Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Thursday, December 3, 2009

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Rise of Parentalism
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In early November, Towson University announced that it will become a smoke free campus in late summer 2010.

Accepting One’s Inadequacies
Tom McLaughlin
London – I had the pleasure of visiting many scientists in the Museum of Natural History in this fabled town. My good friends, Jan and George, scientists in their own right who work there, introduced me to these scholars and they patiently explained their research.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Obama’s Breach of Faith
Roy Meachum
When the president of the United States talks to the nation tonight, I will not be listening. One chief reason I backed so enthusiastically Barack Obama was his campaign pledge to remove American forces from the Middle East. In addition to everything else, including his endorsing George W. Bush’s wars, Sen. John McCain was simply not my political tea.

For Better or Worse?
Farrell Keough
We’ve all seen and heard the current brouhaha’s within the Board of Education, but have we been able to follow the alternatives presented to this group for better educational choice and potential savings?

Monday, November 30, 2009
Considering the Source
Steven R. Berryman
More than a headline, title or subject line, considering the source author itself is most vital to comprehension when establishing the weight of your various media viewings and readings.

From Hither, Thither and Yon…
Michael Kurtianyk
I like it that Maryland’s State Highway Administration (SHA) is testing a new mixture for pre-treating roads this winter. It seems that the $25,000 pilot program will treat this winter’s roads with a mixture of salt water and a sugar beet molasses byproduct.

Friday, November 27, 2009
REVIEW: Good and Bad Theatrical Nights
Roy Meachum
It has been nearly 44 years since I first sat on the aisle as a critic; although reviewer might be more appropriate. Because of working on television (Washington’s Channel 9), the number of words was limited to maybe 250. Switching to print, the amount doubled but still not enough to nit and pick aspects of the production and the people in it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
It Isn’t Just a Game
Tony Soltero
In November of 1979, Iranian militants invaded the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took more than 60 Americans hostage. A few were sent home shortly afterwards, but 52 of them remained captives of these terrorists for 444 excruciating days, finally being released after a long, arduous series of negotiations and a failed rescue attempt.

“Like the Pendulum Do”
Patricia A. Kelly
We’re trying too hard, and it isn’t working. Maybe it started when trash men became sanitation engineers, and when people started considering whether to call congressmen congress persons.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Goodbye, and Good Riddance
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Merry Christmas, weeks early. It’s a great day in American. Bill Moyers is leaving weekly television.

Gramps’ Special Black Friday Gifts
Tom McLaughlin
It has been a few years since Mom and Dad passed away but I remember the torture I went through to try and figure out what to get them for Christmas. Even now, the thought makes me shudder.

A Plus, A Minus, and Thanks
Derek Shackelford
Former Vice-Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin is currently on a cross county tour promoting her book, “Going Rogue.” She has recently made the rounds on many of the most popular television shows, The Oprah Winfrey Show, an interview with Barbara Walter, The Sean Hannity Show, and many of the morning news programs.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Childhood Holidays
Roy Meachum
With its rich tradition of Mardi Gras, I must report it was the only holiday publicly celebrated. In my New Orleans childhood, while there were balls in the weeks before Fat Tuesday, attendance was limited to Krewe (club) members. Things really came apart the weekend before Ash Wednesday when out-of-towners poured through the railroad stations; air travel was still in the future. But Thanksgiving couldn’t be celebrated in a more subdued manner.

The Pain of Taking a Break
Farrell Keough
I have been on hiatus. I would say sabbatical, but that involves payment during the absence and considering the vast sums we are paid here at, how could one possibly expect our esteemed editor to pay us when we are away?

Math-Test Taking: A Study Guide
Nick Diaz

Two weeks ago I listed the causes of math-test anxiety and the ways a student should deal with such a condition. In this column I’ll list some strategies that may lead a student to improve his math-test-taking skills.

Monday, November 23, 2009
Of Double-Dips and Bubbles
Steven R. Berryman
The corollary of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s famous “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” is that economically, it’s the “not knowing” that can damage us even worse than a specific negative indicator of our progress in recovery.

To Grow or Not to Grow
Michael Kurtianyk
So, the current aldermen overrode a veto by Mayor Jeff Holtzinger on the city’s Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the Board of Aldermen voted to approve it. Mayor Holtzinger vetoed the plan, citing the approximately 1,100 acres intended for development in the future may not have future water and sewer capacities. Thus, the mayor doesn’t want to mislead those property owners by having them think their parcels could be developed.

20091202 sdosm This week in The Tentacle
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Shop with a Cop events planned for Dec 12

Shop with a Cop events planned for Dec 12




December 2, 2009

On December 12, 2009 at 7:30 a.m., the Westminster Police Department in conjunction with the Westminster Wal-Mart will be hosting our 6th Annual “Shop With A Cop” Program.

The “Shop With A Cop” program originated in 1978 as a way to give deserving children an opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts for their family members.

The program also gives children the opportunity to meet and spend time with police officers in a positive and non-confrontational environment.

Our “Shop With A Cop” celebration will take place at the Westminster Wal-Mart which is located at 280 Woodward Road, Westminster, Maryland.

The children selected will be teamed with a Police Department employee to pick out gifts for the holiday season. Wal-Mart will be providing gift cards in order for the children to purchase their holiday gifts.

After our shopping is completed, everyone will return to the Westminster Senior Center where we will wrap those gifts that were purchased.

Following the gift-wrapping, the Police Department will be hosting a holiday party from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Westminster Senior Center for all participating families to attend.

Additionally, a visit from Santa will take place during the holiday party.

Over 90 local businesses have made a donation to support the “Shop With A Cop” program. Approximately 300 “Angels” were purchased by the citizens of Carroll County.

These gifts will be distributed to the children and their families

Please contact Sgt. Keith Benfer at (410) 857-9282 with any questions.



Sgt. Keith Benfer
Community Education Section
Westminster Police Department
36 Locust Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157
(410) 857-9282

20091202 sdosm Shop with a Cop events planned for Dec 12
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Budget problems continue for Maryland’s local governments

And it is only going to worse…

December 1, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

I did this piece of art in September 1994. The more things change the more they stay the same. At some point, the entire manner in which local government in Maryland is funded needs to be changed so that all our tax revenue does not get lost in a black hole in Annapolis and gets re-directed to the government that is closest to the citizens. Woman with the Ones above Carroll County

Read: See Charles Schelle’s article on the press conference today when the employee layoffs were announced: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle Move to save estimated $3 million

See also: Carroll County Commissioners to hold news conference on budget - and - Carroll Co Budget, Carroll Co employees, MD State Budget

18 county government employees to lose jobs:

This is so sad. And at this time of the year; not that any time of the year is a good time to lose employees – or your job...

My heart and prayers go out to the employees who have lost their job – and to the folks who were forced to make theses difficult decisions.

I happen to agree with the Carroll County government press release today, Carroll Co MD Commissioners eliminate positions “Carroll County already has one of the leanest staffs in Maryland. A survey by the Maryland Association of Counties ranks Carroll as the second-lowest number of employees per capita.”

The problem is certainly not with over-staffing on the part of Carroll County government.

The problem is the systematic irresponsible spending in Annapolis and now the state is balancing its books on the backs of local government.

Neither the current administration or the Maryland General Assembly has the stomach for raising taxes – especially after the fiasco from the Maryland Special Taxing Session from November 2007, which only made matters worse…

So instead of doing the correct thing and cutting-out systemic wasteful spending, they want to force local government to raise taxes.

Add this to the incredible amount of money that Maryland has lost to surrounding states in retail sales as a result of raising the retail sales tax. Remember there is barely any location in Maryland that is not within 40 miles of the state line…

And add to this the large number of high income Marylanders who have simply left the state as a result of the prohibitive tax increase that was levied against them…

The result is a net loss of a great deal of state revenue that is above and beyond the turndown in the economy – especially since, until the recent taxing initiatives had such a disastrous result, most economist and political pundits considered Maryland recession proof.

This is a mess. And it is not a mess that will be solved anytime soon because nothing will hold the Maryland General Assembly accountable and the ruling party in Maryland is so arrogant they are completely inaccessible to any contrarian argument or debate, discussion or dialogue…


20091201 sdosmked Budget probs continue for MD local govt
[19940914 0758b Woman w Ones above CC]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

The other shoe drops on Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon

For the love of shoes

December 1, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff
Click here for a larger image: or here is reporting VERDICT IN DIXON CASE: A Baltimore Circuit Court jury has found Mayor Sheila Dixon GUILTY of one count of misappropriation

But it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings. She'll appeal...
That said, this is alleged to be about more than a few gift cards that may or may not have been mishandled. On face value the charge seems so Mickey Mouse.

However... there's the rest of the story...

Some will suggest that the conviction is a result of her karma.

The conviction certainly raises more questions than answers at the moment and for those who think that this has been a soap opera of kindergarten proportions, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Although I have met Mayor Dixon a couple of times, I do not know her. Many folks who do know her have praised her for her work ethic and love of the city. Many of her employees have spoken well of her.

However, there has been a cloud hanging over her for many years.

Whether that cloud is real or not, the perception persists.

What has yet to be determined to everyone’s satisfaction is whether or not there really is a fire somewhere associated with that cloud of smoke.

In spite of the accolades bestowed upon her by mutual friends, her reputation for having a cold and aloof – if not condescending manner towards those who do not share her position of power and prestige has not served her well.

Folks have quietly suggested that her manner is a manifestation of the arrogance of power and the lack of accountability that plagues one party ruling factions.

By many measures, the once proud city of Baltimore appears to continue in decline and that makes many sad.

Whether it is the perception of crime and corruption or the simple practical issue that you go to Baltimore in absolute fear of having some Kafkaesque experience with a parking ticket; the avoidance of traveling to Baltimore for business or art and cultural events continues.

While many had hopes for a phoenix-like turnaround with former Mayor O’Malley, our hopes have not been realized under the tenure of Mayor Dixon.

As for the mayor herself, she appears to be a person who has accomplished so much in spite of being such a fictional Dickensian character with Shakespearian character flaws.

Some of it would be humorous if it was not the stuff of fiction, but it is not…

Who cannot quietly chuckle at the time she gave members of the media the finger… Click here for a larger image:

And then there is the matter of Mayor Dixon and the persistence of shoes being a major prop in her own Kabuki morality play…

Apparently her affection for shoes – to actually wear – is relatively well documented in her current challenges.

The there is that other shoe incident from 1999…

“Although Dixon is often remembered—primarily by white voters—as the incendiary force behind "the shoe incident" in 1991 (when she taunted white council members about the effects of redistricting by waving her high heel and yelling, "Now the shoe is on the other foot.")…” The City Paper


“The Mayor's team found a way to hide the old city council shoe video…” “Shelia Dixon Gives the Media the Finger” Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Adam Meister, Baltimore Examiner


“Though Dixon was already a well-known and well-established political figure at the time, the prospect of her becoming mayor had left many uneasy. Indeed, during the 2006 gubernatorial election there were whispers among city voters that a vote for the popular O'Malley as governor would amount to a vote for a Dixon administration at City Hall.”


“Dixon's nearly 20 years in public office have not been without controversy. When she was City Council president, The Baltimore Sun reported extensively on apparent conflicts of interest involving a firm that employed her sister, Janice. The paper also disclosed that Janice Dixon was on the public payroll as an employee in Sheila Dixon's office, a fact which the then-council president was required by law to report but did not.

“‘I stand by me being very straightforward and cooperative and that I didn't do anything wrong,’ Dixon said.

“The public's first real impression of Dixon probably came 16 years ago, when she was a young member of the City Council, and - at least for some Whites – she came across as a divisive firebrand. That came at a redistricting meeting when she famously waved a shoe at her White colleagues and said, ‘You've been running things for the last 20 years. Now, the shoe is on the other foot.’

“Dixon said the shoe-waving incident was ‘misinterpreted,’ but acknowledges she gets excited about things that are important to her. ‘Do I still get passionate about issues? I do,’ she said.”
Dixon Impresses Early On, But Questions Remain By Jonathan N. Crawford Capital News Service Thursday, May 3, 2007

It ain’t over yet. There are more acts to follow in this morality play – and there is sure to be a sequel after the sequel...

Seems a shame for someone so bright and talented, who presents as spoiled brat who is now earning back years of bad karma.

Memo to Mayor Dixon: Always take care of people when you are going up, because ya never know when you are coming down.

It must be lonely to be Mayor Sheila Dixon these days….

To be continued…

20091201 sdosm The other shoe drops on Balto Mayor Dixon Dayhoff writing essays, Dayhoff writing essays people, Dayhoff writing essays politics, Law Order, MD Baltimore, People Dixon-Sheila

Twitter: and Twitpic:

The other shoe drops on Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon

Who can forget when Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon gave the media the finger?


More on the other shoe drops on Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon

More on who can forget when Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon gave the media the finger?
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

Move to save estimated $3 million Posted 12/01/09

WESTMINSTER MARYLAND — Moments before Carroll County Government readied to light its holiday tree tonight, officials announced that 18 county workers will lose their jobs as part of eliminating 62 positions.

County Commissioner Julia Gouge and Steven Powell, chief-of-staff for Carroll County Government made the announcement at a 5 p.m. news conference at the County Office Building, wrapping up in time to celebrate the holidays at a 6 p.m. ceremony.

"It has been the single most difficult day of my career in Carroll County, and I'm glad it's over," Powell said as his voice cracked and quivered. "I know that it has only just begun for 18 people."

Read Mr. Schelle’s entire article here: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

20091201 18 county govt emps to lose jobs by Schelle
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Carroll Co MD Commissioners eliminate positions

See Charles Schelle’s article on the press conference today when the employee layoffs were announced: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle Move to save estimated $3 million

Board of County Commissioners
Julia W. Gouge, President
Dean L. Minnich, Vice President
Michael D. Zimmer, Secretary
Carroll County Government
225 North Center Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157
410-386-2043; 1-888-302-8978
fax 410-386-2485; TT 410-848-9747

News Release
For more information, contact: Vivian D. Laxton,
Public Information Administrator, 410-386-2973
For Immediate Release

Commissioners eliminate positions

December 1, 2009 – In recognition of the economic situation and its impact on state and local revenues, the Board of County Commissioners today voted to eliminate more than 60 positions in Carroll County Government.

Eighteen of those positions are filled. “We regret losing these hard-working employees, who we consider to be our friends,” Commissioner Julia W. Gouge said during a news conference this afternoon.

Carroll County already has one of the leanest staffs in Maryland. A survey by the Maryland Association of Counties ranks Carroll as the second-lowest number of employees per capita.

Since July 1, the regular workforce has been reduced by 12 percent through retirements, attrition and lay-offs. The downsizing will result in an estimated $3 million savings a year.

As a result of the reduced workforce, programming at county parks will be reduced, response time for permits inspections will be lengthened, roads will take longer to clear of snow and ice, and services and hours at senior centers will be reduced.

# # #

20091201 sdosm PR Carroll Co Commissioners eliminate positions


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Carroll County Commissioners to hold news conference on budget

Carroll County Commissioners to hold news conference on budget
For an update on the news conference please see: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Vivian Laxton, Carroll County government public information administrator: The Board of County Commissioners will be holding a news conference at 5 p.m. today in the Public Hearing Room (003) of the County Office Building to discuss Carroll County’s budget. The County Office Building is located at 225 North Center Street in Westminster. Tuesday, December 01, 2009

20091201 sdosm CCCommissioners to hold news confer on budget Carroll Co Budget, Carroll Co Commissioners, Dayhoff Art
[19940914 0758b Woman w Ones above CC]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fire Truck fail

Fire Truck fail


Click here for a larger image:

fencehopping: A fireman investigates a fire truck stuck in a sinkhole in the Valley Village neighborhood of Los Angeles.

20091201 sdosm Fire Truck fail

20091201 Fire Truck fail

Fire Truck fail
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Huckabee tells the rest of the story on Clemmons clemency

Mike Huckabee: ‘I Take Full Responsibility’ for Granting Alleged Cop Killer Clemency

Monday, November 30, 2009 10:45 PM By: Mike Huckabee

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Mike Huckabee: ‘I Take Full Responsibility’ for Granting Alleged Cop Killer Clemency In a Newsmax exclusive, former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee explains why he granted clemency nine years ago to Maurice Clemmons, the suspect in the brutal shooting of four police officers in Lakewood, Wash. Given the same set of facts, Huckabee writes, he would make the same decision that he did nearly a decade ago:

The nation was stunned by the senseless and savage cold-blooded murders of 4 young police officers in Lakewood, Washington. Whenever a police officer or soldier is killed, I feel the loss is even more profound for they are the ones who stand between our freedom and anarchy.

At the time I write these words, police are still searching for Maurice Clemmons who is believed to be the one committing these unspeakable acts. Nine years ago, that name crossed my desk. I commuted his sentence from 108 years to 47 years. Many news reports, talk show hosts, and bloggers have erroneously said that he was granted a “pardon.” Others speak of me “setting him free.” As one who now hosts a talk show and who does daily radio commentaries, I can attest to how easy commentary is compared to actually governing. I am not seeking to justify or defend my actions of nine years ago, but it’s important that I answer for my actions and give some explanation as to how and why his sentence was commuted.

I take full responsibility for my actions of nine years ago. I acted on the facts presented to me in 2000. If I could have possibly known what Clemmons would do nine years later, I obviously would have made a different decision. But if the same file was presented to me today, I would have likely made the same decision.

Read Mike Huckabee’s Full Article – Go Here Now

20091130 Huckabee tells rest of the story on Clemmons clemency

Twitter: and Twitpic:

Huckabee tells rest of the story on Clemmons clemency

Mike Huckabee: ‘I Take Full Responsibility’ for Granting Alleged Cop Killer Clemency Huckabee tells rest of the story on Clemmons clemency


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A reprint of “Let’s bring back the Westminster Christmas Parade”

From March 16th, 2005 by Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff

As I am certain you are aware, it is only 284 days until Christmas. But even more importantly, there are only 262 days until the Westminster Christmas Parade on December 3rd, 2005. Please mark this date on your calendar now, so you do not miss all the fun with your friends and neighbors.

In keeping with the theme; “Westminster An Excellent Experience”, The Greater Westminster Development Corporation (GWDC), along with the City of Westminster and the Main Street Program are reviving an old Westminster Christmas tradition; the Christmas Parade.

“In order for an individual or an organization to remain vibrant, relevant and meaningful, it must constantly reinvent itself.”

Community leaders such as former Councilmember Sam Greenholtz, now Chair of the GWDC Board of Directors; Kathy O’Dell, Chair of the GWDC Downtown Main Street Promotions Committee; Lori Graham, President of the GWDC; Missie Wilcox; Sandy Scott; Lynn Aaron and Ron Schroers have rolled up their sleeves to plan this excellent experience.

It is yet another reminder that Westminster’s greatest resource is our human resource. The creative dreamers and dream keepers who are constantly thinking out of the box, with one eye on our past successes and a focus on the future, providing our community with the leadership to maintain “Westminster As An Experience”.

There are many resources that has made Westminster successful for 240 years, including our beautiful historic downtown, family oriented businesses and friendly shopkeepers, our new parking garages, Carroll Arts Center, and the Westminster Family Center in the old Armory Building.

The glue that puts all this together for a quality of life much greater than the sum of its parts are the dream keepers who roll up their sleeves and say let’s get it done.

Last Christmas, we moved the Community Christmas Tree and Santa to Locust Lane in the heart of the downtown shopping district. This year, the GWDC, and downtown merchants, are planning events, starting with the Tree Lighting Ceremony on November 26th and continuing throughout the week until the parade at 4:00 PM on Saturday the 3rd of December and Starlight Shopping when merchants and restaurants have specials and remain open late for shoppers.

Over fifty years ago, Christmas tradition in Westminster included a parade and shopping downtown with the family. In those days, the downtown-shopping district included East Green Street, West and East Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Some of the many shops and businesses on Pennsylvania Avenue included, Earhart Motors, O’Farrell Brothers Pontiac, The Avenue Barber Shop, Westminster TV and Radio Shop, Carroll Electric Service, Dutty’s Beauty Salon, Everhart’s Barber Shop, Wine’s Sports Shop, and Wilson’s Garage to name just a few.

Moreover, who can forget the huge toy department in Hollander’s Auto Store, Bobby’s Hobby Lobby, Rosenstock’s Ladies’ Shop, Gehr’s Hardware Store, The Treat Shop, and the Bixler and Guild Drug Store on Main Street.

The early parades marched west along Main Street to the “Forks” at Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue where Santa Claus had his “temporary residence”. The jolly old fellow recently moved to Locust Lane, along with the Westminster Community Christmas Tree.

Main Street was decorated with large colored light bulbs that were strung on both sides of the street as well as across the street at various points. These strands were covered with live holly that had been meticulously wrapped around the wiring.

The Democratic Advocate on December 26, 1947 describes the parade with the “city’s two bands”, the American Legion, and the 29th Division Association. Christmas carols, led by Kale Mathias, were sung by the community. Santa often rode on a float, but was also know to come to town on a fire truck.

This year’s parade will be reminiscent of those former parades. Participants will include bands, antique cars, fire trucks and floats.

Businesses are encouraged to provide a float depicting their business and the holiday spirit. The merchants from the TownMall, Westminster Crossing and other areas are invited to participate and call attention to the many fine products that they too offer.

Of course, Santa Claus will be the featured guest as he is welcomed to Westminster while riding in a horse drawn carriage. Store windows will be decorated and musical groups will be strolling the streets to entertain both young and old.

While much of the program revolves around the downtown merchants, you should know that the GWDC represents all of the greater Westminster environs and this event is one of many excellent experiences promoting shopping in all of the Westminster area.

The GWDC was created in 1994 as a private public partnership of business and city leaders to work together cooperatively to maintain and further a positive business environment in Westminster.

Planning for the parade has already begun in earnest and sponsors, at various levels are welcome to help finance the project. More information can be obtained from Sam Greenholtz or calling the Westminster Main Street Program Manger, Stan Ruchlewicz at (410) 848-5294. And keep your hot chocolate at the ready.

Note: This is an earlier longer version of a column originally published in the Westminster Advocate on March 16, 2005

Also a shorter version was published on “Soundtrack” here:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Santa Claus is greeted by Westminster mayor in undated old picture

Santa Claus is greeted by Westminster Mayor Mathias and community leaders at Santa’s house on Locust Lane in downtown Westminster in this undated photo from either the late 1950s or very early 1960s.

Click here for a larger image: - click “View full size” or go here here:

This is an undated photograph from the very early 1960s or 1950s, from old family papers. The photographer is unknown.

The gentlemen in the picture have been identified as best as possible. If someone believes that anyone has been misidentified, please be in touch. And of course, if any one knows the names of any the folks who are unidentified, that would be great.

Left to right in the front: 1 unidentified child; 2 immediately to Santa’s right, our left, is Andy Dietrich, the manager of Coffman Fisher; 3 Santa Claus was probably Kale Mathias; 4 Mayor Joseph L. Mathias is shaking hands with Santa Claus; 5 behind the handshake is Paul Wimert, the husband of Gladys Wimert and the manager of Mather’s.

In the back is 6, Harry Starr, standing behind Andy Dietrich. He was the manager of Gorsuch and Little. 7 is the gentleman who is pictured with glasses, but without a hat and he is unidentified. 8 the gentleman who is almost obscured by Santa Claus is, unfortunately also unidentified; and 9 is Atlee Wampler, representing the Retail Merchants Association.

Up through at least 1947, the city’s Christmas festivities took place at the forks at West Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue; which at the time was considered to be the center of the downtown business district.

Mayor Mathias died in office on December 3, 1963 after serving in office continuously since May 18, 1942. Santa’s House in this picture is located on Main Street in what was then-Locust Lane, beside 41 East Main Street.

A portion of this information came from an interview of Mr. David Babylon, Jr., by Kevin Dayhoff on January 20, 2002. Mr. Babylon served on the Westminster Common Council from Westminster City Council May 11, 1964 to May 19, 1989.

[sdosm 20091128: 19600000s early xmas santa locust la old w names] , , , , ,


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Westminster MD Main Street Christmas Parade today

Westminster MD Main Street News Miracle on Main Street Christmas Parade today

Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009

Time: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Location: Main St-Westminster

Annual Christmas, Annual Christmas Parade, Annual Christmas Westminster, Westminster File community events, Westminster File community news

The “Miracle on Main Street” Holiday Event is Saturday, November 28th

Festivities will abound in Downtown Westminster on Saturday, November 28th. Stroll downtown early and try to figure out which decorated storefront will win this year’s Mayor’s Cup while grabbing a bite to eat.

Root for your favorite runner, as the Wishbone Mile takes to the streets of downtown. Sponsored by The Women’s Initiative Supporting Health (WISH) at the Carroll Hospital Center, this one mile fundraiser will occur at 4:45 p.m., just prior to the holiday parade.

And, what a parade it will be! Catch Westminster’s first ever Holiday Electric Light Parade at 5:00 p.m.

More than 50 themed floats with at least 2,000 lights on each will travel down Pennsylvania Avenue and Main Street to Longwell Avenue.

Immediately following the parade, the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and awarding of The Mayor’s Cup will occur at the Locust Lane Stage.

Join Mayor Kevin Utz, Santa Claus and the Westminster Municipal Band, as they sing carols, award the Mayor’s Cup for the best decorated holiday storefront in Downtown Westminster and light the City Tree.

Santa’s Treat, a children’s event that includes children’s rides, games, prizes and, of course, Santa, will be held at the Westminster Family Fitness Center (Old Armory) following the Tree Lighting. Downtown shops will stay open until 10:00 p.m. that evening, as they hold their annual Starlight Shopping event.

Closing out the event will be the Grand Prize Drawings of the Holiday Giveaway at 9:00 p.m. More information on this great day will be forthcoming in the next issue of the Main Street News.


20091128 Main Street News Miracle on Main Street
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Miracle on Main Street in Westminster MD

Miracle on Main Street in Westminster MD

Posted on 11/22/09

Related – Be sure to read: That Holiday Glow, by Katie V. JonesPosted on 11/22/09 in Westminster Eagle - Westminster plugs into the season with first-ever Holiday Electric Parade

The Miracle on Main Street holiday event will be held throughout the day Saturday, Nov. 28, in Westminster.

Festivities begin with children carnival rides, 1-9 p.m. on the parking lot off Locust Street on the north side of Main Street.

At 2:30 p.m., the Carroll Arts Center, 91 W. Main St., will host a free Laurel & Hardy Film Festival. The films will conclude before 4:45 p.m. for the start of the Wishbone Mile benefit run, which benefits the Women's Initiative Supporting Health program.

Then, Santa will arrive during the Holiday Electric Parade at 5 p.m. The parade, which will follow Pennsylvania Avenue and Main Street to Longwell Avenue, includes 50 lighted floats, marching bands, horses, cars, marching units and Santa Claus.

Then, at Locust Lane Park after the parade, Mayor Kevin Utz, Santa and the crowd will light the city's Christmas tree while the Westminster Municipal Band will play holiday carols. Santa Claus will take up residence at his house on Distillery Drive after the tree-lighting ceremony.

Westminster's Recreation and Parks Department will host Santa's Treat in the gym at the Westminster Family Fitness Center (Old Armory), 11 Longwell Ave., at 6:30 p.m., with free games, crafts, activities and prizes.

And "Starlight Shopping" will be held 5-10 p.m. in many of downtown Westminster's shops and restaurants. At 9 p.m., a drawing for Holiday Shopping Spree winners will occur on the steps of the Family Fitness Center. People can register through Nov. 27 at participating stores.

The events are sponsored by the City of Westminster and the Greater Westminster Development Corporation's Main Street Committee.

20091122 sdosm Miracle on Main Street
@CarrollEagle Miracle on Main Street in Westminster MD
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

A reprint of “Dwight Dingle, Sgt. Pepper, and a Bathtub”

Which appeared in the Westminster Eagle – June 6th, 2007 by Kevin Dayhoff
Click here for a larger image: or here:

Dwight Dingle will be greatly missed in the community.

He was a tireless community supporter and had a great sense of humor.

November 27, 2009 November 27, 2009 [20070606 Dwight Dingle and The Mamas and The Papas]

For more on Dwight Dingle go here People Dingle Dwight and here: Media Radio WTTR

Wayne Carter, writing for the Carroll County Times is reporting that “Longtime WTTR radio personality Dwight Dingle has died.” Read Mr. Carter’s article on the death of Mr. Dingle here:

“Dwight Dingle, Sgt. Pepper, and a Bathtub”

Westminster Eagle – June 6th, 2007 by Kevin Dayhoff

It was 40 years ago, last Saturday, June 2, 1967; when the Beatles released their eighth album, “Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

Although musical taste can be fiercely debated; many music critics and publications consider this album to be one of the most influential of all time. “Rolling Stone” magazine lists it as the number 1 album in their 2003 list of “The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.”

To put music in 1967 in context, the top songs that year were: "Kind of a Drag" by The Buckinghams; "Ruby Tuesday" by The Rolling Stones; "Love Is Here and Now You're Gone" by The Supremes; "Penny Lane" by The Beatles and "Happy Together" by The Turtles.

In its rating deliberations, apparently Rolling Stone did not consult the Sam Greenholtz household. In a recent conversation with Mr. Greenholtz, a former Westminster City councilmember and now chair of the GWDC, he said that although “there were a couple of good songs, the album was for the most part - not appreciated.”

But his wife, Janice did not like the album at all. True to form, Mr. Greenholtz, a tireless downtown-Westminster cheerleader reminded me that in those days, Stu’s Music Shop on Main Street in Westminster carried all the Beatles’ albums and “forty-fives” and was “the center of our musical world.”

Vivian Laxton, Carroll County public information administrator, said she actually has a copy of the “Sgt. Pepper” album in her car’s CD player at the moment. But she promptly volunteered that she wasn’t even born when the album was released… Ms. Laxton, a French horn player, also called to my attention that the album begins with a French horn quartet.

Westminster councilwoman Suzanne Albert said she remembers the album well. She especially “appreciated the energy of the Beatles. Their music made people happy and brought a smile to their faces.”

Westminster Police Chief Jeff Spaulding, who shares my love of heavy metal volunteered, “The Beatles were a little mild for my taste. I was more a Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix fan.”

As far as the “Sgt. Pepper” album, Chief Spaulding said, “he appreciated the change from the pop orientation…to a more eclectic style of music.” Currently in his iPod is music that “runs the gamut from Nirvana to Extreme to Elton John to U2.”

Carroll County commissioners’ chief of staff, Steve Powell said “I listened to the Beatles growing up. And still have a moderately extensive collection of the Beatles on vinyl.” Currently in his CD player is “Four Seasons” by Vivaldi and The Silver Bullet Band but he “listens to all kinds of music, from country music, to “Meatloaf” to John Cougar Mellencamp.”

I reached Dwight Dingle, a radio personality with WTTR since 1974, on the phone last weekend, while he was in Ocean City with other station staff members, where WTTR was receiving five Associated Press awards.

He said that he was a “The Mamas & the Papas” fan. He was a student at Towson State College when the “Sgt. Pepper” album came out. However, he remembers well that his roommate, “Buck” Jones, the former principle of East Middle School and now the principle of Carroll Lutheran School, was a big Beatles Fan…

Mr. Dingle thought the album cover for “Sgt. Pepper” was fascinating but “it doesn’t compare with “The Mamas & the Papas” album cover with the all the members of the band in a bathtub…”

Hmmm. Perhaps someone may want to call Dwight up at WTTR and ask him “on-air” to explain his affection for that “The Mamas & the Papas” album cover…?

The album, “If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears” debuted in March 1966 and it has one of my all-time favorite songs on it – “California Dreamin’.” The first of ultimately three covers for the album, (now a valuable collector’s item) was banned in the United States “as indecent,” (for the silliest reasons – by today’s standards; and not because it contained errors in grammar.)

Have Dwight tell you the story…

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: