Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Ag Land Planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ag Land Planning. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Board of Trustees

Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Retrieved May 3, 2016

Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation

The Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation is administered by a thirteen-member Board of Trustees which includes the State's Comptroller, Treasurer, Secretary of Agriculture, and Secretary of Planning, all of whom serve as "ex officio" members. The other nine members of the Board serve "at-large" and represent various regions of the State.

All members are appointed by the Governor and serve a term of four years. At least five of the at-large members are farmer representatives; the Board has representation from the Maryland Agricultural Commission, the Maryland Farm Bureau, the Maryland State Grange, the Maryland Young Farmers' Advisory Board, and the State's forestry industry.

Responsibilities of the Foundation's Board of Trustees include

Disseminating information to farmland owners and other Maryland citizens;

Providing assistance and coordination to the twenty-three Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Boards;

Promulgating program rules, regulations, and procedures;

Reviewing and approving easement applications; and

Acquiring by purchase or donation, agricultural land preservation easements on productive agricultural land.

Members of the Board Trustees

Bernard L. Jones, Sr.
Acting-Chair, Board of Trustees
At-large Representative
Carroll County resident
Appointed:  2010

Michael Calkins
Young Farmers' Advisory Board Representative
Howard County resident
Appointed:  2014

Craig Highfield
At-large Representative
Anne Arundel County resident
Appointed:  2013

Patricia A. Langenfelder
At-large Representative
Kent County resident
Appointed:  2013

Donald T. Moore
Maryland Grange Representative
Cecil County resident
Appointed:  2009

James B. “Bubby” Norris, Jr.
At-large Representative
St. Mary’s County resident
Appointed:  2009
Jonathan Quinn
At-large Representative
Cecil County resident
Appointed:  2008

Eugene B. Roberts, Jr.
Agriculture Commission Representative
Howard County resident
Appointed:  2011

Honorable Peter Franchot
State Comptroller
Ex Officio Member
Represented by Jerome Klasmeier
Honorable David R. Craig        
Secretary of Planning
Ex Officio Member
Represented by Daniel Rosen        

Honorable Nancy K. Kopp
State Treasurer
Ex Officio Member        
Represented by Susanne Brogan
Honorable Joe Bartenfelder
Secretary of Agriculture
Ex Officio Member

Represented by James P. Eichhorst
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: 
Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
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E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

See also - Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, music, culture, opera... Ad maiorem Dei gloriam inque hominum salutem. “Deadline U.S.A.” 1952. Ed Hutcheson: “That's the press, baby. The press! And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing!” - See more at:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Virginia law protects farmers from meddling local officials - by By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D

New Virginia law protects farmers from meddling local officials - by By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D

Fauquier County officials forced family farmer Martha Boneta to cease selling produce from her own 64-acre farm, and so she took action and had Commonwealth law changed... 

Fauquier County Virginia officials threatened a family farmer, Martha Boneta with $5,000 per-day fines for hosting a birthday party for eight 10-year-old girls without a permit...

… opponents of the bill, including well-funded environmental organizations and power-hungry county governments – both determined to preserve strict land-use controls – reportedly employed lobbyists to kill the bill.  In the end, highly motivated citizens triumphed over highly paid lobbyists...

By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D. March 31, 2014

In a hard-fought and stunning victory for family farmers and property rights throughout the Commonwealth, Gov. Terry McAuliffe on March 5 signed into law legislation solidifying Virginia’s status as a right-to-farm state by limiting local officials’ ability to interfere with normal agricultural operations.

The governor’s signature marks the latest chapter in a swirling controversy that attracted nationwide attention in 2012 when the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors forced family farmer Martha Boneta to cease selling produce from her own 64-acre farm. No longer allowed to sell the vegetables she had harvested, Boneta donated the food to local charities lest it go to waste.

Fauquier County officials threatened Boneta with $5,000 per-day fines for hosting a birthday party for eight 10-year-old girls without a permit, and advertising pumpkin carvings. Seeing the county’s action against Boneta as a brazen effort to drive her off her land, Virginians from all walks of life rallied to her defense.  Supporters gathered in Warrenton, the county seat, for a peaceful “pitchfork protest” to vent their anger over what an out-of-control local government had done to a law-abiding citizen....


By contrast, opponents of the bill, including well-funded environmental organizations and power-hungry county governments – both determined to preserve strict land-use controls – reportedly employed lobbyists to kill the bill.  In the end, highly motivated citizens triumphed over highly paid lobbyists...


Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Carroll County recommendations for employment zoning campuses stem from 2007 study

Carroll County recommendations for employment zoning campuses stem from 2007 study

For more information click here:

20090702 Pathways plan public hearing approaching By Schutt

Pathways plan causing confusion for residents, officials By Charles Schelle

Culleton on Carroll: We need industrial land & insurance it’ll stay that way [20090625 Culleton We need ind land that will stay that way]

And especially read:
Carroll ‘unprepared’ to attract new jobs by Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner Mar 2, 2007 [20070302 Carroll unprepared to attract new jobs kvbe]

For additional reading go to where you may find previous columns I have written on the history of the Carroll County Comprehensive Plan process in Carroll County: and
Planning a pathway in Carroll County from 1961 into the future

20051005 WE Urban sprawl is no good for all weked

20050929 Agriculture’s new social contract

20090502 SDOSM Comprehensive planning in Carroll County

Perhaps one of the best explorations of the Pathways comprehensive master plan in front of the Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission is found here in Charles Schelle’s article: Carroll County recommendations for employment zoning campuses stem from 2007 study

So far, most of the feedback I have received from folks who are unhappy with aspects of the plan have based their displeasure on misinformation and incorrect conclusions. Of course the facts of the matter has certainly not prevented some folks with being particular unpleasant…

Perhaps there are indeed problems, maybe not. I’m trying to maintain an open mind.

Carroll County recommendations for employment zoning campuses stem from 2007 study By Charles Schelle Posted on 6/28/09

Proposals for new employment campuses at Taylorsville and Mount Airy have drawn increased scrutiny — and the wrath of some residents — toward Carroll County’s comprehensive master plan review, known as the Pathways Plan.

More than 900 packed a public hearing at Century High School on June 15 many complaining that the Taylorsville plan, in particular, has emerged without adequate explanation and justification.


The plan includes many different aspects — Pathways is designed to update the county’s blueprint for land-use, zoning, transportation, county facilities, parks, conservation and other facets.

Yet the biggest issue at recent meetings is residents’ claim of a lack of explanation about the proposed rezoning of residential land, especially in Taylorsville as well as land rezoned south of I-70 in Mount Airy for a new classification — office park and employment zone.

The classification provides space for employment campuses, office, light manufacturing and assembly and limited commercial uses.

Overall, Pathways proposes 3,500 acres of new employment zoning in the county. Taylorsville is the biggest at 1,700 acres; the next is a 600-acre parcel in Mount Airy south of I-70.

The remaining 1,200 acres are divided up in pockets in Finksburg, Woodbine, Westminster, outside of Winfield along routes 26 and 85, and a small parcel off Main Street in Mount Airy.

The current lands are a combination of agricultural, conservation, residential and business uses.


2007 study set wheels in motion

While residents say the employment campus proposals have come from left field, planners say they stem from a 2007 study, the “Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study.”

The study was performed by Parsons Brinckerhoff-PlaceMaking Team, a New York-based company the county contracted to look at Carroll’s employment zoning needs. Also involved in the study was the Jacob France Institute from the University of Baltimore’s Economic Research Associates.

The study determined that several factors would play in creating the strongest areas for business development in the county. Those factors included:

• Sites designated for growth in municipal plans.

• Land within two miles of a major highway.

• Vacant parcels larger than 25 acres.

• Proximity to high-income areas.

• And “underdeveloped parcels” — those where assessed land values are higherthan the value of the land’s improvements.

The study also recommended excluding agricultural easements. From those factors, the study plotted sites that would qualify — and that turned into the Pathways list.

The Mount Airy tract south of I-70 was a special case. The study stated that a study would be needed there because the 600-acre parcel has issues including lack of direct access, water and sewer service and the site’s designation as an aquifer protection area for the Patapsco River.

But Vivian Laxton, the county government’s public information administrator, said the county also based the recommendations on input from residents.

She said during a 2006 project called “Map It Out” — part of the Pathways outreach process — people suggested grouping development in Taylorsville and in southern Mount Airy.


… planners said, but they note the 2007 study suggested water and sewer construction — estimated at about $177 million, excluding the cost of new reservoirs — would be needed for all of the employment clusters.

The study addresses some aspects of water and sewer needs, but notes the Route 26 corridor water and sewer estimates are “based on a quick analysis rather than detailed studies.”

Brenda Dinne, bureau chief of comprehensive planning for the county, said consultants are working on a study estimating the water and wastewater needs that the Pathways Plan would present.

That study should be in the hands of the Planning Commission shortly afterJuly 10, she said. That timing, though, will leave only a few days before the commission’s Pathways public hearing on July 14.

But Dinne said a separate hearing will be needed for the proposed rezoning if the planning commission passes it along. That hearing won’t take place until after Pathways is adopted this summer, she said, and could take until December.

Communication issues

Dinne said the county is working to answer residents concerns. She said people are brought in from various departments to help at the information meetings and answer questions — though every staff member might not know all the answers.

“We’re doing our best to answer from the people available,” she said. Laxton said some of residents’ angst might be from misunderstanding the difference between land-use and zoning.

She notes that if a home is on land that is proposed to be rezoned for employment, nothing will change until the homeowner sells and the buyer decides to take advantage of the rezoned classification.

Or, she said, the current homeowner could also turn his or her property into an office park/employment use.

Essentially, she said, the county wants that land to ultimately be used foremployment — but until it is, residential uses would still be allowable.


Read the entire article here: Carroll County recommendations for employment zoning campuses stem from 2007 study


The Carroll County Planning Commission's public hearing on Pathways will be July 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Winters Mill High School, 560 Gorsuch Road, Westminster. Comments are limited to two minutes each.

Public comment to be reviewed by Planning Commission must be received not later than July 10 at 5 p.m. at Carroll County Planning, c/o Pathways Plan Comments, 225 N. Center St., Room 205, Westminster, MD 21157.

A hearing on any proposed rezoning will occur after Pathways is adopted.

Pathways Assistance

Click here to view the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study. (This is a large file. Right-click to save as a file to desktop.)

Click here to view the executive summary for the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study.

Click here to view the Frequently Ask Questions about the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study.

Click here to view the full list of Carroll County studies for the Pathways plan.

Click here to view the Map It Out exercise where residents placed Lego blocks on area they wish to have development. Links to the maps are at the bottom of the linked page.

For more information on Pathways, visit

20090628 Emp rezoning proves Pathway to controversy by Schelle

The Carroll County Times also has plenty of information:

Pathways Maps
Current Map
Proposed Map

Pathways: Explaining Carroll's Comprehensive Plan: (Published May 24 - 26, 2009)

Day 1: Overview, the Water Resources Element and how the municipalities fit into the plan

20-year plan provides blueprint for growth
What will Carroll County look like in 20 years?

County, towns work to address water needs
As the county grows over the next 20 years, the availability of water and wastewater and preserving water quality will be major factors.
Municipalities have own plans for future development
Highlights of Finksburg plan draft to be unveiled
Day 2: Residential growth and agricultural preservation

Protecting farmland a priority in Carroll County
With Carroll County’s agricultural and rural heritage, protecting farmland has long been a county priority. This was recognized in the first county master plan in 1964.

Officials anticipate challenges in downsizing zoning
Carroll residents have shown strong support for the ag land preservation program, and Program Manager Ralph Robertson isn’t expecting much of a challenge to those portions of the comprehensive plan. But the proposed changes to downsize the zoning on the county’s conservation zoning is another challenge altogether.
Plan aims to reduce rural development
Day 3: Economic growth and plans for transportation projects

Pathways goal aims to bring jobs to Carroll
Building a community where residents work where they live is the vision guiding Carroll County’s Comprehensive Plan. County officials hope that vision creates thousands of jobs and builds a diverse tax base.

Plan calls for improvement in transportation
Achieving Carroll County’s long-term goal of communities that are easily accessible for pedestrians and bicyclists will require improvements to the county’s sporadic network of sidewalks, paths and trails.