Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Quick informal Westminster mayor and Common Council Feb. 12, 2018 meeting notes by Kevin Dayhoff

Peggy Bair (in the left picture,) and Lori Graham (in the right picture,) were presented with a token of appreciation by Westminster Mayor Joe Dominick at the Feb. 12, 2018 Westminster Common Council meeting, for their years of service on the Westminster Planning Commission. Kevin Dayhoff photo

Mayor and Common Council Meeting
Monday, February 12, 2018 at 7 pm
Council Chambers of City Hall, 1838 Emerald Hill Lane, Westminster, MD

Westminster Common Council meeting on Monday, February 12, 2018 at 1838 Emerald Hill Lane.

I have not attended a Westminster mayor and Common Council meeting for a while. Of course, I am always thinking of running for office again. I really enjoyed working for the City of Westminster.

However, at this evening’s meeting, Westminster Planning Commission members Peggy Bair and Lori Walsh Graham were being recognized. Neither were reappointed.

Bair had served since 1989 and I appointed Graham in 2004.

I wanted to go to the meeting and pay my respects to these two great Westminster citizens who have given of their time so selflessly for the benefit of the greater community. Both individuals took time away from their families to contribute to Westminster and Carroll County and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

Council President Dr. Robert Wack began the meeting began at 7 p.m. with the pledge to the flag and a moment of silence.

In attendance were council members Yingling, Chiavacci, Wack, Mayor Dominick, Becker, and Pecoraro. Finance Director Palmer was not present. Assist. Chief Ledwell represented the police department. City Administrator Barb Matthews, Planner Bill Mackey. Public Works Director Jeff Glass, Housing Director Cindy Valenzisi and Shannon Visocsky.

There were about 11 citizens in attendance.

Mayor Dominick presented an award to Peggy Bair and Lori Graham for their work on the planning commission.

There was a Window Display Presentation - Matthew Kohn of Kohn Creative.

The City of Westminster Mayor Dominick then held two public hearings on two ordinances:

Proposed Ordinance No. 886 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 164, “Zoning”, of the Westminster City Code, Article VIII, “B Business Zone”, § 164-41, “Uses Permitted”; Article VIII B, “D-B Downtown Business Zone”, § 164-45.8, “Uses Permitted” and § 164-45.9, “Special Exceptions”, Article IX, “C-B Central Business Zone”, § 164-47, “Uses Permitted” And § 164-48, “Special Exceptions”; Article VIII A, “C-C Central Commerce Zone”, § 164-45.2, “Uses Permitted”, and § 164-45.3, “Special Exceptions”; and Article VII A, “Mixed Use Infill Zone”, § 164-39.2, “Uses Permitted”, to permit the operation of tattoo parlors as of right or, in some cases, by special exception. – Mr. Mackey

Proposed Ordinance No. 888 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 7, “Boards And Commissions”, Article II, “Planning and Zoning Commission”, to provide for the appointment of an alternate member to the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission and to make housekeeping changes to other provisions of Chapter 7, Article II. – Mr. Mackey

Consent calendar.

A) Proposed acceptance of Deed regarding Parcels E, F, G and H on Plat of Phase 4A Lots 101-111 Windy Hills Farms to provide for water resource protection areas related to City’s water system – Mr. Mackey

B) Authorization to Terminate Lease with Fallfest Inc. for the David S. Babylon Jr., Community Building


Mayor’s report commented that he is still working on formulating future plans for the city.


No report from Councilmember Yingling.

Councilman Chiavacci reported on the latest developments with the public safety committee.

Councilwoman Dr. Becker reported that she had met with Matthews about the Wakefield Valley initiative.

Council President Dr. Wack commented upon aspects of the Wakefield Valley property. He also mentioned a recent article in Carroll magazine. Dr Wack also reported that soon, he will again testify in Congress about legislation involving municipal fiber infrastructure.


No additional comments from the council members

A) Water and Sewer Rate Study-Ms. Matthews

City Administrator Matthews reported upon a bid for a water and sewer rate study. It was determined that the Municipal and Financial Studies Group will be awarded the bid for approximately $39,000.

A lengthy discussion followed about the possibility of the city pursuing not upgrading the Waste Water Treatment Plant because the cost has escalated so greatly.


The council adopted 886, 887 with non-substantive adjustment to change processing to dispensary.

A) Adoption of Ordinance No. 886 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 164, “Zoning”, of the Westminster City Code, Article VIII, “B Business Zone”, § 164-41, “Uses Permitted”; Article VIII B, “D-B Downtown Business Zone”, § 164-45.8, “Uses Permitted” and § 164-45.9, “Special Exceptions”, Article IX, “C-B Central Business Zone”, § 164-47, “Uses Permitted” And § 164-48, “Special Exceptions”; Article VIII A, “C-C Central Commerce Zone”, § 164-45.2, “Uses Permitted”, and § 164-45.3, “Special Exceptions”; and Article VII A, “Mixed Use Infill Zone”, § 164-39.2, “Uses Permitted”, to permit the operation of tattoo parlors as of right or, in some cases, by special exception. – Mr. Mackey

B) Adoption of Ordinance No. 887 - An Ordinance regarding Local Zoning Map Amendment No. LMA 18-01, approving an application for the establishment of a Medical Cannabis Overlay District upon certain property located in the City’s P-I Planning Industrial Zone and adopting the accompanying written decision. – Mr. Mackey

C) Adoption of Ordinance No. 888 - An Ordinance amending

Mr. Pecoraro motioned to approve Ordinance 888 to add an alternate on the planning commission with additional amendments. A lengthy discussion followed about various dynamics of the amendment and the workings of the various boards and commissions in the city. It was subsequently motioned by Pecoraro to postpone the adoption of the amendment. That motion was seconded by Becker. The motion passed.

D) Resolution No. 18-01 – Amending the City’s Participation in a Cigna Prescription Drug Plan for the City’s Medicare Eligible Retirees. – Ms. Childs

Resolution 18-01 was adopted.

There was no unfinished business

A) Motion to Hold Executive Session Immediately Following Regular Meeting

Motion to close the meeting by Pecoraro to discuss the potential purchase of property. The motion was seconded and passed.

Dr. Glass, the director of public works reports on various projects in the city.

Housing director Cindy Valenzisi gave a brief report…

Mr. Tim Bangerd with the Westminster Fire Dept. report: He commented upon the recent annual banquet, Top responder Bobby Schwartzman was the top responder for 2017. The department presented awards to Tevis, Baugher’s, Bollinger Insurance, and Pritt’s, for their past support of the fire company.

Bangerd provided commentary about the impact of the new Maryland safety and sick leave, on the fire department.

Bangerd commented upon the county fire and EMS services enabling legislation that is before the Maryland General Assembly.

Mr. Mackey with the planning department commented that the next meeting will take place at the fire department for the discussion about the proposed Public Hearing on ZMA 17-01 for BERAL, LLP at 625 Baltimore Blvd.

Reports by Major Ledwell about recent events in the city.

No questions for Ms. Matthews.

Citizen comments.

A citizen commented upon using natural plants to ameliorate challenges of the costs of the Wastewater Plant.

Craig Giles commented upon a vacant home in his neighborhood. He wants the water turned-off. The house has been vacant for 7 months. 1119 Singer Drive.

The meeting was recessed at 8:27 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a closed meeting.
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: 
Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Baltimore Sun - Carroll County Times - The Carroll Eagle:

Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

See also - Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, music, culture, opera... Ad maiorem Dei gloriam inque hominum salutem. “Deadline U.S.A.” 1952. Ed Hutcheson: “That's the press, baby. The press! And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing!” - See more at:

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