Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Delaware Maryland Synod Lutheran Church E-Letter for April 16, 2013

Delaware-Maryland Synod ELCA
Tuesday     April 16, 2013

The E-Letter

E-Letter for April 16, 2013
Circles of Prayer
Health Assessment
Assembly Hotel Reservations
Bishop's Leadership Days
Lutheran Volunteer Corps Bowlathon
Summer Camp
Director of Faith Formation
The Harmonienmesse
Free Piano
Music Director/Organist Needed
Stewardship Survey
Concert to Benefit Tanzanian Missionary
Ellington Easter Interfaith Vespers
CLAIM Staff Position
Communicating Our Ministries
A Day of Service
Concert to Benefit the Anti-Malaria Campaign
Fabric Needed
Bishop Wolfgang's schedule this week

Circles of Prayer 

We ask for God's healing and loving presence be with...

Janet Kaplan, wife of Pr. David Kaplan (rt), still hospitalized

Pr. Siegfried Otto (St. Johns, Sweet Air), to have surgery

Mel Walton, husband of Pat Walton on synod staff, beginning chemotherapy for multiple myeloma

And for all who have unspoken needs.

We continue to keep in our prayers ... John Seltzer, John Ranney and family, Christine Lundmark, Janet Wirtanen, Andrea Hagen-Arndt, Judy Moller-Gavlick, Jerry Knoche, Alice Davis, Leonard and Clarine AlJoe, Carol Henry Youse, Bruce Kelley, Mandy Kent, George Mocko, Henry Schaefer, the Norgard family, Jim Slingluff Jr., Thelma Tanner, Paul Mocko, ... and we pray for our bishops, Wolfgang Herz-Lane and Mark Hanson.

May the peace and promise of the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, sustain ...

the family of Mrs. Eileen Tuttle, wife of Pr. George Tuttle.  Please keep the family in your prayers.  

Time is Running Out! You Could Make the Difference!

So far this year, 53 rostered leaders in the Delaware-Maryland Synod who are covered under the ELCA Health Plan have taken the Portico health assessment and have earned the $150 bonus that comes with completing the confidential survey. This means we need 47 more people in order to reach the required 65% participation rate by April 30, 2013, and realize an estimated $33,000 in health premium savings. Also, the synod will receive a sizable grant for a health and wellness project benefiting plan members. Last year, we fell short by just two people, reaching 64.33% and missing out on significant savings. Help us to avoid a similar fate this year, click
here to take the health assessment TODAY.

Please be a good steward and complete the health assessment!


The deadline for receiving our special Synod Assembly rate at The Grand Hotel & Spa and The Comfort Inn GoldCoast is April 29, 2013.  Last year they were able to honor the rate past the deadline a bit.  There's not much chance this year because the Friday (May 3, 2013) that follows our cut-off date is the start of Springfest in Ocean City and the front office is already chomping at the bit for the release of our room block!  Please book your rooms now!

Bishop's Leadership Days  

The Spring Bishop's Leadership Days should be on your calendar.   You can pick the location most convenient for you:
+ Tuesday, April 23, 2013, at Zion, Middletown, Maryland
+ Wednesday, April 24, 2013, at Our Shepherd, Severna Park, Maryland
+ Thursday, April 25, 2013, at Tree of Life, Odessa, Delaware

Pastors Jerrett Hansen and Laura Ingersol, mission developers of the newly formed Journey of Faith Church, Rockdale, will be our presenters on each day held from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Registration is on line and available to you 24/7 ... click here to register

If you have any questions, you may contact registrar Cindy VanVliet... 410.230.2861 or 800.869.5492. 

Lutheran Volunteer Corps Bowlathon  

Sunday April 21 - 1:30 - 4pm  The Lutheran Volunteer Corps will be holding a bowlathon at Pleasant Hills Lanes in Claymont, Delaware.  You may register as an individual or a team.   

The cost for individuals is $10 and at least $25 in pledges.  The cost for a five member teams is $50 and at least $125 in pledges. These funds will be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, New Castle Chapter 30972.

Registration and fees need to be postmarked by April 12 and sent to LVC Bowlathon c/o Heidi Beck, 11 Flute Drive, Newark , DE 19713 .  For information, call  302.731.8034 or email Heidi.  "We will find you a team"

Summer Camp changes lives!  

Join us for an Open House - April 21 , 2-4 pm at Mar Lu Ridge.  We are accredited by the American Camp Association and have over 50 years of camping experience. Our loving staff is made up of college age young adults who love sharing the love of Christ with others in this beautiful setting.  We offer camps for ages 6-17, as well as Adult and Family Camps.  Our Day Camp is for ages 6-10. Small group camping is a great way to begin, or check out one of our specialty camps like Horseback, Night Owls, Arts, and Adventure!

Visit our website for more information or call 800.238.9974 to talk with our staff.

Needed: RNs to serve as Nurse of the Week at Mar Lu Ridge.  Your children can attend camp for free in exchange for your service.  Please contact Sarah at 800.238.9974.  We love our nurses!  Please consider serving our youth in this way.

Director of Faith Formation

Ascension Lutheran Church in Towson seeks a person to be Director of Faith Formation.  This full time position combining Christian Education and Youth Ministry.  Rostered or non-rostered (with equivalent experience and academic credentials) are invited to apply. The position description may viewed at the church website.  

Haydn's Mass in B flat Major, the Harmonienmesse

On Sunday, April 21, 2013, at 2pm James Harp, Cantor of St. Mark's Church, will direct the combined choirs of Memorial Episcopal Church and St. Mark's Lutheran Church in a choral performance of Franz Joseph Haydn's Mass in B flat Major, the Harmonienmesse. No admission charged. However, donations gratefully accepted. Free parking is available in our 20th Street Lot or on the street.

St. Mark's Lutheran Church  
1900 Saint Paul St
Baltimore, MD  21218

Free to a Good Home

Journey of Faith has a piano in excellent condition that is available immediately for free....just taking it away is the only cost. If you are interested, please contact Pr. Jarrett Hansen at 410.655.5250

Music Director/Organist Needed

St. John Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, seeks to fill a part-time (approximately 10-12 hours weekly) position for a music director/organist. The music director will play for Sunday services, direct a small choir, preferably direct a bell choir, and be available for funerals, weddings, and special services as scheduled. The salary is based on experience and credentials and will remain open until filled. St John Lutheran, Brooklyn, is located at 226 Washburn Avenue, Baltimore, 21225. Please send resumes to Leslie Heiderman Schell or contact by phone 410.969.0129.

 Stewardship Survey

IT'S HERE!  Most pastors who are serving in congregations will receive a short survey today via email.  It should only take a few minutes to fill it out.  The questions relate to the stewardship practices in each congregation.  Your answers are valuable and important as they will inform the work of the Mission Table for Stewardship here in our Synod over the next year.  The answers are confidential and are not linked to the pastors who answer or the congregations.  If you have any questions, please be in touch with Pr. Kati Kluckman-Ault at or 410.230.2864.

Concert to Benefit Our Missionary in Tanzania

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 1515 Emmorton  Road, Bel Air, will host a Musicians' Benefit Concert Sunday, April 21 at 3pm in the sanctuary to benefit the work of our ELCA missionary in Tanzania, Barbara Robertson.  Barbara serves on a team to establish a primary health care program in Morogoro, Tanzania. A reception will immediately follow the concert. A free will offering will support Barbara's work on behalf of the Church in Tanzania.

Ellington Easter Interfaith Vespers April 20

On Saturday, April 20, the spiritually-inspired music of Duke Ellington will blend with readings from the world's religions about peace in a joyous celebration of Easter, non-violence, and Spring! Join us at 7:30 pm in the Schaeffer-Ashmead Chapel on the campus of The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (LTSP), 7301 Germantown Avenue in the Mt. Airy section of Northwest Philadelphia. Free parking is available on campus. A free will offering will be collected to support several organizations.

If it's true that "It Don't Mean a Thing, if It Ain't Got that Swing," then this evening promises to be filled with meaning. The musicians of the G-D trio, with years of experience and training at Penn, Chicago, and the Hart School of Music - along with some special friends - are volunteering their talents to lift spirits out of any "Mood Indigo," steel resolve to "Take the A Train" to peace, and celebrate hope and "Jump for Joy" on behalf of reducing gun violence and building a more peaceful Philadelphia.
Learn more about and support with your free will offering three organizations:  

The LTSP Master of Arts in Public Leadership (MAPL) program prepares leaders for spiritually-inspired social service organizations. In partnership with the Fox School of Business at Temple University, and the Temple University School of Social Work, MAPL crosses boundaries of sacred and secular, and prepares leaders to solve social problems, promote justice, and build peace - by engaging spiritual and practical resources.

Heeding God's Call is a faith-based movement to prevent gun violence. We unite people of faith in the sacred responsibility to protect our brothers, sisters and children.  
CeaseFirePA is a statewide coalition of survivors and advocates taking a stand against gun violence and criminals who use and traffic guns illegally.

CLAIM (Coalition of Lutherans Advancing in Mission) is accepting applications for the CLAIM Staff position- July 1, 2013.  

This position is for 10 hours a week, paying $14,000 annually plus Social Security and travel reimbursement. The staff will report to the CLAIM Board Executive Committee and the Assistant to the Bishop.
CLAIM staff (in partnership with Assistant to the Bishop) will take responsibility for the following:
  1. Oversee coordination and organize implementation of the five (5) CLAIM goals
    1. Promotion of teaching parish and internship opportunities
    2. Rostered and lay leadership development
    3. Urban strategy development and implementation
    4. Promotion of community organizing, advocacy and neighborhood ministries
    5. Identification of human and financial resources for ministry.
  2. Promote, interpret and communicate CLAIM's agenda/issues to rostered and lay leaders of CLAIM congregations through regular meetings.
  3. Encourage and organize support and collegiality to urban pastors and their families, as well as to congregational lay leaders.
  4. Serve as ex-officio participant of CLAIM committees and CLAIM general meetings
  5. Manage CLAIM's correspondence

Interested applicants should send a letter of interest and resume to:
Linda Chinnia
Assistant to the Bishop
575 South Charles St. Suite 202
Baltimore, MD  21201 

Communicating Our Ministries

Following an ELCA Region 8 consultation gathering of synod leaders in the areas of Global Mission, Hunger, Malaria Campaign, and Companion Synod relationships last fall, Assistant to the Bishop Ron Schlak and other leaders thought it helpful to raise awareness of what congregations in our DE-MD Synod are doing.   We are a synod; we are congregations who walk together.  We are not isolated, but are connected to other congregations in conference, cluster, and synod relationships.  It would be good if we could intentionally communicate our ministries to one another.  This "Communicating our Ministries" team hopes to electronically lift up the ministries that are happening in our DE-MD Synod congregations. By listing ministries that congregations are involved with, there would be an opportunity for congregations to make connections with each other and perhaps reach out to neighboring congregations to expand ministries.  The Communicating our Ministries Team would like to begin by focusing on the areas of Hunger and Malaria. We are hoping to get a concerted response from congregations at our 2013 Synod Assembly about how your congregation is responding to Hunger (both local and World Hunger) and the Malaria Campaign/Lutheran Malaria Initiative. Watch for more information to come.

A Day of Service

Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013 has been set as a dedicated day of service -- "God's work. Our hands." Sunday -- lifting up the 25th anniversary of the ELCA. To assist you, information and resources are available at In particular, look for a bulletin insert that can be shared. In May, the ELCA will offer congregations a downloadable "toolkit" designed to help plan for the dedicated day of service, as well as other resources.

Concert to Benefit the Anti-Malaria Campaign 

The Churches of the Baltimore East Conference will be holding a special concert on Sunday, April 21st beginning at 3 PM at St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Eastpoint). Donations will be accepted to support the ELCA's anti-Malaria campaign. Concert music will be a mixture of traditional and contemporary, vocal and instrumental. The Baltimore East Chapter of Thrivent has generously offered a matching grant up to $500. Please come and continue to celebrate the joy of Easter while suppoprting this very worthy cause. For more questions, please contact Pastor Matt Fuhrman - 443.710.7007.

Fabric Needed 

Marg Goodlin is recruiting quilts and blankets for infants in the NICU at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, where her daughter works as a NICU doctor.  Children's fabrics are needed.  More than 100 quilts have been collected so far, and there are quilters who are willing to make more, but who have run out of fabrics.  Donations would be gratefully accepted.  For more information or to coordinate pickup or delivery of fabrics, call Marg Goodlin at 443.319.5499 or email by clicking here.

Bishop Wolfgang's schedule this week 

April 16     New Starts Review Table @ ELCA, Chicago
April 17     11 a.m. office appointment
               1 p.m. Reference & Counsel Committee @ Carroll Lutheran Village
               6 p.m. Synod Strategic Mission Planning Team @ synod office
April 18     10 a.m. "Large Congregations" gathering @ Christ, Inner Harbor
               2 p.m. office appointments & phone conference
April 19     Day off
April 20     Catch up & sermon prep
April 21     11 a.m. preach @ Bridge of Peace Community Church, Camden, NJ
               6 p.m. Region 8 bishops' meeting @ Gettysburg Seminary
April 22     9 a.m. Region 8 bishops' meeting @ Gettysburg Seminary
               6:30 p.m. SynComm (synod communications team) @ Jerry's Belvedere Tavern  

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lonely is the runner at Gill Stadium at McDaniel College

City of Westminster takes step toward World-Class Broadband

City of Westminster takes step toward World-Class Broadband

Westminster, MD (April 16, 2013) With a vision of enabling world-class broadband access for its residents and businesses, the City of Westminster, Maryland is gauging the interest of private sector companies in providing ultra-high-speed Internet service over a City-built fiber optic network.

The City has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to identify potential partners that would operate, maintain, and sell consumer broadband services over the Citys planned infrastructure.

The network, which would connect to every home and business in the City in a “fiber-to-the- premises” (FTTP) architecture, would be able to match the capabilities of the most powerful broadband networks in the world, including the systems that Google is building in Kansas City and Austin, Texas, and the ultra-fast municipal network in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Westminster does not lie on any major highway routes, despite having a significant commuter population and being only 35 miles from Baltimore. The FTTP network project is the chance for Westminster to become a major destination on the highways of the 21st centurybroadband. Such a network would make Westminster one of the countrys most connected communities, belonging in the same category as places like Kansas City, Austin, and Chattanooga. A gigabit network would open up new applications for businesses, critical resources for the health care sector, and telework options that could bring an economic boom to the City.

Todays RFI is the latest development in a strategic broadband plan that began last fall, when the Westminster Common Council unanimously voted to commission a study on broadband expansion for the City. The Citys plans also build on the Carroll County Public Network (CCPN) and the soon-to-be-complete, federally funded Inter-County Broadband Network (ICBN).

All interested respondents are asked to submit a letter of intent via email by April 19, 2013 to, or via hard copy to: City of Westminster
Attn: Robert Miller
56 W. Main St. Westminster, MD 21157
Complete RFIs are due by May 3, 2013. The full RFI is available here:

#  #  #
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: 
Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

See also - Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, music, culture, opera... Ad maiorem Dei gloriam inque hominum salutem. “Deadline U.S.A.” 1952. Ed Hutcheson: “That's the press, baby. The press! And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing!” - See more at:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fwd: Tomorrow's Headlines from The Herald-Mail

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 9:00 PM, InSite/your online VIP Club <> wrote:
Herald Mail | Tomorrow's Headlines
Two bombs explode near finish line of Boston Marathon; two killed, more than 130 injured

Two bombs explode near finish line of Boston Marathon; two killed, more than 130 injured

Two bombs exploded in the packed streets near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing two people and injuring more than 130 in a bloody scene of shattered glass and severed limbs that raised alarms that terrorists might have struck again in the U.S.

More »

Delaney talks to Boy Scouts about equal opportunity

Delaney talks to Boy Scouts about equal opportunity

U.S. Rep. John Delaney said he wants to work toward leveling the playing field to ensure all Americans have an equal opportunity to succeed.

VIDEO: Congressman Delaney talks to Boy Scouts

More »

Local participants in Boston Marathon accounted for so far, react to what they saw, heard

Local participants in Boston Marathon accounted for so far, react to what they saw, heard

Hagerstown resident Cameron Hanlin said he had finished the Boston Marathon in a personal best time Monday afternoon and was at the Cumberland Valley Athletic Club's vans when he heard "these rumbles."

More »

Deadline nears for filing taxes

Deadline nears for filing taxes

IRS officials are expecting approximately 193,000 Maryland taxpayers to file for extensions

Even some people who don't normally procrastinate on doing their taxes might need to file for an extension this year.

VIDEO: Tax filing deadline

More »

Man dies after falling from High Rock

Man dies after falling from High Rock

A man has been confirmed dead after reportedly falling from High Rock in northeastern Washington County on Monday afternoon, according to an official at the scene.

More »

Photo Gallery: St James vs. Smithsburg Girls Lacrosse
Photo Gallery: St James vs. Smithsburg Girls Lacrosse
PHOTO GALLERY: People schools named for
PHOTO GALLERY: People schools named for
Rebel Relays at South High
Rebel Relays at South High

Articles may be pulled from the print edition because of available space, but will be available online.

Kevin Dayhoff

Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:
The Tentacle:
Westminster Patch:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster Online:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:

Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems:
Scribd Kevin Dayhoff:
Kevin Dayhoff's YouTube:

Investigative Voice:
Voice of Baltimore:
Google profile:

See my art at "OFF TRACK ART"
an Artist Cooperative at 11 Liberty St--side entrance
in downtown Westminster, MD
Open: Wed-Fri. Noon to 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM. 

Fwd: Bay News for Monday, April 15, 2013

Bay News for Monday, April 15, 2013

A wind-win for Maryland and a beacon for the bay
The Baltimore (Md.) Sun

Feds tell Norfolk it can continue removing eagle nests
The (Hampton Roads) Virginian-Pilot

Chesapeake Bay Foundation seeking Clean the Bay heroes
The (Williamsburg) Virginia Gazette

Scientists create rockfish nesting areas
The (Easton, Md.) Star Democrat

Queenstown property is certified "Bay-Wise" by Master Gardeners
The (Easton, Md.) Star Democrat

CIB board approves report from aquaculture planning team
The (Lewes, De.) Cape Gazette

Cleanup aims to maintain the beauty of the Appomattox
The (Petersburg, Va.) Progress-Index

County assured watershed improvement costs will be lower
Southern Maryland Newspapers Online

Rockfish Season Opens on the Chesapeake
Southern Maryland News Net

MDA Encourages Homeowners to Protect the Bay
Southern Maryland News Net

Blacks Run CleanUp Day a success
The (Harrisonburg, Va.) Breeze

Students bring out inner Picasso to make a difference in Harrisburg
CBS 21 (Harrisburg, Pa.) TV

Concert for the Chesapeake Bay 2013
WTMD (Towson, Md.) 89.7 FM

Opinion: Please don't mess with Mother Nature's offspring
The (Hampton Roads) Virginian-Pilot

Blog: With rare chickweed in bloom, ecologists assemble for spring conference
B'More Green

Blog: Maryland's oyster population continues to rise
Chesapeake Bay Program

Blog: Maryland Public Television celebrates Chesapeake Bay Week
Chesapeake Bay Program

Blog: Happy Farmer, Happy Cows, Happy Contractor, Happy River
Bay Daily

Follow us on Twitter @chesbayprogram

Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

The Tentacle:
Westminster Patch:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster Online:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:

Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems:
Scribd Kevin Dayhoff:
Kevin Dayhoff's YouTube:

Investigative Voice:
Voice of Baltimore:
Google profile:

See my art at "OFF TRACK ART"
an Artist Cooperative at 11 Liberty St--side entrance
in downtown Westminster, MD
Open: Wed-Fri. Noon to 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM.