Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Saturday, November 21, 2009

B P Sears: Baltimore Co Salary advisory board violated Open Meetings Act

Portion of discussion on raises should have been public, senior official said By Bryan P. Sears Posted 11/20/09

A salary advisory board violated the state Open Meetings Act, a senior county official said today.

The Baltimore County Personnel and Salary Advisory Board met Nov. 18 to recommend pay increases for the county executive and members of the County Council but did not open to the public an earlier unannounced meeting during which the particulars of their recommendations were discussed.

County Administrative Officer Fred Homan acknowledged in a brief phone call made to a reporter late Friday afternoon that the board violated the act by not opening the unannounced meeting.

“We do believe that, in fact, they did (violate the law) and we’re going to institute some training,” Homan said.

The county Office of Law began a review of the lawfulness of not making public the unannounced meeting after Patuxent Publishing Co., publisher of this Web site, raised questions with a county attorney.

Read the rest here: Portion of discussion on raises should have been public, senior official said

20091120 BPS Salary advisory board violated Open Meetings Act
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