Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label People Frazier Dennis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Frazier Dennis. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

Increased Law Enforcement in Carroll Co. Public Schools Effective Wed., March 21, 2018

Increased Law Enforcement in Carroll Co. Public Schools Effective Wed., March 21, 2018

March 20, 2018

According to a recent joint release by the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office and Carroll County Public Schools: “In a partnership with the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office and the Carroll County Public Schools, the Carroll County Commissioners will fund an increased law enforcement presence in schools.

“Effective Wednesday, March 21, 2018, the Security Plan places Carroll County Sheriff’s Deputies at various schools throughout the county.

“These uniformed Deputies will not only interact with the students and faculty, but also act as a visible deterrent to any criminal activity. This Security Plan will improve safety and security for the remainder of this school year, while discussions on the feasibility of staffing a full School Resource Officer program can be explored.

“’The Board of Carroll County Commissioners believes adding the increased law enforcement presence will have a positive impact on school security and will benefit our entire school system,’ stated Board President Commissioner Dennis Frazier, ‘This investment assures the Carroll County community we are committed to a proactive approach to a safe and secure learning environment.’”

“According to Superintendent of Schools Stephen Guthrie, ‘We are thankful to the Carroll County Commissioners and the Sheriff for making safety in our schools a top priority.’”

Public Safety, Police Carroll Co Sheriff's Dept, Schools, Carroll Co Schools, Carroll Co Board of Education, Carroll Co Commissioners, People Frazier Dennis, 


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Monday, October 17, 2011

Westminster Common Council Members Frazier and Whitson weigh-in on incinerator and airport expansion

Westminster Common Council Members Frazier and Whitson weigh-in on incinerator and airport expansion

October 17, 2011

As a citizens of Westminster, we have wondered why some elected officials of Westminster haven’t publicly weighed in on issues that would have a large impact on Westminster.  Now that we are elected Councilmen. we would like to let our views be known on two issues that we believe will impact Westminster.  Here are our observations and concerns.

The first is the “waste to energy” incinerator that the county is currently thinking about building with Fredrick County. We are against it for several reasons:

The first of which is the cost to run it. There is a waste to energy incinerator in Montgomery County and every family in the county is charged a fee of several hundred dollars a year to keep it running. Do we need another fee in Carroll?

The incinerator also needs tremendous amounts of trash to keep it running, and needs the paper, cardboard and plastic that is and can be recycled to keep the operating temperatures high enough to run efficiently.  That means that the paper cardboard and plastic that is currently being recycled in Carroll will be burned and not reused.

This is a linear system and we live in nature, which is a cyclical system. A linear system takes, makes, and wastes. It takes things from the resource base and makes whatever we want to buy and creates wastes along the way. Ultimately what is made is also thrown away and in this case it will be burned. We should try to treat our resources like nature in a close looped system. We need to reuse the paper, cardboard, plastic and other “trash” instead of burning it. 

There are technologies in place that make this a more cost effective solution as well which have been recently shared with us at Council meetings. 

One final note that should put an exclamation point on our reasoning is that the incinerator in Harrisburg is the main reason for the city going bankrupt recently!!

The other issue that we are against that is also being looked at is the airport expansion. I have not seen, read or heard of any way that the airport expansion will benefit the people of Westminster or Carroll County.  If it will not somehow positively impact the welfare of the people than why spend the taxpayers money on it. 

The present airport is continuously operating at a loss  with no reason to think it will start to make a profit.  The present debt is 5 million dollars and counting!

The Federal government wants to invest 73 million in it and make it bigger, but after that we will be in charge of the upkeep, which will cost us more money as well.

Marada,  which was one of the main reasons for the expansion, is out of business!

Businesses are less likely to come to Maryland in general due to the heavy tax burden and our lower taxed neighbors.

If we accept Federal  money,  they will give us more mandates in what is required for the airport and have control, as opposed to local control, and we know how much money the Federal gov’t has right now.  – 14 trillion and counting.  Don’t think Carroll County is high on their priority list.

There are also environmental  concerns relating to fuel being dropped on local fields/noise/ as well as homes/land that people have lived on their whole lives that would have to be condemned and forced to move elsewhere in these difficult times.

There is no reason that a county government should be running an airport in the first place.  Governments are not good at being businesses and shouldn’t try to be businesses. 

4 of the 5 Commmisioners ran on a platform that they were opposed to the airport expansion and they should keep their word!

If a business were running an airport it would be more efficient.  In fact, we would be making money as a county if they turned a profit because the private company would be paying taxes.  Since the county runs the airport there is no tax revenue coming in from the airport! When the county loses money, due to the airport losing money, We the People of Carroll County lose!

Dennis Frazier and Paul Whitson ( 410 916 3645 )

Admin Letters to KevinDayhoffNet, Letters to the Editor qv Admin Letters, People Frazier Dennis, People Whitson-Todd, Enviro Solid Waste Man, Enviro Solid Waste to Energy, Carroll Co Regional Airport, Incinerator qv Enviro

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Westminster councilman Dennis Frazier city update

This past meeting was packed-the voting date and time for city elections was changed-second Tuesday in May from 7-8 this now puts us on the same date as 4 other municipalities in the county.

We approved a new commutation system VOIP that will work faster and better than the current one and cost thousands less.

We are moving forward with changing the city's health care provider, one that offers the same coverage as the current but at a little more than $40,000 less per year than who we have now.

We extended a Bio-solids contract for on year than will save the city over $40.00 a ton on disposing of the solids for the next year, we will have to enter into a new contract next year but we are hoping that pricing will be more favorable at that time.

We are going to talk about taking the parking meters off of main street and replacing with signs that say -parking limited to one hour between the hours of 8am and 5 pm Monday -Friday- we are also going to talk about giving each downtown business owner on free permit for parking.

My thinking is if you go to any other shopping center in Westminster you do not have to pay to park -and the owners don't have to pay.   What do you think?

May 09, 2011 *****. Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art:...

May 10, 2011
Explore Carroll: Challengers Frazier and Whitson prevail in Westminster election. Citizens of the City of Westminster sent a message in Monday's Westminster municipal elections, which saw two incumbents fall short in ...

Mar 18, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor campaign lit. Campaign literature from Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor acquired sometime around the middle of March 2009. More on the election: Westminster Elections 20090511 on ...

Apr 09, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor campaign literature received April 8 2009. WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW The week BEFORE the public hearing on water and sewer rate structures, a representative from Tylex ...

Apr 09, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor literature - received April 8, 2009. DID YOU HEAR? Dennis Frazier is running for Mayor of Westminster! I believe I should try to make Westminster the best place it can be to live,...

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dennis Frazier commentary on the May 23, 2011 Westminster Common Council Meeting

Dennis Frazier commentary on the May 23, 2011 Westminster Common Council Meeting - May 24, 2011

The council passed some housekeeping measures - the property maintenance bill now has the height of grass as 6" the height that the city will send a notice to homeowners about cutting –the height was left off the original document.

Changing the limit to $10,000 as the amount the city can buy necessary items as needed by departments without requiring a formal written and competively bid contract-it was $7,500.

I introduced two new items:

1-change the time and date of the city elections-change the date to the 2nd Tuesday in May and the time to 7am-8pm--right now three other municipalities in Carroll have their elections on that Tuesday and if we moved ours to that date then we would be in line with most of the other towns- the time change would give voters an extra hour to vote

2-create a new tax break structure for smaller business-who have12 new employees 2500 sf of new or expanded space and pay the average county wage for a tax break from the city of 25% the first two years 20% years 3-4 and 15% years 5-6-with the same penalties as the Job Creation tax credit that we talked about last meeting--both items are being drafted for a future meeting ---tell me what you think …

Thanks for your time Dennis Frazier

May 09, 2011 *****. Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art:...

May 10, 2011
Explore Carroll: Challengers Frazier and Whitson prevail in Westminster election. Citizens of the City of Westminster sent a message in Monday's Westminster municipal elections, which saw two incumbents fall short in ...

Mar 18, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor campaign lit. Campaign literature from Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor acquired sometime around the middle of March 2009. More on the election: Westminster Elections 20090511 on ...

Apr 09, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor campaign literature received April 8 2009. WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW The week BEFORE the public hearing on water and sewer rate structures, a representative from Tylex ...

Apr 09, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor literature - received April 8, 2009. DID YOU HEAR? Dennis Frazier is running for Mayor of Westminster! I believe I should try to make Westminster the best place it can be to live,...

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: