Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Friday, July 3, 2020

Celebration of the wonderful life of Tommy Dent at Pritt's Funeral Home.

July 3, 2020: At the celebration of the wonderful life of Tommy Dent at Pritt's Funeral Home. 

The chapel is as full as the COVID-19 guidelines will allow. 

Strawbridge United Methodist Church Pastor Ross graciously gave me an opportunity to say a prayer.

It is wonderful gathering of friends, family, and community leaders.

I shared with the folks a prayer. Please take this opportunity to join me in a prayer for my friend.

Tommy was a wonderful friend, a great leader and lived a life of grace. Tommy got it honest. His parents were wonderful and kind people. Tommy was extremely talented. He worked hard at his small business. Westminster is a much better place because of Tommy. He will be greatly missed.

Let us bow our heads and join in a short prayer. 

O god of grace and glory, we remember before you today our brother Tommy Dent. We thank you for giving him to us to know and to love as a companion in our pilgrimage on earth. In your boundless compassion, console us who mourn.  

Our thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family at this very difficult time. 

Those we love don't go away. They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear. 

May memories of happy times sustain us, the support of family and friends comfort us, and may God's love embrace you and your family and bring you peace. 

Rest in paradise my friend. See you again someday. God be merciful to your good soul.

Thinking of you as you find peace during your journey and sending strength to your family as they mourn. I pray that peace will be found for all.

No words can express how much this hurts. 


Thursday, July 2, 2020

First Thursdays film series takes on issue of voter suppression

First Thursdays film series takes on issue of voter suppression

You may also find this information here: CC CAACP website

Facebook: Carroll County NAACP

“Our democracy hangs in the balance. This is not an overstatement.” — Michelle Alexander in the NY Times, June 8, 2020

Attempts to interfere in our election by Russia and other foreign players have received much deserved attention since 2016. But an even more insidious threat to our democracy may be homegrown: voter suppression.

“In a close election the rules matter,” says Rick Hasen of UC Irvine and author of Election Meltdown, “and if the rules can be manipulated it can affect the outcome of elections.”

Recognizing that voting rights are civil rights, the July selection for the MD LMP First Thursday film series is a provocative and disturbing documentary that takes a sobering look at the hydra that is voter suppression: Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook.

Narrated by Jeffrey Wright, Rigged chronicles how our right to vote is being undercut by a decade of dirty tricks - including the partisan use of gerrymandering and voter purges, and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court. The film captures real-time voter purges in North Carolina and voter intimidation in Texas.

We are honored to welcome a distinguished panel to discuss the film:

David Blight, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Frederick Douglass, Prophet of Freedom

Tim Smith, award-winning producer of Rigged

Gilda Daniels, Associate Professor at University of Baltimore School of Law and author of Uncounted: The Crisis of Voter Suppression in America

The cause and course of racial justice in our nation is intimately bound to the outcome of the 2020 election. It’s therefore incumbent upon all of us to understand the grave and imminent threat that voter suppression poses to “free and fair elections” and what we, as citizens, can do to protect the vote and our democracy. 

Please join us on Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 7.00p for an important discussion of the issue and this film. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you then.

When you register, you will receive a link and password allowing you to screen the film on your own for free, in advance of the discussion.  

Attendance at the panel discussion is also free, but you must pre-register here.

For more information go here:

+++ Dayhoff Carroll +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

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First Thursdays film series takes on issue of voter suppression

First Thursdays film series takes on issue of voter suppression

You may also find this information here: CC CAACP website

Facebook: Carroll County NAACP

“Our democracy hangs in the balance. This is not an overstatement.” — Michelle Alexander in the NY Times, June 8, 2020

Attempts to interfere in our election by Russia and other foreign players have received much deserved attention since 2016. But an even more insidious threat to our democracy may be homegrown: voter suppression.

“In a close election the rules matter,” says Rick Hasen of UC Irvine and author of Election Meltdown, “and if the rules can be manipulated it can affect the outcome of elections.”

Recognizing that voting rights are civil rights, the July selection for the MD LMP First Thursday film series is a provocative and disturbing documentary that takes a sobering look at the hydra that is voter suppression: Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook.

Narrated by Jeffrey Wright, Rigged chronicles how our right to vote is being undercut by a decade of dirty tricks - including the partisan use of gerrymandering and voter purges, and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court. The film captures real-time voter purges in North Carolina and voter intimidation in Texas.

We are honored to welcome a distinguished panel to discuss the film:

David Blight, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Frederick Douglass, Prophet of Freedom

Tim Smith, award-winning producer of Rigged

Gilda Daniels, Associate Professor at University of Baltimore School of Law and author of Uncounted: The Crisis of Voter Suppression in America

The cause and course of racial justice in our nation is intimately bound to the outcome of the 2020 election. It’s therefore incumbent upon all of us to understand the grave and imminent threat that voter suppression poses to “free and fair elections” and what we, as citizens, can do to protect the vote and our democracy. 

Please join us on Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 7.00p for an important discussion of the issue and this film. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you then.

When you register, you will receive a link and password allowing you to screen the film on your own for free, in advance of the discussion.  

Attendance at the panel discussion is also free, but you must pre-register here.

For more information go here:

+++ Dayhoff Westminster +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

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Planning Practice Monthly: June 2020

Planning Practice Monthly: June 2020

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Planning Practice MonthlyPlanning Square Images
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Planning Assistance in Action

Census 2020: News and Next Steps

Census 2020
Even as the landscape of COVID-19 protective measures continues to evolve and the state moves toward reopening, the Maryland Department of Planning (Planning) is adapting to the pandemic to ensure that every Marylander is counted by:
  • Closely coordinating with local Complete Count Committees (CCCs) to identify and reach their most hard-to-count populations;

Maryland Department of Planning’s School Enrollment Projections

Public School Enrollment Projections
Maryland’s public school enrollment increased in 2019 by 11,319 (1.3%); this increase was the highest in the last 11 years (see Chart 1). Statewide, public-school enrollment has grown by 57,174 or 7.3 percent between 2009 and 2019. With gains over the last 11 years, Maryland’s 2019 public school enrollment of 876,810 is its highest since 1976.  

Women in Planning Series

Harriet Tregoning: Trailblazer in the Rise of Smart Growth and Alternative Transportation

Harriett Tregoning
It is fitting that yet another of the planners we have been asked by readers to profile in this series on female planners in Maryland, also served as Secretary of the Maryland Department of Planning. Harriet Tregoning was appointed in 2000, and later became Maryland’s first Special Secretary for Smart Growth. One of the accomplishments of her tenure involved siting a new branch of the University of Maryland in Washington County. 

Resources and Tools

Maryland Department of Planning Publishes Housing Element Models and Guidelines

June is American Housing Month! The Maryland Department of Planning (Planning) believes every Marylander deserves an opportunity for a safe and affordable home to share with family and friends. On June 16, 2020, Planning published a new webpage, called the Housing Element Models and Guidelines (M&G), to support jurisdictions planning for affordable housing in response to House Bill 1045 (HB 1045 [2019]). The M&G has four parts: 1) Housing Planning; 2) Housing Data; 3) Housing Practices; and 4) Affordable Housing Resources.  

Planning in Progress

We will continue to provide updates about these exciting efforts as they develop in upcoming issues

Maryland’s CLAPP Program: Expanded Certification Periods and Regulatory Streamlining Aids Counties’ Effort to Preserve Farmland

Created in 1990, the state’s Certification of Local Agricultural Preservation Programs (CLAPP) allows certified counties to retain 75% of locally generated agricultural land transfer tax instead of the default rate of 33%. To become certified, a county must meet a variety of regulatory requirements that demonstrate that the jurisdiction has developed a strong agricultural preservation strategy, is successfully implementing the strategy, and is periodically analyzing its approach to identify needed improvements.

Take MDOT's Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Data Survey!

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is examining ways pedestrian and bicycle traffic data are collected across the state - currently done in a variety of methods and used to evaluate project effectiveness, variations in overall volumes, and crash data analyses. To understand the various practices and uses, MDOT has created an online survey to learn how bicycle and pedestrian traffic data are collected, used, and stored and looks at reasons why data may not be collected. The survey is open to all, with a focus on transportation planners, traffic engineers, and other practitioners.

Reminder to Jurisdictions: Submission Deadline for Nuisance Flood Plans Approaching

Nuisance Flooding
Tidally-driven nuisance floods are happening with more frequency. While nuisance flooding may not pose a serious threat or result in major damage, these events can interrupt and impact daily routines and negatively impact commerce. In accordance with Maryland House Bill 1427 (2019), §3-1018(b) and (c), on or before October 1, 2020, a local jurisdiction that experiences nuisance flooding shall develop a plan to address nuisance flooding. 

MPCA Corner

38th Annual MPCA Conference is Going Digital

The Maryland Planning Commissioners Association (MPCA) thanks everyone who submitted a session proposal for the 38th Annual Fall Conference. We will be reviewing the proposals over the next few weeks and contacting those who submitted proposals by mid-July. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the MPCA has decided to forego its normal in-person conference, originally scheduled for November 9 and 10 in Westminster, and to instead partner with the Maryland Department of Planning to conduct a digital conference this fall. 

Meet the Planning Staff

Randall Nixon

Randall Nixon
Randall Nixon has served as Planning's Associate Director of the Maryland Census since 2018. Randall oversees engaging the business and faith-based communities throughout the state to ensure every Marylander is counted in the 2020 Census. COVID-19 has brought unexpected challenges to this role, as to Census efforts in general, but Randall says, “having also been a businessman throughout most of my career, it has been rewarding working with such diverse companies and faith-based organizations across Maryland in getting the word out about the importance of the U.S. Census to both commerce and our communities.

Continuing Education & Training

In each newsletter, we highlight the most relevant and timely upcoming events. Our website does include many additional events, so please visit it regularly for updates. Listings are searchable by subject.

Upcoming Conferences and Seminars

Planning related conferences in Maryland and nearby states.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this section is temporarily suspended For More Information

Warning Triangle

Click for more on Conferences


Listed webinars are typically free or low cost and cover a wide range of planning related issues. Many include CM credits.
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Webinar #5 Biomass Energy Systems - Economics & Finance
Tuesday, July 7 @ 11:00 a.m.
Pedaling Through Pandemic: How (E-)Cycling Can Keep Post-COVID Cities MovineThursday, July 16 @ 1 pm
AICP CM ApprovedMore

Click for more on Webinars

Training Around the State

Workshops and classes offered by state agencies or our partners.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this section is temporarily suspended For More Information
Warning Triangle

Click for more on Trainings

Funding Opportunities

Federal, state and/or non-governmental funding.
Urban Agriculture and Innovation Production (UAIP) Competitive Grants Program
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Deadline: July 6
Fair Housing Initiatives Program - Education and Outreach Initiative (COVID-19)
U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development - Deadline: July 8

Click for more on Funding Opportunities

+++ Dayhoff Westminster +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

NAACP opposes commissioner diversity commission

NAACP opposes commissioner diversity commission

(In full disclosure I am on the board of the Carroll County NAACP)

Carroll County commissioner withdraws diversity commission initiative after NAACP chapter president expresses opposition 

Akira Kyles Carroll County Times |Jun 29, 2020

In the Board of County Commissioners meeting on Thursday, Commissioner Eric Bouchat withdrew his initiative to establish a diversity commission after the president of Carroll County’s NAACP chapter expressed her opposition toward it.
Bouchat previously said he’d like for the commission to look into memorials to lynching victims and Black Americans who served in the Civil War, but Lewis said the NAACP chapter has already been engaged in projects to do both.

She said the chapter has been involved with rededications at Ellsworth Cemetery in Westminster, where Black veterans are buried. And she said the chapter is involved with the Carroll County Coalition of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project, which began meeting in February to discuss ways to bring awareness and improved understanding of lynching history.

According to Wantz, after Lewis spoke with him, the board took a step back.
Wantz said, “We’re pulling back the reins to allow for the groups that have been putting the sweat and tears into doing all this research and let them do their job.”
Lewis said she was speaking as an individual, but discussed it with the rest of the NAACP board members.

“We met [Thursday] night, and there was total agreement that we do not do this diversity thing that Commissioner Bouchat introduced,” Lewis said.

“What was going to be the end result? Was this going to be a group that was founded and it would be dropped after an election cycle? Your support would not be there after that? I don’t think it was necessarily heartfelt,” Lewis said.


+++ Dayhoff Carroll +++

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

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Dayhoff Carroll: