Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label People Getty-Joe Getty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Getty-Joe Getty. Show all posts

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Judge Joe Getty stops for a picture with Kevin McLeod

Judge Joe Getty stops for a picture with Silver Oak Academy Program Director Kevin McLeod, the speaker at the annual MLK breakfast this morning. 27Jan2018

Monday, June 27, 2016

Joe Getty sworn-in to Md. Court of Appeals

Getty sworn-in to Md. Court of Appeals

June 27, 2016 by Kevin Dayhoff

Joseph Getty was sworn in Monday morning in the House of Delegates chamber in the Maryland State House in Annapolis to represent the 3rd Appellate Judicial Circuit on the state's highest court.

Getty, a Manchester resident and former Republican state senator representing Carroll County, had most recently served as Republican Gov. Larry Hogan's chief legislative officer. He was appointed to the Maryland Court of Appeals on June 1 to fill a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Lynne Battaglia.

Friends, family, former and current judges, and members of the General Assembly filled the legislative chamber to witness Hogan administer the oath of office for Getty to become the fifth judge from Carroll County to sit on the Court of Appeals since 1867.

Many speakers at the ceremony mentioned that Getty also made history by having served in all three branches of Maryland government — the legislative, executive branches and now the judiciary. It was a point not missed by local historian, Jay Graybeal, the former executive director of the Historical Society of Carroll County; a position also held by Getty from 1987 to 1994.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Red Maryland: Should an “R” behind the name make a difference?

Red Maryland: Should an “R” behind the name make a difference?

I received this (Letter to the Editor) by Twitter the other day - January 24, 2015 Saturday Red Carroll @RedCarrollMd @ChangeMaryland @CarrollStandard @frednewspost @kevindayhoff @wbaltv11 @cbsbaltimore More questions @joegetty seat…

By KCC Admin | January 24, 2015

An open letter from Keep Carroll Conservative to Senator Joe Getty:

Dear Senator Getty,


We ask you to please help us understand the inconsistencies in the Hogan administration talking points for the last month. We’ve posted screen shots that show you started your new position with the Hogan Administration but now someone is covering those tracks and your profile shows no starting date to for your new appointment. You’re our home-town guy who should have the best interests of Carroll County in mind, right? Perhaps you can help answer a number of troubling questions:

Who Are We?

Keep Carroll Conservative is a grass-roots organization made up of concerned citizens who reside in Carroll County. We live here because we believe Carroll County stands for less government, lower taxes, great schools, and safe neighborhoods.  And we want it to remain that way.

We know that it’s people, not government, who make – and keep – Carroll the “Switzerland” of Maryland Counties.  (You know Switzerland.  It’s the tiny, conservative Country in Europe that’s currently holding the whole region together.)  We know conservative principles are the only governing principles that have survived the test of time.  It explains why Switzerland is doing so well while all the liberal countries around it are dealing with collapse.

It’s our focus to share the greatness of conservatism; get the best candidates elected to public offices in Carroll County; and keep you informed about the latest goings on in Carroll.
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: 


Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:


Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, November 10, 2013

MD St Senator Joe Getty shares a few remarks in Manchester for Veterans Day

MD St Senator Joe Getty shares a few remarks in Manchester for Veterans Day
#KED #Westminster
People Getty-Joe Getty, Annual Veterans Day, Military Veterans Day, Military veterans, Carroll Co Dist Manchester, 

MD Senator Joe Getty speaks at Manchester Town Hall for Veterans Day Ceremonies

MD Senator Joe Getty speaks at Manchester Town Hall for Veterans Day Ceremonies
People Getty-Joe Getty, Annual Veterans Day, Military Veterans Day, Military veterans, Carroll Co Dist Manchester, 
#KED #Westminster

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Getty and Kasemeyer discuss state politics with students at McDaniel By Kevin E. Dayhoff, May 3, 2013

Getty and Kasemeyer discuss state politics with students at McDaniel By Kevin E. Dayhoff, May 3, 2013

Maryland State Senators Joe Getty, left, and Ed Kasemeyer field questions from McDaniel College students in a presentation, So What Just Happened: A Report from Annapolis. (Photo by Kevin E. Dayhoff)
On April 17, State Senators Joe Getty, R-Baltimore and Carroll counties, and Ed Kasemeyer, D-Baltimore and Howard counties, shared anecdotes and answered questions from about 50 McDaniel College students who had gathered in a lecture room at Hill Hall for the occasion.

The senators had visited the campus for a presentation, ““So What Just Happened: A Report from Annapolis,” as a courtesy to long standing McDaniel political science professor, Dr. Herb Smith – who is frequently sought-out by statewide and national media outlets for his insights into Maryland politics.

Both Getty and Kasemeyer have a long history with McDaniel. They were introduced by McDaniel College President Roger Casey…,0,965298.story

Related – see also: I wrote two stories on the Presidents Club presentation at McDaniel College on April 18, 2013. One for,, the Carroll County section of the Baltimore Sun. That story may be found here:

McDaniel College history professor Bryn Upton, left, discusses the world's most exclusive fraternity, the "Presidents Club," with authors Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy at McDaniel College on April 18. (Photo by Kevin Dayhoff / April 24, 2013)

And a second story on - That story may be found here:


Related: Eagle Archive: McDaniel talk offers glimpse into history of 'Presidents Club' by Kevin Dayhoff,0,7709543.story


It has been almost two-months since the legendary rock-blues master British guitarist Alvin Lee; the lead singer of the band “Ten Years After,” passed away on March 6.

His sudden death at age 68 was attributed to “unforeseen complications following a routine surgical procedure…

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Senator Joe Getty’s Tampa convention report – part two

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Senator Joe Getty’s Tampa convention report – part two

By Kevin E. Dayhoff

“Mitt Romney's speech was spectacular in energizing the convention,” reported Senator Joe Getty, R-Carroll, and Baltimore Counties, last Thursday. This is the second half of’s coverage of the senator’s insights, pictures, and anecdotes from attending the recent Republican National Convention in Tampa Florida.

The foreign policy theme was one of many highlights of the convention, according to Senator Getty … “With a riveting speech by former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice. The convention gave rapt attention as she worked from her own notes instead of using a teleprompter and provided a detailed view of future policy challenges: ‘Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan understand this reality: Our well-being at home and our leadership abroad are inextricably linked.’”

Senator Getty reported last Thursday that Republican candidate for vice-president of the United States, Wisconsin 1st congressional district Representative Paul Ryan said at the beginning of his keynote address, “After four years of getting the run-around, America needs a turnaround, and the man for the job is Governor Mitt Romney…”

“Those who follow Congress know Ryan as the policy guy,” observed Senator Getty, but at the convention, “he proved that he is ready for the national stage. He tactfully offered a stinging rebuke of the Obama Administration with a focus on the Romney plan for economic recovery and achieving a balanced budget...

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin was another highlight of the week for the Maryland delegation, said Senator Getty. “Walker appeared at the delegation breakfast on the morning after his friend and Wisconsin colleague Paul Ryan delivered his floor speech to accept the vice presidential nomination.

“Walker teased the Maryland delegation that there is a ‘Cheese head Revolution’ going on in America with three young ‘Reagan Republicans’ who grew up within 30 miles of each other rising to prominent roles in the national, state and party positions… Paul Ryan as candidate for vice president, Walker as governor and Reince Priebus as chairman of the Republican National Committee...

“In a presentation similar to his speech before the full convention on Tuesday, Walker described how Wisconsin has added jobs and lowered unemployment over the past two years under his leadership. When 44 of 50 states saw an increase in unemployment last month, Wisconsin was instead a leader in job growth. Their success has been part of his administration's pro-business agenda of lower taxes and less governmental restrictions. He emphasized that these are the same pro-business policies that will be the mainstay of a Romney-Ryan administration that will lead America to economic recovery and restore our greatness.”

Another highlight of the 2012 convention according to Senator Getty “was the many featured speakers that represent the younger generation of Republican leaders. The best example was Florida Senator Marco Rubio who (was) elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010.

“His nominating speech could have been a keynote address for any other evening of the convention. He offered one of the best summaries of the Obama administration when, after listing the failed economic programs of the last 4 years, Rubio said, ‘These are tired and old big government ideas. Ideas that people come to America to get away from. Ideas that threaten to make America more like the rest of the world, instead of helping the world become more like America.

“Romney is not known as a great orator and the national media had set a very high bar for this speech to be considered successful,” said Senator Getty. “I felt he leaped over that bar with much room to spare. He was humble but emphatic that being an excellent business leader is an honorable career in America. He was emotional in talking about his family that displayed his human side.

“Romney was critical of the present administration but did so by expressing his own policy goals. Citing a plan to make American energy efficient by 2020, Romney said of Obama, ‘His plan to raise taxes on small business won't add jobs, it will eliminate them; His assault on coal and gas and oil will send energy and manufacturing jobs to China.’

“Romney assessed the hype surrounding Obama's candidacy of hope and change in 2008 to as the leading factor for political disappointment today, ‘You know there's something wrong with the kind of job he's done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him. President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family.’”

In reference to the negative attacks on his business accomplishments, Romney retorted, “In America, we celebrate success. We don't apologize for success.”

In a carefully crafted closing, Romney provided the vision that I believe will resonate with voters this November, remarked Senator Getty, “If I am elected President of these United States, I will work with all my energy and soul to restore that America, to lift our eyes to a better future. That future is our destiny. That future is out there. It is waiting for us. Our children deserve it, our nation depends upon it, the peace and freedom of the world require it. And with your help we will deliver it. Let us begin that future together tonight.”

Many agree with Senator Getty’s analysis of the campaign between Governor Romney and President Obama. That it will ultimately be decided according to who, a majority of the voters believe “has the ability to guide the nation through the next coming worldwide economic downturn.

“If Americans think that class warfare is the right approach, then Barack Obama will be re-elected.”

If, on the other hand, according to Senator Getty, “Americans believe that expanding opportunities to succeed is the best way forward, then Mitt Romney will be sworn in on January 20, 2013…”

I’m just saying

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Senator Joe Getty’s Tampa convention report – part one

Senator Joe Getty’s Tampa convention report – part one

By Kevin E. Dayhoff, Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Last Thursday, September 20, 2012, Senator Joe Getty, R-Carroll and Baltimore Counties, shared insights, pictures, and anecdotes that he had gathered from attending the recent Republican National Convention in Tampa Florida.

At the pre-election breakfast, September 20, in Westminster, Senator Getty also made some observations about the upcoming general election in Carroll County,

Several hundred attended the early morning presentation, including four of the five Republican Carroll County commissioners, Haven Shoemaker, David Roush, Doug Howard, and Robin Frazier.

Maryland Delegate Justin Ready, a Republican from Carroll County, and a rising star in the Maryland General Assembly, attended, as did Senators E. J. Pipkin, R-Maryland Eastern Shore and Allan Kittleman, R-Howard County.

Many in the audience appreciated the comments of District 8 congressional candidate Ken Timmerman.

It was especially delightful to see former Maryland State Senator and retired Circuit Court Judge Ray Beck in attendance.

Senator Getty’s thoughtful and well-prepared program included a narrated slide show of his experiences attending the convention.

He began, in part, with a series of pictures documenting a media bias incident which involved an unpleasant interaction between members of the Maryland Delegation to the convention and CBS News of the contemporary ‘Gotcha Media.’

“About 30-seconds,” into former Massachusetts’ Governor Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech, a reporter for CBS News, stationed in the aisle by the Maryland delegation pronounced prophetically into microphone that Governor Romney had failed to rally his base support… had failed to rally the convention behind him…

As Senator Getty explained, she said this just seconds after he had begun his speech. Louis M. Pope, a national committeeman of the Maryland Republican Party, who was seated essentially right beside the reporter, objected loudly.

“You can’t say that,” Mr. Pope announced…

Unhappy over the unplanned challenge to her carefully prepared script, written well in advance of Governor Romney’s speech, the reporter loudly responded and bit of an unpleasant exchange followed.

I experienced, first hand, several examples of blatant, in your face, media bias at the Republican National Convention in September 2008 at the “Xcel Energy Center” in St. Paul Minnesota.

Find my Tentacle coverage of the 2008 Republican National Convention in here: Friday, September 12, 2008, “A Little Convention History,” and Thursday, September 11, 2008, “Eloquent Prose – Excellent Friends,” and here, Wednesday, September 10, 2008, “The Four “E’s” of the GOP Convention.”

I’m here to tell you, that to explore the concept of media bias intellectually – or emotionally is one thing. But until you have actually witnessed media bias, you cannot fathom how upsetting it is to see and hear it with your own eyes and ears. There is something so fundamentally unfair – so un-American about it that it shakes you to your very core.

As for the current presidential election campaign coverage by the major elite media; no matter what the situation or the scenario, just like the CBS reporter in Senator Getty’s example – the story has already been written with all the Democrat Party talking points included – all the reporter needs to do is cut and paste and press print…

Moreover, the elite media will cover for each other and the president. So, for those out there wondering how can the CBS reporter get away with that behavior? The answer is, because she can. No organization or individual in the elite progressive media will challenge a colleague or hold each other accountable for their dereliction of professional duties and responsibilities…

For some additional perspective of Senator Getty’s presentation last Thursday please understand that Senator Getty remains, along with Maryland Senator David Brinkley, R-Frederick County, and Senator Kittleman, among the most-respected elected officials in Annapolis.

Perhaps Senator Kittleman best explained the significance of Senator Getty’s keen observations, “Joe Getty does not get up to speak in Annapolis unless he has something to say… He always does his homework and he knows the issues…”

Last Thursday, Senator Getty’s informative presentation was positive. Nevertheless, there is a “sense of urgency in this election,” explained Senator Getty. That is the … “most prominent theme there and in discussions with people at home - people are” worried…

“On a more positive note, “Gov. Matt Mead of Wyoming also spoke to Maryland Republicans about the leadership that America needs NOW - This country has a lot of problems. We need leadership, not in 4 a years, or 8 years… We need it now…”

“The toughest job of the convention,” said Senator Getty, belonged to “Ann Romney, the wife of Mitt Romney. She had to offer a personal view of her husband's career with being overly sentimental or superficial. She did an excellent job and energized the entire convention floor.”

As for Ms. Romney’s speech, Senator Getty remarked, Gov. Mead shared with us his wife’s opinion about Ann Romney's speech the prior evening: “It was a message to the women of American and I needed my wife's perspective - as the first lady of a state, she has never heard anything better than Ann Romney's speech.”

“Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey who implored the audience to elect Mitt Romney as the candidate with the experience to create jobs, ignite the private sector economy and restore America's greatness. He was very blunt: US needs an adult conversation… That Obama should quit the pandering… America needs strong leadership…”

At this point in the morning, I was already quite sad that I sat-out this convention due to a series of scheduling conflicts. And I felt this way long before Senator Getty shared his observations of Paul Ryan’s, the Republican candidate for vice-president and currently Wisconsin 1st congressional district Representative - and Governor Romney’s acceptance speeches - which we will cover in another column soon.

Until then, please understand that now more than ever, the old adage; do not believe everything you read in the newspaper has never been truer…

I’m just saying.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Maryland Senator Joe Getty schedules pre-election breakfast September 20, 2012

Maryland Senator Joe Getty schedules pre-election breakfast September 20, 2012

The event, to be held on Thursday, September 20, 2012, will take place at the Best Western, 451 WMC Drive, in Westminster at 7:30 a.m.

At the breakfast, Getty, who is set to travel later this week to the Republican National Convention in Tampa Florida, will share his insights from attending the convention, and make some observations about the upcoming general election in Carroll County.

Also invited to appear at the breakfast are Maryland Dist. 1 U.S. Congressman Andy Harris and District 8 congressional candidate Ken Timmerman.

Tickets are available for $60.00 each.

Checks should be made payable to:
Marylanders for Joe Getty
P.O. Box 437
Hampstead, Maryland 21074

For further information, contact 443-536-4700 or go to:

Joe Getty, Maryland, Carroll County, Senator, Tampa, General Assembly, 

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, May 28, 2012

CDR Matthew W. Shipley to speak at the 145th Memorial Day observance in Westminster Maryland Written by “Heather” on the Carroll County Memorial Day website on March 29, 2012

CDR Matthew W. Shipley, a 1984 Westminster High School graduate, also graduated from Navy recruit training in January 1985, Electronics Technician “A” School in October 1985, Naval Academy Preparatory School in 1987 and the United States Naval Academy in 1991.

Shipley’s tours include Assistant Platoon Commander at SEAL Team EIGHT, test article Officer-in-Charge of a Mark V Special Operations Craft (SOC) at United States Special Operations Command, Operations Officer at Special Boat Unit TWENTY, Mk V SOC Liaison Officer to Special Operations Command European Command, Naval Special Warfare Task Unit (NSWTU) Commander for a Mediterranean Amphibious Ready Group, and Platoon Commander at SEAL Team EIGHT.

As a reservist, Shipley served as Executive Officer of Navy Reserve Naval Special Warfare Group TWO Detachment 309, as Executive Officer of SEAL Team THREE deployed to Fallujah, Iraq in 2006, as NSWTU Commander Manda Bay, Kenya in Oct 2006 – Mar 2007, and as the Commanding Officer of SEAL Detachment EIGHTEEN in Little Creek, Virginia from Dec 2009 – Dec 2011.

Shipley graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics. He has also completed Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL school, United States Army Ranger school, Military Freefall school, Air Command and Staff College Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) and the Joint Staff College’s Advanced JPME. As a civilian he is a General Electric qualified Six Sigma Master Blackbelt, ISO 9000 auditor, a government contractor, a Constitutional lecturer, and author of an energy-efficiency home-improvement book. He is the son of Michael and Barbara Shipley, and he is married to the former Christine Saseen.

Shipley’s awards include: Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Defense Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal and various unit, campaign and service awards.


#Westminster's Matthew Seidler among honorees at #Memorial Day observance

Airman 1st Class Matthew Seidler,, of Westminster, died in January, and will be one of seven Marylanders honored at ceremonies at the annual Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens’ Memorial Day observance, in Timonium.

It was less than six years ago that Matthew Seidler accepted his diploma as a member of Westminster High School's Class of 2006.

He is recalled by classmates as a good friend, serious worker and talented artist and video production student.

It was less than six months ago that Matthew Seidler was healthy, happy and pursuing a job that his family said he felt he was called to do — serving in the U.S. Air Force as a member of an elite explosive ordinance disposal squadron.

Yet this Monday, May 28, Airman 1st Class Matthew Seidler will be remembered on the first Memorial Day since his death in January, while serving his country in Afghanistan.

The Westminster native will be one of seven Marylanders honored at ceremonies at the annual Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens' Memorial Day observance, in Timonium, an event that traditionally pays tribute to Marylanders who have fallen in the line of duty over the past year…,0,4272840.story


For #Memorial Day, we recall Air National Guard Lt. Col. Sherman E. Flanagan Jr loss in #Vietnam

Eagle Archive: For Memorial Day, we recall a fallen soldier who made sure we remembered others

On Monday, May 28, Carroll County will mark its 145th annual observance of Memorial Day with an expanded parade and ceremonies at the Westminster Cemetery.

In 1967, our community noted the 100th anniversary of Westminster's Memorial Day observances. According to local historian Jay Graybeal, who wrote about the occasion for the Historical Society of Carroll County in 1997, "Participants came from sixteen states and one newspaper estimated that the crowd numbered 15,000 people."

Ironically and tragically, it was just one year after that centennial celebration that Air National Guard Lt. Col. Sherman E. Flanagan Jr., 38, a Westminster attorney — and a member of the 100th anniversary committee — was shot down and killed while flying a mission over the Demilitarized Zone in Vietnam on July 21, 1968. He was flying an F-100 "Super Sabre" jet fighter at the time of his death.

According to an article in The Baltimore Sun's Carroll County edition, "Flanagan was believed to be the first Guardsman to die in Vietnam who was called to duty during that period." …,0,2171783.story#tugs_story_display

For #Memorial Day, we recall Air National Guard Lt. Col. Sherman E. Flanagan Jr loss in #Vietnam

For #Memorial Day, we recall Air National Guard Lt. Col. Sherman E. Flanagan Jr loss in #Vietnam


Eagle Archive: Wampler's life of service made him an apt participant on #Westminster #Memorial Day

Atlee Wampler was a tall man who maintained a military bearing forged in heavy combat throughout WWII, all his life

Wampler served as the #Westminster #Carroll Co #Memorial Day parade marshall from 1947 until his death in 1991

On May 28, Carroll County and Westminster will mark the 145th observance of Memorial Day with an expanded parade and three-days of activities — thanks to all the hard work of American Legion Carroll Post No. 31 and leaders like Skip Amass, coordinator of this year's activities.

The tradition of the parade and ceremony in Westminster began in 1868, when Mary Bostwick Shellman followed General John A. Logan's May 5, 1868, General Order No. 11 — which called upon people to adorn the graves of Union soldiers with flowers.

She gathered a group of schoolchildren for that task, and they walked from the old schoolhouse on Center Street to Westminster Cemetery.

As with all the many stories in Carroll, the hands and hearts of countless individuals and community organizations have guided and nurtured the observances over the years. The list is long and celebrated.

However, one of the names historically synonymous with Memorial Day is particularly worthy of note — Atlee Willis Wampler Jr… READ MORE:,0,5649787.story


Recently on Explore Carroll and Eagle Archives - by Kevin Dayhoff

[20120526 To those who serve thank you]

Reflections on #Memorial Day by Kevin E. Dayhoff The Tentacle Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Tentacle Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Reflections on #Memorial Day by Kevin E. Dayhoff


Recently on Explore Carroll and Eagle Archives - by Kevin Dayhoff

[20120526 To those who serve thank you]

To those who serve thank you
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Westminster's Matthew Seidler among honorees at Memorial Day observance

Westminster's Matthew Seidler among honorees at Memorial Day observance

Westminster's Matthew Seidler among honorees at Memorial Day observance

Airman 1st Class Matthew Seidler, of Westminster, died in January, and will be one of seven Marylanders honored at ceremonies at the annual Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens’ Memorial Day observance, in Timonium.

By Kevin Dayhoff,

It was less than six years ago that Matthew Seidler accepted his diploma as a member of Westminster High School's Class of 2006.

He is recalled by classmates as a good friend, serious worker and talented artist and video production student.

It was less than six months ago that Matthew Seidler was healthy, happy and pursuing a job that his family said he felt he was called to do — serving in the U.S. Air Force as a member of an elite explosive ordinance disposal squadron.

Yet this Monday, May 28, Airman 1st Class Matthew Seidler will be remembered on the first Memorial Day since his death in January, while serving his country in Afghanistan.

The Westminster native will be one of seven Marylanders honored at ceremonies at the annual Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens' Memorial Day observance, in Timonium, an event that traditionally pays tribute to Marylanders who have fallen in the line of duty over the past year…,0,4272840.story


For #Memorial Day, we recall Air National Guard Lt. Col. Sherman E. Flanagan Jr loss in #Vietnam

Eagle Archive: For Memorial Day, we recall a fallen soldier who made sure we remembered others

On Monday, May 28, Carroll County will mark its 145th annual observance of Memorial Day with an expanded parade and ceremonies at the Westminster Cemetery.

In 1967, our community noted the 100th anniversary of Westminster's Memorial Day observances. According to local historian Jay Graybeal, who wrote about the occasion for the Historical Society of Carroll County in 1997, "Participants came from sixteen states and one newspaper estimated that the crowd numbered 15,000 people."

Ironically and tragically, it was just one year after that centennial celebration that Air National Guard Lt. Col. Sherman E. Flanagan Jr., 38, a Westminster attorney — and a member of the 100th anniversary committee — was shot down and killed while flying a mission over the Demilitarized Zone in Vietnam on July 21, 1968. He was flying an F-100 "Super Sabre" jet fighter at the time of his death.

According to an article in The Baltimore Sun's Carroll County edition, "Flanagan was believed to be the first Guardsman to die in Vietnam who was called to duty during that period." …,0,2171783.story#tugs_story_display

For #Memorial Day, we recall Air National Guard Lt. Col. Sherman E. Flanagan Jr loss in #Vietnam

For #Memorial Day, we recall Air National Guard Lt. Col. Sherman E. Flanagan Jr loss in #Vietnam


Eagle Archive: Wampler's life of service made him an apt participant on #Westminster #Memorial Day

Atlee Wampler was a tall man who maintained a military bearing forged in heavy combat throughout WWII, all his life

Wampler served as the #Westminster #Carroll Co #Memorial Day parade marshall from 1947 until his death in 1991

On May 28, Carroll County and Westminster will mark the 145th observance of Memorial Day with an expanded parade and three-days of activities — thanks to all the hard work of American Legion Carroll Post No. 31 and leaders like Skip Amass, coordinator of this year's activities.

The tradition of the parade and ceremony in Westminster began in 1868, when Mary Bostwick Shellman followed General John A. Logan's May 5, 1868, General Order No. 11 — which called upon people to adorn the graves of Union soldiers with flowers.

She gathered a group of schoolchildren for that task, and they walked from the old schoolhouse on Center Street to Westminster Cemetery.

As with all the many stories in Carroll, the hands and hearts of countless individuals and community organizations have guided and nurtured the observances over the years. The list is long and celebrated.

However, one of the names historically synonymous with Memorial Day is particularly worthy of note — Atlee Willis Wampler Jr… READ MORE:,0,5649787.story


Recently on Explore Carroll and Eagle Archives - by Kevin Dayhoff

[20120526 To those who serve thank you]

Reflections on #Memorial Day by Kevin E. Dayhoff The Tentacle Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Tentacle Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Reflections on #Memorial Day by Kevin E. Dayhoff


Recently on Explore Carroll and Eagle Archives - by Kevin Dayhoff

[20120526 To those who serve thank you]

To those who serve thank you


Reflections on #Memorial Day by Kevin E. Dayhoff The Tentacle Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Tentacle Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Reflections on #Memorial Day by Kevin E. Dayhoff

Next Monday is Memorial Day. For many it is more than a holiday, it is a day when we gather as a community to express our gratitude to our country’s men and women in uniform, who by their sacrifice cannot be with us to enjoy the day…

This year, Westminster and Carroll County will mark its 145th observance of Memorial Day with an expanded parade and four-days of activities.

The tradition of the parade and ceremony in Westminster began in 1868, when Mary Bostwick Shellman followed General John A. Logan’s May 5, 1868, General Order No. 11 to adorn the graves of Union soldiers with flowers. She gathered a group of schoolchildren for the task and they walked from the old schoolhouse on Center Street to Westminster Cemetery.


Last week I wrote about a local community leader, Atlee Willis Wampler, Jr., who served as the Westminster Memorial Day parade marshal for more than 44 years, from just after World War II until he passed away March 11, 1991.


That said, I have grown exhausted with the gut-wrenching existentialism and overwhelming fatigue that accompanies covering military funerals for the paper.

I was quite struck by a May 6 article in The Washington Post by Ian Shapira, “Barbara Robbins: A slain CIA secretary’s life and death,” about a little-known Vietnam War casualty from a bombing that occurred in Saigon March 30, 1965.

According to the article, “The CIA director revealed only a few details about the 21-year-old woman, a secretary among spies. In the agency’s annual memorial service for employees killed on the job, then-Director Leon E. Panetta announced that a new name had been inscribed with calligraphy inside the CIA’s Book of Honor: Barbara Annette Robbins, who had volunteered to go to Saigon during the Vietnam War…


The story of Ms. Robbins is compelling and evocative. Yet for me, what I found particularly haunting was the black and white picture of a very young American, in a far-off land, defending our freedoms, staring right at us.

The Tentacle Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Reflections on #Memorial Day by Kevin E. Dayhoff


'Skip' Amass leads the charge for Westminster's 145th Memorial Day observance

Keeping the focus on community, service ... and good weather

Not long after the sun comes up on Memorial Day, and hours before Westminster's 145th Memorial Day parade kicks off at 9:30 a.m., Arnold "Skip" Amass will be on site, helping set up the TV cameras and tying up last-minute loose ends.

Most of all, he'll be praying for good weather during an event that he's been busy planning almost from the moment that last year's 144th Memorial Day parade wrapped up.

"To give you some idea of the scope of this project, the committee that's working on this with me has about 145 people on it," said Amass, who for the past 15 years has also been the voice of the parade, providing commentary for Carroll County's public access TV channel 19's live coverage of the event.

This is the first year he's taken on the far more demanding role of principal coordinator.

"The people on the committee, who meet at the American Legion, represent just about every organization and every government in the county, including the library, the farm museum, the police departments," said Amass, 80, himself a Korean War veteran and long-time member of Westminster's Carroll Post 31 American Legion Post…,0,1578592,full.story


#Westminster 2012 #Memorial Day Celebration Calendar of Events - 145th Anniversary

Westminster 2012 Memorial Day Celebration
Calendar of Events - 145th Anniversary

Saturday, May 26

* 9 a.m.-2 p.m. -Antique car show on the City of Westminster parking lot in front of City Hall, Longwell Avenue, Westminster. Entries by the AACA Gettysburg Region Antique Car Club, the Street Cars of Desire and the Free State Corvette Club.

* Noon-5 p.m. - Carroll County Farm Museum - Military reenactors depicting the life and times of soldiers during the War of 1812, the Civil War, World War I, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm, Kuwait and other conflicts. There will be demonstrations and displays and encampments. Also jeep rides for kids and a rock climbing wall. Free admission to events.

* 3 p.m. - Carroll County Farm Museum - music concert featuring the Westminster Municipal Band and the Old Line Statesmen Barbershop Group.

* 4-7 p.m. - Fried chicken dinner and entertainment at the VFW Post, 519 Poole Road. Cost is $8 adults; $5 children ages 3 to 8. For tickets, call 410-848-9888, Ext. 1, or Deb Carns at 443-677-0361.

* 7-11 p.m. - Heroes Dance at the VFW Post. Ticket $5; call 410-848-9888, Ext. 1, or 443-677-0361.

Sunday, May 27

* Noon-5 p.m. -Events at the Carroll County Farm Museum, 500 S. Center St., Westminster, continue with 20th century military reenactors, jeep rides and a rock climbing wall. Free admission to events.

* 3 p.m. - Band concert at the Carroll County Farm Museum featuring the Winters Mill High School Band and Joe and Audrey Cimino performing patriotic songs.

Monday, May 28

* 9:30 a.m.-Noon -145th Memorial Day Parade, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Main Street to the Westminster Cemetery. At the conclusion of the parade observance held at the cemetery with comments by grand marshal Commander Matthew Shipley, USN.

* 2 p.m. - Memorial Day service at VFW Post, 519 Poole Road, with guest speaker, retired Army Chaplain Col. Joel Cocklin, a Westminster native who graduated from Westminster High School in 1965. Also an open house, refreshments and special music. Call 443-677-0361 for details.

#Westminster 2012 #Memorial Day Celebration Calendar of Events - 145th Anniversary


Memorial Day 2012 by Maryland State Senator Joe Getty

Westminster's 145th Consecutive Celebration
Marylanders for Joe Getty
May 26, 2012
