Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where is Matt Stover when we need him

Why is it that the Ravens no longer have Matt Stover kicking for them?

I mean seriously; I do not know the answer. Can someone explain to me why he is no longer with the Ravens?

This afternoon’s Ravens game was a real downer.

I mean, I am not a big sports fan. The sports fan in my family is my wife. My exposure with watching sports is usually watching my wife watch sports – which is highly entertaining. My usually calm and controlled mathematician and economist wife gets fairly excited and I find it, well, amusing.

That said, I want the Ravens to do well. I kinda think that it is good for the community for the Ravens to do well.

However, I have never had it explained to me why Matt Stover is not longer playing for the Ravens. Even a non-sports fan like me can tell that his talents is sorely missed. Who can fill me in?

Kevin Dayhoff October 18, 2009

20091018 sdosm Where is Matt Stover when we need him
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