Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Monday, April 29, 2013

Carroll residents targeted with telephone scam,0,5971076.story

Carroll residents targeted with telephone scam

By Kevin E. Dayhoff, April 29, 2013

Carroll County has recently been hit with a series of suspicious telephone calls in which the caller claims that he’s holding the family member captive until several hundred to several thousand dollars in damages are paid.

According to information from the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, the suspicious telephone calls are reported to have also been made to Baltimore county and City residents.

In Carroll County, a Hampstead man, and recently a Mount Airy man reported receiving a call where the male caller claimed to have been involved in a motor vehicle accident with a member of their immediate family, with the caller citing the correct name of the family member, says police.

According to the Sheriff’s office, the calls display a local exchange but they are suspected as originating from outside the continental United States. 

So far the Sheriff’s Office has not received any reports of residents being defrauded by the calls, but reminds resident to be on the alert.   

If you should happen to receive a suspicious phone call the Sheriff’s Office has the following tips: Do not reply to any of these types of requests asking to pay fees or damages; do not send any money; do not send or hand over identification documents - not even copies; never surrender details of your bank accounts or payment cards; never agree to meet the criminals in person - you may be putting yourself in danger, instead, ask for their telephone number or contact information; and contact your local law enforcement agency immediately and follow their advice.

The investigation continues… Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to contact the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division at 410-386-2900, or the Anonymous TIPS Hotline at 1-888-399-TIPP. 
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

New Medic 37 Arrives at the Westminster Volunteer Fire Department

Saturday, April 20, 2013  Westminster Fire Company would like to thank its members who served on the new medic committee for their efforts in putting together the new unit. Medic 37 is a 2012 Ford 4x4 PL Custom Type 1 medic unit. Some of its features included a sliding side entry door, a new Ferno stretcher, a Whelen Pioneer scene flood light, and a full length squad bench allowing the unit to transport 2 patients on back boards. Medic 37 is now in the station having a few last minute modifications but will soon be on the streets of Westminster allowing crews to more effectively and efficiently provide EMS care to the community

New Medic 37 Arrives
To read this news story , follow the link below:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Prettyboy Reservoir Day on April 27 celebrates region's liquid asset

Prettyboy Reservoir Day on April 27 celebrates region's liquid asset

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

2013 Westminster Volunteer Fire Department Big Money Raffle to be held on Thursday evening May 23, 2013

2013 Westminster Volunteer Fire Department Big Money Raffle
Thursday evening May 23, 2013
6 p.m. to 9 p.m. 28 John Street, Westminster, Maryland

The Carroll County carnival and fire department fund raising season gets started this coming month in May when the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No. 1 holds its annual Big Money Raffle.

One of the biggest fundraisers of the year for the Westminster Volunteer Fire Department will take place on Thursday May 23, 2013 from 6 to 9 pm in the engine bays at the station at 28 John Street in Westminster.

In addition to the cash drawings there will be plenty of fried chicken, hot dogs, and all the traditional summer picnic delights available as friends, family, and community will gather to fill the engine bays at the fire station at 28 John Street in Westminster in what has become an annual tradition in Carroll County.

This year there will be a total of approximately 3000 Chances Sold!

Cost- $20.00 Donation

1st Draw $ 12,500 2nd Draw $ 1,500 3rd Draw $ 500 4th Draw $ 250 5th Draw $ 250 

Refreshments for Ticket Holders Only. Need not be present to win! 50/50, Gun Jar, and other games of chance on site!

Permit # 13-15

Call the Westminster Fire Department at 410-848-1800 for more Info!

The writer, Kevin Dayhoff, is the chaplain of the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No. 1

Past Related:

All photos by Kevin Dayhoff – or courtesy of the Westminster Fire Department…
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Eagle Archive: 50 years later, King's letter from Birmingham Jail reminds us of a journey too long

Eagle Archive: 50 years later, King's letter reminds us of a journey too long By Kevin E. Dayhoff, 8:53 p.m. EDT, April 21, 2013,0,4791772.story

On April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. penned a 7,000-word letter from a jail cell in Birmingham, Ala. The letter came in response to a statement by eight white Alabama pastors on April 12, 1963, titled "A Call for Unity."

King had been arrested April 12 for demonstrating in defiance of an injunction issued against the Birmingham Campaign of marches and sit-ins, which had begun on April 3.

The white clergy members argued that the cause of civil rights was better contested in the courts than the streets of Birmingham.

King's response has become famous in the study of persuasive rhetoric in which, in part, he suggested that the "wait" requested by the white pastors — who argued that 1963 was not the time for King to pursue equal rights — really meant "never."

King also put forth that non-violent civil disobedience was an appropriate response to unjust laws, and that "one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."

The letter was the origin of the now-famous argument that "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," and quotes Chief Justice Earl Warren, "Justice too long delayed is justice denied."

His letter also referenced a few other notables, such as Paul of Tarsus, Reinhold Niebuhr, Socrates, Paul Tillich and Thomas Aquinas.
In addition to being a man of letters, King is, of course, he's best known for speaking — the most famous example being his "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington on Aug. 28, 1963.

Closer to home, we should note that a setback to the cause of King and many of his era occurred on Nov. 14, 1963, at the lunchroom of Sykesville Mayor Bernard McDougall's drug store, where Jean S. Evans and Bailey Conaway were refused service… Read more:,0,4791772.story

Also see Related

Eagle Archive: Civil War era baseball revisits county's love of the grand old game

Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:
The Tentacle:
Westminster Patch:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster Online:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:

Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems:
Scribd Kevin Dayhoff:
Kevin Dayhoff's YouTube:

Investigative Voice:
Voice of Baltimore:
Google profile:

See my art at "OFF TRACK ART"
an Artist Cooperative at 11 Liberty St--side entrance
in downtown Westminster, MD
Open: Wed-Fri. Noon to 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM. 


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Delaware Maryland Synod Lutheran Church E-Letter for April 23, 2013

Delaware-Maryland Synod ELCA
Tuesday     April 23, 2013

The E-Letter

E-Letter for April 23, 2013
Circles of Prayer
Health Assessment
Assembly Hotel Reservations
Bishop's Leadership Days
Bishop to visit the Holy Land
Thankoffering for Bunda Hospital
Director of Faith Formation
Change in Editor
Music Director/Organist Needed
Stewardship Survey
African Descent Lutheran Association Assembly
Free Concert
CLAIM Staff Position
Communicating Our Ministries
A Day of Service
Concert to Benefit Campus Ministry
Fabric Needed
Bishop Wolfgang's schedule this week

Circles of Prayer 

We ask for God's healing and loving presence be with...

Janet Kaplan, wife of Pr. David Kaplan (rt), still hospitalized

Pr. Siegfried Otto (St. Johns, Sweet Air), to have surgery

Mel Walton, husband of Pat Walton on synod staff, beginning chemotherapy for multiple myeloma

And for all who have unspoken needs.

We continue to keep in our prayers ... John Seltzer, John Ranney and family, Christine Lundmark, Janet Wirtanen, Andrea Hagen-Arndt, Judy Moller-Gavlick, Jerry Knoche, Alice Davis, Leonard and Clarine AlJoe, Carol Henry Youse, Bruce Kelley, Mandy Kent, George Mocko, Henry Schaefer, the Norgard family, Jim Slingluff Jr., Thelma Tanner, Paul Mocko, ... and we pray for our bishops, Wolfgang Herz-Lane and Mark Hanson.

May the peace and promise of the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, sustain ...

the family of Mrs. Eileen Tuttle, wife of Pr. George Tuttle.  Please keep the family in your prayers.  

Time is Running Out! You Could Make the Difference!

So far this year, 53 rostered leaders in the Delaware-Maryland Synod who are covered under the ELCA Health Plan have taken the Portico health assessment and have earned the $150 bonus that comes with completing the confidential survey. This means we need 47 more people in order to reach the required 65% participation rate by April 30, 2013, and realize an estimated $33,000 in health premium savings. Also, the synod will receive a sizable grant for a health and wellness project benefiting plan members. Last year, we fell short by just two people, reaching 64.33% and missing out on significant savings. Help us to avoid a similar fate this year, click
here to take the health assessment TODAY.

Please be a good steward and complete the health assessment!


The deadline for receiving our special Synod Assembly rate at The Grand Hotel & Spa and The Comfort Inn GoldCoast is April 29, 2013.  Last year they were able to honor the rate past the deadline a bit.  There's not much chance this year because the Friday (May 3, 2013) that follows our cut-off date is the start of Springfest in Ocean City and the front office is already chomping at the bit for the release of our room block!  Please book your rooms now!


The spring 2013 Bishop's Leadership Days for rostered leaders begin today, Tuesday, April 23, at Zion Lutheran Church, Middletown, Md. They continue tomorrow, Wednesday, at Our Shepherd, Severna Park, and conclude Thursday at Tree of Life Lutheran Church in Odessa, Delaware. Each day runs from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. and features as speakers our own Laura Ingersoll and Jarrett Hansen, mission development pastors at the newly formed Journey of Faith Church, Rockdale. If you are registered, please remember to bring $8 to cover the cost of lunch. IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED, COME ANYWAY ... apparently, Jesus had folks showing up all the time without pre-registration! If many of you do this, we will have to share lunch ... and then again, we also have that story of the five loaves and two fishes, so we'll be okay.  

Bishop Wolfgang to Visit the Holy Land

Bishop Wolfgang D. Herz-Lane will participate in a 10-day study trip to the Holy Land sponsored by the Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies (ICJS), Towson. The interfaith group includes about 20 faith leaders; another ELCA pastor on this trip is Rev. Christopher Chantelau, Divinity, Towson. The group departs on a flight from Newark, NJ, to Tel Aviv on April 29 and will visit the holy sites in Israel as well as destinations on the West Bank. Meetings with governmental and religious leaders in both Israel and Palestine are being planned, including a possible encounter with Bishop Munib A. Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. Bishop Wolfgang returns May 8 and appreciates your prayers during this trip, his first to Israel.  

25th Anniversary Thankoffering for Bunda Hospital

Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding banquet in Cana. With God's help, the people of the Delaware-Maryland Synod will turn $17,000 into an estimated $350,000 in medical supplies and equipment for Bunda District Designated Hospital. The Hospital is a ministry of our companion synod, the Mara Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania.

Project CURE acquires donated medical supplies and equipment (worth about $300-$400,000) from the companies that produce these items and will ship them to Bunda DDH, if we collect the $17,000 for shipping costs. These supplies will enable Bunda DDH to better care for the over 22,000 in-patients and 46,000 people who visit out-patient clinics each year in the Bunda District of the Mara Region. Project CURE visited the hospital in 2010 to assess the medical supplies needed and the TTF sent the first shipment later that year. Bunda DDH has requested a second shipment, and working together with God's help, we will respond.

We ask individuals and congregations to make plans for a thank-offering for the synod's 25 years of life to support this project. We will have an opportunity to greet Bishop Michael Adam of the Mara Diocese at the Anniversary Banquet on May 30th at the Synod Assembly, and bring our offerings forward. Members of the Tanzania Task Force in our Synod are available to speak at your congregation, or supply additional information and pictures for fund-raising efforts.

Contact Pr. Charles Zang, co-chair of the TTF at 301.662.5034
for additional information. 

Attention, Parish Nurses!  We welcome your assistance in support of the synod's Anniversary Thankoffering to raise $17,000 to ship medical supplies to Bunda Hospital, a ministry of our companion synod, the Mara Diocese of the Lutheran Church in Tanzania.

Please help publicize this effort in your congregation, and assure that your congregation will respond. Offerings will be presented at the assembly. Please feel free to contact Pr. Ed Whetstone or any member of the Tanzania Task Force for ideas and assistance.

Director of Faith Formation

Ascension Lutheran Church in Towson seeks a person to be Director of Faith Formation.  This full time position combining Christian Education and Youth Ministry.  Rostered or non-rostered (with equivalent experience and academic credentials) are invited to apply. The position description may viewed at the church website.  

Change in Editor

Elephants may never forget, but humans sometimes do!  So tie that string around your finger to remind yourself that submission to the E-Letter are now sent to Jennifer Baxter.


Dr. Eric Gritsch, just before his death last December, completed a "tongue-in-cheek" history of Christianity that is a must read for anyone who thinks that the development of Christianity has always been under the guidance of the "Holy Spirit," not to mention the "Father" or the "Son."  

Dr. Gritsch, in a unique scholarly, conversational style, gives us a history of Christianity that exposes the influence that power - ecclesiastical, political and economic - played in creating both the theological and organizational framework of the Church.  Dr. Gritsch titled the book "Christendumb" with an eye on Matthew 5:13: "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt becomes dumb, with what shall one salt."  

Copies of this book are available from Eric's widow, Bonnie Brobst at 2623 Eastern Ave., Baltimore, MD 21224. The cost, $20, includes postage.

Music Director/Organist Needed

St. John Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, seeks to fill a part-time (approximately 10-12 hours weekly) position for a music director/organist. The music director will play for Sunday services, direct a small choir, preferably direct a bell choir, and be available for funerals, weddings, and special services as scheduled. The salary is based on experience and credentials and will remain open until filled. St John Lutheran, Brooklyn, is located at 226 Washburn Avenue, Baltimore, 21225. Please send resumes to Leslie Heiderman Schell or contact by phone 410.969.0129.

 Stewardship Survey

IT'S HERE!  Most pastors who are serving in congregations will receive a short survey today via email.  It should only take a few minutes to fill it out.  The questions relate to the stewardship practices in each congregation.  Your answers are valuable and important as they will inform the work of the Mission Table for Stewardship here in our Synod over the next year.  The answers are confidential and are not linked to the pastors who answer or the congregations.  If you have any questions, please be in touch with Pr. Kati Kluckman-Ault at or 410.230.2864.

African Descent Lutheran Association 14th Biennial Assembly
The ADLA 14th Biennial Assembly will be held from July 3-7, 2013.  Please see the ADLA page on the DEMD website for information.  Here is a link to the official registration page.  ADLA 2013 Assembly Registration Letter

Enjoy a Free Concert

USAir Force Singing Sergeants will perform a free concert on May 5 at 4 pm at Holy Comforter Church, 5513 York Rd, Baltimore, 21212. They will be singing a variety of music and light refreshments will be served after the concert. Parking on church parking lot on Harwood Ave.  For more info call 410.433.1801.

CLAIM (Coalition of Lutherans Advancing in Mission) is accepting applications for the CLAIM Staff position- July 1, 2013.  

This position is for 10 hours a week, paying $14,000 annually plus Social Security and travel reimbursement. The staff will report to the CLAIM Board Executive Committee and the Assistant to the Bishop.
CLAIM staff (in partnership with Assistant to the Bishop) will take responsibility for the following:
  1. Oversee coordination and organize implementation of the five (5) CLAIM goals
    1. Promotion of teaching parish and internship opportunities
    2. Rostered and lay leadership development
    3. Urban strategy development and implementation
    4. Promotion of community organizing, advocacy and neighborhood ministries
    5. Identification of human and financial resources for ministry.
  2. Promote, interpret and communicate CLAIM's agenda/issues to rostered and lay leaders of CLAIM congregations through regular meetings.
  3. Encourage and organize support and collegiality to urban pastors and their families, as well as to congregational lay leaders.
  4. Serve as ex-officio participant of CLAIM committees and CLAIM general meetings
  5. Manage CLAIM's correspondence

Interested applicants should send a letter of interest and resume to:
Linda Chinnia
Assistant to the Bishop
575 South Charles St. Suite 202
Baltimore, MD  21201 

Communicating Our Ministries

Following an ELCA Region 8 consultation gathering of synod leaders in the areas of Global Mission, Hunger, Malaria Campaign, and Companion Synod relationships last fall, Assistant to the Bishop Ron Schlak and other leaders thought it helpful to raise awareness of what congregations in our DE-MD Synod are doing.   We are a synod; we are congregations who walk together.  We are not isolated, but are connected to other congregations in conference, cluster, and synod relationships.  It would be good if we could intentionally communicate our ministries to one another.  This "Communicating our Ministries" team hopes to electronically lift up the ministries that are happening in our DE-MD Synod congregations. By listing ministries that congregations are involved with, there would be an opportunity for congregations to make connections with each other and perhaps reach out to neighboring congregations to expand ministries.  The Communicating our Ministries Team would like to begin by focusing on the areas of Hunger and Malaria. We are hoping to get a concerted response from congregations at our 2013 Synod Assembly about how your congregation is responding to Hunger (both local and World Hunger) and the Malaria Campaign/Lutheran Malaria Initiative. Watch for more information to come.

A Day of Service

Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013 has been set as a dedicated day of service -- "God's work. Our hands." Sunday -- lifting up the 25th anniversary of the ELCA. To assist you, information and resources are available at In particular, look for a bulletin insert that can be shared. In May, the ELCA will offer congregations a downloadable "toolkit" designed to help plan for the dedicated day of service, as well as other resources.

University of Delaware Chorale to Perform at St. Paul's Lutheran Church  
Lutheran Campus Ministry will be hosting the University's premiere choral group for a benefit concert at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Newark, on Sunday, May 5 at 6pm.   The 50-member Chorale will be performing varied musical selections from their spring concert repertoire.   A meet and greet reception will follow.

This event is open to the public. A free-will offering will be taken which will benefit both the University of Delaware Chorale and Lutheran Campus Ministry.   Please come!!   Enjoy a wonderful concert and reception, knowing that you are also supporting these two outstanding organizations! For more information, call 302.368.3078.

Fabric Needed 

Marg Goodlin is recruiting quilts and blankets for infants in the NICU at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, where her daughter works as a NICU doctor.  Children's fabrics are needed.  More than 100 quilts have been collected so far, and there are quilters who are willing to make more, but who have run out of fabrics.  Donations would be gratefully accepted.  For more information or to coordinate pickup or delivery of fabrics, call Marg Goodlin at 443.319.5499 or email by clicking here.

Bishop Wolfgang's Schedule This Week 

April 23    9:30 a.m. Bishop's Leadership Days @ Zion, Middletown, Md.

April 24    9:30 a.m. Bishop's Leadership Days @ Our Shepherd, Severna Park
              2 p.m. meeting with rostered leader

April 25    9:30 a.m. Bishop's Leadership Days @ Tree of Life, Odsessa, Delaware
              6 p.m. Campus ministry directing committee, U of Delaware, Newark

April 26    Day off

April 27     9 a.m. "Sharing & Caring" breakfast event @ All Saints, Baltimore

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