Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Elections 2014 MD Governor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elections 2014 MD Governor. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2012 Scenarios Abound for the 430 session of the MD General Assembly and the 2014 MD elections Scenarios Abound for the 430 session of the MD General Assembly and the 2014 MD elections"Next Wednesday, on January 11, the 430th taxing tradition of the Maryland General Assembly opera will once again take center stage.

Besides the apocalyptic foreboding talk of proposed tax increases, tax hikes, revenue enhancements, and increased investment, who really knows what is in store for Marylanders. All indications point to multiple plots with subplots and subplots to subplots plus a few soliloquies on the side.

The most intriguing subplot has to do with how the actions of this session will affect the 2014 gubernatorial campaign. More on that later." ...

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

David Brinkley « Jim Ellis Insights

David Brinkley « Jim Ellis Insights: "It’s getting so you can’t tell the players in the Maryland’s 6th congressional race without a scorecard.

The Democratic congressional redistricting plan upended Rep. Roscoe Bartlett’s (R) 6th District, transforming it from a safely Republican seat to one that will likely elect a Democrat. The feisty Bartlett, who will be 86 at the time of the next election, defiantly said he would seek an 11th term in 2012 regardless of how his district is drawn. But, is his decision changing?

Earlier in the week, it was reported that the congressman’s chief of staff, Bud Otis, was contacting key opinion leaders, testing the waters for his own run for Congress in the new 6th. He was telling people that he would run only if Mr. Bartlett decided to retire. Just yesterday, however, he resigned his position in order to begin the campaign. For his part, Rep. Bartlett still says he’s running. It appears Otis is, too.

These recent moves have prompted Maryland Republican Party chairman Alex Mooney to also enter the congressional race. Mooney served two terms in the Maryland Senate, but surprisingly went down to defeat in 2010, in the most Republican of years."

'via Blog this'

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: 
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My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cross Purposes: David Craig Talks About 2014

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Richard J Cross III: Recently, I had a chance to sit down with some of my fellow bloggers and political junkies for a conversation with Harford County Executive ...

Kevin Dayhoff I’m a newspaper reporter. I’m pushy, inconsiderate and I do not respect boundaries. Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for Patuxent Publishing Co., The Carroll Eagle: Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =  The Tentacle: Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems Smurfs: Google profile: Westminster Patch: E-mail: kevindayhoff(at) BEST VIEWED IN Chrome My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: +++++++++++++++

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010 Unofficial Carroll County Primary Election Early Voting Results as of 9:23 p.m.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Ehrlich wins Maryland gubernatorial primary

The Washington Post is carrying an AP story: Politics News Alert: Ehrlich wins Maryland gubernatorial primary
September 14, 2010 8:47:45 PM

Former Maryland governor Bob Ehrlich bests tea party-backed Brian Murphy in the Republican primary, the Associated Press projects. He will face Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) in a rematch of their 2006 race.

Tuesday September 14, 2010 8:52 

For more election coverage throughout the evening:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Explore Carroll: Carroll County turnout low in today’s Maryland primary At Westminster Elementary School, precinct 7-7 in Carroll Co, there were more signs than campaign workers, judges, or voters: only a handful of campaign poll workers at Precinct 7-7 polls in Carroll Co at around 3:15 pm There were only a handful of campaign polling place workers at the Westminster Elementary School Precinct 7-7 polls in Carroll County at around 3:15 pm.  The unopposed Republican candidate for register of Wills, Paul G. Zimmerman, in the red shirt, stopped by to chat with Marcus Lee Primm, white shirt, a campaign worker for Republican commissioner candidate for District 3, Dave Roush and several other unidentified poll workers.

Karen Fassett, stopped for a moment while discussing the voter turnout with fellow judges, Joe Shaw and Gerry Wiseman at Westminster Elementary School, precinct 7-7 polls in Carroll County, earlier today.  Fassett reported that by 3:15, 509 had voted, out of 3,672 on the voting rolls in the precinct.

Carroll County turnout low in today’s Maryland primary

September 14, 2010

By Kevin Dayhoff

In spite of the nearly perfect weather, various reports throughout the state and Carroll County indicate that voter turnout for today’s Maryland primary election, is low.

For much of the day the temperature was in the low seventies.  There were blue skies and plenty of sunshine; the only thing missing was voters.

There were only a handful of campaign polling place workers at the Westminster Elementary School Precinct 7-7 polls in Carroll County at around 3:15 pm. 

And there were more campaign signs that campaign workers, election judges and voters.

The unopposed Republican candidate for register of Wills, Paul G. Zimmerman, stopped by to chat with Marcus Lee Primm, a campaign worker for Republican commissioner candidate for District 3, Dave Roush, and several other poll workers.

Primm said that this was really the first campaign he has ever worked-on and he has found the experience rewarding.

Zimmerman said, “I’ve been a whole bunch of places (today) and (voters are) just trickling-in.  I’ve just returned from (the polls at) at Carrolltowne (Elementary School, precinct 5-4 in the Freedom District) and they had 660 voters or so around 2 p.m…  South Carroll (High School, precinct 14-2, Berrett District was) fairly consistent.  Always someone coming in at around 10 a.m.”

Bryan Sears, reporting for Explore Baltimore County, said that the First Congressional District (mostly on the eastern shore of Maryland) had the best early voting turnout in the area where almost 4 percent of voters participated in the precincts that make up that district.  That's about a full percent higher than the Baltimore County and state turnout.

Similar reports of low voter turnout filtered in from Howard and Baltimore County.

In an e-mail interview late this morning with former Carroll County Delegate Joe Getty – a longtime political observer and Republican Maryland Senate candidate for District 5 in Carroll and Baltimore County – he commented on voter turnout: “I’m not sure that you can judge this election as being ‘low turnout’ just because of the lunchtime numbers. 

“Unlike other Maryland primaries, today’s election suffers from a “Raven’s effect” – a Monday-night football game before the Tuesday election. 

“Those Carroll County football fans may not have been able to get an early start this morning – but instead will vote on their way home from work this evening. Republican turnout four years ago was 28% - we may get close to that with the evening voters added to the 1% early voters.”

Richard Cross, former Ehrlich speechwriter and GOP political analyst, observed, “In a primary election, low turnout benefits challengers in a year where a strong anti-incumbent wave is present.

“Only the most passionate voters show up during a primary.  Passion is less inclined to be felt by supporters of candidates whose victory is a foregone conclusion.

“In the GOP gubernatorial primary, for example, many of Bob Ehrlich’s backers know he’s going to win, and are waiting for the chance to vote for him in November.  Brian Murphy’s supporters are motivated by ideology, or because they want to send Ehrlich a message before voting for him in November.”

Meanwhile, Jay Voight, one of the chief judges for the 7-7 precinct in Westminster, said that voter turnout was “slow – 12 percent – very low.  Very slow morning.”

Voting at 3:15 p.m was a breeze.  There were no lines and many more election judges than voters.  The judges were more than happy to stop and chat.  Most election polling places in Carroll County are often the scene of a community reunion and get-together on election day.  But not today.

A unit judge, Mary Lathroum, noted, “people have been coming in at a trickle.”

Karen Fassett, another election judge at Westminster Elementary School, stopped for a moment while discussing the turnout with fellow judges, Joe Shaw and Gerry Wiseman.

Fassett reported that by 3:15, 509 had voted, out of 3,672 on the voting rolls in the precinct.

For more coverage of today’s Maryland primary, check with Explore Carroll later in the evening.

Explore Carroll: Carroll County turnout low in today’s Maryland primary
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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Republican Lt. Gov. candidate, Mary Kane, visits Westminster

Republican Lt. Gov. candidate, Mary Kane, visits Westminster August 31, 2010 By Kevin Dayhoff

Find a video of the event here:

The Republican candidate for Maryland lieutenant governor, Mary D. Kane, 48, came to Westminster Tuesday for a listening tour of downtown Westminster merchants, restaurateurs, and agriculture leaders…

The Republican candidate for Maryland lieutenant governor, Mary D. Kane, 48, stops in front of Heinz Bakery on West Main Street on Tuesday, with Joe Getty, (center) the Republican state senate candidate for District 5 and Larry Haines, the current retiring District 5 state senator…

Allen Baugher, center, plays the harmonica at his family restaurant before having a discussion about the challenges of agriculture with the Republican candidate for Maryland lieutenant governor, Mary D. Kane at his family restaurant on Tuesday; as his son, Dwight, looks on…

Allen Baugher goes back to work, after having lunch with the Republican candidate for Maryland lieutenant governor, Mary D. Kane at his family restaurant on Tuesday…

Written and filmed by Kevin Dayhoff for

With editorial assistance by Jim Joyner and Charles Schelle

All rights reserved by Kevin Dayhoff and

August 31, 2010

Republican candidate Maryland lieutenant governor Mary Kane Westminster Explore Carroll Eagle Dayhoff Getty Haines Baugher’s

Explore Carroll: Dayhoff - Republican candidate for Md lt gov Mary Kane came to Westminster Aug 31

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Red Maryland: Desperate Dems by Mark Newgent

Red Maryland: Desperate Dems by Mark Newgent


Desperate Dems

Clearly Martin O'Malley and the Maryland Democratic Party have moved from fear to desperation. They spent millions of dollars spinning lies about Bob Ehrlich only to drop precipitously in the polls.

So what is their response? Double down on the very actions that brought them to this point.
O’Malley surrogates are 
harassing small business owners.
And now, instead of passive surveillance, Democrat operatives are acting as 
outright provocateurs.


Of course, Salazar doesn’t mention that it was O’Malley who tried to strong arm state businesses into more draconian unemployment insurance regulations during the 2010 legislative session. To their credit the business community stood up to O’Malley and fought off his attempts to screw them yet again.

Salazar, you’ll recall was the guy, who back in January 
slandered hundreds of tea party protestors as racists.

We are witnessing the actions of an arrogant Democratic monopoly desperate to hold on to power.

On a side note, O’Malley spokesman Rick Abruuzzese flat out lied when he said the O’Malley campaign has not been tracking Ehrlich. Here is a photo of an 
O’Malley campaign worker recording Ehrlich at the Tawes crab feast in Crisfield last month. Notice the poorly hidden green O’Malley campaign T-shirt...
Red Maryland: Desperate Dems by Mark Newgent
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cross Purposes: Smart Grid, Shrewd Politics by Richard Cross

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Smart Grid, Shrewd Politics
This week, the Maryland Public Service Commission approved BGE’s plans to deploy “Smart Grid” technology across Maryland, ending a saga which began in June.

Smart Grid technology allows consumers to better track and control energy usage, resulting in significant energy and cost savings. The PSC’s action preserves Maryland’s eligibility for $200 million in federal stimulus grant monies earmarked for Smart Grid projects.

The whole Smart Grid saga has received significant local media attention during the past two months. Absent from all the coverage, however, was the extent to which gubernatorial politics guided the outcome.

Flash back to 2006, when BGE customers were hit with 70 percent rate increases. Then-Mayor Martin O’Malley used the issue as a weapon in his contest again Governor Bob Ehrlich. O’Malley assigned all blame for the rate increase to Ehrlich and the members of his Public Service Commission, promising to roll back the increases if he won. And, he got away with it.

Of course, Governor O’Malley and his own Public Service Commission failed to deliver on these promises.

Now, as Governor O’Malley fights to keep his job...
Cross Purposes: Smart Grid, Shrewd Politics by Richard Cross
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Commentary: Maryland's economic deterioration is 'progress'? By Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.

Commentary: Maryland's economic deterioration is 'progress'? By Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.

Monday, August 9, 2010

By Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.

Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) often refers to his tenure in Annapolis as one of "progress," implicitly arguing that Maryland is better off today than when he took office.

Nowhere could this argument lack more credibility than on Maryland's economic climate, which is unquestionably less friendly to job creation than it was four years ago.

Consider the evidence: Unemployment in Maryland doubled from 2006 to 2010. Approximately 3,000 small businesses closed on the O'Malley administration's watch last year.

Neighboring Virginia easily outranks Maryland in eight out of 10 categories in CNBC's America's Top States for Business survey, including overall economy, quality of life, business friendliness, transportation and cost of living. Maryland has become a flyover state as businesses like Northrop Grumman move their corporate headquarters and jobs to the other side of the Potomac River. Since 2006, the Tax Foundation has dropped Maryland 26 spots in its ranking of the states' business tax climates.

The causes for Maryland's decline are clear. By passing the largest tax increase in Maryland history before a recession, Gov. O'Malley siphoned sorely needed dollars from job creators and families across the income scale. Second, regulatory agencies began treating small businesses as a source of new fines and tax revenue rather than a source of new jobs. Lastly, government spending in Maryland over the past four years increased by $22 billion compared with the preceding four years. Not surprisingly, a $1.8 billion deficit awaits the next governor and legislature.

As governor, I will redefine "progress" in Maryland by focusing on three priorities. ... [...] ....

20100809 RLE WaPo Mds economic deterioration is progress
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bryan Sears: Change and 'desire to compete' fuel Ehrlich 2010 bid

Click here for a larger image:


Change and 'desire to compete' fuel Ehrlich 2010 bid

The sign in Bob Ehrlich's corner office reads, "No Whining."

Four years after his only political loss, the Republican former governor has decided to rejoin the political fray, challenging his political nemesis, Gov. Martin O'Malley.

He announced his intention to run April 7 at a rally in his boyhood home of Arbutus. Since then, he has criss-crossed the state, most recently speaking at a GOP spring convention in Ocean City.

Just an election cycle ago, Ehrlich was telling listeners of his newly christened radio show that Maryland had changed.

Read the entire article here:

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Sears: Former governor back on the stump


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dayhoff: Amedori to run for Maryland lieutenant governor

Carroll County resident Carmen Amedori to join the ticket of Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy, as his lieutenant governor running mate.
Amedori, who was present at last night’s Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, in the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 was found in the back of the crowd sporting her newly minted “Murphy – Amedori for Maryland (Governor)” signs. Photo by Kevin Dayhoff April 15, 2010 [20100415 CA WsterTxDayTeaPrty 37] Click here for a larger image:

April 16, 2010

By Kevin Dayhoff

Today, at 4:30 p.m. on Lawyers’ Mall in Annapolis, Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy will hold a press conference to announce that former Maryland Delegate (R-District 5A, Carroll Co.) Carmen Amedori will join his ticket as his lieutenant governor running mate.

Brian will be joined by Jim Pelura, former Maryland GOP chairman; Charles Lollar, candidate for U.S. Congress; Jerry Walker, candidate for Anne Arundel County Council; and Eric Cary, candidate for State Senate, according to a Murphy campaign press release..

Amedori, who was present at last night’s Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, in the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 was found in the back of the crowd sporting her newly minted “Murphy – Amedori for Maryland (Governor)” signs.

It was earlier on Thursday that word got out that Amedori, who most recently served on the Maryland parole commission member until January, is abandoning her bid for the Republican nomination to oppose U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski (D) of Baltimore.

She had been appointed to her position on the parole commission by then-Governor Ehrlich, who is now her opponent in the upcoming September 14, Maryland Republican primary.

The buzz at last night’s Tea Party was that Murphy is adding Amedori to the ticket to reach-out to conservative voters in the upcoming primary contest; although with so many Ehrlich supporters in the crowd, no one was willing to speak on the record.

Last night Amedori praised Murphy’s small business credentials noting that it was actually Ehrlich who has been on record as saying that it will take someone with a business background to beat incumbent Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley in this fall’s November general election.

Amedori had previously announced in February that she was going to run to unseat the four-term incumbent, Mikulski, by participating in a crowded Republican primary but recently changed her mind to join the ticket of Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy, as his lieutenant governor.

This latest development is certain to make the summer political season that much more interesting.



Carroll Co res Amedori 2 join tkt Rep gov cand Brian Murphy as Lt gov running mate


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, April 16, 2010

Brian Murphy for Governor of Maryland—Special Announcement in Annapolis on Friday

For immediate release

Wednesday, April 13, 2010

Brian Murphy for Governor of Maryland—Special Announcement in Annapolis

Chevy Chase, Maryland — Please join Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Brian Murphy on Friday, April 16, 2010, at 4:30 p.m. on Lawyers’ Mall in Annapolis, MD as he announces his candidate for Lieutenant Governor. 

Brian will be joined by:  Jim Pelura, Former MD GOP Chairman; Charles Lollar, Candidate for U.S. Congress; Carmen Amedori, Candidate for U.S. Senate; Jerry Walker, Candidate for Anne Arundel County Council; Eric Cary, Candidate for State Senate; and friends, supporters, and members of the media.

Following the conference candidates will be available for Questions and Answers.  A post-launch party will be held at Reynolds Tavern -  7 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401.

In case of inclement weather, an alternate location will be communicated via email.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: