Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Monday, November 3, 2014

Human Services Program in Carroll County MD announces end to annual holiday progam

Human Services Program in Carroll County MD announces end to annual holiday progam

Neighbors In Need Year Round

In 2012, HSP transitioned our traditional holiday giving program into an expanded format titled Neighbors in Need Year Round (NINYR). NINYR has mobilized the generosity of our community to meet the critical needs our low-income and at-risk neighbors face every day, in every season...housing, essential utilities, help working toward financial stability, and self-sufficiency.

Holiday Program of Neighbors in Need Year Round

Press Release
Neighbors in Need Year Round will Continue; Holiday Program Ends Following this Season
Westminster, MD - As Carroll County's Community Action Agency, Human Services Programs of Carroll County, Inc. (HSP) is committed to improving the quality of life quality of at-risk and low-income Carroll County residents, by assisting with basic needs, advocacy and linkages to resources to enhance life skills. 
As part of its outreach, in prior years, HSP's Neighbors in Need program matched families with adopters and provided a holiday shop filled with gifts and household goods for families not adopted by volunteers. 
In 2012, HSP expanded the program to create "Neighbors in Need Year Round", to deliver vital resources and services not only during the holidays but throughout the entire year. 
Following a critical analysis and evaluation of available resources, HSP has determined that Neighbors In Need Year Round will continue, but the holiday component will end after this season.
"This was a very difficult but necessary decision for our agency and our Board," explained Cindy Parr, HSP Executive Director. "The Holiday Program has served thousands of families for many years, but the continuous needs of our low-income and at-risk families, all year long, must be the priority for our agency."
This year, for the last time, HSP will provide the holiday component of Neighbors in Need Year Round in a modified version. HSP will again seek benefactors to adopt families for the holidays, which is an essential component of success for the program. Families not adopted, and who formerly visited the Holiday Shop, will instead pick up a package of gifts at a distribution center. Inventory stored from prior years will be assigned and distributed to families who are not adopted. Families will receive a letter with information stating the date, time and location for their gift bag pick-up.
"Our modified version will still provide our clients with gifts and goods," said Parr. "Volunteers are still greatly needed to assist us in this modified effort." Volunteer opportunities will be listed as a link on the HSP website.
Donations received from the Carroll County Times-sponsored "Holiday Hope" program will continue to be used for HSP's Neighbors In Need Year Round initiative. Members of the community who have previously collected gifts for the Holiday Shop should plan to provide these gifts to other organizations, or volunteer through HSP to adopt one or more families.
"Our mission is to provide a "hand up" for those who are struggling to maintain or achieve self- sufficiency," said Parr. "We believe that our limited resources, both financial and man-power, will be better used by focusing on our year-round assistance to more than 12,000 at risk residents."
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

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E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

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