Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
“Mac” Mathias: A Civil Rights Lion
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Former Republican U.S. Senator Charles McCurdy (Mac) Mathias, a native son of Frederick, has died at the age of 87. He was living in Chevy Chase, where his family reported that he died Monday from complications of Parkinson's disease.

Another Adventure Among The Apes
Tom McLaughlin
Bukit Lawang, Sumatra, Indonesia – The orangutan ambled just ahead of us, we were repeatedly told. The guide and tracker, in constant communication by yelling into a hand phones, kept assuring us the ape lingered very near but when we arrived at the spots, mom and son had just left.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Great Expectations
Roy Meachum
Many voices – including mine – were raised against Democrat Martha Coakley’s indolent campaign in last week’s loss to Republican Scott Brown; they bumped heads in Massachusetts’ special election for the late Sen. Edward Kennedy’s seat. On further thought I find she was no less guilty than the majority of Americans who swept Barack Obama into the White House.

It’s a Joke, Son
Norman M. Covert
The pollster asked for an assessment of President Barack Hussein Obama’s first year in office. My best response was a guffaw and reference to one of America’s great Post World War II legislators, fiery Southern Senator Beauregard Claghorn, who opined, “It’s a joke, son!”

The Cart Before The Horse…
Farrell Keough
Our delegation to Annapolis has recently voted to endorse a pilot program for a Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) trash mitigation system. Will this program help mitigate the tremendous amount of trash we send to the landfill and potentially save our citizens money? Let’s explore some of the possibilities.

Monday, January 25, 2010
The Law – Revisited
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
It just wouldn’t do to pretend to have enough credibility as a political participant or observer to update the great work penned by French statesman and economist Frederic Bastiat. Monsieur Bastiat’s best-known work, The Law, was published in 1850, written during and after the French Revolution of 1848. French society was turning to socialism, and M. Bastiat crafted an essay designed to halt the conversion.

Information Overload
Steven R. Berryman
Pity the news and information junkie in making it through the last week. Taken in totality, and in “real time,” one can actually see the earth spinning a little faster on its axis; or, at least, notice changes occurring virtually faster than people can consider the implications.

“Let me count the ways…”
Michael Kurtianyk
Last week was my 10th anniversary as a Realtor® in Maryland. I realized this as I renewed my license with the state. It’s odd to think that in 1999, when my wife and I made the decision to move here, that we’d actually have accomplished so much in the short amount of time here in Frederick County. Herewith are some things I’ve learned:

Friday, January 22, 2010
True Democracy
Roy Meachum
Coming one day before Barack Obama’s first anniversary as president, Tuesday’s column anticipated the big object lesson held up by both parties:

“Righting” The Ship
Joe Charlebois
With all due respect to Dick Morris, Eileen McGann and other noted columnists, I was the first to re-coin the phrase “It’s the shot heard ‘round the world!” as my wife and I sat watching the Massachusetts special election returns Tuesday evening.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
“Parting is such sweet sorrow…”
Tony Soltero
I moved to Frederick County from Baltimore County in the late summer of 2002. I was starting a new job in Northern Virginia, and I decided to move here so I could be within viable commuting distance of anywhere in the Baltimore/Washington area.

Traveling Down the Road
Patricia A. Kelly
As this goes to press, I hope to be asleep after a 12 1/2 hour flight home from Egypt. I've been very lucky to travel and to live in other countries, and my departure reminds me of some of those experiences. The lesson learned, as it can only be learned by seeing in person, is that other people are different than we, in thinking and behavior, and that it's okay. They're quite happy, thank you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hating over Haiti
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In a moment that could warm all but the coldest of hearts last Saturday, in the midst of all the despair that is now Haiti, Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton set aside their political differences for a joint appeal to raise money for that earthquake-ravaged country.

Almost in a sewer….
Tom McLaughlin
Medan, Indonesia (Sumatra Island) – The guide books all said I should avoid this place. They were right. What a dump! The city stretches from the Straits to the mountains in one long unending blur of low rise buildings, smog and horrific traffic.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
January 19, 2010
Roy Meachum
Barack Obama marks his first anniversary in the White House tomorrow. Ironically, the first major test of his administering the nation’s problem comes today in the election for the late Ted Kennedy’s senate seat.

Politics, Motorcycles, Basketball and FCC
Nick Diaz
Oh, what fun it is to ride the waves of local and state news these days. There’s never a dull moment. Something will happen.

Monday, January 18, 2010
Humorous Politics
Steven R. Berryman
Don’t “mis-underestimate” the value of humor in the politics of the day ’round this county of late. Pardon the Bush-ism, but it seems to fit the chaos. The amount of inherent comedy now is limited only by your personal perspective in our political matters at hand here in Maryland.

Marriage, Politics, Haiti and Conan O’Brien
Michael Kurtianyk
So I asked my best friend, my wife Brenda, what I should write about this week. Her response was: “How about love and marriage?”

20100128 sdosm This week in The Tentacle


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