Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 24, 1945: Black Marketeers Sob, Dump Ill-Gotten Goods

Black Marketeers Sob, Dump Ill-Gotten Goods

Scrambling Desperately To Get Rid Of Nylons, Shoes, Piece Goods And Silks

Democratic Advocate, September 24, 1945

After four flourishing years, the bottom finally has dropped out of the black markets with a refreshing thud. And war-fattened marketeers are scrambling desperately to get rid of their once precious stockpiles of nylons, shoes, piece goods and silks at deflated prices.

They took an enormous loss when gas rationing was called off. Nylon hose, prime specialty of the wartime black market, has slumped almost overnight from $15 to $5 a pair along Broadway and Park Ave., where the traffic has been particularly heavy.

The spectacular decline extends to such other black market staples as meat, used cars and rubber goods. You can even get a little Scotch whisky if you know the dealer. War-short canned goods, such as imported sardines and selected salmon and tuna fish are finding their way back to retailers' shelves—and meat is once more hanging publicly from butchers' hooks.

End of gas rationing caused a panic in the black market. It was the same in other black market fields, supply overtaking demand for the first time since Pearl Harbor. Consumers sat back to wait for promised postwar commodity—of better grade, price and style

Democratic Advocate, September 24, 1945.

[19450924 Black Marketeers Sob Dump Ill Gotten Goods]

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