Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Politics Moonbat(s). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics Moonbat(s). Show all posts

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The arrival of the spacecraft in Westminster

“The arrival of the spacecraft behind Willis Street in Westminster” by Kevin Dayhoff November 25, 2009

It was the night before Thanksgiving in 2009 when it happened.

When the spacecraft first landed at the old Westminster Playground; no one, at first, quite knew what to do…

Crickey, folks were flummoxed.

This picture was captured by happenstance and shows homes along the otherwise quiet, tree-lined, and bucolic Willis Street in Westminster, to be silhouetted by the bright landing lights of the craft.

Was it an attack by Cylons? Or perhaps it was an invasion of intergalactic Velociraptors

Oh no…

Wait a minute. It’s. It’s. Holy @!@$%^$$%...

We’ve suspected all along that “they” are among us.

Various folks have had dreams of android cattle. Could this be the beginning of the attack of the chrome toasters?

Persons around town have appeared to have siren Cylon tendencies, in which it has been suspected that a Six copy has been downloaded into their bodies.

They are seductive and they look the part and have the correct vocabulary, but there is no there – there and the results are hollow.

They were first suspected to have landed sometime in May 2005. Some do a great job with press releases.

It was a sensational story but only maintained a fugacious claim on the public's attention; as if it happened on a pair of fast chucks.

[20091125 Willis St arrival] Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff literature of the absurd, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Westminster, Politics Moonbat(s)

Was it an attack by Cylons? Or perhaps it was an invasion of intergalactic Velociraptors


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The many faces of Bill Moyers

The many faces of Bill Moyers Click here for a larger image:

November 23, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

It’s a great day in American, “Bill Moyers is leaving weekly television.”

Yes, that’s right, Mr. Moyers, the liberal hypocritical smug Prince of thug-journalism who raised concepts such as situational ethics and moral relativism to a high art form, will be leaving public television on April 30, 2010, according to a recent item in the New York Times by Elizabeth Jensen in her “Media Decoder” column.

“Mr. Moyers said he had been planning for some time to retire the program on Dec. 25, but was asked by PBS to raise the funds to continue through April, which he did,” writes Ms. Jensen.

The “program” to which she is referring is “Bill Moyers Journal,” which began in April 2007. It is a weekly no-holds-barred advocacy program on the Public Broadcasting System for the liberal agenda in America.

According to Ms. Jensen, Mr. Moyers said, that his program has recently been having a “good run of it … so I feel it’s time.” He said he was not quitting television work, although he has no new projects planned.

No word as to whether or not he will be taking a position in the administration of Venezuelan President Hug Chavez, although Mr. Moyers is well qualified to work with heads of state.

Our younger readers may not be aware that Mr. Moyers, who was born on June 5, 1934, first distinguished himself on the national stage as the White House press secretary for President Lyndon Baines Johnson from 1965 to 1967.

Mr. Moyers and President Johnson shared a long history of working together. Mr. Moyers had interned for then-Senator Johnson. In addition to several positions as a print media journalist for several newspapers in Texas, he also worked in the mid-1950s at KTBC radio and television stations, which were owned by Lady Bird Johnson.

It is ironic to note that Mr. Moyers is an ordained minister; when one considers the course, blunt, if not profane behavior that historians have characterized President Johnson’s rise and maintenance of power.

Mr. Moyers first came to Washington to work in the administration of President Kennedy in various capacities in the newly formed Peace Corps.

In an April 3, 1966 article in the New York Times by Patrick Anderson, “No. 2 Texan in the White House,” Mr. Moyers explained his relationship with President Johnson as “I work for him despite his faults and he lets me work for him despite my deficiencies.”

His quote from 1966 may have been the only hint at humanity he may have ever had in a career that has witnessed him, in his later years, become unbearably preachy, condescending, boorish, and blinded by his politically ideology, which has tarnished his conflicted and complicated legacy.

For every mean-spirited thing I have to say about Mr. Moyers, I have a half-dozen much nastier remarks for which I was held back by my shriveled but nevertheless functional sense of decency.

In a much-touted dust-up between Mr. Moyers and Fox News Channel personality, Bill O’Reilly in April 2007; Mr. O’Reilly may have said it best:

“I do know that Moyers has, for years, been heavily involved with people like George Soros and the far left. Yet PBS is paying him to produce documentaries that are purported to be "objective." Bill Moyers is not objective, has a problem with the truth, and should no longer be receiving taxpayer money. And that is the truth.”

This after Fox News aired a tape in which Mr. Moyers said: “The FOX News, the talk radio, The Weekly Standard have not only mongered for war along with the administration, not only embraced the administration's policies because they were "conservative", including going to war, but also mounted a slime machine to discredit any journalist who dared to stand against the official view of reality.”

Of course, since President Obama has taken office and has continued the war efforts, for which Mr. Moyers was so critical during the Bush Administration years – now Mr. Moyers seems to have forgotten that we remain at war.

This, in spite of campaign promises from President Obama that once in office, he would withdrawal American troops out of Iraq quickly and re-invent our efforts in Afghanistan.

Funny how that works.

On March 9, 2009, Bernie Goldberg said in an interview with Mr. O’Reilly about Mr. Goldberg’s book, “A Slobbering Love Affair,” that Mr. Moyers is among the top five “five worst offenders in the mainstream media.”

“No. 4 is Bill Moyers because he represents the most elite wing of the most liberal elite media. Bill Moyers is a true believer who these days is posing as a journalist. He's very civil and highbrow to an extent, but also despises conservatives.

“During the Bush administration, he said that the right-wing wrecking crews in government, right-wing wrecking crews were deliberately, intentionally, trying to destroy the United States of America. Really, Bill? I mean, right wing wrecking crews and the government are deliberately trying to destroy America? And he's on PBS.”

Fortunately for America, Mr. Moyers days on PBS are numbered.

Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you on the behind as you are leaving.

Perhaps the only thing that might be as equally good for American would be if Katie Couric would also retire. We can only wish.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster. E-mail him at kevindayhoff AT


20091123 SDOSMKED The many faces of Bill Moyers Dayhoff Art, Journalists Moyers-Bill, Media liberal, Politics Liberal double standards, Politics Liberal hypocrisy, Politics Moonbat(s)

For another version of this column, please read: “Goodbye, and Good Riddance” by Kevin E. Dayhoff November 25, 2009 The Tentacle


The many faces of Bill Moyers Click here for a larger image:


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin: Who needs this crap?

Sarah Palin: Who needs this crap?

Media fear and loathing and Palin Derangement Syndrome on steroids.

July 3, 2009

On Friday afternoon, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced … that she was resigning her office later this month, a stunning decision that could free her to run for president more easily but also raises questions about her political standing at home,” wrote Jonathan Martin in Politico.

“Palin disclosed the surprise news Friday afternoon from her home in Wasilla with her husband, Todd, and Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, who the governor said would take over the state on Saturday, July 25.”

Well, I for one do not think that she is preparing herself for a presidential run in 2012. I think that many of the armchair pundits have it wrong, except Howard Kurtz – he got it right.

I have family in Alaska and as a result I have followed the career of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for many years – long before she was thrust into the nightmare of the national spotlight last fall.

I watched the video of her announcement (Friday) afternoon and my immediate reaction is that she has had enough – and who could blame her?

I hope for her sake and the sake of her family that she retires to being a private citizen.

Hopefully she can write a book or two, make some speeches, pay off her ginormous legal bills and go fishing and hunting for a long time away from the likes of the National Organization of (Liberal) Women types, the traditional elitist eastern establishment misogynistic press, and the liberal hate bloggers.

If one puts her tenure in the national glare in the context of how this nation, collectively, treated Geraldine Ferraro, Hillary Clinton in their bid for national office – and now Governor Palin; we should, as a nation, hang our heads in shame.

The scurrilous attacks have shown no signs of letting up. Since last fall, liberal lefties have launched one after another, silly vexatious ethic commission charges – all of which have proved to be essentially groundless.

They have got to have been an enormously time-consuming and expensive challenge – and a drain on Gov. Palin and her family.

Just recently there was the infamous Letterman incident in which he told what Howard Kurtz mentions in the following piece as “an insensitive joke about her daughter getting ‘knocked up’ by New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez."

Then there was the hit-job by what Mr. Kurtz refers to as a “hard-edged Vanity Fair piece, in which former McCain campaign strategists questioned her mental state and even wondered whether she was suffering from postpartum depression.” (

Of course, all the attacks have been made by “unnamed sources.”

Not to be overlooked was the recent incident in which Wonkette prominently posted an inappropriate photoshop of her child, who has downs syndrome.

If any of the above had happened to President Barack Obama of his family, for example, the “Katie Couric-s” of the world and the National Organization of (Liberal) Women types would have been up in arms. Yet the double-standards persist.

It’s Palin Derangement Syndrome on steroids.

On June 28, 2009, William A. Jacobson, on his blog, “Legal Insurrection,” noted:

“It really is hard to understand why some adults feel the need to make fun of Trig Palin, a one-year old who has Down Syndrome. Politics alone cannot explain it. If you don't like Sarah Palin, fine, but why go after Trig?

“The controversy regarding the photoshop of Trig by Alaskan blogger
Linda Biegel is only the tip of the iceberg. Ever since Sarah's nomination, Trig has been a target. Last fall, the popular DC-based ‘gossip’ website Wonkette joked how Trig must have wished he'd been aborted. Now Wonkette has taken Biegel's Photoshop antics as an excuse to go after Trig anew.

“In a recent
post, Wonkette promoted and joked about even cruder Photoshops of Trig at the Something Awful web forum, where people can post anonymously (examples below). Wonkette even included one of these photoshops in its post (above right) while mocking Trig as the ‘New Jesus,’ ‘Holy Infant’ and ‘Sacred One.’

“All the attacks on Trig are Sarah's fault, according to the Wonkette post, since Sarah had the audacity to bring Trig on stage at the Republican National Convention (where the original photo in question was taken), which Wonkette calls using Trig as a ‘cheap political prop.’ I guess that makes the Obama kids fair game according to Wonkette since they were brought
on stage at the Democratic National Convention…”

Mr. Jacobson continues, “Palin basically poked a stick in the world’s largest beehive filled with cheap & tireless insanity, and the goons have unleashed a pack of Photoshop Dogs From Hell to make the most incredible collection of Sarah Palin Desecration Images in the History of Time, the end.

General Bullshit > Sarah Palin thinks photoshopping special needs babies is appalling [Something Awful]

“(At the top is one) of the milder Photoshops in the Something Awful forum which are Sarah's fault according to Wonkette:"

In the context of the non-stop character assassination by the lefty-haters and the elite media since Arizona Senator John McCain picked her for his vice presidential running mate last fall - - Who needs this crap?

Howard Kurtz got it right. Read “Maybe She Got Tired of the Full-Court Press
Will Palin, Plucked From Obscurity, Return to It?” By Howard Kurtz Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, July 4, 2009

20090703 sdosm Palin Derangement Syndrome
