and don't really have the resources to bring a case like this."

The evidence portrays a very different scenario. The 2010 tax returns from the Waterkeepers Alliance confirm that their New York organization had over $400,000 in cash, generated $3.6 million in revenue, and over $16 million in contributions over the last five years.

They also provide their organizations, including Assateague Coastal Trust (co-plaintiffs in this suit), "with a wealth of resources including a team of experts in environmental law." The New York organization also spent over $300,000 in 2010 on one of their annual conferences in La Paz, Mexico.

The group's annual fundraiser is Skifest — a celebrity filled event hosted in Deer Valley, Utah. This fundraiser brings in $435,000 for the title sponsor and $135,000 for corporate sponsors. The 2010 tax forms for Assateague Coastal Trust shows over $333,000 in cash and investments and $336,057 in revenue generated.

With millions in cash and revenues, the justification by Ms. LaMaster for pro bono support has no merit. By this logic… 

Related: Maryland environmental law clinic focuses on enforcement
University program under fire for pursuing pollution case

Governor right to defend family farm

O'Malley voices disapproval of law school clinic's pollution suit
Governor calls action against Eastern Shore farmer and Perdue 'costly litigation of questionable merit'

Friday, January 6, 2012

Save Farm Families Fundraiser planned for the Hudson Family on February 18, 2012

Save Farm Families Fundraiser planned for the Hudson Family on February 18, 2012

When: Saturday, February 18, 2012
Time: 3:00pm until 8:00pm

At Queen Anne's County 4-H Park; Centreville, MD

The Hudson Family of Berlin, Maryland is being sued by the New York based Waterkeeper Alliance. They operate a poultry and beef farm in Worcester County, Maryland. 100% of the funds raised will go to help the Hudson family pay their legal bills. This event is sponsored by the Caroline, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot County Farm Bureaus.

Our goal is simple: Stand up and protect struggling farm families from bankruptcy triggered by extremist groups and their lawsuits.

For more than two centuries, family farms have been critical to the Maryland economy and the state’s way of life. Many of us are the sons and daughters of men and women who farmed, fished and raised their families in every corner of the Free State.

The Maryland Family Farmers Legal Defense Fund, Inc. was created to help Alan and Kristin Hudson, who run a family farm located near Maryland’s Eastern Shore, pay their mounting legal bills and to call attention to the threat that radical groups like the Waterkeeper Alliance pose to every family farm in America. Unless we stop them in the courtroom, Maryland’s largest industry, responsible for 14 percent of the state’s workforce, could disappear forever.

[20120218 Save Farm Families Fundraiser]

Monday, October 31, 2011

Haunted Eastern Shore: Ghostly Tales Shoal Creek Manor- Cambridge, Dorchester County - by Mindie Burgoyne

Haunted Eastern Shore: Ghostly Tales  Shoal Creek Manor- Cambridge, Dorchester County - by Mindie Burgoyne

Haunted Eastern Shore: Ghostly Tales

Shoal Creek Manor- Cambridge, Dorchester County

Today, there is nothing left of Shoal Creek Manor, the home or John Woolford and Gov. Charles Goldsborough. This plantation house was built around 1750 and once stood on nearly 400 acres in East Cambridge. Originally it was part of the Choptank Indian lands, and was purchased from the Indians by the Ennalls family. Many tales are associated with Shoal Creek Manor – tales that are still told today even though the building was razed in 1970 to make way for a new waste-water treatment plant.

The folklore collection at the Nabb Center in Salisbury University had the following transcripts of tales told by locals about Shoal Creek Manor.
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Scientists Warn of Smith Island's Demise, Residents Are Skeptical

Chesapeake Bay

Scientists Warn of Smith Island's Demise, Residents Are Skeptical

The town of Ewell, on Smith Island
Waterways thread through the land near Ewell, one of the three towns on Smith Island. Water has crept closer to the town as it erodes the island's shores. (Photo by Ben Giles)

By Ben Giles
Maryland Newsline
SMITH ISLAND, Md. - Capt. Larry Laird ferries passengers and cargo to and from Smith Island twice a day, each time navigating the narrow channel that grants passage to his boat through the shallow Chesapeake Bay waters.
 A wrong turn to the left or right, and he’ll run his vessel aground.
Shallow waters are part of daily life on Smith Island, the last inhabited island on Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay that has no roads connecting it to the mainland. For generations, the water has been the source of the island residents’ livelihood, providing crab in one season and oyster in another.
But now, erosion and rising sea levels in the Chesapeake threaten the island’s existence.
“In the worst-case scenarios, Smith Island could be gone in, let’s say by 2025, 2030 or so,” said Raghu Murtugudde, professor at the University of Maryland’s Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center...

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: