Dayhoff Westminster

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

A number of good articles on the movie and recent events in Selma Alabama on the George Mason University's History News Network

A number of good articles on the movie and recent events in Selma Alabama on the George Mason University's History News Network

Feb 27, 2015 ... Written for the movie Selma, the song evokes the civil rights movement's themes of freedom and justice, and connects them to our time.
Jan 20, 2015 ... The film Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay, has drawn considerable criticism for the picture's depiction of President Lyndon Johnson.
Jan 14, 2015 ... James Barker was a technical photographer, working with Washington State University's Division of Industrial Research in Pullman, ...
Mar 5, 2015 ... Scores of U.S. lawmakers are converging on tiny Selma, Alabama, for a large commemoration of a civil rights anniversary. But their ranks don't ...
Jan 20, 2015 ... U.S. President Barack Obama will visit Selma, Alabama, in March to recognize the 50th anniversary of historic marches led by activists fighting ...
Jan 16, 2015 ... Related Link: "What Selma means to the Jews" by Susannah Heschel. I'm entering this ongoing discussion of the movie Selma because I have, ...
Jan 14, 2015 ... The Screen Actors Guild, which released its nominees last month, left Selma out of every category. A week ago, the Producers Guild of America ...
Jan 25, 2015 ... by Sheldon Stern. Sheldon Stern is the author of numerous articles and “Averting 'the Final Failure': John F. Kennedy and the Secret Cuban ...
Jan 16, 2015 ... HNN Hot Topic: Selma, the Movie. tags: LBJ, MLK, Selma · Click here to view HNN's list of articles on Selma.
Dec 30, 2014 ... The director of Oscar-tipped civil-rights drama Selma has mounted a fierce defence of the film's historical credibility following complaints from ...

Dec 31, 2014 ... Was Lyndon B. Johnson a civil rights mastermind, or a reluctant follower pulled along by activists led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?
I liked the movie, but “Selma” missed a few teaching moments. There has been a lot written about what is wrong or right with the film Selma. Here are a few ...
Jan 20, 2015 ... The controversy surrounding Ava DuVernay's “Selma” — which depicts Martin Luther King Jr.'s campaign to secure voting rights for ...
Jan 12, 2015 ... Contrary to "Selma," tapes of LBJ show cordiality with King (Video) ... Relationship Between MLK and LBJ Wasn't as Portrayed in 'Selma' ...
Dec 22, 2014 ... To that end, Paramount Pictures' ambitious “Selma,” depicting the bloody civil rights campaign in Selma, Alabama, gets much right. The film ...
Feb 17, 2015 ... The 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery was arguably one of the more historic events -- and it has prompted renewed focus on and ...
Dec 3, 2014 ... On a swampy afternoon in late June, the director Ava DuVernay stood not far from the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., that haunted place ...
Feb 15, 2015 ... When Spider Martin, a young photographer for The Birmingham News, stepped onto the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., on March 7, ...
Feb 8, 2015 ... During tonight's episode of "60 Minutes," "Selma" director Ava DuVernay talked about recent criticism of the film, her childhood memories of ...
Jan 10, 2015 ... Selma's treatment of President Lyndon B. Johnson has sparked a controversy that could threaten the film's legacy and, in the short term, ...

Jan 6, 2015 ... In this 50th anniversary year of the Selma-to-Montgomery March and the Voting Rights Act it helped inspire, national media will focus on the ...
Jan 19, 2015 ... On a recent CBS Sunday Morning, the generally insightful David Edelstein defended the film “Selma.” He imagined, as one can almost ...
Dec 22, 2014 ... 25 release of the movie Selma showcases not only one of the key chapters in the civil rights movement but also one of the most important ...
Mar 2, 2015 ... The resolution was sponsored by Representative Terri Sewell, Alabama's first black Congresswoman, who grew up in Selma. Sewell was born ...
Jan 15, 2015 ... The movie Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay and starring David Oyelowo as Martin Luther King, Jr. was nominated for Academy Awards ...
Dec 31, 2014 ... As a movie, Selma has a lot to offer. The acting is marvelous (David Oyelowo captures MLK every bit as well as Daniel Day-Lewis imagined ...
Jan 12, 2015 ... The nationwide release of the film Selma, which concentrates on Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 1965 Selma marches for the cause of ...
Mar 6, 2015 ... Anyone who was not a diehard white supremacist could see the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 for what it was: a myth in motion, ...
by Julian E. Zelizer. Julian E. Zelizer, the Malcolm Forbes Stevenson, Class of 1941 Professor of History and Public Affairs at Princeton University and a fellow at ...
Dec 24, 2014 ... Like many residents here this summer, Josh Wilkerson eagerly signed up to be an extra in the film “Selma.” But when he was asked to play a ...

To see more pictures click on this link, which takes you to Google Books. Then scroll down. Read entire article at Life Magazine ...
Mar 23, 2015 ... As the 50th anniversary of the Selma-to-Montgomery march arrival in Montgomery approaches, Williams has made his photos available.
Mar 6, 2015 ... So Faust skipped her midterm exams and headed to Selma. The experience offered her a moment of “absolute and powerful moral clarity,” ...
Photographer Stephen Somerstein chronicled the Selma demonstration through a series of images that authentically portray the events that took place over the ...
Jun 12, 2014 ... Cooper, a Selma, Ala., native, who died in November 2010 at 100 years old, stood in line for hours in an attempt to register to vote at the Dallas ...
May 3, 2007 ... MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- A fatal shooting by a state trooper that helped inspire the march from Selma in 1965 and the ''Bloody Sunday'' protest ...
Jan 12, 2015 ... But, like the movement as a whole, Selma the movie is not, and Selma the historical events were not, about Lyndon Johnson. By trying to make ...
Selma director Ava DuVernay may well have taken more license than artistically necessary in the confrontational scenes between Martin Luther King Jr. and ...
Selma director Ava DuVernay may well have taken more license than artistically necessary in the confrontational scenes between Martin Luther King Jr. and ...
Dec 22, 2014 ... And now in January, a major film called Selma will be released nationwide that dramatizes a key moment in the evolution of King's struggle.

On March 7, 1965 — a day that would become known as "Bloody Sunday" — 600 marchers heading east out of Selma topped the graceful, arched span over the ...
Feb 13, 2015 ... Selma has been flogged over its muddled history for months. The movie colony is not alone. Plays and television shows have been charged ...
Mar 6, 2015 ... The racist violence in Selma, Alabama, 50 years ago lives in history as ''Bloody Sunday,'' but do not forget the February night of vigilantism in ...
Jan 12, 2015 ... The new film Selma has sparked a bitter public debate, mostly concerning the film's representation of President Lyndon Johnson's stance on ...
Feb 15, 2015 ... Early in the movie Selma, a pivotal scene depicts a conversation between Martin Luther King Jr. and a young John Lewis when the movement ...
Jan 16, 2015 ... 'Selma' vs. History. by Elizabeth Drew. By distorting an essential truth about the relationship between Lyndon Johnson and Dr. Martin Luther ...
Mar 14, 2015 ... His speech came after several weeks of violence in and around Selma, Ala., that had taken the lives of two civil rights activists and left dozens ...
Apr 22, 2012 ... Dr. Patrick D. Jones is an Associate Professor of History and Ethnic Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the author of "The Selma ...
Mar 3, 2015 ... The latter fact had all but faded from local memory until recently, when a Selma student group launched an online petition to rename the ...
Feb 15, 2015 ... A recent example of unwelcomed controversy involves director Ava DeVernay's Selma. The movie focuses on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s struggle ...

Feb 15, 2015 ... A recent example of unwelcomed controversy involves director Ava DeVernay's Selma. The movie focuses on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s struggle ...
Apr 15, 2013 ... J. Morgan Kousser found a voting rights movement developing in Selma, Alabama, as early as the 1920s and for the next several decades, ...
Jan 17, 2015 ... I went Friday morning to see “Selma” and found myself watching it in a theater full of black teenagers. Thanks to donations, D.C. public school ...
Mar 12, 2007 ... As President Bill Clinton and others arrived in Selma, Alabama for the 42nd anniversary of the "bloody Sunday" march that prodded Congress ...
Mar 18, 2015 ... He referenced Bloody Sunday at Selma, Alabama, whose 50th anniversary was ... It would not be the day's only reference to Selma, which was ...
Feb 13, 2015 ... Each film has been criticized for factual inaccuracy. Doesn't “Selma” ignore Lyndon B. Johnson's dedication to black voting rights? Doesn't “The ...
I mean, there's the fact that the first Marine combat units land within hours of the first march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge [in Selma. Ala.] You've got the march ...
Mar 25, 2013 ... My wife and I both joined the march from Selma to Montgomery when it was finally agreed that it was legal. There were helicopters overhead ...
Feb 15, 2015 ... In 2015, President Obama invited the black director Ava DuVernay to the White House to screen Selma, a film that shows how African ...
Dec 26, 2014 ... Selma Documents Black History That Still Lives Today. by Peniel E. Joseph. It's been 50 years since voting-rights protesters on a bloody bridge ...

It's not just “Selma”: Hollywood's history problem. Again and again, from "John Adams" to "Lincoln," romantic truthiness supplants historical truth on-screen.
Mar 20, 2015 ... I liked the movie, but “Selma” missed a few teaching moments ... There has been a lot written about what is wrong or right with the film Selma.
Sep 3, 2013 ... Selma · AP (APUSH) · Ferguson · Women's History Month ... Mitt Romney · School Shootings · Selma: The Movie · Senators Who Are Appointed ...
Mar 6, 2015 ... Thousands headed for Selma. Those who could not go south demonstrated in their own communities, from Maine to Hawaii. Washington was ...
Jan 15, 2009 ... In 1965, civil rights leaders organized three voting rights marches in Selma. The first, on March 7, 1965, was from Selma to Montgomery, ...
Feb 1, 2015 ... The films “Selma” and “American Sniper” both provoked passionate, even divisive, disagreement. To some extent, that may be inevitable, since ...
Mar 14, 2015 ... ... Rights Acts. This progress was made possible by the Bloody Sunday march in Selma and countless other acts of courage and selflessness.
Jan 21, 2015 ... We learned about the struggles for racial equality in cities like Birmingham and Selma and Montgomery. But what about the racism of Portland, ...
May 11, 2014 ... For students of antebellum American slavery, the recent racist musings of Cliven Bundy have a familiar ring. In speaking to the New York Times, ...
Nov 29, 2008 ... ... Dividing Lines: Municipal Politics and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Montgomery, Birmingham, and Selma, no worthy history of the civil rights ...

Mar 7, 2015 ... He was regularly hailed as a champion of equality and a president who got things done. (Even that nasty depiction of him in Selma played well: ...
May 29, 2008 ... ... from the Bradley Foundation, was on his farm near the central California town of Selma when I called to ask him about his favorite war books.
The line about equality being “the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall” was a welcome salute ...
Aug 18, 2014 ... Stephen Frears (The Queen) is attached to direct the project, which will be written by Paul Webb (Selma). Landscape Entertainment's Bob ...
Oct 20, 2014 ... Re: Sam Tanenhaus's review in the Atlantic of The Invisible Bridge: I hate criticizing reviews. I'm just honored people are paying attention.
Aug 9, 2005 ... Mohammed Ben Jelloun - 5/7/2005. What's Consociational Patriotism? From Lebanon to Iraq by Mohammed Ben Jelloun (Swans - April 25 ...
Oct 6, 2014 ... He cited protests in Selma in 1965, which led to the Voting Rights Act. He cited Dr . Martin Luther King, Jr.'s lifetime of nonviolent protests and ...
Oct 30, 2014 ... by Robin Lindley. Robin Lindley is a Seattle writer and attorney, and the features editor for the History News Network. His work has also ...
Jun 5, 2014 ... Though no baby boomer will want to face this, in just under three years it is going to be the centennial of President John F. Kennedy. And the ...
Jan 28, 2013 ... ... Barack Obama declared at his inauguration last Monday, "just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls and Selma and Stonewall.".

Mar 3, 2015 ... The fact had all but faded from local memory until recently, when a Selma student group launched an online petition to rename the landmark ...
In his speech, Obama invoked the history of struggles for equality with a remarkable triptych: Seneca (women's rights), Selma (black rights), and Stonewall (gay ...
Mar 10, 2013 ... I figured that out of 600 people marching to Selma, one had to be a woman, even though all the leaders photographed were men. You wouldn't ...
On Sunday October 12 HNN received the following correspondence, which is being published with the approval of the letter writers. The letters concern an effort ...
May 9, 2006 ... ["Facts Count" was prepared by Free Exchange. The introduction to the website where the following entry was posted says: "Free Exchange ...
Nov 11, 2014 ... Beverly Gage is a Yale University professor who finds ways to tell us about our present by looking at the past. She is married to a friend of mine, ...
Nov 2, 2012 ... In January, Martin Luther King launched a drive in Selma aimed at garnering voting rights for blacks. These heroic efforts, nonviolent and ...
Jun 4, 2007 ... With so few Americans now in the military the public memory of the institution has faded. Although we hear about the exploits of this division or ...
Aug 8, 2012 ... The Nation magazine is playing a trick on me. I regularly receive a lot of books, since publishers know I review many and they're hoping I'll ...
Mar 23, 2014 ... (The book came out around the same time as the Ava DuVernay's film Selma, which got caught up in a controversy regarding the accuracy of its ...

Aug 8, 2005 ... President George W. Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20500. Dear President Bush: On behalf of ...
Dec 26, 2007 ... There's a terrific vignette at the beginning of Rothstein's essay about Heschel's experience at the end of the Selma to Montgomery March.
Mar 18, 2005 ... The days of the family farm are gone, he laments, and with it, Selma's civic pride. Lawns have become dumping grounds for refuse and parking ...
Mar 6, 2006 ... The following speech, “The Ship and the Sea: 'The Party of Lincoln' and Civil Rights,” was presented to the Jackson County Republicans ...
Sep 6, 2014 ... I admired Bernie for his politics as well as his intellect: he went to Selma in 1964 with another of my history professors, Christopher Lindley, and ...
Nov 6, 2006 ... ... center-page, with a 3-column head below a photo captioned: “Alabama State Troopers Break up March by Protesting Negroes in Selma.
May 19, 2008 ... In April 1865, the Civil War ended for most Americans. The war, and its various aspects, continues to capture the interest and imagination of ...
Sep 30, 2011 ... ... movement mostly is limited to famous activists, such as Martin Luther King Jr., and famous sites, including Birmingham, Ala., and Selma, Ala.
Jan 16, 2011 ... Board of Education, Freedom Marchers, Selma, the "I Have a Dream" speech— we barely had time to take them in. Still less did most Americans ...
Apr 12, 2004 ... Early in 1965, the SCLC brought the strategy that had worked so well in Birmingham to Selma, Alabama. When the sheriff of Dallas County, ...

Aug 28, 2008 ... This son of sharecroppers, who was almost beaten to death by police officers in Selma, Alabama, when he marched with civil rights activists ...
Oct 21, 2003 ... by Ronald F. Maxwell. Mr. Maxwell is the writer, producer, director of the movies GETTYSBURG and GODS AND GENERALS. He is a member ...
Mar 17, 2014 ... by Elwood Watson. Elwood Watson is a professor of history, African-American studies and gender studies at East Tennessee State University.
Oct 4, 2007 ... Selma . And now Jena. Reed Walters, the LaSalle Parish District Attorney in charge of prosecuting the " Jena 6," held a nationally televised ...
Dec 1, 2003 ... Recently, President Bush has been criticized for failing to attend the funerals of the soldiers killed in Iraq. Maureen Dowd noted sarcastically in ...
Nov 9, 2008 ... On 4 March 2007, when Barack Obama was to speak at historic Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church in Selma, Alabama, the Southern Christian ...
Jun 1, 2008 ... To put this another way, we can say that 40 years after the epic battles for specific civil rights in Montgomery, Birmingham, and Selma, after two ...
Jan 12, 2015 ... The legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. seems to be everywhere these days with the success of the film “Selma,” which begins with his ...
Feb 17, 2015 ... Kevin LewisUniversity of South CarolinaIslamic University of Gaza (1999) Prof. Selma LeydesdorffUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 12, 2008 ... In 1983, the Cherokee nation revised its constitution, stripping the Cherokee Freedmen, descendants of former Cherokee slaves, of their voting ...
Mar 25, 2006 ... Branch's book opens with the Selma March for voting rights in 1965, "the last great thrust of a movement built on patriotic idealism," then facing ...
May 23, 2014 ... ... or talk much about those injured in clashes with police at Selma, Alabama and other cities where protest marchers clogged the streets.
Jul 3, 2006 ... Taking a longer view, I would argue the war ended in 1965, not 1865, with the march from Selma to Montgomery and the passing of Civil Rights ...
Aug 17, 2010 ... Years before Bloody Sunday on March 7, 1965, Professor Zinn was in Selma on Freedom Day in 1963 for a SNCC voter registration drive as ...
The line about equality being “the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall” was a welcome salute ...
Nov 2, 2008 ... Here was an attempt to transcend race in a year when urban riots flared, the civil rights movement ambled toward a post-Selma direction, and ...
The line about equality being “the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall” was a welcome salute ...
May 8, 2013 ... ... Selma to Montgomery. Photographers and TV crews captured the brutal skull- cracking violence and millions of Americans recoiled in horror.
Sep 28, 2010 ... Board of Education, marched on Selma, the first black president of the American Historical Association, and a winner of the Presidential Medal ...
Aug 3, 2005 ... ... to Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his closing speech for the Freedom March, which had begun several days and 58 miles before in Selma.
Mar 16, 2015 ... ... SMU Graduate Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To- Montgomery March · Bob Jones III Apologizes for 35-Year-Old ...
Cooper, a Selma, Ala., native, who died in November 2010 at 100 years old, stood in line for hours in an attempt to register to vote at the Dallas County ...
How 'Selma' Diminishes Dr. King. MLK was a political genius. Why does the film obscure that? Originally published 09/15/2014 ...
Feb 8, 2013 ... Neither Seneca Falls nor Selma nor Stonewall would have been civil rights milestones without being fueled by fury. Anger has shaped America ...
Mar 20, 2015 ... ... Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery March · Bob Jones III Apologizes for 35-Year-Old Call to Kill Gays.
Feb 10, 2010 ... ... is John Lewis, whose skull was fractured on the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma, Alabama in 1965 and who later attained elected office.
Feb 11, 2008 ... I was at Selma (albeit briefly) a week before the violence at Pettis Bridge, and taught (with tenure) at the University of Alabama from 1965 to ...
Oct 27, 2014 ... ... bailout demands with Nazi-era claims · SMU Graduate Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery March.
2-27-15. Selma Is Now? No, Not Really. by James B. LaGrand. 2014 ≠ 1965 or 1955 or the 1890s. 2-26-15. Why Hollywood's Diversity Problem Can't Just Be ...
Aug 8, 2005 ... Subscribe to our mailing list. Email Address. NY Times Crops Bush Out of Selma Photo · Menendez Charges: Payback for Iran? Hayden: Ignore ...
Jun 8, 2014 ... In terms of their diversity, the book traverses television and film, jazz and pop music, the NAACP and the Black Panthers, Selma and South ...
Oct 15, 2012 ... From the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 and 1956 to the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965, with many iconic moments in between, ...
Apr 17, 2005 ... ... to demand civil rights legislation was the violence used to suppress civil rights demonstrations at places like Birmingham and Selma.
Apr 28, 2008 ... Americans fed a steady diet of Selma and Birmingham and Montgomery and Little Rock were forced to acknowledge that a Northern city could ...
Feb 12, 2009 ... He gave Wilson authority to mount an independent campaign against not only Selma and Tuscaloosa but also Montgomery, Columbus, ...
Oct 5, 2009 ... ... in 1966 was a mere year after John Lewis and scores of other black marchers were beaten on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama.
Sep 7, 2013 ... ... Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery March · Bob Jones III Apologizes for 35-Year-Old Call to Kill Gays.
Oct 15, 2012 ... ... and a year later local police in Selma, Alabama attacked a peaceful march in support for voting rights (itself held in response to an Alabama ...
May 6, 2002 ... I wonder how Doris Kearns, who ghostwrote much of Lyndon Johnson's 1971 memoirs, The Vantage Point, felt, upon its publication, to be listed ...
Nov 8, 2008 ... Introduction. Whether it is Dave Letterman, the History Channel, professional historians, pollsters or sports writers, we seem to have a ...

Aug 22, 2011 ... Either widows or spinsters, they were married to the English language. Selma Brotze loved Shelley, Keats, and Byron. Inez Hughes read Blake ...
Oct 9, 2006 ... (Hofstadter should have noticed, because he supported the civil rights movement and joined the 1965 Selma-to-Montgomery march, as Sean ...
Oct 8, 2004 ... ... Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery March · Bob Jones III Apologizes for 35-Year-Old Call to Kill Gays.
Jul 26, 2008 ... I agree, especially when one looks at what commonly is called the civil rights era, the way people reacted in 1965 after Selma, and so forth.
Originally published 06/13/2013. Ben Urwand, Harvard Junior Fellow, reveals Hollywood moguls' creepy love affair with Hitler. Adolf Hitler loved American ...
Jun 13, 2010 ... ... bailout demands with Nazi-era claims · SMU Graduate Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery March.
Sep 6, 2005 ... ... Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery March · Bob Jones III Apologizes for 35-Year-Old Call to Kill Gays.
Feb 22, 2005 ... ... in mind that several weeks before Malcolm's assassination, he went to Selma, Alabama. Dr. King was imprisoned during the mobilization.
Apr 26, 2010 ... ... bailout demands with Nazi-era claims · SMU Graduate Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery March.
Sep 12, 2013 ... ... bailout demands with Nazi-era claims · SMU Graduate Shares Never Published Photos of March 25, 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery March.
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: 


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