Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Sunday, March 4, 2012

CNS News Elizabeth Harrington: Boehner - Obama Wants Lower Gas Prices, ‘At Least For Election Day’

Boehner: Obama Wants Lower Gas Prices, ‘At Least For Election Day’

When Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, the average price for one gallon of unleaded gasoline was $1.78. Today, the average price for one gallon of unleaded is $3.73


( – Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he is not sure whether President Barack Obama agrees with his Energy Secretary’s goal to keep gas prices high, but he does think the president is in favor of lower prices, “at least for election day.”

During a press briefing on Thursday at the Capitol, Boehner was asked if he thinks Obama’s energy policies are intended to drive up oil prices, as some of Boehner’s fellow Republicans have implied.

“Well, with Secretary [Steven] Chu, who’s made it pretty clear that his goal is to have higher energy prices, I think that’s what a lot of our members were cueing off of,” Boehner said.

“I’m not sure that the president believes that higher energy prices are what he wants,” said Boehner. “And clearly after my discussion with him yesterday, I think he would prefer to see lower gas prices -- at least for Election Day.”


During his press conference Boehner noted that gas prices have doubled since the president has been in office, and said Republicans had worked to lower gasoline prices by supporting, for instance, the Keystone XL pipeline.

When Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, the average price for one gallon of unleaded gasoline was $1.78. Today, the average price for one gallon of unleaded is $3.73

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 Four is the loneliest number Kevin E. Dayhoff: After former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s likely primary victories in Tuesday’s contests in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Wisconsin, look for establishment Republicans to start looking for a running mate and the establishment media to focus its attention on getting President Barack Obama re-elected…




Now look for establishment media to focus its attention on getting President Barack Obama re-elected

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