Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label Westminster Council Pres Halstad Damian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Westminster Council Pres Halstad Damian. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Eight years ago Laura Russell stole the spotlight at the Westminster mayor and Common Council meeting on Sept. 28, 2009

Eight years ago Laura Russell stole the spotlight at the Westminster mayor and Common Council meeting on Sept. 28, 2009

Oct. 9, 2017 – Sept. 28, 2009

Our friend Laura Russell, stole the spotlight at the Westminster mayor and Common Council meeting on Sept. 28, 2009. In an article I wrote for the Baltimore Sun that was published October 5, 2009, I reported, “Budget woes dominate Westminster mayor and council meeting. Westminster City Hall - The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last Monday began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening.

The meeting began with a presentation by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Westminster as club vice president Lyndi McNulty unveiled plans for raising money to purchase an electric three-wheeled “T-3 Personal Mobility Vehicle” for the Westminster Police Department.” …

Alas, sadly, the link to the story no longer works. But it is just as well as Laura Russell and Lyndi McNulty stole the show anyway… Just saying….
Photo caption: Westminster City Hall Sept. 28,2009 - The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening. By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 10/05/09 Left to right: councilmember Dr. Robert Wack, councilmember Tony Chiavacci, council president Damian Halstad, councilmember Greg Pecoraro, councilmember Suzanne Albert.  (Photo by Kevin Dayhoff)

Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting

Westminster Common Council report By Kevin Dayhoff Posted 10/05/09

The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening.

Mayor Kevin Utz conducted a public hearing on the 2009 Comprehensive Plan for Westminster.  Planning director Tom Beyard explained that the comprehensive plan was the culmination of two years of work and that it was due to be adopted by October 1, 2009 in order to conform with Maryland State law.

The development of the plan, which began in earnest in October 2007, was broken into three phases, Beyard said. The first phase was a citizen survey, followed by additional public outreach, followed by the drafting phase.

Beyard said the municipal growth footprint and the planned water and sewer service area had not changed since its boundaries were agreed upon with the county government two years ago. The plan did incorporate for the first time a water resource and municipal growth element.  Both are new mandates from the Maryland General Assembly.

The city was “probably one of the first (municipalities in the state) to submit the water resources element… many municipalities had asked for an extension,” said Beyard.

Council president Damian Halstad remarked, “… that the state found it to be an incredibly thorough plan… very detailed…”

Later the council voted to adopt the plan.

Under reports from the mayor and council members, there was much discussion about the success of the recent Fallfest community festival the previous weekend.

Utz and Councilmember Tony Chiavacci also noted how well the recent Westminster Police Department sobriety checkpoint exercise was planned and executed.

Police Chief Jeff Spaulding noted that although the checkpoint only resulted in taking one driver off the road for being allegedly driving while impaired by alcohol, “the whole point (of the checkpoint) is prevention…  The message will get out… (It’s) a public awareness tool.”

The mood of the council turned noticeably serious as the council president brought up “Budget Amendment No. 1” for adoption.

Utz explained “this reduction in the budget came as a direct result of the governor’s reduction in highway user revenues…”  Other council members noted that the state Board of Public Works recently voted to not send $818,000 in revenue due the city from taxes collected by the state designated for the city’s coffers – in order to balance the state budget.

A press release describing the budget amendment explained that the state reduced the Highway User Revenues from $747,580 to $74,758 and Police Aid from a budgeted $400,000 to $254,826.

Council finance committee chair Dr. Robert Wack described the state cut as “unexpected and unfortunate,” as he went on to further explain that “we will (probably) have to do this again.  We need citizen input as to what we can do without,” said Wack.

This is a “one time reduction,” said Wack of the budget amendment.  “This does not do anything about our structural budget deficit. There will be more reductions. The hole is just getting deeper.  (Increased) taxes are also on the table,” explained a clearly concerned Wack.

Wack and Councilman Greg Pecoraro gave an analysis of the steps the city has taken to address the city’s budget woes and what may lie in the future.  He also emphasized the need for public feedback.

“What is it the citizens want the city to do in the way of services?” asked Pecoraro as it was explained that in order to balance the budget in the future, a reduction in services offered by the city may need to be discussed.

Pecoraro lamented that if the city continues to provide all the services it currently maintains, the future budget challenges mean that “we are going to be able to do none of them well.”

City administrator Marge Wolf said that she expects the state to withhold an additional $329,000 from the city in January.

Among the cuts approved by the Common Council were cancellations of the paving contract, technology purchases and a police vehicle which totaled $267,950 in capital expenditures; diversion of the $100,000 contingency reserve to operating accounts.

Also, the city converted $215,000 of Union Street property proceeds to operating accounts; reduced departmental operating budgets by $155,086; revised the take home vehicle policy to institute a partial employee payback of costs by $15,768; and captured $65,000 in savings from reduced tipping fees.

Moving on to brighter topics, city parks and recreation director Ron Schroers talked about Fallfest in the final stages of the meeting.  He also described a series of state grants the city had already received to make some infrastructure improvements.

Public Works director Jeff Glass gave a brief presentation on ongoing efforts to work the Maryland Department of the Environment on future mandated upgrades to the city’s wastewater treatment plant.

The city’s roadway overlay and improvements program was also discussed.  As a result of the state cuts, the city had to withdrawal plans to re-surface certain streets in the city.

Wolf tried to put a bright face on a bleak picture at that by remarking that “this is not the best of times, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have good projects underway.”

As if on cue, Lori Graham, representing the business community, gave a report on the “Midnight Madness,” downtown business celebration held in conjunction with Fallfest.  She also gave an update on plans for the upcoming community ‘electric’ Christmas parade.

Also at the meeting, there was a presentation by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Westminster as club vice president Lyndi McNulty unveiled plans for raising money to purchase an electric three-wheeled “T-3 Personal Mobility Vehicle” for the Westminster Police Department.

This was followed by Historical Society of Carroll County presenting to the city with a copy of a new publication authored by Historical Society curator Cathy Baty entitled “Images in America: Westminster.”

The meeting ended on a positive note as Graham and others reminisced about “Fantastic Friday,” a new feature at Fallfest in which special needs children were treated to an afternoon of carnival rides.

“The community has its share of problems but we still come together to do good things,” said Graham.

More pictures and information: Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting

Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: 
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Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
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E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

See also - Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, music, culture, opera... Ad maiorem Dei gloriam inque hominum salutem. “Deadline U.S.A.” 1952. Ed Hutcheson: “That's the press, baby. The press! And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing!” - See more at:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Electronic Business Signs Approved for Rt. 140 in Westminster, No-Loitering Law on Main St discussed and other news from Westminster Patch

Electronic Business Signs Approved for Rt. 140 in Westminster, No-Loitering Law on Main St discussed and other news from Westminster Patch
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February 15, 2012

Your News

February 15, 2012

BGE Open House Tonight on New Power Line

Marc Shapiro | Feb 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

BGE officials will be at the Reisterstown Library tonight to answer questions about a transmission line extension that officials say will not require additional property.

Councilman Halstad In Favor of a No-Loitering Law on Main Street

Kym Byrnes | Feb 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

The mayor and other city representatives will meet with Main Street business owners Friday to discuss the issue of loitering on Main Street.

Beef for Dinner? Not So Much Anymore

Lisa Rossi | Feb 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Beef for Dinner? Not So Much Anymore

Electronic Business Signs Approved for Rt. 140 in Westminster

Kym Byrnes | Feb 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

The city amended its current code to allow electronic signs on Rt. 140 in Westminster.

Governor's Smart Growth Bill Gets Hearing in Annapolis

Baltimore Sun | Feb 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

Gov. Martin O'Malley's Smart Growth bill, which includes limiting development on septic tanks as well increasing the "flush fee", will get a hearing in Annapolis.


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February 15, 2012


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Lisa Shockney

Local blogger and travel agent shares five great romantic travel destinations.


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February 15, 2012

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I’m a newspaper reporter. I’m pushy, inconsiderate and I do not respect boundaries.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

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E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reception held for McDaniel president-elect

Reception held for McDaniel president-elect
Click here for a larger image: or here:
January 27, 2010 by Kevin Dayhoff

Last Wednesday, Westminster community leaders had an opportunity to meet and welcome McDaniel president-elect Dr. Roger N. Casey and his wife, Ms. Robyn Allers at a reception held at the Carroll Arts Council.

Casey, 48, was selected by the McDaniel board of trustees to serve as the 142-year-old college’s ninth president on December 17 to succeed President Joan Develin Coley as of July 1, 2010.

An article published in Explore Carroll on April 22, 2009 noted, “Coley announced her retirement at an executive session of the April 18 board of trustees meeting at the college. Coley has served as McDaniel’s president for 10 years and her retirement will start June 30, 2010…

“Coley has spent her life in higher education, accumulating 40 years of experience in the classroom and in administration. Prior to her serving as McDaniel president, she served as provost for six years. She joined the college faculty in 1973 as director of the Graduate Reading Program and was later promoted to serve as dean of Graduate Affairs and chair of the Department of Education…

‘It has been my great fortune to spend almost all of my working life on this [McDaniel] college campus, a place I love and believe in with unreasonable passion,’ she said in a news release issued today by the college.”

Casey currently serves as the vice president of academic affairs and provost of Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. He was chosen to lead the college during a national search conducted by a presidential search committee, led by Mary Lynn Durham, a 1970 graduate of the college, who serves as the vice chair of the board of trustees, eight trustees, three elected faculty members, one administrator and one student.

“During the search interviews and campus visits, Dr. Casey distinguished himself as a visionary leader who understands McDaniel’s steadfast commitment to academic excellence through collaborative learning and deliberate faculty mentoring of students,”, said Martin K. P. Hill, chairman of McDaniel’s board of trustees, according to the McDaniel College web site.

“We are absolutely confident that Roger will respect our traditions and realize our aspirations through focusing the College’s vision, advancing its mission and implementing its strategic plan.”

“With labor and love, I will do my best to live up to the expectations of those who have given me the chance to be the organizational leader of a community that champions the tradition of liberal arts education. … Great things lie ahead for McDaniel,” said Casey, in a letter addressed to the McDaniel community posted on the college’s web site.

“The sense of community that undergirds it, is what first drew me to ‘the Hill,’” continued Casey in his letter. “Building on the exceptional work of President Coley and her predecessors, my job is now clear: to make sure everyone hears the fullest understanding of what that tradition and its present manifestation means at McDaniel.

“I believe that message is important to our existing community, to future students, to this region, to donors and other supporters, to American higher education, and to the world. The message is that McDaniel makes a difference.”

Casey is a South Carolina native who “graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Furman University in 1983 and went on to earn both an M.A. degree and a Ph.D. in English from Florida State University,” according to the McDaniel College web site.

Allers was in her element at the arts council reception. She currently serves “as the interim director of Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins,” said the web article introducing the president-elect last December.

“Prior to Rollins, Casey served Birmingham-Southern College in Alabama as an associate dean and professor from 1991-2000.”

At the reception, Casey, who has studied and traveled in more than 60 countries, noted that he was also right at home in the Tevis Gallery at the Arts Council. Behind him, as he shared brief remarks, was the art of a number of artists who grew-up in other parts of the world, but now make Maryland their home.

Casey said in his letter to the McDaniel community last December, when it was announced that he was appointed, that he and his wife were traveling in Laos.

Hill noted the international flair of the reception in his introductory remarks; noting that the “current exhibit, ‘Ubuntu,’ is a collection of international artists… It serves as a perfect back drop” for the reception. “Dr. Roger Casey is himself an advocate for the transformational nature of global study and travel.”

“In 1994, Casey was named a Fellow of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation that supported his travel to 16 countries over a four-year period to examine the role of vision in the creation of community, a transformational experience that has instilled a strong sense of global and local responsibility,” according to McDaniel College.

“His current scholarly passions,” according to information from McDaniel, “include exploring the organizational behaviors of Generation X and The Millennials, examining literary and film depictions of teachers and students, and studying the impact of social media on higher education. His expertise in these areas earns him frequent invitations to present at both national academic conferences and in corporate settings.”

It was also noted that, “He has been a theatrical producer, director, and actor, most recently in 2006 as F. Scott Fitzgerald in a Winter Park production of ‘Devotedly, With Dearest Love: The Letters of Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald.’”

Hill also noted at the reception, “Each of the eight previous presidents at McDaniel have found it easy to feel at home in Westminster. I am certain this will be the first of many opportunities to meet and get to know Roger and Robyn.”

Allers shared in a conversation with several folks who had gathered around her, including Marcus Lee Primm, Dave Bollinger, and Corynne Courpas, that she and Casey had quietly visited Westminster and the college one day last fall.

She remarked that she and her husband were impressed with the sense of community and history, and the friendliness of the students and the Westminster community.

“How delighted we are, Robyn and I, to meet you… We are looking forward to calling Westminster our home,” said Casey in his remarks at the reception. “It is an honor to follow in Joan’s (Coley’s) footsteps…”

Commissioners Mike Zimmer and Dean Minnich joined with county chief of staff, Steve Powell to meet the new president. Minnich, who had noted that Allers is also a writer, expressed that he was eager to get to know the president-elect and his wife.

Also, present were Westminster mayor Kevin Utz, along with council members Damian Halstad, Tony Chiavacci, Dr. Robert Wack, and Greg Pecoraro. Halstad, also a writer, nodded in approval as Audrey Cimino, the executive director of the Community Foundation of Carroll County, and also an actress, singer and fan of the theatre, looked on.

“We’ve always had a great relationship with the college and we’re looking forward to continuing that relationship with Dr. Casey,” said Halstad.

20100127 kedsdosm d4 SCE Reception held McD pres elect Colleges McDaniel, Colleges McDaniel Allers Robyn, Colleges McDaniel Casey Roger, Colleges McDaniel Coley Joan, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff writing essays, Westminster Council Pres Halstad Damian

[20100127 McD Casey recept (2)dsm RC Cimino]

Reception held for McDaniel College president-elect Dr. Roger N. Casey
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hernandez gives presentation to a friendly witch

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Nancy Hernandez gives a presentation about upcoming services and programs from the Community Media Center to a friendly witch and the Westminster mayor and Common Council at their meeting at Westminster City Hall last Monday, October 26, 2009

From left to right: public works director Jeff Glass; Nancy Hernandez, Beth Fahey, Administrative Coordinator, City Hall; councilmembers Dr. Robert Wack and Tony Chiavacci; council president Damian Halstad; mayor Kevin Utz; councilmember Greg Pecoraro. Un-pictured, except for her folded hands is councilwoman Suzanne Albert. And yes, that is a witch that kindly attended the council meeting, in the foreground.

Picture by Kevin Dayhoff October 26, 2009 [20091026 CowMCC Mtg (2)]

Related: “The Journalist and the snallygaster” Witches politicians journalists too & - - “Journalist may have been startled by snallygaster at city meeting - The snallygasters of Westminster’s Emerald Hill” - The Westminster city council report by Kevin Dayhoff October 26, 2009 Read the entire story here:

For more information, please see: Dayhoff literature of the absurd, Dayhoff writing essays, Journalists Schutt-Bryan Schutt, People Zappardino-Pam, Westminster Annual Halloween, Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster PW Dir Jeff Glass, Annual Halloween, Dayhoff erratum reductio ad absurdum, Dayhoff writing essays people, Dayhoff writing essays politics, People Glass-Jeff, Westminster Council Meeting Notes, , , , , , , , , , #art #writing #Halloween

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Westminster Common Council Report: Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting

Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting
Click here for a larger image:
Westminster Common Council Report:

By Kevin Dayhoff Posted 10/05/09

The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening. By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 10/05/09

Read the entire article here:

More pictures and information:

Photo caption for [20090928 COWMCCMtg 2mccb]: Westminster City Hall Sept. 28,2009 - The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening. By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 10/05/09 VLeft to right: councilmember Dr. Robert Wack, councilmember Tony Chiavacci, council president Damian Halstad, councilmember Greg Pecoraro, councilmember Suzanne Albert. (Photo by Kevin Dayhoff)
Twitpic: Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting

Historical Society of Carroll Co, MD State Budget, People Chiavacci Tony, People Graham-Lori, Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster Council Pres Halstad Damian, Westminster Finance Budget


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: