Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Monday, January 17, 2011

Opening Day of the Maryland General Assembly by MD Sen. Joe Getty

Opening Day 2011
Marylanders for Joe GettyJanuary 14, 2011

Dear Kevin,  

I want to thank all of my friends and supporters for their contributions and efforts during the 2010 election campaign.  As a direct result of your support, I was sworn in last Wednesday as a Maryland State Senator representing Legislative District 5.
It was a great experience for my wife and children to attend the Opening Day session. Each Senator was only allowed two guests on the floor because of the space restrictions in the Senate Chamber.  I fudged and got a two-children-for-one-adult deal so that Susie and my two youngest children, Madison and Samuel, could accompany me on the floor.
My son Justus, daughter-in-law Sarah and daughter Laura were able to get seats in the gallery behind us. There was an additional Getty in the gallery (since Sarah is eight-and-three-quarters-months pregnant) whom we hope to meet in the near future.  Unable to attend were my son Nathan (who is on a deployment with the U.S. Navy) and my daughter Emma (who had to return to UNC-Wilmington earlier in the week).
The Carroll County Times covered the opening of the 2011 Legislative Session with a focus on the two "freshman" members of the Carroll County delegation - namely Delegate Justin Ready & me. The articles by Christian Alexandersen about Justin (click here) and by Ryan Marshall about me (click here) accurately captured the august ceremonies and family pride displayed for the occasion.
Times photographers Dylan Slagle and Dave Munch produced a photo gallery (click here) that illustrates the wide-ranging emotions of the day including the solemnity of the ceremony, the time spent with family and the joy and enthusiasm as we begin our jobs.
Senator David Brinkley offered the best perspective on the day: "The pomp and circumstance inspires you by serving as a reminder of what you've been entrusted with."  
There is no doubt that this session will be tough and there will be many legislative policy highs and lows over the next three months. Please contact me if issues arise during the session for which you wish to offer an opinion. I truly value your insights and advice.
My legislative contact information is: Phone - (410) 841-3683; Email; Address - James Senate Office Building Room 401, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Opening Day Senate Floor

 Getty for Senate GETTY2010 WEBSITE

In The Senate Chamber
Carroll County Times photographer Dylan Slagle took this photograph in the Senate Chamber prior to the commencement of the opening session. From left to right: Madison, Samuel, Susan and Joe Getty.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

May 24, 1960 Certificate of Appreciation to Pastor William A. Fluck, D.D.

Certificate of Appreciation upon the retirement from active service in the ministry of the gospel in the evangelical Lutheran Church.

To all who shall see these presents, Christian greeting

This is to certify that

The Reverend

William A. Fluck, D.D.

Having retired from active service in the gospel ministry after 46 years of faithful service therein is awarded this testimonial as an acknowledgement of Christian duty faithfully performed and as a witness to the esteem and affection in which he is held by a grateful church.

Given this twenty-fourth day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty.

{The granddaughter of Pastor Fluck, Sarah Babylon Dorrance, is the pastor of Taylorsville United Methodist, in Carroll County Maryland, (}
[19600524 Wm A Fluck 46 yrs of service]
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Book on Quiltmaking provides insight into the history of a great American art form

A Maryland Album: Quiltmaking Traditions ~1634-1934, published in 1995 by The Maryland Association for Family and Community Education.  Written by Gloria Seaman Allen and Nancy Gibson:

“A Maryland Album Quiltmaking Traditions ~1634-1934” by Gloria Seaman Allen and Nancy Gibson is a definitive resource on the history of quilts, quilt design and quilting in historic Maryland for anyone who has even a passing interest in quilts, a great American art form.

The book is lavishly illustrated to help bring quilts and quilting to life.  As a bonus, a review of the many quilt-design eras gives an historian or anyone interested in art history or the unique American art form of quiltmaking, great insights into American – and Maryland history.

According to information found in the cover flaps, “Some of the oldest and most collectible American quilts are from Maryland and are examined in this book, which is based on the findings of the Maryland Association for Family and Community Education quilt documentation project.”

The book, quilts and quilt making were the topic of a feature presentation, "Pieces of the Past: An Overview of Carroll County Quilts," by the author, Nancy Gibson, at the Historical Society of Carroll County Maryland on Jan. 19, 2010.

Thanks to the efforts of my wife and sister-in-law, Pastor Sarah Dorrance, whose church, Taylorsville United Methodist, ( is in the heart of the history and tradition of quiltmaking in Carroll County; I now have a copy of Gibson’s book.

Gibson, whose past credentials include 20-years as the textile curator for the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum in Washington, helped the 125 attendees at the presentation interpret the language of quilts that evening.

On January 24, 2010, I wrote in a column in the Carroll Eagle (,) “Carroll County's 173rd birthday celebrates a patchwork quilt of history,” “Some of the oldest, historic, and most collectible American quilts, dating as far back as 1803, examined for the project by Gibson in the 1990s are from right here in Carroll County

“Several are in the collection of the Historical Society of Carroll County, which has sponsored the annual county birthday celebration for many years, according to Dave Roush, chair of the society's board of trustees, (and now a member of the Carroll County Board of Commissioners.)”

Further information from the flap reveals, “The oldest quilt examined in the project (– in “A Maryland Album: Quiltmaking Traditions ~1634-1934,” -) was made by the daughter of a Pennsylvania-German immigrant in 1803.  During the 1800s an explosion of creativity occurred in Baltimore that led to the development of the beautiful and highly decorated Baltimore Album quilts.”

This explosion of creativity was also found in Carroll County which has a rich tradition and history of art and artisans in the county, especially practical art forms, be it cabinetmakers, culinary artists, painters, writers, singers – and quilters.

The book flap’s introduction goes on to explain, “Quilts adorned with eagles and pieced chintz quilts have also been identified with Maryland. Throughout the state’s history, Maryland quilts have reflected both the major design trends of American decorative arts as well as the diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds of the makers.”

Any study of art and history in the Maryland and Carroll County would be remiss if it did not include a comprehensive study of the design and history of quilts.

“Examining wills, newspapers, and the quilts themselves, the authors trace the history of Quiltmaking in Maryland during a three-hundred-year period, from the seventeenth century to Maryland’s tercentenary in 1934.

When possible, they spoke with descendents of the quiltmakers in order to gain deeper insight into the artists’ motives and inspirations.  Interwoven with more than seventy-five quilts seen here, the enlightening and accessible text chronicles the rich and diverse history of Maryland.”


See also my columns on Nancy Gibson and quilting in Carroll County:

... Past: An Overview of Carroll County Quilts," at the Historical Society of Carroll ... Jay Graybeal wrote about another lecture on quilts at the historical society, which took ... ;Eagles are popular designs on Maryland quilts in the early 19th century," ... ...

... help attendees interpret the language of quilts that evening. Her past credentials include ... of our English and German background. Quilts were often the collaborative product of ... is not interpreting the language of quilts ... ...

Gibson is currently a principal with “Gibson Communication,” since 1995.  Find her online store at, her blog at and on Facebook at

Join the Historical Society of Carroll County for its annual celebration of the founding of Carroll County . This year's guest speaker, Helen Jean Burn, examines the life of Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte.  Wednesday, January 19, 2011...  For more info: Historical Society of Carroll County 410-848-6494 or read Caroline Hailey article in the Carroll County Times, “County to celebrate 174th birthday Wednesday

Book on Quiltmaking provides insight into the history of a great American art form By Kevin Dayhoff 

[19950000 Gibson A Maryland Album Quiltmaking Traditions]  [19950000 Gibson A MD Album Quiltmaking Trads]

Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Lucky 13" by Off Track Art Showing at Birdie's Café By Kym Byrnes

"Lucky 13" by Off Track Art Showing at Birdie's Café

Twelve different artists are displaying their artwork at Birdie's Cafe on Main Street through the end of February.

By Kym Byrnes | Email the author | January 13, 2011 View full size

The walls of Birdie's Cafe at 233 East Main Street were adorned in November and December with the inspiring work of award-winning photojournalist (and local resident) Phil Grout. 


“Lucky 13” By Off Track Art is featuring the work of Kevin Dayhoff, Mary E. Decker, Gail Elwell, Judy Goodyear, Phil Grout, Charlotte Laslo, C.Z. Sawdey, Carolyn Seabolt, Linda Van Hart, Robert J. Waddell, Gordon Wickes, and Pam Zappardino.

The show will run through the end of February.

Birdie's Café is owned by Westminster native Sherri Hosfeld Joseph…  "Lucky 13" by Off Track Art Showing at Birdie's Café By Kym Byrnes

[20110113 Kym Byrnes Patch Lucky 13 OTA at Birdies]




Westminster Maryland Main Street Weekend Happenings – January 7 and 8, 2011

There are quite a few activities happening in Downtown Westminster this weekend. Click on the link below to see what might of interest to you in Downtown Westminster this weekend!!!

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Phil Grout art exhibition ends at Birdie's Cafe Gallery in Westminster Maryland

Next up at Birdie’s is a show by Off Track Art opening Friday, January 7, 2011 from 6 to 10 p.m.

By Kevin Dayhoff  January 4, 2011

Phil Grout’s exhibition at Birdie's Cafe Gallery in Westminster ended on January 2, 2011 after a well-received two-month showing.

Grout, an award-winning photojournalist, fine art photographer appeared for the opening of a retrospective show of his work on November 5, 2010 at Birdie's Café 233 East Main Street, Westminster, MD

The show titled “44/40,” spanned over four decades of Grout’s work, from Vietnam to Africa, Plains Georgia, to Carroll County; and includes almost 70 pieces of work.  (See also:

An article about Grout’s critically acclaimed show appeared in the Carroll Eagle on November 7, 2010.  The article may be found at:

At that time, Sherri Hosfeld Joseph, the owner of Birdie’s and an artist herself, added, “Phil Grout is one of the greatest photojournalists of his generation.  We are truly blessed as a community that he has chosen our stories to document.  Phil has an amazing ability to find the extraordinary in everyday life - and this show, a retrospective of forty-four years of his work, will leave you awestruck.”

On November 6th, 2010, Grout published the following notes and anecdotes about his show, the art exhibited and his four-decade journey as an artist: “Phil Grout 44/40 in Light.”

Birdie’s Café, at 233 East Main Street, in Westminster will kick off the art and culture scene in Carroll County for the New Year with an exhibition entitled “Lucky 13” featuring the artists of Off Track Art, a co-op of local Carroll County artists, for the months of January and February 2011. 

The 13 partners of Off Track Artists will have a reception for the exhibition at Birdie’s Café on the 13th day after Christmas, Friday, January 7, 2011, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  In the event winter weather closes Carroll County Public Schools that day, the reception will be held the following evening. 

Off Track Art is an artists’ co-op and gallery located in the lower level of the historic Liberty Building at 11 Liberty Street in downtown Westminster.  The co-op is dedicated to advancing the arts in Westminster and Carroll County, as well as the careers, ideas, and artistic visions of its partners.

“Lucky 13” By Off Track Art will feature the work of Kevin Dayhoff, Mary E. Decker, Gail Elwell, Judy Goodyear, Phil Grout, Charlotte Laslo, C.Z. Sawdey, Carolyn Seabolt, Linda Van Hart, Robert J. Waddell, Gordon Wickes, and Pam Zappardino.

An extensive collection of Phil's work can be viewed at

For additional information: “Birdie's Cafe; has Westminster's Main Street percolating once again - New cafe opens in place of former Pour House,” By Kevin Dayhoff Posted 8/08/10

An article about Grout’s critically acclaimed show appeared in the Carroll Eagle on November 7, 2010.  The article may be found at:

Both Phil Grout and Kevin Dayhoff are journalists with Patuxent Publishing.


Phil Grout art exhibition ends at Birdie's Cafe Gallery in Westminster Maryland

Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It’s going to be ugly
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Today is the first day of the 428th legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly and, as in past years, the main question on the minds of the leadership of this august body’s deliberations will be, “Welcome to Maryland, what’s in your wallet?”

From Tragedy Comes The Blame Game
Amanda Haddaway
In what seemed like mere minutes after the Arizona shooting tragedy, the mainstream media began pointing fingers and conjecturing about why Jared Loughner came armed with the intent to kill Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords at a “Congress on your Corner” event last Saturday in Tucson.

Another River Adventure
Tom McLaughlin
Seri Aman, Malaysian Borneo – I am just getting around to writing about one of the towns we visited before the birth of my son Dzul. We were on our way to Brunei on the only road north in Borneo when he suddenly decided to greet the world a month early a few towns later. See previous columns about that adventure (

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Invective Takes Toll
Roy Meachum
The furious ranting cited in Friday’s column (“Less Perfect Union,” January 7, 2011) claimed blood Saturday in the savage wounding of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The state’s highest ranking federal judge, John Roll, and five others were killed.

Diagram of The Road Less Traveled
Farrell Keough
Where do we go next? That really is the issue with both the TEA Party and the seeming shift in the Republican Party.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Political Journey – Part Two
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Last week, we examined the first phase of a political journey from small town administration to the state capital. Left unanswered was the question of design and intent.

Reading Kai Hagen's Tea Leaves
Earl 'Rocky' Mackintosh
Well, if you haven't noticed already, former Commissioner Kai Hagen is on the campaign trail; not sure that he ever really stopped campaigning after his sixth place showing in last November's Frederick Board of County Commissioners' race.

Things Overheard
Michael Kurtianyk
Much speculation has centered on who will replace Rick Weldon as the City of Frederick’s executive assistance to Mayor Randy McClement.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Less Perfect Union
Roy Meachum
Never in American history have voters been as furious as they were in the last two national elections; if anything, Frederick County citizens in the November races were even more ticked off.

What to do with the Hargett Farm?
Joe Charlebois
The use of Hargett Farm property off Butterfly Lane is the subject of a survey put out by the City of Frederick for both residents and others who have an interest in the city’s business.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The News Tells All
Patricia A. Kelly

There’s a recession going on. As the year 2011 begins, individuals and governments continue to feel serious financial pressure.

And Away We Go…
Chris Cavey
A mandatory task for political pundits and alleged soothsayers of the realm is to make predictions of the future regarding Maryland’s political path. So, once again, I have spread my linen and cast the grains to predict the unknowns of Maryland’s political scene.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Fall of The House O’Malley Built?
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Now that the hangover from last November’s Maryland General Election is becoming a memory, and Marylanders have begun to put away the Christmas lights and joined a local gym to shed those holiday pounds, many are beginning to set their sights on January 12, the beginning of the 2011 session of the Maryland General Assembly.

The End and A Beginning
Norman M. Covert
How could one not enjoy the traditions of Christmas in Frederick? Music and arts festivities highlight the joyous period, but it ends tomorrow night, Jan. 6, 2011, at historic Steiner House on West Patrick Street, where the Frederick Women’s Civics Club celebrates Twelfth Night (Old Christmas or Epiphany if you will) and crowns its three kings of Mardi Gras.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Honored Dead
Roy Meachum
There are no tears left. For young men needlessly slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan, the tears are all exhausted. My sorrow deepened with the invasion to take Baghdad, as I wrote. The military-industrial complex, today’s gods of war, had their way.

What would you change?
Farrell Keough
It is a New Year and time for new ideas to move forward. In that vein, I contacted a number of people throughout the community and gave them one question: "If you could 'magically' change one thing at the local level of our government, what would it be?"

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Political Journey – Part One
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
There’s no other way to tell this story than to be brutally honest. This is a primer on how to achieve a position of power, influence and privilege. The fable is followed by a dire warning and a prediction, so you’ve got to stick it out to the final curtain.

What’s In Store?
Shawn Burns
The year in review reads pretty much the same as it did in years past. People died, wars were fought, and politicians argued and lied to voters…

Why Charter Government!
Michael Kurtianyk
The time has come for us to move forward with changing our form of government. The Board of County Commissioners should be congratulated for moving forward with putting this item, not only on the agenda, but following legal counsel’s advice on how to proceed.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: