Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Iraq War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq War. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2016

God bless the family of SSgt Louis F. Cardin - killed in Iraq 19 Mar. Semper Fidelis

Robert B. Neller (@GenRobertNeller) tweeted at 7:02 PM on Sun, Mar 20, 2016:
Heavy hearts across @USMC. 

God bless the family of SSgt Louis F. Cardin - killed in Iraq 19 Mar. Semper Fidelis

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Time to rethink Afghanistan September 25, 2012 by Kevin E. Dayhoff

In light of a recent dispatch from Michael Yon, “Stuck in the Mud,” 24September 2012,, I am reminded of what I wrote back in March, 2012:

“Time to Rethink Afghanistan” by Kevin E. Dayhoff March 28, 2012

So far, 2012 has not been a good year for the war in Afghanistan. Just last Monday a New York Times/CBS poll quantified what most Americans already know in their gut: support for the war is dropping sharply among both Democrats and Republicans.

According to the Times’ article, “Support in U.S. for Afghan War Drops Sharply, Poll Finds,” “the survey (a copy of which may be accessed here,) found that more than two-thirds of those polled — 69 percent — thought that the United States should not be at war in Afghanistan. Just four months ago, 53 percent said that Americans should no longer be fighting in the conflict, more than a decade old.”

Inadvertently, the Times article explained part of the problem when it quoted “Michael E. O’Hanlon, a military expert at the Brookings Institution, who is close to American commanders in Afghanistan, said that the opinion polls reflected a lack of awareness of the current policy…”

Yes, Mr. Hanlon, you are correct. Ten years of war and at this point in time, most Americans cannot tell you why we are still risking the lives of our young men and women.

The rest of the quote from Mr. Hanlon reads: “…the current policy, which calls for slowly turning over portions of the country to Afghan security forces, like the southern provinces, where American troops have tamped down the violence.

“I honestly believe,” said Mr. Hanlon, “if more people understood that there is a strategy and intended sequence of events with an end in sight, they would be tolerant…”

Here’s the takeaway: “The overall image of this war is of U.S. troops mired in quicksand and getting blown up and arbitrarily waiting until 2014 to come home. Of course, you’d be against it,” said Mr. Hanlon.

Bingo. Increasingly the overall image of this war has become the feckless foreign policy of sending young men and women into quicksand to get blown-up arbitrarily.

The additional context of the troubled mission-drift approach to the war may be found in a recent telling interview with the top commander in Afghanistan, detailed by Jennifer Hlad and Chris Carroll in Stars and Stripes.

U.S. Marine Gen. John Allen was quoted as saying that “he believes the majority of non-commissioned officers; staff NCOs and young officers are ‘extraordinarily well-trained.’

“Repeated tours in Afghanistan, and prior to that, in Iraq, don’t inherently reduce the effectiveness of the force or reduce the effectiveness of small-unit leadership… I’m confident the institution is solid,” said General Allen in the article, “Allen: Investigation of Afghan killings to look at leadership climate.”

Anecdotally and unscientifically, all intuition and instincts indicate that General Allen has unwittingly responded to what has been, heretofore, only whispers in the hallway…

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Half of Army's senior NCOs to face separation boards

March 26, 2012

Half of Army's senior NCOs to face separation boards

A total of 64,500 Army noncommissioned officers will be screened by retention boards, starting with a sergeant major board on June 4, according to a report by the Army Times.

Fifty percent of the Army’s senior NCOs will be considered for possible involuntary separation over the next several months as the boards meet, the Army Times reports…

I’m a newspaper reporter. I’m pushy, inconsiderate and I do not respect boundaries.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

DoD Sec Panetta Urges Employers to Hire Veterans

DoD Sec Panetta Urges Employers to Hire Veterans

WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2011 – Ensuring combat veterans who have sacrificed for their country have job opportunities when they return to civilian life is a national responsibility with roles for government and private sector alike, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said today in New York.

By  Donna  Miles

Speaking with CEOs and veterans at a roundtable discussion hosted by the Goldman Sachs Foundation in New York, the secretary emphasized the country’s moral obligation to those who have served and sacrificed in uniform.
“These are men and women in uniform that have dedicated themselves to serving this country,” he said. “They have been deployed time and time again. They have gone to the battle area time and time again.”
Now that they have returned home, Panetta said it’s up to the country to stand up to support them. “In the end, the best thing we can do to honor those that have served is to make sure that when they come back, they have some opportunity to be a part of our society and not just wind up on the unemployment rolls,” he said....

Labels: Maryland Municipal League see MML, MML, MML Municipal League

For more information on the 2011 Fall Maryland Municipal
League’s Fall Legislative Conference at the Cambridge Maryland Hyatt Regency
Chesapeake Bay, including a “Complete 2011 Fall Conference Information (.pdf)”
packet, visit the MML website at


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

O'Reilly steps forward to pay fallen Marine family’s court-ordered expenses

Cable news host steps forward to pay fallen Marine family’s court-ordered expenses

The O'Reilly Factor host Bill O’Reilly stepped forward and said, “That is an outrage… I will pay Mr. Snyder’s obligation.”

March 31 2010

By Kevin Dayhoff By Kevin Dayhoff

Fox News cable news host Bill O'Reilly has said that he will pay the $16,500 legal bill for the father of fallen U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Matthew A. Snyder, of Westminster who was killed instantly March 3, 2006 while on assignment in Al Qaim, Iraq.

Protesters led by Fred Phelps, of the Topeka, Kansas Westboro Baptist Church protested at Lance Cpl. Snyder’s funeral at his funeral service which was held in his home parish of St. John Catholic Church in Westminster on March 10, 2006.

According to news reports, Phelps and the church have picketed a number of military funerals around the country claiming that the deaths of U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq are punishment for the nation’s tolerance of homosexuality.

In response to the protests, Lance Cpl. Snyder’s father, Albert Snyder, of York, Pa., sued Phelps, his daughters Shirley Phelps-Roper and Rebecca Phelps-Davis, and the church and won an $11 million damage award for emotional distress and invasion of privacy in October 2007.

The judge subsequently reduced the amount to $5 million. However, the verdict was thrown out on appeal in the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Maryland, which last Friday ordered Snyder to pay the costs of Phelps’ appeal.

Meanwhile the Fourth Circuit’s decision has been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court which agreed earlier in the month to consider whether or not the protesters’ messages, which include phrases such as ‘Thank God for dead soldiers,’ are protected by the “time, place and manner” precedent under the First Amendment which addresses the competing privacy and religious rights of the mourners.

Sean Summers and Craig Trebilcock, the York, Pennsylvania attorneys representing Snyder are doing the work for free; however the filing requirements for an appeal the U.S. Supreme Court can be expensive. A situation only exacerbated the decision last Friday that Snyder pay the court expenses involved in the Fourth Circuit’s decision, which has subsequently made national news.

Various legal experts have said in news reports that the Fourth Circuit had the discretion to hold off on making a ruling until the Supreme Court made its decision.

Meanwhile, a web site,, has been created by the law firm of Barley Snyder, LLC, who is representing the Snyder family for folks who would like to donate money for the Snyder family's continuing legal expenses.

In a phone interview this afternoon with this reporter, a representative of the firm said that all the money collected will go towards the expenses that will be incurred for preparing the case for the U.S. Supreme Court, “which can be pretty hefty…

“Not the attorney fees, because we are representing the family for free,” she added.

O’Reilly steps forward.

Yesterday on “The O'Reilly Factor,” O’Reilly stepped forward and said, “That is an outrage… I will pay Mr. Snyder’s obligation. I am not going to let this injustice stand…

“It is obvious that they were disturbing the peace by disrupting the funeral. They should have been arrested, but our system is so screwed up that loons are allowed to run wild. Snyder is fighting the good fight, and he is taking his case to the Supreme Court as he should. We are behind him 100 percent,” opined O’Reilly on the broadcast.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear Snyder’s appeal during its October term and with a verdict will be announced in the middle of next year.

As for media reports that O’Reilly has volunteered to pay the appellate expenses ordered by the Fourth Circuit, the representative from Barley Snyder, LLC said that the phone has ringing off the hook as a result of those reports…

She added that she had also heard that (O’Reilly has said he will contribute) but cannot confirm at this point that he has indeed written a check, “Although I am sure he is good to his word.”


20100331 sdosmked Cable news host to pay to Snyder family court exps

Labels: Free Speech, Free Speech protesters, Iraq War, Iraq War Carroll Co Reaction, Iraq War CCo Cpl Snyder KIA 2Mar06, Journalists O'Reilly-Bill, Supreme Court of the US


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Governor O'Malley Visits Troops in Iraq

MD Governor O'Malley Visits Troops in Iraq
A Message from Lt. Governor Brown

February 26, 2010

Dear Friends,

Earlier today, Governor Martin O'Malley, on a U.S. Department of Defense-sponsored trip, arrived in Iraq where he will be meeting with Maryland troops and men and women of the Maryland National Guard on active duty in Iraq.

One of the reasons I am so proud to work with Governor O'Malley is because of his strong support for Maryland's military families and our veterans. For 25 years, I have served as a member of the United States Armed Forces and I am proud to continue my service as a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves.

Five years ago, I had the opportunity to serve in Iraq alongside some of the most dedicated and patriotic men and women I've ever met. Today, nearly 2,000 Maryland-based soldiers and men and women of the Maryland National Guard are on active duty overseas.

Please join Governor O'Malley and me in keeping our service members and their families in your thoughts and prayers while they serve on our behalf.

Click here for additional photos.

Anthony G. Brown

Lieutenant Governor
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fallen hero Marine Charles I Cartwright honored

Picture 1 and 2 (Enlarge) A member of the Maryland Patriot Guard salutes as a Marine Corps Honor Guard carries the casket for Staff Sergeant Charles I. Cartwright who died Nov. 7 while serving in Afghanistan at funeral services Monday morning. (Photo by Kevin Dayhoff) Click here for a larger image:

More than 500 people crowded into the social hall at the Union Bridge fire station today to pay respects to Staff Sergeant Charles Isaac Cartwright, 26, of Union Bridge, who died Nov. 7 while supporting combat operations in Farah province, Afghanistan.

Cartwright was assigned as a member of Marine Special Operations Company A, serving his fifth overseas tour, three in Iraq and one previously in Afghanistan.

Read the rest of my article here: Remembering a fighter, warrior ... and community man Hundreds attend Cartwright memorial in Union Bridge

@CarrollEagle Funeral for a fallen hero Marine Charles I Cartwright

20091116 SCE Remembering a fighter warrior sceked Carroll Co Dist Union Bridge, Fire CC 08 Union Bridge, Iraq War, Military Fallen Hero, Military Marines, Police Carroll Co Sheriff's Dept, World Middle East Afghanistan


RIP Sgt Charles I Cartwright 26 Union Bridge Md (Related

Related: 20091110 DOD release 882 09 Cartwright killed in Afghanistan Current Events, Military Carroll Co, Military Marines, World Middle East Afghanistan

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Obituary for Fallen Hero SSgt. Charles Cartwright

 Click here for a larger image: Sign the guest book 

Fallen Hero SSgt. Charles Cartwright:

Staff Sergeant Charles Isaac Cartwright, 26, of Oceanside, Calif., and formerly of Union Bridge, died Saturday, Nov. 7, 2009, in the Farah province of Afghanistan. 

Born March 23, 1983, in Westminster, he was the son of H. Michael and Carol Ann Cartwright of Union Bridge. He was the husband of Marissa Cartwright, his wife of 11 months. 

He was a 2001 graduate of Walkersville High School and joined the U.S. Marine Corps on Sept. 9, 2001, and graduated from Parris Island on Dec. 7, 2001, and the School Of Infantry in January 2002. 

Staff Sgt. Cartwright was currently assigned as a member of Marine Special Operations Company A, serving his 5th tour, three previously in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. 

On Labor Day weekend this year he was wounded in Afghanistan and received his second purple heart. He also received the valor award during his third tour in Iraq. 

Other decorations awarded to him were Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, two Combat Action Ribbons, Navy Presidential Unit Citation, Navy Unit Commendation, two Marine Corps Good Conduct Medals, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, two Iraqi Campaign Medals, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, four Sea Service Deployment Ribbons, NATO Medal and two Certificates of Commendation. 

He was a member of Johnsville United Methodist Church; Maryland Demolay, Frederick Chapter, where he had achieved the Chevalier status; and the VFW Post 8806, Union Bridge. 

Charlie enjoyed running, having run the Orange County marathon, as well as having competed in a triathlon. He also enjoyed wrestling, surfing, walking with his wife and their blue tick coon dog, Waylon, on the beach, cooking and having friends over for dinner parties. 

Surviving, in addition to his wife and parents, are sister, Rebecca Ann Cartwright of Russell Spring, KY; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Ralph G. Eyler Sr. of Prince Frederick; uncles, Ralph G. Eyler Jr. and wife Judy of Salida, Colo. and Philip P. Cartwright and wife Cyndy of Lexington Park; and four cousins, Catherine Moir and husband Kenneth and children Samantha and Luke, Kenneth Eyler and wife Maria and children Anthony and Olivia, Suzanne Cartwright-Fiol and husband Frank and son Sebastian and Lauren M. Cartwright. 

A funeral service will be held Monday, Nov. 16 at 11:00 a.m. at the Union Bridge Fireman’s Building, 8 W. Locust St., Union Bridge. Rev. Ernest Thayle, his pastor, and Rev. Richard Michael, pastor of St. James Lutheran Church, Union Bridge, will officiate. The family will receive friends at Johnsville United Methodist Church, 11106 Green Valley Rd., Union Bridge, Sunday, Nov. 15 from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. 

Memorial donations may be made to Wounded Warriors Project, 7020 A.C. Skinner Parkway, Suite 100, Jacksonville, Fla. 32256, or Surf Rider Foundation, San Diego Chapter, P.O. Box 1511, Solana Beach, Calif. 92075. Arrangements by Hartzler Funeral Home, Union Bridge.


Obituary for Fallen Hero SSgt. Charles Cartwright Iraq War, Military Fallen Hero, Military Marines, World Middle East Afghanistan 

Sign the guest book Fallen Hero SSgt. Charles Cartwright: 

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The last post of 5/20 Milblogger Jordan Shay KIA Iraq Sept 2 2009

The last post of 5/20 Milblogger Jordan Shay KIA Iraq Sept 2 2009

HT @Michael_Yon Milblogger Through Amber Lenses Jordan Shay 22 KIA Iraq 5th Battalion 20th Inf Reg See

Through Amber Lenses



Thank you Jordan for all your work. Rest in peace, your labor is done. We salute you. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. Kels, let us know if there is anything you need.


Amesbury soldier killed in Iraq By Marie Szaniszlo Friday, September 4, 2009 Local Coverage

Article URL:

A 22-year-old Amesbury soldier was killed this week on his second tour of duty in Iraq, town officials said.

Jordan Shay, an E4 leader in an attack company assigned to the 5th Battalion of the 20th Infantry regiment, was killed Tuesday, said Kristen LaRue, director of veterans services.

Details about how Shay was killed have not yet been released. But he belonged to the 3rd Stryker Brigade, based in Fort Lewis, Wash., and was on his third tour of duty, LaRue said.

The day before he was killed was the last time he logged on to his MySpace [
website] page, where a clock counting down how many days he had left in the Army is still running.

“Our hearts and our prayers are with the Shay family,” she said. “As a community, we are standing together to assist the family in any way.”

Flags have been lowered to half-staff across town in memory of Shay, who graduated from Amesbury High School in 2005.

Article URL:

See also:


Friday, September 04, 2009

Through Amber Lenses, A Light

At times he must have been no more than two hundred feet from me, but I never had the privilege to meet Jordan Shay. Together we chewed up the most inhospitable terrain on earth, and back on Ft. Lewis, we worked daily in the same dilapidated Korean War era barracks. The only connection I shared with Jordan was through the comments section of his blog, which I keep linked on the top of the page under our unit crest. Though our companies faced a heated inter-battalion rivalry, Attack Company was always in the thick of combat with my company, Battle. They shouldered a far greater burden than us, sustaining eight KIAs to our two. Jordan, at 22 years old, saw more combat than a lot of crusty old vets before he could legally buy a beer. For his third combat tour with the 3rd Stryker Brigade, Jordan started a blog to chronicle his experience. He named it
Through Amber Lenses, the color of his sunglasses. He wanted to explain to the world what he saw with a bright amber tint.

What I read when I checked his most recent comment section hit me straight in the gut. "RIP Jordan." I rushed to the DoD announcement page and found nothing. Through a Google search I confirmed my worst fear:
Jordan Shay, 22 years young, killed in Iraq.

Read the rest here:

Be sure to check out Spc. Jordan Shay’s blog:

Here, pasted below, I want to preserve his last post:

Be sure to go here: to read the comments – and perhaps say a few words of thanks and condolences. Keep his family and Kels in your prayers as you enjoy Labor Day, brought to you by the sacrifice of Spc Shay and too many others like him…

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Promised "Real" Post!

The back ramp of the Stryker dropped to reveal a dusty, rundown Iraqi Police station in a nondescript Baqubah suburb. We stepped out of the truck onto the ramp, and took the two foot drop to the ground in stride. Todd took off for a walk around the compound; I motioned for the rest of our squad and followed after him. The walk revealed a typical IP station, a large walled courtyard surrounding an average size building. The courtyard was filled with trash, sewage, broken generators and spare parts to nonexistent machines.

Leaning up against the back of the building we discovered half of a rusted Russian heavy machine gun, and another piece of a Cold War era anti-aircraft gun. No big deal, except both weapons had been used against our company two years prior during the retaking of the city of Baqubah. Pretending this find meant the IPs were doing their job and taking dangerous weapons off the street and not that they were the average two-faced insurgents, we rounded the last corner of the compound and headed for the front gate.

Thanks to the hand-tying status of forces agreement between Iraq and the United States, American soldiers are not allowed to operate in urban areas without having the Iraqi Police or Iraqi Army present. Exceptions apply, but they're few and far between.

By the time our squad had regrouped around the front of the building, our IA escort forces from outside the city had exited their humvees and stood around smoking and joking with each other. They were dressed in USMC desert fatigues, military body armor, and commercial tactical vests. They were also carrying clean weapons outfitted with modern American optics and flashlights. Apparently, Iraqi Army Special Forces are fairly well funded.

We passed them by and headed out the gate, since our absurdly strict platoon leader wasn't around to stop us. One lonely IP stood guard just outside the entrance to the station. He remained rooted to the ground while we moved past him and out into the neighborhood. We figured he'd count as our Iraqi escort if someone important came along. Crossing a small lot with a few scattered cars and trash piles, a pack of four or five dogs picked up our scent and barked to alert the area to our presence. We held up at the far side of the lot, less than a hundred meters from the IP station. A group of kids had been playing around in the street, but had scattered as soon as we left the station. In previous years, that was a bad sign. Kids scattered and plugged their ears before roadside bombs detonated.

This time around, it's a different war. "War" is hardly the word to describe the current situation. Anyway, the unit we're replacing didn't spend a single second of their tour mingling with the locals around this particular IP station. It had been months since the last American foot patrol through their village. They peeked around corners and out from behind courtyard gates. Families weaving around rubble and small rivers of sewage eyeballed us suspiciously, rarely returning a wave.

Two young boys crept closer, stopping about ten meters ahead of us. I motioned to them to come closer while Todd called to them in broken Arabic. Cautiously, the older of the two darted up to us. Todd pulled a pack of gum from his pants pocket and handed a piece to the boy, who looked confused but optimistic. Todd pulled out another piece for himself, and popped it in his mouth. The boy smiled and darted back to the safety of his house. When he stuck his head out a moment later, he was chewing happily and surrounded by a new group of local kids.

I motioned again to them, and a younger boy came running up over the broken bricks and dirt littering the street. I handed him a little pack of Sweet Tarts as my squad started moving back to the police station. He accepted happily and ran back to the house. I turned and followed the squad out of the neighborhood and back through the guarded station entrance, offering the lone IP a wave as he closed the gate behind me.

We walked up to the front of the building, wondering where our blundering platoon leader was. The Iraqi Army Special Forces soldiers were still lounging around, smoking cheap cigarettes in the scorching afternoon sun. Approaching them, they welcomed us with open arms and all sorts of broken English. Cigarettes were offered all around, we removed our helmets and gloves, and relaxed. The language barrier is always difficult to overcome, but through the few Arabic phrases I remember from my first deployment and creative sign language, we got to know each other. We examined each others rifles and pistols, resisted the pleas of the IA soldiers to trade watches and jokingly traded insults. An American private from Guam was played up as an Iraqi who forgot how to speak Arabic, and the sexual preference of all involved was questioned. Some things are funny to soldiers no matter their nationality.

A number of the Iraqi soldiers pulled out mobile phones with built-in cameras to take pictures with us. In true Iraqi style, they showed us pictures of their wives and children and poked fun at each other before finally settling down to pose for pictures. Todd took a few pictures with my camera, then moved into the group for a few more.

Our platoon leader emerged from the station a short time later, and ordered us back onto the trucks. We said goodbye to our new friends and loaded up into our Strykers. As our convoy pulled out of the compound onto the bumpy village roads, we offered the locals a final wave. Surrounded by young kids, even the parents waved back.


It's scary to think the few minutes my squad spent outside the police station interacting with the local kids, showing that we're there to be friendly and help the Iraqis, and proving we're not afraid to wander the streets alone may set the tone in KBS for the rest of our deployment.

Also interesting to note: According to the interpreter we had along with us today, the citizens of Baqubah (and most of Diyala Province) fear the men who wear the patch with the Indian head and star on a black shield (2nd Infantry Division.) When asked about 5-20 Infantry, they talk of the grey phantoms (rough translation) who appear in the night, move without sound, and rain incredible destruction down upon their enemies. At the same time, they praise our battalion for driving Al Qaeda out of their city, out of their neighborhoods, and out of their children's lives.

We are respected in Baqubah. We are also feared. Our battalion has a fantastic opportunity to use these facts to our advantage and make a real difference before the withdrawal of all combat forces in the summer of next year. We made a difference in 2007, we could do it again in 2009. I fear we will not.

From Diyala Province,



Jordan is currently serving as an infantry fireteam leader in the somewhat infamous but downward spiraling 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment. He's fed up with the Army life, but probably won't be able to succeed in the civilian world anyway.View my complete profile

2009 (16)
August (7)
The Promised "Real" Post!
The New Guys...
Same FOB, New Faces
it's been three days...
Be Prepared...
D-Day + 6ish
Live From Kuwait...
July (3)
The (Second) Day of Reckoning
Catch you...
June (4)
grey lenses
the new theme
Not really a post...
May (2)

20090905 sdsom last post 5 20 Milblogger Jordan KIA Sept 2 2009 The last post of 5/20 Milblogger Jordan Shay KIA Iraq Sept 2 2009

Be sure to read Through Amber Lenses, A Light

Be sure to go here leave TY & condolences

Keep his family & Kels n your prayers as you enjoy Labor Day brought 2 you by t sacrifice of men & women n uniform
