Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery in Taneytown

On Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, Caroline and I visited the Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery in Taneytown, after we stopped by the Carroll Food Sunday distribution Center to do some after hours maintenance.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Historical Society talk on pre-colonial government in Carroll County by Kevin Dayhoff

Celebrating the legacy of the “Six Nations” – the Haudenosaunee Confederation pre-colonial government in Carroll County. A Historical Society of Carroll County 184th County Birthday presentation by local historian and writer Kevin Dayhoff on January 23, 2021 2:00-4:00 p.m. Registration is available at


Historical Society talk on pre-colonial government in Carroll County by Kevin Dayhoff

January 23, 2021

Celebrating the legacy of the “Six Nations” – the Haudenosaunee Confederation pre-colonial government in Carroll County

A Historical Society of Carroll County 184th County Birthday presentation by local historian and writer Kevin Dayhoff on January 23, 2021 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Every year the Historical Society of Carroll Co. hosts a celebration of our county’s birthday in mid-January.

Out of respect for the safety protocols for the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020, this year, the 184th anniversary is celebrated live by way of Zoom. Registration is required to access the program. Registration is available at

Before 1744, the predominant government in Carroll County was the Haudenosaunee Nation — the “Six Nations.” The Haudenosaunee played a key role in the evolution of American democracy.

“Much of our current way of life is owed to the heritage and legacy of the Haudenosaunee Nation. Several main roads in Carroll County have their beginnings as Haudenosaunee trading routes. And several towns in Carroll County — Patapsco for example — had their beginnings as Haudenosaunee settlements.

It is interesting to note that the Haudenosaunee were a matriarchal society – that is a society that is run by women. Women owned all of the property in the long house. They were also in charge of the farming operations. As a matter of fact - Iroquois men moved into the house of his wife’s family after they got married.

The Algonquians arrived around 800 B.C. The original Algonquians divided into a number of distinct tribe-nations, which formed a multi-nation government under a constitution that dates to approximately Aug. 31, 1142.

The Algonquians called themselves the “Haudenosaunee” meaning “People of the Longhouse” and their government was one of the first true participatory democracies in history. It also incorporated full political and leadership rights for women.

“It was not until after the Treaty of the Six Nations was signed on July 4, 1744, with the Haudenosaunee Nation, and the dispute over the Mason-Dixon Line was settled in 1767 that settlers started to come to Carroll County in greater numbers…


210 East Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157

 HSCC Offices: 410-848-6494, ext. 200

Library & Research: 410-848-6494, ext. 204

+++ Dayhoff Carroll +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

Historical Society talk on pre-colonial government in Carroll County by Kevin Dayhoff

Celebrating the legacy of the “Six Nations” – the Haudenosaunee Confederation pre-colonial government in Carroll County. A Historical Society of Carroll County 184th County Birthday presentation by local historian and writer Kevin Dayhoff on January 23, 2021 2:00-4:00 p.m. Registration is available at


Historical Society talk on pre-colonial government in Carroll County by Kevin Dayhoff

January 23, 2021

Celebrating the legacy of the “Six Nations” – the Haudenosaunee Confederation pre-colonial government in Carroll County

A Historical Society of Carroll County 184th County Birthday presentation by local historian and writer Kevin Dayhoff on January 23, 2021 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Every year the Historical Society of Carroll Co. hosts a celebration of our county’s birthday in mid-January.

Out of respect for the safety protocols for the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020, this year, the 184th anniversary is celebrated live by way of Zoom. Registration is required to access the program. Registration is available at

Before 1744, the predominant government in Carroll County was the Haudenosaunee Nation — the “Six Nations.” The Haudenosaunee played a key role in the evolution of American democracy.

“Much of our current way of life is owed to the heritage and legacy of the Haudenosaunee Nation. Several main roads in Carroll County have their beginnings as Haudenosaunee trading routes. And several towns in Carroll County — Patapsco for example — had their beginnings as Haudenosaunee settlements.

It is interesting to note that the Haudenosaunee were a matriarchal society – that is a society that is run by women. Women owned all of the property in the long house. They were also in charge of the farming operations. As a matter of fact - Iroquois men moved into the house of his wife’s family after they got married.

The Algonquians arrived around 800 B.C. The original Algonquians divided into a number of distinct tribe-nations, which formed a multi-nation government under a constitution that dates to approximately Aug. 31, 1142.

The Algonquians called themselves the “Haudenosaunee” meaning “People of the Longhouse” and their government was one of the first true participatory democracies in history. It also incorporated full political and leadership rights for women.

“It was not until after the Treaty of the Six Nations was signed on July 4, 1744, with the Haudenosaunee Nation, and the dispute over the Mason-Dixon Line was settled in 1767 that settlers started to come to Carroll County in greater numbers…


210 East Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157

 HSCC Offices: 410-848-6494, ext. 200

Library & Research: 410-848-6494, ext. 204

+++ Dayhoff Westminster +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

Monday, January 18, 2021

How Biden’s Inauguration Will Fit Into History - The Wall Street Journal.

How Biden's Inauguration Will Fit Into History 

How Biden’s Inauguration Will Fit Into History - The Wall Street Journal.

How Biden's Inauguration Will Fit Into History 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Westminster at Main Street and the railroad tracks

Westminster at Main Street and the railroad tracks, in the rain. 15Jan2021

Westminster at Main Street and the railroad tracks

Westminster at Main Street and the railroad tracks, in the rain. 15Jan2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Lessons From a Tourism Pushback in Hawaii – Skift 

Fascinating discussion about post-COVID-19 tourism... FTA: Maui resident comments range from "[a]ll of Hawaii needs to get rid of tourism and go more into agriculture" to suggestions on controlling the amount of rental car availability.

Kauai's survey results express disappointment in the proposed destination plan's failure "to acknowledge the core problem (overtourism)" and that "the Steering Committee is deluding itself if it believes that Kauai residents' tourism-related concerns and hostility are primarily due to insensitive tourists, rather than the direct result of there being too many tourists."

Lessons From a Tourism Pushback in Hawaii – Skift 

Fascinating discussion about post-COVID-19 tourism... FTA: Maui resident comments range from "[a]ll of Hawaii needs to get rid of tourism and go more into agriculture" to suggestions on controlling the amount of rental car availability.

Kauai's survey results express disappointment in the proposed destination plan's failure "to acknowledge the core problem (overtourism)" and that "the Steering Committee is deluding itself if it believes that Kauai residents' tourism-related concerns and hostility are primarily due to insensitive tourists, rather than the direct result of there being too many tourists."

Friday, December 18, 2020

City of Westminster Wakefield Valley Master Plan Development

Wakefield Valley Park

On September 14, 2020, the Mayor and Common Council authorized execution of a contract with Pennoni Associates, Inc. to assist the City with the development of the master plan. The project will be funded with grant monies from the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The master plan will provide a foundation for the future phased development of the property, and also lay the groundwork for future City grant applications to finance park improvements. 

Development of the master plan for Wakefield Valley Park will allow plenty of opportunities for community participation. We hope you will take advantage of these opportunities to provide your input. 


VIRTUAL Community Meeting

December 16, 2020 6PM and 7:15PM

Due to inclement weather, this meeting is being held virtually and streamed on Zoom, YouTube, City of Westminster Facebook, Cable Channel 23 and on the City of Westminster website. This meeting will be recorded and rebroadcast on Cable Channel 23 and available for viewing on the City of Westminster website and from December 18 through December 23, 2020. 

Comments and suggestions can be submitted by using the Virtual Planning Map link and the Photoboard links below as well as via email to and will remain open through December 23, 2020.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The holidays at the Westminster Md. Police Department

The holidays at the Westminster Police Dept. were brightened by donuts delivered by Westminster Councilmembers Kevin Dayhoff and Ann Gilbert. From left to right: Dayhoff also serves as the Westminster Fire Dept. and Md. Troopers Association Lodge 20 Chaplain. Gilbert serves on the Westminster Common Council public safety committee. They were joined by Westminster Police Chief Tom Ledwell. Photo by Major Rich Gibson. Merry Christmas 9Dec2020

The holidays at the Westminster Md. Police Department

The holidays at the Westminster Police Dept. were brightened by donuts delivered by Westminster Councilmembers Kevin Dayhoff and Ann Gilbert. From left to right: Dayhoff also serves as the Westminster Fire Dept. and Md. Troopers Association Lodge 20 Chaplain. Gilbert serves on the Westminster Common Council public safety committee. They were joined by Westminster Police Chief Tom Ledwell. Photo by Major Rich Gibson. Merry Christmas 9Dec2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Carroll County Food Sunday’s ‘tremendous’ executive director helped strengthen organization’s community involvement

Holiday Hope: Carroll County Food Sunday's 'tremendous' executive director helped strengthen ... Baltimore Sun Leister plans to retire at the end of the year and Caroline Babylon will take over as executive director Jan. 4. Leister will continue to work until March to...

FTA: “Dominic Jollie founded Carroll Food Sunday in 1982. Members of his church would bring in food to be distributed to people in need and Jollie would deliver the items from the trunk of his car after church services. Awareness of Jollie’s efforts continued to grow, and he developed the idea to serve even more families in crisis…”

Holiday Hope: Carroll County Food Sunday’s ‘tremendous’ executive director helped strengthen organization’s community involvement by MEGAN WOODWARD CARROLL COUNTY TIMES | NOV 29, 2020

+++ Dayhoff Carroll +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

Carroll County Food Sunday’s ‘tremendous’ executive director helped strengthen organization’s community involvement

Holiday Hope: Carroll County Food Sunday's 'tremendous' executive director helped strengthen ... Baltimore Sun Leister plans to retire at the end of the year and Caroline Babylon will take over as executive director Jan. 4. Leister will continue to work until March to...

FTA: “Dominic Jollie founded Carroll Food Sunday in 1982. Members of his church would bring in food to be distributed to people in need and Jollie would deliver the items from the trunk of his car after church services. Awareness of Jollie’s efforts continued to grow, and he developed the idea to serve even more families in crisis…”

Holiday Hope: Carroll County Food Sunday’s ‘tremendous’ executive director helped strengthen organization’s community involvement by MEGAN WOODWARD CARROLL COUNTY TIMES | NOV 29, 2020

+++ Dayhoff Westminster +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

November 29, 2020 Worship Service at Center and Main

Westminster United Methodist Church service Sunday, 29Nov2020

November 29, 2020 Worship Service at the Westminster United Methodist Church at Center and Main Westminster UMC Westminster, MD Join us as we begin the season of Advent and Churchwide series, Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A shout out to those working the long Thanksgiving holiday.

A shout out to those working the long Thanksgiving holiday. Please keep in your prayers, our men and women in uniform, our police officers, firefighters, emergency dispatchers and EMS providers; who will all through the holiday in harm's way, giving us an opportunity to have a safe holiday.

As we gather with our families over the holidays, may we ask that we be given patience, resolve, and wisdom in all that lies ahead for our great nation? At a time like this in our nation's history, I am reminded that Thomas Jefferson once advised, "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."

On this Thanksgiving weekend be ever thankful that we can laugh, enjoy our families, revel in our freedoms, celebrate our great community, and be stronger because of our differences.

As we gather with our families over the holidays, may we ask that we be given patience, resolve, and wisdom in all that lies ahead for our great nation? At a time like this in our nation's history, I am reminded that Thomas Jefferson once advised, "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."

On this Thanksgiving weekend be ever thankful that we can laugh, enjoy our families, revel in our freedoms, celebrate our great community, and be stronger because of our differences. Westminster Councilmember Kevin Dayhoff 25Nov2020

A shout out to those working the long Thanksgiving holiday.

A shout out to those working the long Thanksgiving holiday. Please keep in your prayers, our men and women in uniform, our police officers, firefighters, emergency dispatchers and EMS providers; who will all through the holiday in harm's way, giving us an opportunity to have a safe holiday.

As we gather with our families over the holidays, may we ask that we be given patience, resolve, and wisdom in all that lies ahead for our great nation? At a time like this in our nation's history, I am reminded that Thomas Jefferson once advised, "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."

On this Thanksgiving weekend be ever thankful that we can laugh, enjoy our families, revel in our freedoms, celebrate our great community, and be stronger because of our differences.

As we gather with our families over the holidays, may we ask that we be given patience, resolve, and wisdom in all that lies ahead for our great nation? At a time like this in our nation's history, I am reminded that Thomas Jefferson once advised, "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."

On this Thanksgiving weekend be ever thankful that we can laugh, enjoy our families, revel in our freedoms, celebrate our great community, and be stronger because of our differences. Westminster Councilmember Kevin Dayhoff 25Nov2020