Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Law Order Alcohol enforcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Law Order Alcohol enforcement. Show all posts

Monday, April 28, 2014

March 30, 1923: A gang of 25 Baltimore men attempted to rob Carroll County distillery.

March 30, 1923: A gang of 25 Baltimore men attempted to rob Carroll County distillery.

The robbers received some buckshot in the hide, but no liquor.

By Kevin Dayhoff, March 30, 2014

On March 30, 1923, in the depths of prohibition, a local newspaper rang the alarm that “About 25 men, all from Baltimore, it is reported, attempted to raid McGinnis Distillery in Carroll County, just east of Westminster.”

It needs to be noted that although prohibition, known as the “Volstead Act,” did not go into effect throughout the nation until January 20, 1920; Carroll countians voted to outlaw the sale of alcohol in the county six-years earlier - in 1914, according to research by historian Jay Graybeal for the Historical Society of Carroll County.

Prohibition remained the law of the land until President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law the Cullen-Harrison Act on March 23, 1933.

Meanwhile in Carroll County, Graybeal reports, “production at local distilleries continued even after Prohibition began ….  These rural distilleries became tempting targets for gangs who supplied liquor to speakeasies and individuals who still imbibed.  The Industrial Grain Products Corporation in Carrollton was robbed in broad daylight and the story was front page news in the November 23, 1923 issue of the Westminster Democratic Advocate newspaper…”

That same newspaper reported on March 30, 1923 that the McGinnis Distillery robbery attempt was the second try, “within two weeks to rob the warehouse which contains 4000 barrels of the precious fluid.  The truck to haul the whiskey away was left at Cranberry about 2 miles from the distillery,” near Westminster.

The next morning 25 five-gallon “containers were found along the warehouse which was to be used to put the whiskey in.  The iron shutter was opened but they failed to gain entrance.”

The newspaper account further reports that on this occasion, the guard on duty was prepared and defended the distillery from the would-be whiskey-robbers.  “Guard Charles Thomson, who was on duty, was the target for the raiders.  

“They opened fire on Mr. Thomson, who returned it, and made it so hot for the gang that they retreated over the hills for safety…  

“Two men, Saturday morning, it is said, full of blood and mud, took the 6:30 a.m. train at Cranberry for Baltimore.  It is evident that some of the gang received some of the buckshot in their hide, but none were seriously injured.”

Although this attempt on the distillery ended in failure, a lengthy newspaper account from January 8, 1926 details a gang of 50 men who literally attacked the distillery. The ensuing battle, which appears to have lasted for a considerable length of time, eventually witnessed even the Carroll County State’s Attorney and the Sheriff joining the battle and being fired upon.

Other newspaper accounts of prohibition in Carroll County took a lighter approach. According to Graybeal, “An article from the May 30, 1924 issue of the Democratic Advocate newspaper about the discovery of bootleg hooch provided the writer, Ira N. Barnes of Freedom, with an opportunity to comment on Prohibition…

In an effort to properly dispose of the alcohol, Barnes, “dumped the contents of the jars, one by one, into the secluded retreat of this elusive animal….” A groundhog that had taken-up residence on the Barnes farm.

“The next night following this eventful discovery, alone wanderer traveling down Morgan Run Valley was greatly surprised to observe by the light of the moon about a dozen ground-hogs engaged in a disgraceful tango, bunny-hug and turkey trot to the accompaniment of jazz music, furnished by a frog orchestra from an adjacent morass. 

“A large number of sober animals ranged around viewing the performance were so completely scandalized at the affair that they were compelled to bow their head in shame, excepting a few old skunks…”


Westminster Patch:
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Westminster Methodist minister Lowell Ensor helped raise awareness of civil rights in 1940s

Anyone remember the Rev. Dr. Lowell Ensor, the pastor at the Westminster United Methodist from 1940 – 1947 and later became the president of Western Maryland College – now McDaniel, from 1947 – June 30, 1972?,0,3448847.story


By Kevin Dayhoff, March 25, 2014

In 1945, institutional racism in Maryland was a hot topic. In part, the discussion was driven by pragmatism in that, according to research by historian Kenneth D. Durr, more than 20 percent of the population in Baltimore was said to be black. But because of housing segregation laws, the city's black population was squeezed into 2 percent of the city's land mass.

Lowell Ensor would later assume the office of president of the college, now McDaniel, on July 1, 1947, according to Lightner's history of the college, "Fearless and Bold." He served until June 30, 1972, and died in 1975.

Lowell Ensor would later assume pres of college now McDaniel 1Jy1947, according to Lightner's, "Fearless and Bold.",0,3448847.story

Westminster warming up for birthday celebration

... just endured are hard on a city — and expensive. In a recent edition of the city's newsletter, Westminster Mayor Kevin Utz wrote, "The City has spent all $100,000 of our snow budget plus an additional $50,000 in contingency funds purchasing ...
Vehicle license plates long a topic of interest [Column]
On April 12, 1946, Maryland Gov. Herbert O'Conor "announced his decision to provide permanent automobile registration tags for motor vehicles in the State," according to a local newspaper.
Oriole baseball history includes loss to Westminster in 1885 [Column]
There were actually at least two sports stadiums in Northeast Baltimore at 33rd Street and Ellerslie Avenue in what was once a city park by the name of Venable Park. The first, Baltimore Municipal Stadium, began operations Dec. 2, 1922.
Westminster minister helped raise awareness of civil rights in 1940s
In 1945, institutional racism in Maryland was a hot topic. In part, the discussion was driven by pragmatism in that, according to research by historian Kenneth D. Durr, more than 20 percent of the population in Baltimore was said to be black.
Current tensions in Ukraine bring back memories of Cold War
"Today's Paper Has Community Fallout Shelter Plan ? The new community fallout shelter plan for Carroll County is included in this newspaper. ?"
When cigars meant major industry in Manchester [Column]
... received an imported breech-loading shotgun. Throughout his career he gave away 5,000 guns representing sales of 5,000,000 cigars!" When he is not admiring the artwork on the old cigar labels,Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at .
Panama Canal opened markets for Carroll farmers [Column]
... City, a vast collection of skyscrapers and a thriving economic center that may be best described as the Hong Kong of Latin and South America. If he is not showing pictures of his trip to Panama to friends, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at
Wormseed was once a growing industry in the county [Eagle Archives]
... College: 621 employees • Carroll County Commissioners: 587 employees • Carroll Community College: 509 employees • Evapco: 440 employees When he is not counting the days until spring, KevinDayhoff may be reached at .
Streets and history of Westminster intersect at odd angles [Eagle Archives]
Many residents today may not recall the crazy-quilt "dog leg" intersection of John, Bond and Main streets, or the equally mismatched collision of Main and Liberty streets, Railroad Avenue, and the train tracks in Westminster. Years ago, these intersections did not look anything like they do now.
Long-standing history of ground-rent on property in Westminster [Column]
In the last several weeks, articles in the Baltimore Sun report that a ruling by the Maryland Court of Appeals "tossed-out ? an ambitious legislative effort" to address what some lawmakers perceived as abusive practices on the part of some ground-rent owners in Maryland.                                        +++++++++++++++
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My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Carroll County Sheriff's Office: “Strikeforce nabs Intoxicated Drivers during first weekend of patrols”

Strikeforce nabs Intoxicated Drivers during first weekend of patrols”

Effort part of State’s goal “Toward Zero Deaths” in August

Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland, August 9, 2010 ---- In an effort to reduce the fatalities caused by impaired driving, Carroll County Sheriff’s Deputies began a month long intensive enforcement initiative this weekend, stopping 148 motorists along Carroll roadways for motor vehicle law violations, seven of which resulted in the arrest of impaired drivers. Additional arrests included three suspended drivers, and one motorist who was in possession of personal use quantities of marijuana and associated paraphernalia.

Last year alcohol and drug use were a factor in twenty-nine percent (29%) of fatal collisions in Maryland in spite of law enforcement arresting more than 24,000 impaired drivers. Maryland’s alcohol limit is .08, which can be reached by consuming as little as one drink over a one-hour period. For those under age 21, Maryland’s zero tolerance law requires the arrest for the presence of any alcohol. Through strategic enforcement efforts and promoting awareness about the dangers of impaired driving, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office will work toward reducing the number of alcohol and drug related traffic collisions, injuries and fatalities.

Each weekend during the month of August, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office will join forces with the Maryland office of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and allied law enforcement agencies as part of the “Checkpoint Strikeforce” campaign. The Deputies primary objective will be enforcing those violations indicative of impaired driving while using the opportunity to heighten public awareness about the dangers of impaired driving and send a clear message to violators that impaired driving will not be tolerated.

The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office encourages people to drink responsibly, and reminds motorists to designate a sober driver before consuming any alcohol, call a taxi or other public transportation, and don’t let others who are impaired take to the road.

# # #


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Community Reporter Jan. 11, 1974: Adult Ed Course offered on Alcohol

Community Reporter, January 11, 1974.

Adult Education Course Offered On Alcohol Problem

Possibly the first course like it in the State of Maryland will be offered in the Carroll County School system through the Adult Education Division. The title of this course will be "Alcohol and Adolescents."

Its subject is a comprehensive look at the drug alcohol, its effects psychologically, sociologically and physically on humans, including an understanding of the disease of alcoholism, its effects on families and communities, plus a glimpse at its treatment.

This course will be aimed at helping parents feel more comfortable with communicating with their children around the inevitable contact the children will have with alcohol.

Community Reporter, January 11, 1974.

19740111 Community Reporter Adult Ed Course offered on Alcohol History 1970s, History 1970s Westminster, History This Day in History, Law Order Alcohol enforcement, Medicine Health Alcohol abuse

Adult Ed Course offered on Alcohol Community Reporter, January 11, 1974

Adult Ed Course offered on Alcohol Community Reporter, January 11, 1974
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, October 31, 2009

McDaniel students cited for alcohol by local police

McDaniel students cited for alcohol by local police

Kate Delenick, Co-Editor-in-Chief

On Friday, September 25 Westminster Police broke up a party on Main Street in Westminster. Many McDaniel college students were cited during the incident including members of both the Phi Delta Fraternity and Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority.

Free Press asked city police for the incident reports but were denied them. Free Press then filed a Freedom of Information request, but the information was not available at press time.

The Monday morning after the party bust the rumor mill had taken its toll on the Hill, leaving many students begging for another juicy detail and members of the former brother/sister fraternity and sorority angry, upset, and confused.

“None of the girls were intoxicated, so they’re getting charged but they weren’t drinking?” Phi Sigma Sigma, President, senior Lindsay Anderson said.


Faculty and Administration were made aware of the incident early by phone contact with Campus Safety according to Beth Gerl, Vice President of Student Affairs.


Elizabeth Towle, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, said the urgency of news “depends on the nature of the incident.” In this case, campus safety members accompanied the Westminster Police and the students were identified by Monday morning.


The fact that it was an off campus event, “totally separates it from the institution,” Gerl said. But that does not mean the event can be brushed aside. “We don’t want to see a repeat of this,” Gerl said.

According to Towle there are totally “different guidelines” when it comes to off-campus as opposed to on-campus events, and both deans agreed our college has worked hard to build positive relationships with surrounding streets and when something like this occurs “it doesn’t look good.”

“We typically have good, positive, relationships with the community, and I find this frustrating,” Towle said.


Read the entire article here: McDaniel Free Press: McDaniel students cited for alcohol by local police - News

20091025 McD Free Press students cited for alcohol by local police
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Man Pleads Guilty To DWI In Motorized La-Z-Boy

A Minnesota man has pleaded guilty to driving his motorized La-Z-Boy chair while drunk.

Read the entire account here: by The Associated Press October 22, 2009

20091022 sdosm Man Pleads Guilty To DWI In Motorized LaZBoy
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: