Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Thursday, January 15, 2015

April 30, 1998: Baltimore Sun - Charter battle grows fiercer Backers say foes use false information, destroy lawn signs

[October 12, 2005 update and note: I worked on a charter government initiative in 1967 and the 1992 effort… A government and Maryland Constitution geek, I’ve written about the various forms of government numerous times.

On October 12, 2005 I filed a story with the Baltimore Sun, ttp://, “Many forms of government in Carroll’s history,” in which I wrote, “In 1968, the voters of Carroll County rejected both charter government and code home rule. In 1984, code home rule was defeated. In 1992 charter government was defeated at the ballot box. In 1998 the voters rejected a referendum to increase the Board of Commissioners to five at-large members and rejected a charter form of government. 

January 15, 2015 update - I do not remember why I posted this story by mu colleague Mary Gail Hare, except perhaps because it illustrated some of the acrimony and hostility about the issue in Carroll County.

The subject has once again resurfaces as Frederick County began its great experiment with a county executive charter form of government last fall…]

April 30, 1998|By Mary Gail Hare | Mary Gail Hare, SUN STAFF

In the waning days of the campaign to change Carroll County's government to an executive and county council, the rhetoric and tactics to keep three commissioners in power are getting harsher.

Charter opponents are "disseminating false information inserted illegally into newspapers" and destroying campaign signs, charter supporter Susan Krebs of Eldersburg charged.

Citizens Against Big Charter Government printed about 7,000 fliers listing five reasons to vote against charter. Charter supporters say there are several errors in the flier printed in bold letters on both sides of the paper.

The fliers say charter will levy taxes on personal property; give unchecked powers to officials; and allow developers to control government. It also will be nearly impossible to revoke, the flier said.

"These tactics are playing on people's fears, and they are all the opponents have," New Windsor Mayor Jack A. Gullo Jr. said. "They have no facts to back up their statements."


Lloyd R. Helt, treasurer for the Carroll County Citizens for Charter Government, called the fliers "a big exercise in deception. The opponents' whole campaign is based on deception."


"Our signs are so scarce, they are becoming collectors' items," said Stephen Nevin, chairman of the pro-charter group.

Charter opponents spent more than $800 on a sign campaign and have had no reports of theft, said Reter, who also remarked on the scarcity of pro-charter signs.

"I have only seen five of their signs all over the county," Reter said. "Maybe they are still in the back of somebody's car."

Reter and Carmen Amedori, a member of the anti-charter group, said they are certain no one in their organization is responsible for the lost signs.

"It is probably environmental zealots who don't want signs," Amedori said. "I would swear no one from our group is doing it."


Roberta Windham, also an Eldersburg charter supporter, has lost several signs to vandals.


"It is not Republicans vs. Democrats or conservatives against liberals," he said. "It boils down to the ins vs. the outs. The ins will do anything to stay in power."

People will have to gather the facts and make an informed decision, Helt said.

"The government we have now is colonial," Helt said. "Charter is the most common form of self-government."


Eagle Archive: History of government in Carroll County is one of change and debate

Throughout Carroll County's history, many issues have caused deep divisions among voters. Recently we recalled the stark differences of opinion between the German and English speakers in the October 1833 referendum over whether or not to form Carroll County.

As a matter of fact, it was after that election that Manchester fired the town cannon at Westminster to emphasize how they felt about the disagreement.

But divisions of opinion certainly aren't accentuated only in history. The decision last Nov. 6 by Frederick County voters, to go to a charter form of government, has kept local political junkies preoccupied ever since the election results were announced.

The ballot issue last fall was contentious in Frederick County. In Carroll County, even the preliminary discussions over such a change here have already had a polarizing affect.

There's no word yet as to whether or not any cannon fire will figure into the upcoming discussions, but I suppose we can't rule out the possibility of a few character assassinations.

According to numerous media accounts, including that of Ryan Marshall in the Frederick County Gazette on Nov. 7 …,0,2118722.story


Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Carroll Lutheran School 13th annual consignment sale at the Carroll County Ag Center on Feb 7, 2015

Carroll Lutheran School 13th annual consignment sale at the Carroll County Ag Center on Feb 7, 2015

Carroll Lutheran School will hold their 13th Annual Kid's Consignment Sale on Saturday, February 7th, 2015, at the Carroll County Ag Center in Westminster. We sell kid's clothing, baby equipment, toys, games, books, maternity clothes, sporting equipment, and so much more! Now accepting junior size clothes! The sale will run from 7:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. followed by a 1/2 price sale from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.



Consignor Terms

Any member of the public may consign at our sale; you need not attend CLS to consign. It's easy: We do the advertising and bring the crowds and you drop off your stuff to sell. Items are sold on a 60/40 basis: The consigner receives 60% and CLS receives 40% You may choose to pickup unsold items or donate them for our 1/2 price sale (CLS receives 100% of the sale price).

Drop Off/Pick Up

Drop off of items is done on Friday, February 6th from 10am until 6 pm. Pick-up of unsold items is on Saturday, February 7th from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Any items not picked up by 3:30 pm will automatically become part of the 1/2 price sale.


We do not accept electronic tagging used by the Jr. Woman's League. You will need to retag your items. Sorry for the inconvience.

We provide two different colored tags depending on if you would like to donate certain unsold items at the end of the regular sale:
·         White tags are for items that you want returned to you if they do not sell.

·         Yellow tags are for items to be donated if unsold. All donated items will go into our 1/2 price sale.
You will need to request the correct number of tags in the color you need in order to tag your merchandise.

Payment Info

Payment will be made by check and will be mailed to you approximately 2 weeks after the sale in your self-addressed stamped envelope. If a check is not received by a consigner, the consigner is responsible for contacting Carroll Lutheran School. After it has been confirmed that the check was not cashed or received by the consigner or has not been returned in the mail, then a new check will be processed.

Consignor Packet Pickup

Pickup consignor packets (contract, instructions, & tags) from Carroll Lutheran School (how to find us...). We will have a labeled bin in the vestibule or just outside the front door with your packets. Consigners can pick them up anytime 24 hours a day. Note: Please avoid the time between 2:45 pm and 3:20 pm Monday - Friday as this is our dismissal time.

Thank you for participating in our sale!

Help Promote This Event!

To ensure that we sell all of the merchandise you bring to us, please help promote this event by listing it in your church bulletins, on community calendars, at your local doctor's/dentists and 7-11s, etc. We will be sending out promotional "Come Shop!" emails that you may forward easily to your friends. You may also print and post our flyers anywhere you wish to get the word out or send to friends. Remember: The more people that come, the more stuff that sells!

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Westminster MD Mayor and Common Council Meeting of January 12, 2015

Westminster MD Mayor and Common Council Meeting of January 12, 2015

AGENDA CITY OF WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Mayor and Common Council Meeting of January 12, 2015

My running rough notes from the meeting – Kevin E. Dayhoff January 13, 2015

Update, Heather Cobun has published a well-written and informative article in the Carroll County Times about the council meeting. Find the article here:,0,2701792.story

Westminster selects fiber network operator

Toronto-based Ting began as mobile service provider, expanding to fiber networks

By Heather Cobun, Times Staff Writer

9:59 p.m. EST, January 12, 2015

Some areas of Westminster could see high-speed Internet by the spring if the pilot phase of the city's fiber network stays on schedule.

The Mayor and Common Council voted unanimously Monday to select Toronto-based Ting, a subsidiary of Tucows Inc., as its Internet network operator. The firm will devise a fee structure and manage a fiber optics network being built by the city, which will retain ownership of the network. Though the fee structure has not been set, Ting officials hope to keep the price under $90 a month.

The city budgeted $6.3 million in the current fiscal year for network construction.

"From the very beginning, it was obvious that they understood what we were trying to do," said Council President Robert Wack. "We got a lot of feedback from other responses that was questioning to flat-out skeptical."


This was a really good meeting. Lots of exciting things happening and everyone seems to working well together – at least as far as the public face of the mayor and council and department heads. This is in stark contrast with the openly hostile disagreements aired publicly at the county state of the county event Tuesday morning January 13, 2015.

There appears to have been a reception before the meeting. I think that maybe it was for the broadband initiative.

Lots of folks here. Roy Chiavacci, Sam Greenholtz, Lisa Breslin, Missy Wilcox, Lyndi McNulty…

This is the first council meeting that I have attended for some time. Many of the positions have changed…. Some have not… Tammy Palmer is the finance director, Jeff Spaulding is the police chief. Steve Horn is the planning director, Marg Wolf is the city administrator, attorney Elissa Levan, public works director Jeff Glass, recreation and parks director Abby Gruber, and … …

1.   CALL TO ORDER: Council president Dr. Robert Wack brought the meeting to order at precisely 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.

2.   APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING DECEMBER 8, 2014 Motioned and approved,

3.   PUBLIC HEARINGS No public hearings

4.   CONSENT CALENDAR Motioned and approved.

Approval of November 2014 Departmental Operating Reports

Approval of 4th Amendment to LaserCraft Agreement – Chief Spaulding

Approval of Delta Plus Licensing Agreement – Chief Spaulding

5.   REPORT FROM THE MAYOR Welcome the new council member. Attended the NAACP breakfast. Meetings with the county commissioners


Paul Whitson attended the NAACP breakfast.

Suzanne Albert Welcomed the new council woman.

Tony Chiavacci mentioned a positive meeting with Mayor Utz, Chief Spaulding and the new State’s Attorney Brian DeLeonardo... 

Dr. Becker… NAACP breakfast, the Civil Rights tour…

8.   BIDS

Approval of the selection of the broadband network services operator—Dr. Wack

A discussion of the history and the initiative. Unique approach. Interviewed all the folks back in October.

Right from the very beginning, it was clear that Ting Fiber … they were interested in a partnership.

“We’re thrilled with the opportunity… It makes sense that the municipality own the infrastructure… Customer service a strong point. We have a unique business model in that we specialize in going to places where the customer service is poor and we are nicer.




Approval of the establishment of a Broadband Policy Group

Mayor’s announcement of a policy group… Barbara Biller, Sam Greenholtz, Jason Stambaugh, Mark Krider, Davis…. et al. It was approved.


Tonight is the culmination of six month’s concerted effort by the city to bring the most expansive infrastructure project in our area to fruition. This project will bring jobs, allow for telecommuting, encourage technology startups and broaden business markets and will be the first open access gigabit municipal broadband network in the Mid-Atlantic region. The President of the Common Council, Dr. Robert Wack, was the visionary on this project and he convinced the Common Council that this investment in a broadband network would result in a diversity of services and competition which will provide the best quality and pricing for City residents. Dr. Wack will provide more detail on this project later in the agenda.

To assist the City with this Broadband network project by providing advice and guidance as we move to connect every residence in the City to the network, I am asking Council for a motion to approve the appointment of a Broadband Policy Committee composed of the following residents and business owners with specialized knowledge of the broadband community:

Barbara Biller
Samuel Greenholtz
Josh Kohn
Jason Stambaugh
Mark Krider and
Patti Davis

This Committee will provide advice and guidance to the City as we move forward with the implementation of this city-wide project.

Presentation of Financial Statements and Audit Report – Tricia Bush, McGladrey LLC

A report on the financial statements and audit report…

Auto Zone @ 140 Village Shopping Center; Public Works Agreement (A-1087)—Steve Horn

Cactus Willys will be razed and replaced with an Auto Zone. Motioned and approved…

Weis Market Gas-N-Go; Public Works Agreement (A-1088)—Steve Horn Motioned and approved…


Jeff Glass Hyde’s Quarry

Abby Gruber various events; working through minimum wage increased… Jacob’s latter exercise equipment.

Finance Director Tammy Palmer RFP for a new auditor and working on the budget… Assessment lagging.

Jeff Spaulding new Main Street police officer. Mike Beaumont… Spends 40-hours a week working with the businesses… Working on the heroin challenges in the community. The polar plunge.

Steve Horn – reminding folks to clean the sidewalks

Elissa Levan no report

Marg Wolf budget issues.

5 pm Wednesday at Calvert House for a legislative reception.

13. CITIZEN COMMENTS 7:45 pm There were no citizen comments.

14. ADJOURNMENT: We adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

It was a good meeting. Lots of new and exciting approaches and initiatives. 
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, January 12, 2015

Carroll County Public Schools will be opening two hours late today with a re-evaluation – Monday, January 12, 2015

Carroll County Public Schools will be opening two hours late today with a re-evaluation – Monday, January 12, 2015

According to an e-mail received at 5:21 a.m. from Carroll County Public Schools spokesperson, Carey Gaddis, “Carroll County Public Schools will be opening two hours late today with a re-evaluation – Monday, January 12, 2015…”

Reports heard on the fire and police emergency radio scanner indicate that the road conditions are quite slippery and hazardous due to icing conditions as a steady freezing rain continues to fall on the central Maryland and Carroll County area.

Yesterday, on Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015, the Carroll County office of public safety warned, “A freezing rain advisory is in effect from 10:00 pm this evening to 1:00 pm Monday. A period of freezing rain will result in about a tenth of an inch of ice. This will result in ice coated power lines, sidewalks and roads. Expect slick travel and isolated power outages through midday Monday.”

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Looking back on 2014 and forward into 2015

Looking back on 2014 and forward into 2015

January 10, 2015 - December 26, 2014

By Kevin E. Dayhoff

Author’s note – I originally wrote this over the Christmas holiday. I was under the weather with that really-bad cold that has been making the rounds and trying to keep up with my assignments for the Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:; Carroll County Times:

Alas, I got a bit behind and this material below got orphaned in the computer and left behind. It made me sad. Although the idea that I was attempting to develop here did survive the cutting room floor and made it to daylight in an article published on January 7, 2015, “New year begins with familiar faces missing from county leadership.” New year begins with familiar faces missing from county leadership And here: “A love story that began on New Year's Eve, 1945.”

I’m still running behind as the New Year has begun in earnest without me; leaving me behind trying desperately to catch-up. I’m guessing that if I decide to toss my hat in the ring and once again run for political office after taking ten-years off – chances are that I’ll never catch-up… - KED, January 10, 2015


Westminster, Md January 10, 2015 - December 26, 2014 - - For many the year 2014 could not have come to an end any sooner. It was a strange year in the bewildering fantasy wilderness that lies beyond the borders of Carroll County.

In Asia, a very large passenger aircraft literally disappeared without a trance and CNN could not find it no matter how many hours it tried.

It was bad year for ginormous too-big-to-manage bureaucracies like the Veterans Administration and the Internal Revenue Service. It is bad enough that the IRS lost years of records that Congress wanted to audit; but the VA took it one-step farther and not only lost records but it also lost patients for months at a time. 

And just when you thought that customer service could not get any worse – it did. The business of the mega-banks, and especially the cable and cellphone companies is not to provide you with a service, but to charge you exorbitant ever-increasing fees every month without providing you anything in exchange - in order to serve us better. I have tried unsuccessfully to correct my address with PNC for six-months and as of last week, its mail was still had the wrong address.

A large number of seemingly sane individuals made videos of pouring water on top of their heads.

Some pedestrian wandered into the unlocked front door of the White House. I mean I cannot get my mother past security to get her on an airplane without her being tossed out of her wheelchair, strip-searched, water boarded, and interrogated under a swinging lightbulb like she is a criminal, but some guy strolled into the front door of the most secure building in the world like he was visiting Starbucks.

Towards the end of the year, it appears that maybe, just maybe, the world’s economy is showing some signs of recovery despite the clumsy regressive economic machinations of Washington DC and the European Union.  

Looking forward to the year 2015 reveals many momentous dates in history to ponder, revisit and study. Much of the study of history last year was centered upon the outbreak of World War I in 1914. Several years ago, the beginning of the American Civil War in 1861 was the focus of much attention.

This coming year we can look forward to some discussion over the significance of Lewis Carroll’s masterpiece, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” - written 150-years ago, in 1865.

800 years ago, the Magna Carta was initially written by the Archbishop of Canterbury and issued by the English King John at Runnymede on June 15, 1215 to essentially establish basic personal freedoms. Although the Magna Carta itself is a significant event in history; its influence on political theory, subsequent charters, treatises and governing documents such as our own American Constitution is immeasurable – to this day.

2015 will also be the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815, in which allied forces, “the “Seventh Coalition,” led by the British Field Marshall Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington, put an end to Napoleon’s reign of terror in Europe. What followed was a half-century of peace which enabled the Industrial Revolution, which had begun in 1760, to flourish unhampered by the economic chaos of war and catch a second wave from 1820 to 1840.

This year also marks 70-years since the end of World War II. Although events such as Waterloo and the issuance of the Magna Carta have an affect on our lives to this day, nothing can more poignant to many of us than memories of the war years or the recollections of our parents who endured the depravities of the war, whether they served overseas or stateside.

The Greatest Generation, a term coined by journalist Tom Brokaw, are the folks who grew-up during the Great Depression only to go on to fight for our country in WWII. Many of us learned about the war from our parents or grandparents.

Sadly, to bring history down to a personal level, according to many sources, including that of The National WWII Museum in New Orleans, “Approximately every three minutes a memory of World War II – its sights and sounds, its terrors and triumphs – disappears. Yielding to the unalterable process of aging, the men and women who fought and won the great conflict are now mostly in their 90s. They are dying quickly – at the rate of approximately 555 a day, according to US Veterans Administration figures.”
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Carroll County Republican Central Committee Selects Robin Bartlett Frazier to Fill Opening District 5 Senate Seat

This is quite a surprise…

I had only thought that the obvious choice was to promote Md. Delegate Justin Ready R-Carroll County. I mean that is the natural progression according to history and tradition. The past representation by Del Ready has been deliberated among the voters and decided upon by the electorate in the 2014 elections – when he was re-elected … 

However, according to a release put out by the Carroll County Republican Central Committee at 11:18 a.m. this morning:

Carroll County Republican Central Committee Selects Robin Bartlett Frazier to Fill Opening District 5 Senate Seat

Carroll County Republican Central Committee Selects Robin Bartlett Frazier to Fill Opening District 5 Senate Seat

The Carroll County Republican Central Committee has chosen former county commissioner Robin Frazier as its recommendation to fill the vacancy in the Maryland State Senate left by outgoing Senator Joe Getty.

Saturday, January 10, 2015 Westminster – The Carroll County Republican Central Committee Friday selected Taneytown resident and two-term Carroll County Commissioner Robin Bartlett Frazier as its recommendation to replace outgoing Senator Joe Getty. Sen. Getty was selected by Governor-elect Larry Hogan to serve as his Policy and Legislative Director.

The Central Committee had a difficult choice to make as there was a strong field of well-qualified applicants who sought the position. The process was confidential to protect the applicants and to keep the process free from outside interference. The Committee looks forward to Hogan appointing Robin Bartlett Frazier as Carroll County’s new Senator and working with her as a valued member of the Delegation.

Robin has a long and distinguished career in both elected office and private business. She served in the Ehrlich Administration for four years as the Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator for the Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism and Community Initiatives. In this position she was the Governor’s liaison between local, state and federal governments and community organizations. She also advised these entities on the impact of proposed legislation.

As a Commissioner Robin’s role was both legislative and executive. During her second term she served as a Board member of the Maryland Association of Counties. In this position she worked closely with legislators and other county leadership to improve, modify or eliminate legislation of concern to the counties and consistently lobbied for smaller government.

Since 2007 Robin has been the Vice-President of Instant Access Networks, a technology company which develops solutions for homeland security issues in communications and data protection. She and her husband, Donald, owned the Frazier Machine Company, and she was involved in the local banking industry for many years.

Robin is currently the President of the Taneytown Republican Women’s Club and the Treasurer of the Tri-District Republican Club. She is also a Board Member of AGORA Ministries and Women for Democracy.

Robin and Don have three grown daughters.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, January 9, 2015

Carroll County Md Law Enforcement Appreciation Ceremony

Law Enforcement Appreciation Ceremony

Westminster Md., Friday, Jan. 9, 2015 - Several hundred hardy folks braved 25 degree temperatures to show their appreciation for Carroll County area law enforcement agencies this evening at 7 p.m. between the County Office Building and the Sheriff’s Office located at 225 North Center Street, Westminster

In a prepared remarks, the Carroll County board of commissioners said they wanted to come together “to show our gratitude and appreciation for all that our police personnel do for the citizens of Carroll County each and every day…

“Please join us in showing our support for each of the law enforcement agencies in Carroll County, including the municipal police forces, the Sheriff’s personnel as well as the State Police. Take a tour of the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Command Vehicle and other law enforcement vehicles that will be on hand.

“Every day police officers put their lives in harm’s way to protect law abiding citizens; Friday evening is a time for each of us to thank these brave men and women for their service and for keeping our community safe.”

Also speaking were Carroll County Delegate Justin Ready, Carroll County Sheriff Jim DeWees, Carroll County State’s Attorney Brian DeLeonardo and Delegate-elect and former Hampstead mayor and county commissioner Haven Shoemaker –of whom many ‘blamed’ in a good-natured way, for coming up with the idea for the event – that took place in frigid temperatures and a brisk bone-chilling wind.

Among the many folks also attending were the head of the Westminster Police Department dispatchers Brenda Roper, members of FOP Lodge # 20, including Lodge vice-president Steven E. Rogers, former Westminster Vol. Fire Department president Bob Cumberland, and several allied agencies and organizations, such as Catherine’s Cause; that are a constant source of support and encouragement for law enforcement officer. 

The event concluded with the commissioners being award a ‘Thin Blue Line’ flag. A spokesperson explained that on the ‘Thin Blue Line’ flag, the top line represents the public, the bottom line represents the criminals and the blue line in the center represent the thin blue line that separates the public from the criminals.

The program concluded with a prayer by the Carroll County Detention Center chaplain Bob Kimmel.

#besafeoutthere Quick, which one is the BB gun? Oops, too late... you're dead.

Labels: Law Order, Police

On the thin blue line flag, the top line represents the public, the bottom line represents the criminals and the blue line in the center represent the thin blue line that separates the public from the criminals.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: