Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sarasota Snowbird
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Sarasota FL – The Orioles’ pitchers and catchers took the field last Thursday for the first day of spring training in their new training facilities in Sarasota after spending the pre-season the last 14 years in Fort Lauderdale.

Of The Past and Present….
Tom McLaughlin
Lake Toba, Sumatra Island, Indonesia – The largest volcanic crater lake in the world did not make much of an impression. Comparing it to the huge, crystal clear bodies of water in Canada, I realized, later, (don’t we always realize things later?) there can be no comparison between bodies of water on one side of the world in the very northern hemisphere to one on the opposite just along the equator.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Enough Tiger Woods
Roy Meachum
Unlike movie stars and rock musicians, Tiger Woods’ celebrity does not rest on his popularity; quite the contrary. There’re a number of tournament ticket buyers who put up money with the hope they were on hand when the golf champion crashes. It’s a verity of every human endeavor, especially true of minorities.

Exceptions Legislation and Charles Jenkins
Farrell Keough
Two bills which are currently active in our Maryland General Assembly need your support. One will be heard today. Take some time to send your representatives an email!

Monday, February 22, 2010
Labyrinth of Laptops
Steven R. Berryman
Heading for Best Buy with son Paul on Saturday night seemed like a good idea, especially as I was without reliable keyboard and mouse, thanks to my wireless setup gentrifying.

Campaign Diary – Dealing With The Snow
Michael Kurtianyk
February 9 – More Snow – With the prediction of 10-to-20 more inches of snow, I decided that now, more than ever, the snow removal people and salt distributers deserve our utmost respect. Having put in long hours already, the group has only a day or two to rest, check in with things at home, and then return for more work.

Friday, February 19, 2010
Another “Moderate” Gone
Roy Meachum
Upon Frederick’s Charles “Mac” Mathias’ death, I reported the surviving Charles “Chuck” Percy was left alone; the judgment came from my reporting days on Capitol Hill. Both senators were victims of the GOP rush to cleanse its ranks of moderates in Congress. They were not alone, but two Republicans I knew and interacted with.

Unanimity is Tyranny
Joe Charlebois
The problem with “bi-partisanship” is that it signifies unanimity or compromise. In a nation of over 300 million, there should be very little unanimity and very little compromise.

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Living Within Our Means
Patricia A. Kelly
I just returned from a weekend out of town. I left on Thursday, and returned on Monday. I was shocked by the snow still remaining on city streets. I couldn’t believe that Rockwell Terrace was one lane wide and not yet plowed down to the pavement.

Tea Party Perspective…
Derek Shackelford
I must admit I am not a follower of the Tea Party movement. This does not mean that I cannot look at it objectively. I am not a follower in terms of believing all of its principles.

Life in the Fast Lane
Norman M. Covert
My bicycle has become an historical artifact. Underneath this white stuff is Frederick City’s bicycle path that provides a highway to a younger and healthier time. The north extension is a road to nowhere, stopping short of Schifferstadt Architectural Museum.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Charlie Wilson’s Legacy
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Sunday, Charlie Wilson, the former 12-term Democrat who represented the 2nd District in East Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1973 through 1996, was remembered in a memorial service in Texas.

Elephant Tales
Tom McLaughlin
Tangkahan, Sumatra, Indonesia – The road from Bukit Lawang, where we were staying, to this village was moon cratered, flood gullied and suitable only for motorcycles or four wheel drive.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Commissioner “Jerk” Thompson
Roy Meachum
Certainly next December will end the political career of John Leonard Thompson. God willing! Acting the jerk consistently, the commissioner tarnishes consistently Frederick County’s good name; fortunately other officials act to clean up his messes.

A Tough Row to Hoe…
Nick Diaz
Adam Avery, host of “Senior Talk Radio,” a weekly show that airs on WFMD at noon on Saturdays, is one of those people who is constantly questioning, prodding, inquiring, as to the “why” of things. A few days ago, he observed that Fox News commentator Juan Williams, a moderate black person, must be under intense pressure by his peers to tow the left-wing Democratic Party line.

Monday, February 15, 2010
Brain-dead Government
Steven R. Berryman
In one of nature’s oddest ironies, the human brain is devoid of pain sensors. The organ charged by the body to manage and regulate all of its internal activity – including the thought processes believed to create self-awareness and intelligence itself – cannot “feel.”

Campaign Diary – Plowing The Road
Michael Kurtianyk
January 27 – The Day After – With yesterday’s “Announcement Day” events having been completed, it was time for me to focus on gaining traction. Today was spent reviewing and evaluating all that happened yesterday. Our goals were successful; we had great turnouts at all of our events; we signed up volunteers to help us with our campaign; we received some very generous contributions; and we let the media know that we’re off and running.

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This week in The Tentacle


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