Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Monday, April 28, 2014

Oriole baseball history includes loss to Westminster in 1885 [Column] Eagle Archives

Oriole baseball history includes loss to Westminster in 1885 [Column]
Eagle Archives

By Kevin E. Dayhoff, April 8, 2014 Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:
#Baseball, #Westminster, #Orioles, #History, #Carroll County, #Maryland,

Roses are red, violets are blue. I hate snow ... and you should too.

For those with a bad case of chionophobia — a fear of snow — no worries, spring is near. We know this because last Monday was Opening Day for the Baltimore Orioles.

After yet another unexpected Maryland snowstorm, the weather gave way to warmer temperatures and blue skies on March 31.

According to The Baltimore Sun, "a sellout crowd of 46,685 filled the ballpark" to see the Orioles defeat the defending world champion Boston Red Sox, 2-1.

Baseball has a long history in Baltimore. The current Baltimore Orioles franchise began playing baseball in 1954 in the old Memorial Stadium on 33rd Street, after it was announced on Sept. 28, 1953, that the St. Louis Browns were moving to Baltimore.

Historian Jay Graybeal researched the event for the Historical Society of Carroll County several years ago and wrote, "One of the great stories from the County's sports history is the June 1885 baseball game between the Westminster Base Ball Club and the Baltimore Orioles. …"

Graybeal quoted an old newspaper article which noted, "The Westminster Base Ball Club on Monday last, the 22d, won the most remarkable victory in their history, defeating (the) Baltimore team by a score of 9 to 7."

On that same date in 1962, Boog Powell became the first player to hit a ball over the hedge in center field at Memorial Stadium, according to a book of Orioles history by Ted Patterson.
Go Orioles.


March 30, 1923: A gang of 25 Baltimore men attempted to rob Carroll County distillery.

The robbers received some buckshot in the hide, but no liquor.

By Kevin Dayhoff, March 30, 2014

On March 30, 1923, in the depths of prohibition, a local newspaper rang the alarm that “About 25 men, all from Baltimore, it is reported, attempted to raid McGinnis Distillery in Carroll County, just east of Westminster.”

It needs to be noted that although prohibition, known as the “Volstead Act,” did not go into effect throughout the nation until January 20, 1920; Carroll countians voted to outlaw the sale of alcohol in the county six-years earlier - in 1914, according to research by historian Jay Graybeal for the Historical Society of Carroll County.

Prohibition remained the law of the land until President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law the Cullen-Harrison Act on March 23, 1933.


Westminster Methodist minister Lowell Ensor helped raise awareness of civil rights in 1940s

Anyone remember the Rev. Dr. Lowell Ensor, the pastor at the Westminster United Methodist from 1940 – 1947 and later became the president of Western Maryland College – now McDaniel, from 1947 – June 30, 1972?,0,3448847.story


By Kevin Dayhoff, March 25, 2014

In 1945, institutional racism in Maryland was a hot topic. In part, the discussion was driven by pragmatism in that, according to research by historian Kenneth D. Durr, more than 20 percent of the population in Baltimore was said to be black. But because of housing segregation laws, the city's black population was squeezed into 2 percent of the city's land mass.

Lowell Ensor would later assume the office of president of the college, now McDaniel, on July 1, 1947, according to Lightner's history of the college, "Fearless and Bold." He served until June 30, 1972, and died in 1975.

Lowell Ensor would later assume pres of college now McDaniel 1Jy1947, according to Lightner's, "Fearless and Bold.",0,3448847.story


Current tensions in Ukraine bring back memories of Cold War
Eagle Archives

By Kevin Dayhoff, March 19, 2014

Who can remember the school air raid drill in which you were to hide underneath your desk – or in the hallway? Remember, drop to the floor, duck and cover your head, to protect yourself from flying debris and getting burned by the nuclear blast. Some schools distributed dog tags so that the bodies of the dead students could easily be identified.

On March 16, 1972, an article in The Carroll Record explained one of the basic building blocks of the Cold War era, the fallout shelter.

"Today's Paper Has Community Fallout Shelter Plan — The new community fallout shelter plan for Carroll County is included in this newspaper. …"

The article reported, "According to the County commissioners, 'The information developed in the plan could save the lives of thousands of persons in the event of attack. …' "

The recent tensions between Russia and the West over the civil unrest in the Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula have renewed an interest in Cold War nostalgia.



Streets and history of Westminster intersect at odd angles [Eagle Archives]

Many residents today may not recall the crazy-quilt "dog leg" intersection of John, Bond and Main streets, or the equally mismatched collision of Main and Liberty streets, Railroad Avenue, and the train tracks in Westminster.

Years ago, these intersections did not look anything like they do now. Today, they form a perfect "cross."

But years ago, a motorist traveling south on John Street or Railroad Avenue had to make a 90-degree right turn onto Main Street, then hang a quick left to get on either Liberty or Bond Street and get through the intersection.

It may have worked well enough in the horse and buggy days. But by the 1970s, it was nuts.

Finally, sanity ruled and the two intersections and the bridge over the railroad tracks on East Green Street were rebuilt in the mid-1970s.

Many years ago, the area that we now know as John and Carroll streets in Westminster was known as the "space between."




Westminster Patch:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster Online:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:
Kevin Dayhoff Politics: www.kevindayhoff@net


Westminster Methodist minister Lowell Ensor helped raise awareness of civil rights in 1940s

Anyone remember the Rev. Dr. Lowell Ensor, the pastor at the Westminster United Methodist from 1940 – 1947 and later became the president of Western Maryland College – now McDaniel, from 1947 – June 30, 1972?,0,3448847.story


By Kevin Dayhoff, March 25, 2014

In 1945, institutional racism in Maryland was a hot topic. In part, the discussion was driven by pragmatism in that, according to research by historian Kenneth D. Durr, more than 20 percent of the population in Baltimore was said to be black. But because of housing segregation laws, the city's black population was squeezed into 2 percent of the city's land mass.

Lowell Ensor would later assume the office of president of the college, now McDaniel, on July 1, 1947, according to Lightner's history of the college, "Fearless and Bold." He served until June 30, 1972, and died in 1975.

Lowell Ensor would later assume pres of college now McDaniel 1Jy1947, according to Lightner's, "Fearless and Bold.",0,3448847.story

By Kevin E. Dayhoff,
Story | April 21, 2014 | 12:04 PM
... just endured are hard on a city — and expensive. In a recent edition of the city's newsletter, Westminster Mayor Kevin Utz wrote, "The City has spent all $100,000 of our snow budget plus an additional $50,000 in contingency funds purchasing ...
By Kevin E. Dayhoff, 
Story | April 15, 2014 | 5:52 AM
On April 12, 1946, Maryland Gov. Herbert O'Conor "announced his decision to provide permanent automobile registration tags for motor vehicles in the State," according to a local newspaper.
By Kevin E. Dayhoff, 
Story | April 8, 2014 | 5:38 AM
There were actually at least two sports stadiums in Northeast Baltimore at 33rd Street and Ellerslie Avenue in what was once a city park by the name of Venable Park. The first, Baltimore Municipal Stadium, began operations Dec. 2, 1922.
By Kevin Dayhoff,
Story | March 25, 2014 | 12:16 PM
In 1945, institutional racism in Maryland was a hot topic. In part, the discussion was driven by pragmatism in that, according to research by historian Kenneth D. Durr, more than 20 percent of the population in Baltimore was said to be black.
By Kevin Dayhoff, 
Story | March 19, 2014 | 8:06 AM
"Today's Paper Has Community Fallout Shelter Plan ? The new community fallout shelter plan for Carroll County is included in this newspaper. ?"
By Kevin Dayhoff, 
Story | February 5, 2014 | 4:37 AM
... received an imported breech-loading shotgun. Throughout his career he gave away 5,000 guns representing sales of 5,000,000 cigars!" When he is not admiring the artwork on the old cigar labels,Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at .
By Kevin E. Dayhoff, 
Story | February 17, 2014 | 1:57 PM
... City, a vast collection of skyscrapers and a thriving economic center that may be best described as the Hong Kong of Latin and South America. If he is not showing pictures of his trip to Panama to friends, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at
By Kevin Dayhoff
Story | February 12, 2014 | 3:15 AM
... College: 621 employees • Carroll County Commissioners: 587 employees • Carroll Community College: 509 employees • Evapco: 440 employees When he is not counting the days until spring, KevinDayhoff may be reached at .
By Kevin Dayhoff, 
Story | March 4, 2014 | 8:42 AM
Many residents today may not recall the crazy-quilt "dog leg" intersection of John, Bond and Main streets, or the equally mismatched collision of Main and Liberty streets, Railroad Avenue, and the train tracks in Westminster. Years ago, these intersections did not look anything like they do now.
By Kevin E. Dayhoff, 
Story | March 11, 2014 | 1:12 PM
In the last several weeks, articles in the Baltimore Sun report that a ruling by the Maryland Court of Appeals "tossed-out ? an ambitious legislative effort" to address what some lawmakers perceived as abusive practices on the part of some ground-rent owners in Maryland.                                        +++++++++++++++
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

March 30, 1923: A gang of 25 Baltimore men attempted to rob Carroll County distillery.

March 30, 1923: A gang of 25 Baltimore men attempted to rob Carroll County distillery.

The robbers received some buckshot in the hide, but no liquor.

By Kevin Dayhoff, March 30, 2014

On March 30, 1923, in the depths of prohibition, a local newspaper rang the alarm that “About 25 men, all from Baltimore, it is reported, attempted to raid McGinnis Distillery in Carroll County, just east of Westminster.”

It needs to be noted that although prohibition, known as the “Volstead Act,” did not go into effect throughout the nation until January 20, 1920; Carroll countians voted to outlaw the sale of alcohol in the county six-years earlier - in 1914, according to research by historian Jay Graybeal for the Historical Society of Carroll County.

Prohibition remained the law of the land until President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law the Cullen-Harrison Act on March 23, 1933.

Meanwhile in Carroll County, Graybeal reports, “production at local distilleries continued even after Prohibition began ….  These rural distilleries became tempting targets for gangs who supplied liquor to speakeasies and individuals who still imbibed.  The Industrial Grain Products Corporation in Carrollton was robbed in broad daylight and the story was front page news in the November 23, 1923 issue of the Westminster Democratic Advocate newspaper…”

That same newspaper reported on March 30, 1923 that the McGinnis Distillery robbery attempt was the second try, “within two weeks to rob the warehouse which contains 4000 barrels of the precious fluid.  The truck to haul the whiskey away was left at Cranberry about 2 miles from the distillery,” near Westminster.

The next morning 25 five-gallon “containers were found along the warehouse which was to be used to put the whiskey in.  The iron shutter was opened but they failed to gain entrance.”

The newspaper account further reports that on this occasion, the guard on duty was prepared and defended the distillery from the would-be whiskey-robbers.  “Guard Charles Thomson, who was on duty, was the target for the raiders.  

“They opened fire on Mr. Thomson, who returned it, and made it so hot for the gang that they retreated over the hills for safety…  

“Two men, Saturday morning, it is said, full of blood and mud, took the 6:30 a.m. train at Cranberry for Baltimore.  It is evident that some of the gang received some of the buckshot in their hide, but none were seriously injured.”

Although this attempt on the distillery ended in failure, a lengthy newspaper account from January 8, 1926 details a gang of 50 men who literally attacked the distillery. The ensuing battle, which appears to have lasted for a considerable length of time, eventually witnessed even the Carroll County State’s Attorney and the Sheriff joining the battle and being fired upon.

Other newspaper accounts of prohibition in Carroll County took a lighter approach. According to Graybeal, “An article from the May 30, 1924 issue of the Democratic Advocate newspaper about the discovery of bootleg hooch provided the writer, Ira N. Barnes of Freedom, with an opportunity to comment on Prohibition…

In an effort to properly dispose of the alcohol, Barnes, “dumped the contents of the jars, one by one, into the secluded retreat of this elusive animal….” A groundhog that had taken-up residence on the Barnes farm.

“The next night following this eventful discovery, alone wanderer traveling down Morgan Run Valley was greatly surprised to observe by the light of the moon about a dozen ground-hogs engaged in a disgraceful tango, bunny-hug and turkey trot to the accompaniment of jazz music, furnished by a frog orchestra from an adjacent morass. 

“A large number of sober animals ranged around viewing the performance were so completely scandalized at the affair that they were compelled to bow their head in shame, excepting a few old skunks…”


Westminster Patch:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster Online:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:
Kevin Dayhoff Politics: www.kevindayhoff@net


Westminster Methodist minister Lowell Ensor helped raise awareness of civil rights in 1940s

Anyone remember the Rev. Dr. Lowell Ensor, the pastor at the Westminster United Methodist from 1940 – 1947 and later became the president of Western Maryland College – now McDaniel, from 1947 – June 30, 1972?,0,3448847.story


By Kevin Dayhoff, March 25, 2014

In 1945, institutional racism in Maryland was a hot topic. In part, the discussion was driven by pragmatism in that, according to research by historian Kenneth D. Durr, more than 20 percent of the population in Baltimore was said to be black. But because of housing segregation laws, the city's black population was squeezed into 2 percent of the city's land mass.

Lowell Ensor would later assume the office of president of the college, now McDaniel, on July 1, 1947, according to Lightner's history of the college, "Fearless and Bold." He served until June 30, 1972, and died in 1975.

Lowell Ensor would later assume pres of college now McDaniel 1Jy1947, according to Lightner's, "Fearless and Bold.",0,3448847.story

Westminster warming up for birthday celebration

... just endured are hard on a city — and expensive. In a recent edition of the city's newsletter, Westminster Mayor Kevin Utz wrote, "The City has spent all $100,000 of our snow budget plus an additional $50,000 in contingency funds purchasing ...
Vehicle license plates long a topic of interest [Column]
On April 12, 1946, Maryland Gov. Herbert O'Conor "announced his decision to provide permanent automobile registration tags for motor vehicles in the State," according to a local newspaper.
Oriole baseball history includes loss to Westminster in 1885 [Column]
There were actually at least two sports stadiums in Northeast Baltimore at 33rd Street and Ellerslie Avenue in what was once a city park by the name of Venable Park. The first, Baltimore Municipal Stadium, began operations Dec. 2, 1922.
Westminster minister helped raise awareness of civil rights in 1940s
In 1945, institutional racism in Maryland was a hot topic. In part, the discussion was driven by pragmatism in that, according to research by historian Kenneth D. Durr, more than 20 percent of the population in Baltimore was said to be black.
Current tensions in Ukraine bring back memories of Cold War
"Today's Paper Has Community Fallout Shelter Plan ? The new community fallout shelter plan for Carroll County is included in this newspaper. ?"
When cigars meant major industry in Manchester [Column]
... received an imported breech-loading shotgun. Throughout his career he gave away 5,000 guns representing sales of 5,000,000 cigars!" When he is not admiring the artwork on the old cigar labels,Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at .
Panama Canal opened markets for Carroll farmers [Column]
... City, a vast collection of skyscrapers and a thriving economic center that may be best described as the Hong Kong of Latin and South America. If he is not showing pictures of his trip to Panama to friends, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at
Wormseed was once a growing industry in the county [Eagle Archives]
... College: 621 employees • Carroll County Commissioners: 587 employees • Carroll Community College: 509 employees • Evapco: 440 employees When he is not counting the days until spring, KevinDayhoff may be reached at .
Streets and history of Westminster intersect at odd angles [Eagle Archives]
Many residents today may not recall the crazy-quilt "dog leg" intersection of John, Bond and Main streets, or the equally mismatched collision of Main and Liberty streets, Railroad Avenue, and the train tracks in Westminster. Years ago, these intersections did not look anything like they do now.
Long-standing history of ground-rent on property in Westminster [Column]
In the last several weeks, articles in the Baltimore Sun report that a ruling by the Maryland Court of Appeals "tossed-out ? an ambitious legislative effort" to address what some lawmakers perceived as abusive practices on the part of some ground-rent owners in Maryland.                                        +++++++++++++++
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

The charge at the Café Bustello by Kevin Dayhoff October 19, 2012

The charge at the Café Bustello by Kevin Dayhoff October 19, 2012

Genius is one percent inspiration and 99-percent coffee… Sometimes, without coffee, I question my sanity. Occasionally it responds.

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Westminster Fire Dept members oversee drawing the Big Money Raffle winning tkts


2002 Carroll County Maryland Facts Book

2002 Carroll County Maryland Facts Book

The Carroll County facts Book provides a variety of information on Carroll County Maryland.

Its ten sections provides an overview of Carroll County, its history, citizens, communities, and government.

Carroll County, Maryland, history, demographics, Westminster
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Bare Trees

Bare Trees

Bare Trees
January 21, 2009
Reminded me of the “Bare Trees” album by “Fleetwood Mac.”
However, while I was looking for a video of “Bare Trees” on YouTube, I ran across “Hypnotized,” which I felt went better with the picture.
Labels:  - See more at:

Written by bob welch.

Its the same kind of story

That seems to come down from long ago

Two friends having coffee together

When something flies by their window

It might be out on that lawn

Which is wide, at least half of a playing field

Because theres no explaining what your imagination

Can make you see and feel

Seems like a dream

(they) got me hypnotized

Now its not a meaningless question

To ask if theyve been and gone

I remember a talk about north

Carolina and a strange, strange pond

You see the sides were like glass

In the thick of a forest without a road

And if any mans ever made that land

Then I think it wouldve showed

Seems like a dream

(they) got me hypnotized

They say theres a place down in mexico

Where a man can fly over mountains and hills

And he dont need an airplane or some kind of engine

And he never will

Now you know its a meaningless question

To ask if those stories are right

cause what matters most if the feeling

You get when youre hypnotized

Seems like a dream

(they) got me hypnotized

20090121 Bare trees
Dayhoff Daily Photoblog
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Westminster celebrates 250 years and Arbor Day with tree planting - The Advocate of Westminster and Finksburg: News

Westminster celebrates 250 years and Arbor Day with tree planting - The Advocate of Westminster and Finksburg: News

Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 By Jon Kelvey Advocate Staff Writer

The City of Westminster is celebrating its 250th birthday this year —
its sestercentennial — and as a kick-off to a series of anniversary-themed
celebrations across the calendar, the city will plant a sapling taken from a
white oak tree that was standing when Westminster was founded...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Denise Elaine Frebertshauser, 45, passed away peacefully on April 16, 2014

Denise Elaine Frebertshauser, age 45 of Harwood, Maryland passed away peacefully on April 16, 2014 at the University of Maryland Medical Center, with family and friends by her side.

Born on March 11, 1969 in Westminster, she was the daughter of Donald E. Frebertshauser and Rose M. Hahn Frebertshauser of Westminster. She is survived by her brother, Drew Frebertshauser, Spring Grove,  PA and friend Holly Givler, Hanover, PA and niece Dakota Frebertshauser; aunts and uncles David and Jill Frebertshauser, Alice and Jim Eckard,  and Paul and Anna Hahn, Jr. Westminster.  She was an adored “Auntie” to Jacob and Drew Bjerknes and Berlin Dunn. She was preceded in death by close friend Bonnie Dunn in 2010. Her infectious love of life and learn by doing spirit through the 4-H program and ACA camping, gathered many wonderful friends who circled her with love and devotion throughout the years.

Denise was a 1987 graduate of Westminster High School, and then went on to graduate from the University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources with a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Food Science. She began a 5 year career of growing kids into competent caring and nurturing adults in the Baltimore County 4-H program with Adventures in Science and camping. From 1997- 2005, Denise as an extension educator in the Carroll County 4-H program expanded her natural resource and teen leadership focus. Denise’s mantra, “Get a child outside,” was frequently heard. She believed a supportive natural environment where adults and youth could interact developed a child’s head, heart, hand and health.

Denise was committed to developing the Maryland Patuxent River 4-H Center into a thriving and safe place for urban youth to learn how to become environmental stewards while having fun with hands on educational experiences. Denise’s creative teaching approach was key for developing senior youth mentor partnerships with younger campers. Her respect and interest for the American Indian traditions were often taught. She loved collecting antiques and historical memorabilia.

Denise was currently the Extension Specialist in Environmental Science and Outdoor Education at the University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth and Development Center. She continued to grow “kids” and adults through science and camping. Denise was a published faculty member with numerous awards for her creativity, teaching, and program outreach. She was honored to receive the President’s award by the Chesapeake Section of the National American Camping Association for her outstanding service.  Denise was most noted for making a difference in the lives of youth and adults. Her “never quit attitude” and “live in the moment” enthusiasm sparked much love and devotion for many youth and adults across Maryland. Death leaves a heart ache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory no one can steal.

A Memorial Celebration of Life will be held at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at St. John’s (Leisters) Lutheran Church,  827 Leisters Church Rd., Westminster,  with the Reverend Kristin Dubsky officiating.  Burial will follow in Leisters Church Cemetery.  The family will receive friends on Tuesday from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at the Myers-Durboraw Funeral Home, 91 Willis St., Westminster, and on Wednesday from 10 a.m. until the time of service at the church. 

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to: The Maryland 4-H Foundation, Denise Memorial Camping Fund, 8020 Greenmead Drive, College Park, MD 20740 or the Patuxent River 4-H Center Foundation, INC., Denise Memorial, PO Box 342, Davidsonville, MD 21035.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Birdies coffee shop in Westminster carries wonderful gluten-free menu items. :-)


Flyer, information and entry form for the Easter 5K Run to the Cross April 19, 2014 at Taylorsville United Methodist Church

Flyer, information and entry form for the Easter 5K Run to the Cross April 19, 2014 at Taylorsville United Methodist Church

According to information from the Taylorsville United Methodist Church website, the first ever ‘Run to the Cross’ will take place this Saturday in Taylorsville, Carroll County, Maryland.

If you are looking to get outside after a long-cold winter of being cooped-up inside, this is a great family event for everyone to enjoy – and celebrate spring and Easter. And oh, was it mentioned that there will also be great food available - pulled pork sandwiches. And all the proceeds go to several good causes…

The 5 K run will go from South Carroll High School to Taylorsville United Methodist Church on Saturday, April 19, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. (TUMC). (You can run this or walk this 5 K.)

This 5 K run will travel west on Route 26, cross Route 27 (with State Police help) and travel south on Route 27 to TUMC.

At the end of the race enjoy live music, pulled pork sandwiches (free for runners) and the final awards ceremony.

This run is a joint venture brought to you by TUMC and SCHS’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes. (FCA)

Proceeds will be given to both the FCA and the No More Malaria Campaign. (Every 60 seconds a child dies in Africa of Malaria. This campaign has already cut that number in half, we want to stop deaths from malaria.) Your entry fee will be tax deductible.

There are two ways to register: One is to download the run entry form, fill it out, and mail it back to TUMC along with a check. Please register by April 6th. The registration fee is $10 for students; $15 for SCHS Alum; and $20 for adults.

The second way to register is to click below. Make sure you have a credit card ready and you can register totally on line.

Note there is a 2-4 dollar increase to offset on-line costs.

Click here to download a run entry form.


For more of the story, read the great article by Carroll County Times reporter Carrie Ann Knauer

5K Run to the Cross April 19, 2014 Taylorsville United Methodist Church

Running to the cross Posted: Friday, March 28, 2014 By Carrie Ann Knauer Times correspondent


To get involved

Event: “Run to the Cross” 5K race

Date and time: starting at 10 a.m. April 19, 2014

Location: Departing from South Carroll High School, 1300 W. Old Liberty Road, Winfield, and going to Taylorsville United Methodist Church

Cost: $10 for students, $15 for SCHS alumni or members of the Westminster Road Runners Club, and $20 for adults for those who register by April 6; preregistration after April 6 will cost an additional $5 per person, and an extra $10 per person for those who register on the day of the race between 9 and 9:30 a.m.

Info: visit, email or call 410-875-4101

Online registration: available at, though the costs will include an extra $2 to $4 to make up for charges imposed by the website



Upcoming April and May 2014
Westminster Road Runners Club and community running events

April 5, 2014

Westminster Road Runners Club
Kevin E. Dayhoff

WRRC Races
May 3 - Sandymount 4-mile
May 29 - Owl 2-Mile Track Run (Twilight Series Begins!)

Community Races

April 19 - 5K Run to the Cross Click here for more info.
April 19 - Bolt for Bolts 5K
April 19 - Milk Run 5K (sponsored by Carroll County Food Sunday)
April 26 - 5K to Benefit Change

May 4 - 2nd Annual Running 4 Kids 4K (flier attached)
May 10 - Flower & Jazz Benefit 5K
May 24 - Run of the Mill Run of Color 5K & 1M

Easter, family, food, Pastor Sarah B. Dorrance, Taylorsville United Methodist Church, pulled pork sandwiches, malaria, running, walking, Carroll County

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: