Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Friday, January 25, 2013

Visiting with the extraordinary Carroll County Extension Agent Steve Allgeier

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Off Track Art at the Scott gallery at Carroll Community College

The Gallery in the Scott Center at Carroll Community College:
Traveling Off Track:
Off Track Art Artists’ Cooperative
Sunday, Feb. 10–Friday, March 15 | The Gallery in the Scott Center

Celebrating its fourth anniversary as Carroll County’s premier artists’ cooperative, Off Track Art is a local artist-run collective and gallery space in downtown Westminster.

The gallery features fine art and gifts created by 10 artists, including Kevin Dayhoff, Gail Elwell, Judy Goodyear, Gordon Wickes, Joyce Schaum, Charlotte Laslo, Carolyn Seabolt, Linda Van Hart, Amanda Beck- Mauck and Robert Waddell.

These skilled artists create high quality artwork in a variety of media, including basketry and shaker tape furniture, mixed media collage, handmade artist’s books, silk painting, tinsel painting, painting and drawing, watercolor, photography, sculpture, jewelry, beading and metalsmithing.

The artists exhibit in highly respected juried shows and nationally recognized galleries throughout the U.S.

Off Track Art | 11 Liberty Street | Westminster, MD 21157 |
The Gallery in the Scott Center:

Reception: Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013 | 2–4 p.m.
Gallery Hours: Monday–Thursday | 9 a.m.–8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday | 9 a.m.–3 p.m.

Carroll Community College is an Equal Opportunity, ADA Title 504 compliant Institution | 178-13-1212 ART

Off track Art on Facebook: 

art, Carroll Community College, Off Track Art, show, exhibition, collage, photography, sculpture, mixed-media assemblage, Carroll County arts and culture.

Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

“Off Track Art” is an artists’ co-op and gallery located in the historic Liberty Building at 11 Liberty Street – next to the railroad tracks, off of the Sentinel parking lot at the corner of West Main St and MD 27-Liberty St - in historic downtown Westminster, Carroll County Maryland. 

Open: Wed-Fri. Noon to 6 PM , Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM. 
 For news and information on Off Track Art previous to December 15, 2011, you can go to

Saturday, January 19, 2013

McDaniel College: Finding clues to ancient Greek culture in its material remains


For many more pictures go here: View this album in a larger format here

January 14, 2013

As they explore the history and culture of ancient Greece through its material remains with Classics professor Tom Falkner, the travelers in the Jan Term study tour “McDaniel in Greece: Myths, Monks, and Monuments” have encountered surprises – moments that have enriched their 18-day sojourn abroad.

Caroline Babylon ’76, one of eight adults and 14 students on the trip, sends back a photo a day. On day three, she shared a story with her photo of a village priest…


Related see also:

20121213 Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular:

Άρθρα σχετικά με την κρίση στην ευρωζώνη, κρίση δημόσιου χρέους, την Αργεντινή, την Ιταλία, - και ειδικότερα την Ελλάδα - Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular: on Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack


20121213 Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular:

20121202 Rick Steves: June 11, 2012 “Greece in Economic Crisis and Your Travel Dreams” Retrieved December 2, 2012

20111022 Eurozone Crisis: The Economist: Argentina’s debt default Gauchos and gadflies

++++++++++++ Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack

Eurozone Crisis - Bus Econ eurozone



Why Greece Matters by Kevin E. Dayhoff December 5, 2012


December 12, 2012 The Ghost of Berlusconi Rises Again Kevin E. Dayhoff
While Greece wraps up a six-month effort to secure a new bailout payment, and Washington continues to fail to understand the seriousness of its fiscal responsibilities, the world’s financial markets wobbled earlier in the week when it saw the ghost of Italy’s former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.




Athens, Greece, January 12 – Demonstrators once again took to the streets in central Athens Saturday afternoon, in another of a long series of strikes, demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience that have rocked Greece since a worldwide economic downturn officially got underway in December 2007.

It was four years ago – in 2009 – that Greece kicked-off the year by announcing its budget deficit would be 12.9% of GDP, more than four times the European Union's 3% limit. Greece was first admitted into the EU in 1981, and in 2001 it joined the Eurozone…


Various recent news accounts indicate that unemployment approaches 25 percent in Greece. Pensions have been reduced and salaries slashed anywhere from 30 to 60 percent.

Meanwhile last Saturday began with signs posted in the Metro that read: “Notice to Passengers. On Saturday 12/1/13, stations, Penepistimio, Syntagma, will remain closed from 10:00 for safety reason…”

Since 2010, Syntagma Square has served as a barometer for rising civil discontent over Greece’s ever-worsening economic crisis. In the past it has been the most popular locale for mass protests and tent-city like occupations, some of which have turned unexpectedly violent in which police have responded en masse with batons, shields and tear gas...

On Saturday, I witnessed more than 5,000 or 6,000 demonstrators marching past the National Archaeological Museum, in a dense, well-organized and loud processional that chanted a Greek chorus of anti-government slogans in a carefully choreographed cat-and-mouse theatrical routine with a full accompaniment of motorcycle police and a phalanx of paramilitary shock riot-police.



Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Eagle Archive: Chief ingredient of colonial cooking was hard labor

Eagle Archive: Chief ingredient of colonial cooking was hard labor

“Off Track Art” is an artists’ co-op and gallery located in the historic Liberty Building at 11 Liberty Street – next to the railroad tracks, off of the Sentinel parking lot at the corner of West Main St and MD 27-Liberty St - in historic downtown Westminster, Carroll County Maryland. 

Open: Wed-Fri. Noon to 6 PM , Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM. 
 For news and information on Off Track Art previous to December 15, 2011, you can go to

Eagle Archive: Chief ingredient of colonial cooking was hard labor

Eagle Archive: Chief ingredient of colonial cooking was hard labor


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Yes Dear Readers Fruitcake Has A History by Kevin Dayhoff

Yes, Dear Readers, Fruitcake Has A History

December 26, 2012 Kevin E. Dayhoff

The holidays are upon us and I can only be sure that many thoughts have turned to getting together with family and friends – and of course, the wonders of fruitcake.

Yes, fruitcake. Yeah! I know it is a rather heavy subject for the Christmas season, but fools rush in where angels fear to tread. I’ve been called many things over the years, but “Angel” is not one of them, so here goes.

Seems nothing stirs the passions of many like the subject of food. I’m still nursing the bruising I took several years ago when I commented on the virtues of squash: “As much as I like vegetables, one food that does not exist on the Dayhoff's Nutrition Pyramid (DNP) is squash. God created the squash as a joke. The word "squash" is Native-American for "mud disguised as plant."

Moving along; your intrepid writer here has observed that first among equals on the holiday food passion meter seems to be the topic of fruitcake. After all, nothing warms the cockles of one’s heart like fruitcake on a cold Central Maryland night. I have been told that fruitcake burns – forever – in the fireplace at a rather high temperature; and it adds a brilliant display of holiday colors to the flames.

The subject of fruitcake arrived when I was recently asked as to what was my favorite food during the holidays. To which I answered, “Yes!!!”

Fruitcake has gotten a bad rap over the years. That’s probably because people haven’t had homemade dark fruitcake with icing – a Southern tradition.

According to various learned commentaries on the virtues of fruitcake, the concoction of chopped candied fruit, nuts, and spices – and plenty of alcohol – was quite popular at Victorian teas in 19th century England, where many know it as “Christmas Cake.”

Another variation of fruitcake – or “fruit bread,” …
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

American Profile Flinging Fruitcake

American Profile Flinging Fruitcake

Flinging Fruitcake

What to Do with Leftover Fruitcake by Pam Grout December 13, 2011 Holiday desserts sail over Manitou Springs, Colo.

Wearing military-style fatigues and an aviator cap, Jerry Pokorny, 64, stuffs a frozen fruitcake into a long, slim tube attached to an exercise bike. He checks printed satellite maps, twists the valve on a 10-gallon tank of compressed air and–kaboom!–the fruitcake sails across the high school football field in Manitou Springs, Colo. (pop. 4,992), past the goalposts and into the distance toward Pikes Peak.

Calling himself "a retired engineer with too much time on his hands," Pokorny built his wacky "Fruitcake of Mass Destruction" out of parts from a junkyard to join 75 contestants in the 2011 Manitou Springs Great Fruitcake Toss. The annual event celebrates the world's most reviled and underappreciated holiday dessert by challenging contestants to toss, hurl and fling fruitcakes through the air, occasionally obliterating the sugary artillery in the process…

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Taneytown man armed with hammer shot and killed by local police Christmas evening

The peace and tranquility of a white Christmas in Carroll County was shattered Tuesday evening as word spread quickly through the community of a deadly shooting in Taneytown involving a police officer.

The news comes at a time when many have grown weary of bad news. Not even the unexpected late snowfall on Christmas Eve could overcome the heavy hearts of many just weeks after the December 14 shooting death of 26 people, most of them children, in an elementary school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.

Then on Christmas Eve, much of the local news media reported that a gunman in upstate New York allegedly set fire to his house and ambushed and killed two volunteer firefighters and wounded two more who were responding to the fire.

Bad news involving firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical personnel always travels quickly in Carroll County that has long been understood as being the home of many of Maryland’s first responders.

Late in the evening on Christmas Day, Greg Shipley, a spokesperson for the Maryland State Police confirmed the incident and released additional details that a Taneytown police officer had shot and killed a man who had threatened the lives of several police officers in the otherwise peaceful northwestern Carroll County community.

Police say that Edward L. Becker, Jr., 26, of the unit-block of Commerce Drive, Taneytown, Md, was pronounced dead at the Carroll Hospital Center, as a result of the incident.

According to Shipley, “A Carroll County man armed with a hammer and acting disorderly was fatally wounded by a Taneytown Police Department officer when he failed to surrender and advanced threateningly at the officer.

The state police say that shortly after 8:30 p.m. on Christmas Day, “the parents of Becker called 911 and reported he had been drinking and was acting disorderly. Becker’s father reported his son was smashing windows out of his truck with a hammer…”

Three Taneytown police department officers responded to the area of the address on Commerce Street, according the police report. At the scene they “saw Becker walking down the street toward them.

“They exited their vehicles and began shouting commands to Becker to drop the hammer and surrender. Becker continued to approach. The officers, who were all in uniform and marked patrol cars, retreated down the street and positioned themselves behind their police cars. 

“The investigation indicates the officers continued to shout commands to Becker to drop the hammer and surrender. Becker ignored the commands and continued to approach the officers…

After Becker got to within approximately an arm’s length of an officer and raised the hammer, one of the officers fired his service weapon, striking Becker.

Police at the scene administered first aid and called emergency medical personnel to the scene.

“The officer involved is a four and one-half year veteran of the Taneytown Police Department…,” say police. The Taneytown police officer has been placed on routine administrate leave by Taneytown Police Chief William Tyler, “which is procedure in police-involved shootings.” 

Tyler “requested the police-involved shooting be investigated by the Maryland State Police homicide unit and troopers from the Westminster Barrack responded to the scene to conduct the investigation, according to Shipley.

The investigation is continuing. Upon completion, it will be forwarded to the Carroll County State's Attorney's Office for review... Taneytown man armed with hammer shot and killed by local police Christmas evening

By Kevin E. Dayhoff,0,6149880.story

 Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Taneytown man armed with hammer shot and killed by local police Christmas evening
