Dayhoff Westminster

Dayhoff Westminster Address: PO Box 124, Westminster MD 21158 410-259-6403

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
R.I.P. – Dr. Ira Zepp
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Saturday word spread quickly throughout the greater Carroll County community that Rev. Dr. Ira Gilbert Zepp, Jr., professor emeritus of the Religious Studies department at McDaniel College, had died peacefully at his home. He was 79 years old.

Rainforest World Music Festival
Tom McLaughlin
Santubong, Sarawak, Malaysia – Shhhhhh! It’s a secret! Don’t tell anybody! I want to hoard this event for just my friends! I don’t want anymore people to come. As far as I am concerned, there were just enough people here a weekend or two ago.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
“Uppity Negro” vs. “Racist Pig”
Roy Meachum
Any American who can see or hear knows exactly who are the “uppity negro” and the “racist pig.” That’s how each is described by radical elements in both camps. Their names may not be remembered. Their professions are: Harvard professor and Cambridge Police sergeant. The reality will probably offend more Henry Louis Gates, Jr., than James Crowley.

Motorcycle Touring – Part 3
Nick Diaz
Everyone needs to eat. On the road you, the touring motorcyclist, have two choices. You could buy food in a grocery store and prepare it yourself, or you can pay someone else to prepare the food. You cannot just go to the refrigerator and grab something, or drive to your favorite restaurant. While touring by motorcycle, you'll have to get food wherever you can.

Monday, August 3, 2009
Failure may be the only option
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Okay, by now you have to have spent time wondering why, in spite of all of the rhetoric thrown around over the last few decades, we’re no closer to substantive and meaningful healthcare reform than we’ve been before.

More-on Medicine!
Steven R. Berryman
Call me crazy, but I want to live longer, and into a fruitful old age. All events surrounding healthcare reform convince me of the opposite!

Friday, July 31, 2009
Those Movie Rating
Roy Meachum
Various groups have protested to the media how Hollywood advertises its product to the public; the G, PG, PG13, R and NC-17 appraisals have been found lacking. It seems today that before allowing a child to go off to a moving picture, parents should see the picture first.

So you want to buy a car?
Joe Charlebois
The American automobile industry, General Motors, Chrysler and Ford Motor Co. are publically traded corporations, private industry that – for the most part – has struggled to survive the marketplace in the past two decades. There are a multitude of reasons that the Big Three are failing while their foreign-owned counterparts have tapped into greater percentages of the American market share.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Who is watching the cookie jar?
Chris Cavey
At our family reunion last weekend, conversation turned to Maryland’s politics. Not that political talk is uncommon at this type of gathering, however, this time the facial expressions of the miscellaneous kinfolk gathered for this chat told me there was both interest and concern on many levels.

Summer Reading List
Michael Kurtianyk
Ah! The joys of summer! As the days get longer and I am busy with work, I love beginning the day (6 A.M.) with a cup of coffee, The Frederick News-Post (Washington Post on Sundays), and then a chapter or two of a book I am currently reading. So, I’d like to share with my readers my summer reading list:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Black and blue and stupid, too
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Thursday afternoon, July 16, the otherwise peaceful and stately Ware Street in Cambridge, MA, within shouting distance of Harvard University, became the latest ground zero for a debate over race relations in our country.

Stranger No More
Tom McLaughlin
Kampung Boyan, Sarawak, Malaysia – The sampans ply the Sarawak River between two docks. On one side, where I live, is the city with tall buildings like the Hilton, Grand Margurita (formerly the Holiday Inn), Harbor View Hotel and my 16 story edifice housing my modern condo. These are all at least 10 stories high.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Not Forgotten! Not Quite!
Roy Meachum
To emphasize the new importance America’s current president gives to the war we had been told was finished, The Washington Post prints separately the names of those lost in Afghanistan; they were once “lumped in” with Iraq. Saturday’s edition published Germantown’s Rodrigo A. Mungula Rivas among the other dead soldiers. He was 27.

The Eyes of the Beholder
Farrell Keough
What an interesting week of racism. First we had a non-hearing on the confirmation of a proposed Supreme Court justice. And most recently we had the President of the United States defending a Harvard scholar for incendiary statements toward a policeman. It seems we have finally reached a point where racism is acceptable in some circles, as long as it is the ‘right’ kind of racism.

What are the answers?
Bill Brosius
Circumstances are troubling today. No one in the current Obama Administration seems terribly concerned. The president appears to think they can be ignored, or he can apologize for the USA, and every potential problem will melt away. The axis of evil is no more? Terrorists have mended their ugly ways? There are no latent catastrophic threats for us?

Monday, July 27, 2009
Why Take Back America?
Steven R. Berryman
To the uninitiated, the very concept of a “meet-up group” can be worrisome, and a bit unsettling. With much curiosity about our local splinter organization emerging from the original “Tea Party Movement,” I jumped into the fray last Friday night at the Hampton Inn’s meeting room.

20090805 sdosm This week in The Tentacle

People Zepp-Dr Ira Zepp, Dayhoff Media The Tentacle, People Tributes, People Gates Henry Louis, Law Order, Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack, US st Massachusetts Boston Cambridge,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Black and blue and still stupid, too

Black and blue and still stupid, too

By Kevin Dayhoff July 29, 2009 – August 5, 2009
(For a larger image - go here:

Almost three weeks have passed since Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr., the nation's pre-eminent black scholar, was arrested in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside of Harvard University…

And yet, there are folks who seem to not be able to let go.

“Cambridge police say they responded to the well-maintained two-story home after a woman reported seeing ‘two males with backpacks on the porch,’ with one ‘wedging his shoulder into the door as if he was trying to force entry.’”

As for the rest of the story, the details are easily found in print, on the Internet and on television – as well as analysis of the incident – and an analysis of the analysis, ad nauseum.

Hopefully by the time you read this column the country will have collectively rediscovered that our nation is involved in two foreign wars, a recalcitrant economy in the toilet, and a raging debate over healthcare reform – to name just a few of the challenges.

At the time of Dr. Gates’ arrest,one headline screamed, “Harvard Prof Arrested; Gates Tried To Get Into Own House.”

However, as more facts come to light, the incident began to remind many of the infamous Duke lacrosse players’ debacle some time ago in which an African American female claimed that she had been assaulted the lacrosse team at a party.

Race, class, old wounds, and privilege immediately came into play. The media, along with other individuals who should know better, such as a large number of the Duke University faculty, jumped to broad-sweeping horrid conclusions before all the facts were known. Then there were extreme consequences.

After all the facts became clear, it became apparent that no crime had been committed except for extreme stupidity on the part of a whole host of bad actors.

As for the recent incident in Cambridge, Massachusetts; in days gone by, in an era long before the cable news and blogosphere-overloaded information – or disinformation – dissemination architecture, the story may have been lived and died in one or two news cycles.

However, the story quickly grew legs when cable news seized it as yet another example of law and order lunacy, not unlike last summer’s nightmare of police officers breaking into the home of a popular small town Maryland mayor and shooting his two dogs. Oops.

It is the latest saga of bad public relations for law enforcement in our country. Nevermind the detail that the facts do not support the hype in the case of the Cambridge incident.

Whether the example is speed cameras, red light cameras; or the recent incident where members of one law enforcement agency performed an undercover drug operation in Statesboro, NC, in which they arrested a member of another agency’s undercover operation; members of the public are continuing to be pre-disposed to believe that law enforcement in our country is becoming a bad Saturday Nigh Live skit.

Everyone immediately analyzed the recent Cambridge incident through the prism of his or her own experiences. Even those of us who grew up in small town America, where the local police officer was your friend, and helped you put your chain back on your bicycle; began to recall bad memories of our own war stories of dealing with overly officious adrenaline-driven police officers with the common sense of a goldfish.

The police report was scoured with a fine toothcomb looking for clues as to what really happened. The report may be found here (
In the final analysis, President Barack Obama lost his script as the great uniter and weighed in badly as the great divider at a news conference last week, and further disseminated bad information by saying the Cambridge police department acted stupidly.

Never one to miss an opportunity to use race to promote himself, the Rev. Al Sharpton also weighed-in.

In the final stage, most all the finger-pointers have egg on their face and are walking back what they said in haste and spinning it for all its worth.

The news media was only too happy to help the president walk back his unfortunate hasty words, when it was revealed that Dr. Gates may have, in reality, precipitated and participated in his own victimization by his unprofessional and uncivil treatment of the police officer involved in the incident.

Here is what I wrote for The Tentacle last Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Black and blue and stupid, too

Kevin E. Dayhoff July 29, 2009

On Thursday afternoon, July 16, the otherwise peaceful and stately Ware Street in Cambridge, MA, within shouting distance of Harvard University, became the latest ground zero for a debate over race relations in our country.

For everyone who wishes that the debate would just go away, the uneasy discussion over racial relations in America continues to take one step forward and two steps back.

This story gets tedious quickly. On July 20, The Associated Press reported: “Police responding to a call about ‘two black males’ breaking into a home near Harvard University ended up arresting the man who lives there – Henry Louis Gates Jr., the nation's pre-eminent black scholar.

“Gates had forced his way through the front door because it was jammed… Colleagues call the arrest last Thursday afternoon a clear case of racial profiling.”

The plot followed an all too familiar storyline. First there were the initial sensational reports in the media that a prominent African American scholar, at Harvard, no less, was arrested at his own home for breaking into his own house.

Unfortunately, for black males in our country, it is a story that is all-too familiar.

However, as more facts come to light, the incident began to remind many of the infamous Duke lacrosse players’ debacle some time ago in which an African American female claimed that she had been assaulted by the lacrosse team at a party.

After all the facts became clear, it was obvious that no crime had been committed – except for extreme stupidity on the part of a whole host of bad actors.

Read the entire column here: Latest column in by Kevin Dayhoff Black and blue and stupid too

Dayhoff Media The Tentacle, People Gates Henry Louis, Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack, US st Massachusetts Boston Cambridge,

20090729 TT Black and blue and stupid too ttked “Foodfight 1094” (20090805 fb twitp 20011230 Foodfight 1094) – graphic most recently used for:

Used for:

December 30, 2001 20090805 fb twitp 20011230 Foodfight 1094


Remains of the day

Remains of the day

August 4, 2009 7 PM Click here for a larger image:

Dayhoff Daily Photoblog

20090804 fb sdosm twitp Remains of the day

Remains of the day August 4, 2009 7 PM

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gettysburg College Band plans centennial celebration

Gettysburg College Band plans centennial celebration

Picture of an old mellophone player… (For a larger image go here:)

This page was called to my attention in an e-mail by a family member because the person on the left is the pastor at Taylorsville United Methodist Church, my sister-in-law, Rev. Sarah Babylon Dorrance.

The photograph is from the 1970s, when she attended Gettysburg College…

Centennial Celebration Home Sunderman Conservatory bands

In 2009 - 2010, bands at Gettysburg College will celebrate their Centennial Anniversary - 100 years of musical excellence!

One critical part of our celebration is the fund drive for new uniforms. To learn more about this important part of our centennial plans and to contribute, click … here:

100 for 100

Plans are underway for a spectacular celebration weekend during Homecoming 2009. We hope to have 100 alumni and friends of Gettysburg bands on the field for the event. Make your plans now to attend this coming October 16 - 17, 2009.

A committee of alumni, students and faculty are hard at work planning the events of the weekend - click the links to the left for more information!

Click here to download the Save the Date postcard as a .pdf file.

20090803 sdosm Gettysburg College Band plans centennial celebration


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Main Street at Liberty Street and the railroad tracks Main St at Liberty St and the railroad tracks on a grey and rainy evening in Westminster MD Feb 10 2009

February 10, 2009

(Click here for a larger image):

Dayhoff Daily Photoblog

20090210 ddp fb sdosm twitp Main and RR

Main Street at Liberty Street and the railroad tracks


The Spring House at the Meeks’ Farm in Northern Carroll County

The Spring House at the Meeks’ Farm in Northern Carroll County

July 6, 2009

(Click here for a larger image)

Ag, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Ag, Dayhoff photos Carroll Co, People Meeks Lawrence

Ag, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Ag, Dayhoff photos Carroll Co, People Meeks Lawrence The Spring House at the Meeks’ Farm in Northern Carroll Co July 6, 2009

Dayhoff Daily Photoblog
20090706 sdosm fb twitp Meeks Farm


Elon University alum Umpire Joe West works 4000th game

Umpire Joe West works 4,000th game By COLIN FLY AP Sports Writer Jul 30, 6:57 PM EDT

Hat Tip: elonuniversity Elon University alum Joe West works 4,000th MLB game as umpire in Brewers vs. Nat's game.

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Joe West picked up his plaque behind home plate, and the ball from the first pitch was saved as a souvenir.

Then, it was back to business as usual for baseball's Cowboy Joe.

Find the rest of article here:

20090630 sdsom Umpire Joe West works 4000th game

Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online

Friday, July 31, 2009

Recent columns in The Tentacle by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent columns in The Tentacle by Kevin Dayhoff

July 29, 2009
Black and blue and stupid, too
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Thursday afternoon, July 16, the otherwise peaceful and stately Ware Street in Cambridge, MA, within shouting distance of Harvard University, became the latest ground zero for a debate over race relations in our country.

July 22, 2009
The Ironies of Empathy
Kevin E. Dayhoff
As last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court quickly becomes a distant summer memory, the ranking Republican member, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions assured that the nomination will get a full Senate vote on her confirmation before the Senate goes on recess August 7.

July 15, 2009
Remembering the Sacrifice of Vietnam
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Saturday, at 1 P.M., members of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Air Cavalry Troop – the Black Horse Regiment, from all over the country – will pause to remember the fallen from the Vietnam War at the Carroll County Vietnam Memorial Park at Willis and Court Streets in Westminster. The public is invited.

July 8, 2009
Palin Derangement Syndrome
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Friday the liberal hate machine gasped in collective horror at the very idea that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin may not be around in the foreseeable future and be the object of anger looking for a safe victim.

July 1, 2009
Zelaya has left the building
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Early Sunday morning four units, consisting of 200 soldiers of the military in Honduras, stormed the presidential palace in the capitol, Tegucigalpa, at 6, arrested and bundled-up their pajama-clad president, Manuel Zelaya, and carted him off to the airport and flew him to Costa Rica.

June 24, 2009
Irony Deficient
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Half-way across the globe on June 12, the volatile and enigmatic theocratic nation of Iran held elections in which the Iranian government counted 32 million hand-written paper ballots in about three hours and declared the incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad victorious.

June 17, 2009
The fall'll probably kill ya!
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Monday, the ever-perpetual campaigner in chief, President Barack Obama, took his health care reform road show to Chicago for a 55-minute speech before the American Medical Association’s annual convention.

June 10, 2009
Obamamobile hits a bump
Kevin E. Dayhoff
With the checkered flag in sight, late last Monday afternoon, with only minutes to spare before the 4 o’clock deadline set by Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg caused the fast-tracked Obama economic recovery plan for Chrysler – and GM - to hit a speed bump.

June 3, 2009
Sotomayor – Break Her and You Die
Kevin E. Dayhoff
At 10:13 A.M. on May 26, President Barack Obama introduced to a breathless nation, a fawning audience, and a mesmerized press, his selection to replace retiring U. S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter – Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit of New York.
20090729 sdsom Recent columns in The Tentacle by KED

News Reporter eaten alive

News Reporter eaten alive

July 31, 2009

Hat Tip: Gawker A Decade of Truth From the Weekly World News: via my blog at - or rather Jamie Kelly's blog at: jamiek

(Click here for a larger image)

Caption contest: New Reporter eaten alive by 80-foot Dinosaur.

I can immediately come up with several captions, such as – oh, well, ah, nevermind.

How about you? Any ideas as to a caption for this?

20090731 sdosm fb twitpic News Reporter eaten alive


Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online

Carrie Ann Knauer's Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair Blog

Retrieved July 30, 2009
In the file photo above from August 1, 2006, Carrie Ann Knauer works away on a story at the Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair. (For a larger image, click here)
July 30: Being a senior for an afternoon

July 29: From cakes to the Wild, Wild West

Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:01 PM EDT

July 29: Cake! Cake! Cake!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:21 AM EDT

July 28: Newsflash: the Children have Gone Wild
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:16 PM EDT

July 28: Looking ahead at Tuesday’s fair events
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:42 AM EDT

July 27: Meeting youths from two extremes of 4-H
Monday, July 27, 2009 5:56 PM EDT

July 27: Well-rounded day ahead at the fair
Monday, July 27, 2009 9:06 AM EDT

July 26: Sunday traditions at fair
Monday, July 27, 2009 9:46 AM EDT

July 25: Excitement at opening day of fair
Saturday, July 25, 2009 11:13 AM EDT

Even more…
Ready to see sights, sounds and faces at fair
Friday, July 24, 2009 12:51 PM EDT

20090730 Carrie Ann Knauer's Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair Blog
kevindayhoff In this Aug 1 2006 file photo Carrie Knauer works at the CC 4H FFA Fair


Carroll County 4H FFA Fair: “The Conversation”

Carroll County 4H FFA Fair: “The Conversation”

July 30, 2005 - July 30, 2009

Carroll County Agriculture Center Board members stop for a quick conversation during the week of the Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair – four years ago - on July 30, 2005

Click here for a larger image.

To see the July 2009 Carroll County 4-H Fair Schedule go here: JY2009 Carroll County Md 4-H and FFA Fair Schedule

For Fair coverage over the years, go here: 4H Carroll Co 4H FFA Fair

For 2009 Fair coverage go here: 4H Carroll Co 4H FFA Fair 2009

Check out Carroll County Times staff writer Carrie Ann Knauer’s fair blog at



20050730 sdosm CCFair July 30 2005 The Conversation Carroll County 4H FFA Fair: “The Conversation” 20050730-CCFair-(1)LMCBbsm

Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Recent Explore Carroll articles and columns by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent Explore Carroll articles and columns by Kevin Dayhoff

And a letter to the editor in which I was mentioned…

High winds in Sykesville might not be a twister
Published July 27, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle
SYKESVILLE — Strong winds whipped through Carroll County’s rolling hills Sunday evening was enough to cause damage to homes, but the National Weather Service says that it did not appear to be a tornado. The storm downed trees and power lines, damaged cars ... ...

Lighting the faces of children, and a dark day for taxation
Published July 26, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... of state and national government, we may be feeling "very blue over the outcome" for many years. When he is not feeling blue over taxes, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at kevindayhoff AT, or visit him at ...

Hoby Wolf advocates for things the county has already done
Published July 26, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... on this project. They have. On Feb. 26, 2007, Commissioner Michael Zimmer visited Harford County's facility (along with Eagle columnist Kevin Dayhoff.) Then, the board traveled to York, Pa., on April 30, 2007, to view that operation. They have also been to ... ...

Westminster council meeting details city improvements and comprehensive plan
Published July 25, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... for the annual Christmas parade. With that, council president Damian Halstad gaveled the meeting to a close and folks quickly paraded out the door.

Jackson's death created a wave of empathy in Westminster
Published July 19, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... our citizens on hearing the mournful intelligence of Jackson's death ..." When he is not listening to the music of the "Jackson 5," Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at kevindayhoff AT, or visit him at

Hampstead man arrested for setting Greens Apartments fire
Published July 13, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
damage is estimated at $450,000, according to fire marshals. Kevin Dayhoff contributed to this report....

DAYHOFF: 11th Air Cavalry Troop memorial recalls service of Carroll natives
Published July 11, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... to help honor these men and their families, as well those others named on the memorial who paid so dearly in the service of their community and nation.

Bringing Corbit's Charge, and Douglass, back to Westminster
Published July 5, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... for his age," Crutcher responded that Douglass has "rested a lot" over the years. When he's not traveling back in time to the 1800s…

DAYHOFF: Margaret Mitchell wrote what she knew; the rest is gone with the wind
Published July 2, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... And that is all I know for right now. Hope you and your family have a great Fourth of July weekend.

Westminster was all abuzz for the great fly roundup of 1914
Published June 28, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... reminds me that it was Groucho Marx who once said, "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." When he is not swatting flies…visit him at

DAYHOFF: Hoffa Field and the Sheathing of the Sword
Published June 23, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... . Lightner and the June 1922 American Sentinel newspaper article have left us with an extensive and fascinating account of the “The Sheathing of the Sword.”

'Year without summer' killed crops ... and created a monster
Published June 21, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... village folk that it's not a bad idea to keep a torch handy on these cool summer nights. When he is not playing with laboratory-harnessed lightning…

Historic Blue Ridge College bell dedicated In Union Bridge
Published June 20, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
UNION BRIDGE — Several hundred folks braved threatening weather June 20 to witness the unveiling and dedication of the historic 1900 Blue Ridge College bell in Lehigh Square, the original site of the college which had thrived in Union Bridge from 1898 to ... ...

When city got 'sole' in the 1920s, it was cause for a celebration
Published June 14, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... be the guest speaker. There will be a retirement ceremony for worn flags. Guests may bring old flags for retirement. When he is not waving the flag…

Remember when you could walk to work in Westminster?
Published June 7, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
When he's not on a "walk-about" in Westminster…

Company H: from the Frizellburg greenhouses to the sands of Omaha Beach
Published June 3, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... (have) come a long way from the old parade field in Frizellburg.” Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster.

Dayhoff: New councilmember tackles alleged hit and run driver
Published June 1, 2009 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
... Westminster city police arrived and took control of the situation The accident is under investigation. All in a day’s work. Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster.

In 1925, planting the seeds of employment, production
Published May 31, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
When he's not roaming the streets of historic Westminster looking for old factories…

Celebration of memory and change
Published May 26, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
This year’s Westminster Memorial Day ceremonies witnessed many changes over the past — although the solemn tradition of 142 years continued. On Memorial Day the normal hustle and bustle of downtown Westminster paused to remember fallen veterans, and ... ...

Dayhoff: Maryland National Guard Company H, had its beginnings in the flower business
Published May 22, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
... We are deeply indebted to those who fought and died to give us the unalienable right to live free and cherish liberty in the pursuit of happiness. Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster.

20090728 Recent Explore Carroll articles columns by KED


July 30 1890 Construction of the Library of Congress

July 30 1890 Construction of the Library of Congress

Library of Congress

Item Title
Construction of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., July 30, 1890.

1890 July 30.

Source unknown.

Building construction.
Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building (Washington, D.C.)
Panoramic photographs.
United States--District of Columbia--Washington (D.C.)

Related Names
Handy, Levin C. (Levin Corbin), 1855-1932, photographer.

1 photographic print : cyanotype ; 9 x 32 in.

Call Number
LOT 12042-1 no. 8

No known restrictions on publication.

Part of
Panoramic photographs (Library of Congress)

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

Digital ID
digital file from intermediary roll film copy) pan 6a36140

18900730 sdosm Construction of Lib of Congress

US Govt Federal Lib of Congress, US st Washington DC, History This Day in History, History photos,


Saara - Südame hääl (singel 2009)

Saara - Südame hääl (singel 2009)

Muusika: Rhys Fulber & Heiti Mangmann
Sõnad: Saara Kadak

Hoiad kinni veel eilsest?
Surub alla see sind.
Vabasta ja sa näed,
suudad edasi minna.

Kui näed miski sul ees on,
võta vabadus minna
Avasta, näed siis
õige tegu see oli.

Tihti puruned seest sa,
tea õnn on eluviis.
Eesmärk pole see
astu edasi sa.

Peegel näitab sind vaid nii,
kuidas mõtted on peas
Luba vaid, avastad
endas uue külje.

Läinud aeg see on eilne
tunned surub sind alla.
Oota veel, kuula siis
see on südamehääl.

Läinud aeg see on eilne
tunned surub sind alla.
Oota veel, kuula siis
see on südamehääl.

Läinud aeg see on eilne
tunned surub sind alla.
Oota veel, kuula siis
see on südamehääl.

Läinud aeg see on eilne
tunned surub sind alla.
Oota veel, kuula siis
see on südamehääl.

20090728 sdosm Saara Südame hääl

Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online

Lighting the faces of children, and a dark day for taxation

Lighting the faces of children, and a dark day for taxation

July 11, 1947 Westminster Lions Club presented Westminster Playground Lights and It was only a little over 60 years ago that Maryland first implemented a sales tax -- on July 1, 1947.

EAGLE ARCHIVE By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 7/26/09

If there's anything that jumps out for an historian in any review of old newspaper articles, it's the age-old cliche that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Such a dynamic is certainly the case when one examines the events of July in Carroll County history.

At the last meeting of the mayor and Westminster Common Council, Ron Schroers, director of recreation and parks for the city, made presentations about service groups contributing to the city.

More than 60 years ago the July 11, 1947, edition of the now-defunct Democratic Advocate carried an article with much of same news.

It reported that the Westminster Lions Club had presented the mayor and council with their "latest improvement" to the Westminster playground — lights.


In other news from the 1940s, taxes were, of course, just as controversial then as they are today.

It was only a little over 60 years ago that Maryland first implemented a sales tax -- on July 1, 1947.

Read the entire article here: Lighting the faces of children, and a dark day for taxation

EAGLE ARCHIVE By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 7/26/09

20090726 SCE Lighting faces children dark day taxation sceked