Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Ag Horticulture Landscape Manuals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ag Horticulture Landscape Manuals. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2015

January 1, 1993 City of Westminster Maryland Landscape Manual

January 1, 1993 City of Westminster Maryland Landscape Manual



W. Benjamin Brown, Mayor
Edward S. Calwell
Stephen R. Chapin, Sr.
William F. Haifley, Council President
Rebecca A. Orenstein
Kenneth A. Yowan


Joseph Barley, Chairman
Susan Bare
Joan R. Hollinger
Neil Ridgely
Donna Baker
Christopher Batten
Donald E. Donovan
Thomas G. Ford
Thomas Hoff
Councilwoman Rebecca Orenstein


Thomas B. Beyard
Director of Planning and Public Works

Katrina L. Tucker
Town Planner

John B. Walsh, Jr.
City Attorney

January 1, 1993


Introduction         Page  1

I.        Purpose       Page  2

II.       Definitions  Page  3

III. Landscape Plans       Page  9

IV.     Existing Conditions Plan         Page 11

v.       Landscape Standards and Criteria    Page 13

VI.     Approval Process  Page 17

VII. Plan Preparation and Certification        Page 20


Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix c
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F

Existing Conditions Plan Checklist
Schematic Landscape Plan
Checklist Final Landscape Plan
Checklist Approved Trash Dumpster Screening
Tree Protection Screening Specifications

List of Recommended Trees for Westminster


The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster adopted Ordinance No. 553 which adds new sections to the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Westminster.  Chapter  164 of these  sections provides for  the  adoption of a landscape manual  for  the  City  to enhance  its  environmental and visual  character for its citizens' use and enjoyment. 

The Mayor and Common Council recognize that developers and property owners will expend additional costs for landscaping required by this landscape manual. However, it also recognizes the important value of this highly regarded amenity.  It further finds that a landscape manual will preserve and stabilize the City’s ecological balance, improve air and water quality, reduce flooding and erosion, and provide protection from climatic conditions.

This manual has been adopted by The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster pursuant to Ordinance No. 553 so that its purposes and objectives can be achieved to the benefit of all of the City’s citizens.

It is intended that  this  manual  be used and implemented by landowners, developers, contractors, civil  engineers, landscape architects, landscape contractors, urban  foresters, natural  resource  specialists and planners in obtaining appropriate approval from  the  City  in connection with development.

The landscape manual is supplementary to and does not replace the provisions of the Forest Conservation Act as contained in Section 5-1601 of the Natural Resources Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.


The purpose of this Landscape Manual is to preserve, protect and improve - the public health and general welfare by promoting the environmental and public benefits of landscaping.  This Landscape Manual provides for the use of landscape elements in an organized manner designed to augment and enhance the City's physical environment and visual character with resulting benefits to its citizens.

In achieving this purpose, the City adopts the following goals and objectives for landscape design:

(a)      to provide  varying  and attractive landscape elements including deciduous  and evergreen planting, earthen berms planted  with  suitable vegetation and a variety of harmonious shrubs, groundcovers, grasses and perennials.

(b)        to preserve and enhance natural vegetation  to the maximum  extent feasible, to protect  the natural ecosystem and achieve aesthetically pleasing appearances.

(c)      to require new  planting which  is compatible  with  the existing vegetation of Westminster  and its environs.

(d)      to preserve steep, erodible and wooded  slopes and provide  suitable planting  on artificially graded slopes.

(e)      to design streets  and roads, streetscapes  and grading to accommodate and respect the natural terrain and vegetation.

(f)       to utilize landscape elements to stabilize soil and prevent  erosion, sedimentation and reduce stormwater run-off  with  its potential damage.

(g)      to utilize elements of landscape design in aiding the removal of pollutants from the air and assist in the generation of oxygen.

(h)     to provide  a buffer  and screen against noise, pollution and dissimilar uses.

(i)       to provide  a haven and shelter for birds and other fauna.

(j)       to provide  shade thereby reducing ambient temperature, mitigating heat islands and providing protection from adverse environmental conditions, including  sun glare, heat, noise and wind.

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