Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403
Showing posts with label People Craig–David Craig. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Craig–David Craig. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Harford Co Exe David Craig announces bid for governor’s office

Harford Co Exe David Craig announces bid for governor’s office by Kevin E. Dayhoff Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Photo courtesy of

Although the Maryland gubernatorial primary is over a year away, last Monday morning the 2014 contest began to take shape in earnest with Harford County Executive David Craig announcing his candidacy for the Maryland State House.

Outside of Saint Patrick's Hall in Havre de Grace, dark clouds formed and it threatened to rain. Inside, there was no doubt that Mr. Craig’s formal announcement has threatened to shake up the contest for governor by launching what many political insiders consider to be a serious and credible Republican bid to regain the governor’s office after eight-years of liberal governance by Democrat Governor Martin O’Malley.

I felt badly that I was not able to make my way to Harford County last Monday. Mr. Craig went out of his way to visit Carroll County on several occasions to lend me a hand when I was an elected official. Over the years Mr. Craig has been a perfect host for a number of my sojourns to Harford County.

When I served for many years on the Maryland Municipal League board of directors, then-Havre de Grace Mayor Craig, along with many others such as then-Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley and then Ocean City Mayor Jim Mathias were a constant source of help with the many difficult challenges facing municipalities throughout the state.

However, for better or worse, Maryland political campaigns are more often than not insufferably long and I am only sure that I will be able to see my old friend Mr. Craig on several occasions before the voters have their say on the day of the Maryland primary election on June 24, 2014. (The general election next is scheduled for November 4, 2014.)

Mr. Craig’s candidacy raises many questions for political junkies….

 The next year ought to have plenty of fodder for political writers and armchair political pundits.

Mr. Craig’s quest for the governor’s office has been one the worse-kept secrets in Maryland politics for years. Although I never wanted to ask the obvious and put a friend in an awkward position, even I figured it out several years ago and I can sometimes be the most inept and oblivious political junkie in the room.

As recently as January 4, 2012, I wrote in, a reference to liberal-governance fatigue… As much I admire my old friend Governor O’Malley’s accomplishments, one may actively debate whether or not he went way too far with Maryland voters with his uber-liberal approach to government and how much will O’Malley-fatigue will plague the uphill candidacy of Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown, D, who was the first to formally announce his candidacy - on May 10.

In that January 4, 2012 column, “Scenarios Abound,” I observed, “The next big political roundelay in Maryland will not take place until 2014 and by then chances are most Marylanders – read Democrats – will have long gotten over any tax increases…

“That is, unless current Harford County Executive and likely 2014 Maryland gubernatorial candidate, David Craig, can remind voters of their pain...”

On September 10, 2011, Richard J. Cross, III, wisely noted, “If history is any guide, 2014 looks like it will be an anti-establishment year. Maryland voters will be restless after eight years of Martin O’Malley, just as they were after eight years of William Donald Schaefer and Parris Glendening.

“Plus, if President Obama is reelected in 2012 and experiencing the traditional mid-term slump that most presidents do, a Republican like Craig could benefit from these anti-incumbent forces.”

Another of the many questions is whether or not the consistent and steady-as-you-go political leadership of Mr. Craig can overcome the two-to-one lead Democrats hold in the voter rolls.

Mr. Craig, an accomplished historian and an academic, is well-known for his measured, thoughtful, and scholarly approach to government. Other than Maryland State Senator Joe Getty, R-Carroll and Baltimore Counties, and Senate President Mike Miller, D-Anne Arundel County; few in Maryland state politics today are as knowledgeable as Mr. Craig about the mysteries of formulating public policy and how government works.

Whether or not Mr. Craig’s comfortable and easily-accessible personality, his decades of qualifications and experience, and his government acumen are enough to overcome the hyper-partisan politics of Maryland will remain to be seen.

Then again, there are always the bizarre byzantine voodoo mysteries of Republican primaries. Specifically there is the not-so-small matter that the hard right wing of the Republican Party hardly ever resists an opportunity to pee on its own leg and tell you that it is raining. Never in my 60-years have I ever seen an organization snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as well as the hard right wing of the Republican Party.

If you will recall; towards the end of the Ellen Sauerbrey (R) campaign for Maryland governor in 1994 - the hard right wing of the Republican Party decided that Ellen Sauerbrey was moderating on some core conservative values. Ultimately this resulted in the hard, uncompromising and inflexible elements of the right wing of the Republican Party electing Governor Parris Glendening (D) for 8 years.

And the uncompromising and inflexible elements of the right wing of the Republican Party worked hard for Governor O’Malley in his gubernatorial contests with former Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich.

Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat - you have to admit that this is quite a paradox. I recall that in one of David Horowitz's books a number of years ago, “The Art of Political War and other Radical Pursuits,” it begins by saying: "Politics is war, but in America the left is doing all the shooting.  Shell-shocked conservatives blame their failures on the media or unscrupulous opponents, but they refuse to name the real culprit – themselves…”

To loosely paraphrase an old partisan aphorism; these days, the only difference between a Republican and a cannibal is that the cannibal only eats its enemies.

. . . . . I’m just saying…

June 5, 2013
Craig Steps to the Bottom of The Mountain 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Although the Maryland gubernatorial primary is over a year away, on Monday the 2014 contest began to take shape in earnest with Harford County Executive David Craig announcing his candidacy for the Maryland State House.

May 29, 2013
A Fallen Son of Carroll County 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The weather was perfect for the 146th Memorial Day exercises at the Westminster Cemetery on Monday. The keynote address speaker for the community ritual of spring was Army Sgt. 1st Class Joseph T. Schultz, a North Carroll High School graduate.

May 23, 2013
A Renewed Purpose and Meaning for Pentecost 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Many believe that the current decline in church attendance directly contributes to the erosion of our quality of life, the deterioration of our sense of community and lack of confidence in the future.

May 22, 2013
Pentecost Sunday 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday; the 50 day after Easter and the birthday of the church. Along with Easter and Christmas, Pentecost is one of the three most important holidays in the church. It’s time to renew the spirit of Pentecost in our daily lives. Here’s why.

May 15, 2013
The Spiritual Practice of Shredding Stuff 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last month my wife and I left our house in the wee-hours of the morning and joined other households in Carroll County for the shared experience of putting box after box of old documents in a large ravenous shredder-truck which devoured the paper voraciously.

May 8, 2013
Another Boot on Your Neck 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Monday the U.S. Senate voted 69-27 for the Marketplace Fairness Act, which allows states to collect sales taxes on certain online purchases.

May 1, 2013
Alvin Lee is coming home 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
It has been almost two-months since British guitarist Alvin Lee, the legendary rock-blues master and lead singer of the band “Ten Years After,” passed away March 6.

April 24, 2013
The Presidents Club 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Thursday, Time magazine editors Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy provided a sneak peek into the most exclusive club in the world, “The Presidents Club,” to a crowd that filled McDanielCollege’s Decker Lecture Hall in Westminster.

April 17, 2013
Tragedy Strikes at Heart of America 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The cheers of joy and excitement quickly turned to screams of terror on Monday at 2:50 in the afternoonwhen an act of senseless horror shattered the 117th running of the Boston Marathon, arguable the world’s oldest and most prestigious endurance foot race.

April 10, 2013
March Job Creation Flatlines 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Friday the Labor Department announced the unemployment numbers for March and it was not a pretty picture. The Obama Administration quickly mustered the mainstream media and the party faithful spinmeisters to parrot that the numbers were as a result of the sequestration that only took effect at the beginning of the month.

April 3, 2013
Marissa Mayer: The Changing Face of Leadership 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In a recent ‘lean in’ story posted on the new website launched by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Google employee number 20, Marissa Mayer weighed on how she decided to accept the position of president and CEO of Yahoo!

March 27, 2013
Obamacare: The New Repetitive Stress Disorder 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On January 1, 2014, the revolutionary change in how we will receive our healthcare in the future will become fully implemented. Last Saturday was the third anniversary of the law and even the mainstream media, which coordinated its passage, cannot avoid reporting on how it is already making all of us sick.

March 20, 2013
The Economic Roots of Democracy 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On a recent trip to Europe, I found myself reading The Economist while standing on an ancient foundation that dated back to the Bronze Age. This gave me great pause when I considered that literally and figuratively, much of the economic basis of democracy that we enjoy today had its beginnings in ancient Greece.

March 13, 2013
President Obama: The sky is falling 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Almost two weeks have gone by since the so-called “sequester” of the federal budget went into effect and all indications lead us to believe that the Zombie Apocalypse has not happened. Nor has it otherwise resulted in the end of the world as we know it.

March 6, 2013
How I learned to love the sequester 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Friday, March 1, the much ballyhooed and overhyped “sequester” of the federal budget began. A key and critical provision of the Budget Control Act of 2011, sequestration was signed into law on August 2, 2011 by President Barack Obama.

February 27, 2013
The new Dali Museum in St. Pete 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The new Salvador DalĂ­ Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, has now been open for over two-years. The much-anticipated fantastical $36 million, 66,450 square foot museum doubled the capacity of the previous 1982 building that I had the opportunity to in February 2009.

February 20, 2013
A Look Back At The War With Spain 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Early in the morning of last Friday, I found myself pondering a watershed moment in American history in the middle of a cemetery plot for the battleship U.S.S. Mainelocated in the Key West Cemetery, Key West, Florida.

February 13, 2013
A Visit to Ancient Olympia 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
A January tour of Greece included an opportunity to get away from the crowds, hectic tourist mainstays and urban landscape of Athens, to venture on the Peloponnesian Peninsula and visit many places, including Mycenae, Nafplion, Epidaurus, and one of the many highlights of the trip – ancient Olympia.

February 6, 2013
Commissioner John L Armacost – R.I.P. 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Many were saddened recently to learn that the well-respected longstanding community leader and former Carroll County commissioner, John L. Armacost, died January 13.

January 30, 2013
Big fat Greek surprises 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In spite of the profoundly dulled senses that come as a result of a day of international travel, Greece takes hold of you the very moment you arrive at the Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport.

January 23, 2013
Is Charter Right for Carroll County? 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The decision last November by Frederick County voters to go to a Charter form of government has kept local political junkies preoccupied ever since the election results were announced.

January 16, 2013
Letters Reveal Divided Shriver Family 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
This Saturday the Historical Society of Carroll County will give a presentation on the letters and documents which shed additional light on the divided loyalties of the Shriver family of Carroll and Frederick counties during the Civil War.

January 15, 2013
Demonstrations in Athens 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Athens, Greece, January 12 – Demonstrators once again took to the streets in central Athens Saturday afternoon, in another of a long series of strikes, demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience that have rocked Greece since a worldwide economic downturn officially got underway in December 2007.

January 9, 2013
Colonial cooking was hard labor 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Cooking in pioneer and colonial Frederick and Carroll County was certainly not the romanticized picture of women wonderfully adorned in long dresses, hovering over large kettles of aromatic delights, cooking over an open fire with a loaf of bread or two strategically placed nearby.

January 2, 2013
Happy New Year – Past and Present 
Kevin E. Dayhoff
According to widespread superstition, evil spirits are frightened away by loud noise and this is why we have the tradition of using noisemakers to bring in the New Year.


Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Harford Co Exe David Craig announces bid for governor’s office

Harford Co Exe David Craig announces bid for governor’s office by Kevin E. Dayhoff Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Photo courtesy of

Although the Maryland gubernatorial primary is over a year away, last Monday morning the 2014 contest began to take shape in earnest with Harford County Executive David Craig announcing his candidacy for the Maryland State House.

Outside of Saint Patrick's Hall in Havre de Grace, dark clouds formed and it threatened to rain. Inside, there was no doubt that Mr. Craig’s formal announcement has threatened to shake up the contest for governor by launching what many political insiders consider to be a serious and credible Republican bid to regain the governor’s office after eight-years of liberal governance by Democrat Governor Martin O’Malley.

I felt badly that I was not able to make my way to Harford County last Monday. Mr. Craig went out of his way to visit Carroll County on several occasions to lend me a hand when I was an elected official. Over the years Mr. Craig has been a perfect host for a number of my sojourns to Harford County.

When I served for many years on the Maryland Municipal League board of directors, then-Havre de Grace Mayor Craig, along with many others such as then-Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley and then Ocean City Mayor Jim Mathias were a constant source of help with the many difficult challenges facing municipalities throughout the state.

However, for better or worse, Maryland political campaigns are more often than not insufferably long and I am only sure that I will be able to see my old friend Mr. Craig on several occasions before the voters have their say on the day of the Maryland primary election on June 24, 2014. (The general election next is scheduled for November 4, 2014.)

Mr. Craig’s candidacy raises many questions for political junkies….

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Harford County Executive David Craig addresses a McDaniel College panel

Harford County Executive (Rep.) David Craig addresses a McDaniel College panel during an October 2, 2012 presentation on the 2012 presidential election.

Kevin Dayhoff The Tentacle Dialogue on the Presidential Election

Dialogue on the Presidential Election Elections 2012, Elections 2012 presidential, Politics debates

Recently, political science professor Dr. Herb Smith, the McDaniel College director of government relations, brought together a distinguished panel at the college in Westminster for a local “Dialogue on the Presidential Election.”

Just as early voting has begun in many states, and the date of the traditional fall general election is within weeks, now is the time that our country turns to the podium and stage for the debate edition of presidential reality theatre.


Harford County Executive (Rep.) David Craig addresses a McDaniel College panel during an October 2, 2012 presentation on the 2012 presidential election.

On October 2, the day before the much-ballyhooed presidential debate in Denver, I particularly enjoyed the “Dialogue on Presidential Election” debate forum at McDaniel College.

The event brought together my friends Maryland Delegate (Dem.) Samuel (Sandy) Rosenberg and Harford County Executive (Rep.) David Craig for a discussion moderated by McDaniel President Roger Casey.

Instead of an audience of 70 million, about 125 students gathered at the Decker Center Forum on the college campus to witness County Executive Craig and Delegate Rosenberg answer questions and provide thoughtful insights into the many complicated issues that are part of the difficult matrix that must be negotiated before one makes a decision as to how to mark his or her ballot on November 6.

For an hour and a half, County Executive Craig and Delegate Rosenberg discussed sixteen questions from panelists that included McDaniel faculty members, Dr. Julie Routzahn, an economics and business administration professor and Dr. Debora Johnson-Ross, a political science professor.

Also on the panel were Maryland Public Television’s Jeff Salkin and my former editor, Jim Lee, who has served at the helm of the Carroll County Times for 15-years.


Many have been surprised that the Republican presidential challenger, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, did as well as he did during the first presidential debate in Denver on October 3.

Writing for The Slatest, Josh Voorhees penned on Monday, “Was Romney's Debate Win the Most Convincing in History? It Looks That Way.” According to Mr. Voorhees, “Gallup's latest survey shows just how overwhelmingly the American public thought Mr. Romney bested President Obama onstage in Denver last Wednesday: 72 percent of debate watchers gave the win to the GOP challenger with only 20 percent seeing the president as the winner. That 52-point gap was the largest the polling outfit has ever seen, topping even Bill Clinton's 42-point margin over George H. W. Bush in 1992…”

For those who missed the debate, it is also a great read. The transcript of “President Obama and Mitt Romney’s remarks at the first presidential debate …,” has been published by The Washington Post.

For a concise and insightful commentary on the debate by writer, former Maryland State Del. Rick Weldon, read, “A Slam-Dunk Election Snapshot.” “Employing language familiar to basketball fans, the first presidential debate of the 2012 election cycle resulted in a slam dunk for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney,” says Delegate Weldon…
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Harford County Has AAA Bond Ratings Reaffirmed

Harford County Has AAA Bond Ratings Reaffirmed

January 3, 2012

According to a Harford County press release dated January 3, 2012, Harford County has had its AAA bond ratings reaffirmed

The press release said:

Conservative fiscal management, low debt burden cited as strengths

(Bel Air, MD) - - County Executive David R. Craig is pleased to announce that Harford County has had its AAA bond ratings reaffirmed by rating agencies Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings. 

The two agencies upgraded the County in 2010, and the confirmation of the AAA ratings are the result of a review of the County’s fiscal management practices and economic outlook, as well as meetings with the County Executive and members of his administration.

Standard & Poor’s, which had previously assigned the County with an AA+ rating also reaffirmed their rating. The three rating agencies employ financial and business experts who seek to advise investors with regard to the safety of investing in a particular organization. 

By assigning these ratings, the experts are identifying Harford County as a safe place to invest and to do business.

According to Fitch Ratings, Harford County’s rating outlook is stable, and the County’s financial operations are “characterized by a conservative approach to budget development, timely revenue and spending adjustments, and steady compliance with a fiscal stabilization policy equal to 5% of spending.”

Furthermore, Fitch adds, “Harford County continues to adhere to good debt management guidelines, which have allowed overall debt levels to remain low.”

Fitch also notes the county’s “historically low unemployment,” which they attribute to the quality of the local labor force, the County’s location, and the high concentration of federal government employees and contractors.  The continued expansion of APG, the report states, “should prove beneficial over the intermediate- to long-term, particularly with respect to attracting higher-wage employment opportunities.”

Similarly, Moody’s Investors Service identifies Harford’s “conservative management that maintains comprehensive fiscal policies” as a strength, while noting that the county’s employment linkage with the federal government is a challenge going forward

Commenting on the reports from the rating agencies, County Executive Craig remarked, “As I stated a year and a half ago when we were first upgraded, the efforts that my administration and the County Council have taken to diversify our economy, to reduce the tax burden of our citizens, and to invest in key infrastructure projects have positioned Harford County well for the future.”  

“The reaffirmation of our  AAA bond rating confirms that  our conservative fiscal approach is working, and that despite facing significant headwinds in our national economy, Harford County is not only weathering the storm but thriving.” County Executive Craig added, “If only the federal government could get its house in order as we have done, Harford County and our citizens could look forward to an even brighter and more stable future.”   

- 30 –

“Preserving Harford’s past; promoting Harford’s future” 

[20120103 Harford County Has AAA Bond Ratings Reaffirmed]

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Recent articles and news items on Harford County Executive David Craig

Recent articles and news items on Harford County Executive David Craig

BY COLUMNISTS - That is, unless current Harford County executive – and likely 2014 Maryland gubernatorial candidate – David Craig can remind voters of their pain at the pump. ...

Harford County Employees Offered $1200 Bonus - Local News... Harford County Executive David Craig said he can't figure out why the union is stalling. "I had many who said, 'We wish you would just give it to us directly. ...

Harford County Employees Offered $1200 Bonus WBAL Baltimore Harford County Executive David Craig said he can't figure out why the union is stalling. "I had many who said, 'We wish you would just give it to us directly.' I can't. I don't have their information; they don't work for the Harford County government. ... See all stories on this topic »

Harford bought trash transfer station site without appraisal Baltimore Sun Ben Lloyd, a spokesman for County Executive David Craig, confirmed there was no appraisal; however, Lloyd also said an appraisal wasn't "necessary." Guthrie, who represents Joppa and nearby Edgewood, has been outspoken in his opposition to the transfer ... See all stories on this topic »

Harford council fails to reconsider teacher bonuses Baltimore Sun BY BRYNA ZUMER, By not doing anything, the Harford County Council opted Tuesday not to reconsider the teacher bonuses that County Executive David Craig vetoed in December. No one made a move to reconsider the line item vetoed by ... See all stories on this topic »

Harford County: A letter writer praises David Craig's leadership... Editor: Thank you Mr. Craig, not only for providing the men and women of Harford County Government a bonus, but for standing out as a LEADER. Once again ...

Harford exec plans to pay back schools for bonuses paid Former HCEA negotiator... Baltimore Sun (blog) BY MARISSA GALLO, Harford County Executive David Craig plans to introduce legislation at a future county council meeting that will allow the county's school system to be reimbursed for the $625 bonus that went to each school system ...  See all stories on this topic »

Harford County Executive Vetoes School Bonuses County Executive David Craig issued a statement Friday expressing disappointment over the Harford County Education Association's response to the proposed bonuses. By Kirsten Dize County Executive David Craig vetoed a line item Friday, ... See all stories on this topic »

The bonus brouhaha Baltimore Sun Is Harford County Executive David Craig's plan to give bonuses to local public employees, including teachers, sheriff's deputies and government staff, good public policy? Local government employees — including teachers and deputies — have been ... See all stories on this topic »

Harford's Craig responds to county council on bonuses Baltimore Sun (blog) Following the hearing Tuesday evening, council members tabled the budget transfer legislation, some of them blaming County Executive David Craig and his staff for a communications breakdown over the bonus plan. Craig, meanwhile, issued a statement ... See all stories on this topic »

February: Snow and more snow means less and less school Baltimore Sun In response to the report, which didn't full out endorse a paid service, but did make recommendations to restructure what already exists, Harford County Executive David Craig said, "We have no intention of replacing the volunteer fire service or EMS ... See all stories on this topic »

Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company, Harford County Executive Craig Break Ground on... The Dagger Work was already well underway in the background, but Harford County Executive David Craig and members of the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company officially broke ground on the fire service's new Patterson Mill substation Saturday. ... See all stories on this topic »

An HCPS Christmas Carol: Your Guide to the Harford Schools Bonus Saga The Dagger The story begins with a one-time $1250 bonus proposed by Harford County Executive David Craig, half of which, or $625, was to be paid before the holidays. Four of the five unions representing Harford County Public School employees agreed to sign on, ... See all stories on this topic »

Selective posturing Baltimore Sun The Harford County Council has every right to ask plenty of questions about County Executive David Craig's proposal to give a $1250 bonus to all county government and school system employees. With this we have no quarrel. After all, it's the council's ... See all stories on this topic »

Menorah lighting in Bel Air celebrates start of Hanukkah Baltimore Sun More than 100 people filled the park at sundown Tuesday for the festive event, which was organized by Rabbi Kushi Schusterman, of Chabad Jewish Center of Harford County. Harford County Executive David Craig mounted a stepladder to light the "shamash," ... See all stories on this topic » Baltimore Sun

Thanks for the dough! Baltimore Sun ... for their decision and then when all else fails; blame it on someone else. Harford County is one of few counties in the United States thriving and the reason is "LEADERSHIP." So thankful we have the Leadership of David Craig here in Harford County. See all stories on this topic »

Bel Air Menorah Lighting Draws Crowd By Kirsten Dize County Executive David Craig and Deborah Temple, head of Adas Shalom in Havre de Grace, light the menorah during a public ceremony in Shamrock Park Tuesday. Shortly before sunset, people started congregating in Shamrock Park, ... See all stories on this topic »

[20120105 Recent articles and news items on David Craig]

Wednesday, January 4, 2012 Scenarios Abound for the 430 session of the MD General Assembly and the 2014 MD elections Scenarios Abound for the 430 session of the MD General Assembly and the 2014 MD elections"Next Wednesday, on January 11, the 430th taxing tradition of the Maryland General Assembly opera will once again take center stage.

Besides the apocalyptic foreboding talk of proposed tax increases, tax hikes, revenue enhancements, and increased investment, who really knows what is in store for Marylanders. All indications point to multiple plots with subplots and subplots to subplots plus a few soliloquies on the side.

The most intriguing subplot has to do with how the actions of this session will affect the 2014 gubernatorial campaign. More on that later." ...

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Harford County: A letter writer praises David Craig's leadership. - Baltimore Sun

Harford County: A letter writer praises David Craig's leadership. - Baltimore Sun

Thank you Mr. Craig, not only for providing the men and women of Harford County Government a bonus, but for standing out as a LEADER ...